Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
language extensions as a source plugin.
- plugin :: Plugin
- class FromSymbol (s :: Symbol) a where
- fromSymbol :: a
- class FromNumeral (n :: Nat) a where
- fromNumeral :: a
- defaultFromNumeral :: forall n a. (KnownNat n, Integral a) => a
- class FromNatural a where
- fromNatural :: Natural -> a
- class FromChar a where
- class Nil a where
- nil :: a
- class Cons x ys zs | zs -> x ys where
- cons :: x -> ys -> zs
- class ToBool b where
- ifte :: ToBool b => b -> a -> a -> a
- class FromNatC a where
- class FromTypeSymbolC a where
- type FromTypeSymbol (s :: Symbol) :: a
- data DoMethod
- type Pure = Pure
- type Then = Then
- type Bind = Bind
- class Monad' (method :: DoMethod) (ty :: Type) where
- monad :: ty
- class Category (cat :: k -> k -> Type)
- identity :: Category cat => cat a a
- (%%) :: Category cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
- class CategoryWith1 cat => CartesianCategory (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where
- class Category cat => CocartesianCategory (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where
- class (CartesianCategory cat, CocartesianCategory cat) => BicartesianCategory cat where
- class CartesianCategory cat => CCC (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where
- type Exponential cat :: k -> k -> k
- eval :: cat (Product cat (Exponential cat a b) a) b
- transpose :: cat (Product cat a b) c -> cat a (Exponential cat b c)
To enable plugin put the following at top of the module:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:Symbols #-}
At least one option is required, multiple can given
either using multiple -fplugin-opt
options, or by separating options
with colon:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:Symbols:Numerals #-}
Options also take optional desugaring names, for example
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:Labels=Data.Generics.ProductFields.field #-}
to desugar OverloadedLabels
directly into field
from generics-lens
(no need to import orphan instance!)
Supported options
desugars literal strings tofromSymbol
works like built-inOverloadedStrings
(but you can use different method thanfromString
desugars literal numbers tofromNumeral
desugars literal numbers to
(i.e. likefromNatural
desugars literal characters to
. Note: there isn't type-level alternative: we cannot promotefromChars
is not like built-inOverloadedLists
, but desugars explicit lists tocons
-expressions toifte
b t eUnit
-expressions to
(but you can use different method, e.g.nil
from Data.Boring)Labels
works like built-inOverloadedLabels
(you should enableOverloadedLabels
so parser recognises the syntax)TypeNats
desugar type-level literals into
desugar in Local Do fashion. See examples.Categories
desugaring to use "correct" category classes.
Known limitations
- Doesn't desugar inside patterns
WARNING the type-checker plugin is experimental, it's adviced to use
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-simpl #-}
to avoid surprising segfaults.
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:RecordFields #-}
Implementation bits
See Note [HasField instances] in ClsInst, the behavior of this plugin is similar.
The HasField
class is defined in GHC.Records.Compat module of record-hasfield
{k} x r a | x r -> a wherehasField
:: r -> (a -> r, a)
Suppose we have
data R y = MkR { foo :: [y] }
and foo
in scope. We will solve constraints like
HasField "foo" (R Int) a
by emitting a new wanted constraint
[Int] ~# a
and building a HasField
dictionary out of selector foo
appropriately cast.
Idiom brackets from TemplateHaskellQuotes
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:IdiomBrackets #-} data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show) instance Functor Tree wherefmap
f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)fmap
f (Branch l r) = Branch (fmap
f l) (fmap
f r) instance Traversable Tree wheretraverse
f (Leaf x) = [| Leaf (f x) |]traverse
f (Branch l r) = [| Branch (traverse
f l) (traverse
f r) |]
class FromSymbol (s :: Symbol) a where Source #
Another way to desugar overloaded string literals using this class.
A string literal "example"
is desugared to
Enabled with:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:Symbols #-}
fromSymbol :: a Source #
(KnownNat y, KnownNat m, KnownNat d, ParseDay s ~ (,,) y m d) => FromSymbol s Day Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Symbols Methods fromSymbol :: Day Source # | |
(KnownSymbol s, SeqList (ToList s)) => FromSymbol s ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Symbols Methods | |
(KnownSymbol s, SeqList (ToList s)) => FromSymbol s ByteString Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Symbols Methods | |
KnownSymbol s => FromSymbol s Text Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Symbols Methods fromSymbol :: Text Source # | |
KnownSymbol s => FromSymbol s Text Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Symbols Methods fromSymbol :: Text Source # | |
(KnownSymbol s, a ~ Char) => FromSymbol s [a] Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Symbols Methods fromSymbol :: [a] Source # |
See Data.String for fromString
class FromNumeral (n :: Nat) a where Source #
Another way to desugar numerals.
A numeric literal 123
is desugared to
Enabled with:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:Numerals #-}
One can do type-level computations with this.
fromNumeral :: a Source #
defaultFromNumeral :: forall n a. (KnownNat n, Integral a) => a Source #
Default implementation of fromNumeral
Usage example:
instance (KnownNat
n, ...) =>FromNumeral
n MyType wherefromNumeral
class FromNatural a where Source #
fromNatural :: Natural -> a Source #
FromNatural Integer Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Naturals Methods fromNatural :: Natural -> Integer Source # | |
FromNatural Natural Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Naturals Methods fromNatural :: Natural -> Natural Source # |
Class for nil, []
See test-suite for ways to define instances for Map
There are at-least two-ways.
Nil IntSet Source # | Since: 0.1.3 |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
Nil [a] Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
Nil (IntMap v) Source # | Since: 0.2 |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
Nil (Seq a) Source # | Since: 0.2 |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
Nil (Set a) Source # | Since: 0.1.3 |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
Nil (RAList a) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
Nil (Map k v) Source # | Since: 0.2 |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
b ~ BZ => Nil (RAVec b a) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
n ~ Z => Nil (Vec n a) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
xs ~ ([] :: [k]) => Nil (NP f xs) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
xs ~ ([] :: [[k]]) => Nil (POP f xs) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists |
class Cons x ys zs | zs -> x ys where Source #
Class for Cons :
Cons Int IntSet IntSet Source # | Since: 0.1.3 |
(a ~ b, a ~ c) => Cons a (RAList b) (NERAList c) Source # | |
(a ~ b, a ~ c) => Cons a (RAList b) (RAList c) Source # | |
(a ~ b, b ~ c) => Cons a (Seq b) (Seq c) Source # | Since: 0.2 |
(Ord a, a ~ b, b ~ c) => Cons a (Set b) (Set c) Source # | Since: 0.1.3 |
(a ~ b, b ~ c) => Cons a [b] (NonEmpty c) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
(a ~ b, b ~ c) => Cons a [b] [c] Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Lists | |
(bp ~ Pred b, b ~ Succ' bp) => Cons a (RAVec bp a) (NERAVec b a) Source # | |
(b ~ BP bb, bp ~ Pred bb, bb ~ Succ' bp) => Cons a (RAVec bp a) (RAVec b a) Source # | |
(a ~ b, b ~ c, m ~ S n) => Cons a (Vec n b) (Vec m c) Source # | |
(f ~ g, g ~ h, xxs ~ (x ': xs)) => Cons (f x) (NP g xs) (NP h xxs) Source # | |
(i ~ Int, a ~ b, b ~ c) => Cons (i, a) (IntMap b) (IntMap c) Source # | Since: 0.2 |
(Ord k, k ~ k1, k ~ k2, v ~ v1, v ~ v2) => Cons (k, v) (Map k1 v1) (Map k2 v2) Source # | Since: 0.2 |
(f ~ g, g ~ h, xsxss ~ (xs ': xss)) => Cons (NP f xs) (POP g xss) (POP h xsxss) Source # | |
Class for Bool
-like datastrucutres
An if-
-expression if b then t else e
is desugared to
ifte (toBool
b) t e
Enabled with:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:If #-}
See GHC.OverloadedLabels for fromLabel
A way to overload type level Nat
A number type-literal 42
is desugared to
Enabled with:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:TypeNats #-}
FromNatC Nat Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.TypeNats | |
FromNatC Nat Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.TypeNats | |
FromNatC Bin Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.TypeNats | |
FromNatC BinP Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.TypeNats |
class FromTypeSymbolC a Source #
A way to overload type level Symbol
A symbol type-literal "example"
is desugared to
Enabled with:
{-# OPTIONS -fplugin=Overloaded -fplugin-opt=Overloaded:TypeSymbols #-}
Associated Types
type FromTypeSymbol (s :: Symbol) :: a Source #
FromTypeSymbolC Symbol Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.TypeSymbols Associated Types type FromTypeSymbol s :: a Source # |
class Monad' (method :: DoMethod) (ty :: Type) where Source #
(ty ~ (a -> m a), Applicative m) => Monad' Pure ty Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Do | |
(ty ~ (m a -> m b -> m b), Applicative m) => Monad' Then ty Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Do | |
(ty ~ (m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b), Monad m) => Monad' Bind ty Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Do |
class Category (cat :: k -> k -> Type) #
A class for categories. Instances should satisfy the laws
= f -- (right identity)id
f = f -- (left identity) f.
h) = (f.
h -- (associativity)
Category (Coercion :: k -> k -> Type) | Since: base- |
Category ((:~:) :: k -> k -> Type) | Since: base- |
Category ((:~~:) :: k -> k -> Type) | Since: base- |
(Category p, Category q) => Category (Product p q :: k -> k -> Type) | |
(Applicative f, Category p) => Category (Tannen f p :: k -> k -> Type) | |
(Applicative f, Monad f) => Category (WhenMissing f :: Type -> Type -> Type) | Since: containers-0.5.9 |
Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal Methods id :: WhenMissing f a a # (.) :: WhenMissing f b c -> WhenMissing f a b -> WhenMissing f a c # | |
Category ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type) | Since: base-3.0 |
Defined in Control.Category | |
(Monad f, Applicative f) => Category (WhenMatched f x :: Type -> Type -> Type) | Since: containers-0.5.9 |
Defined in Data.IntMap.Internal Methods id :: WhenMatched f x a a # (.) :: WhenMatched f x b c -> WhenMatched f x a b -> WhenMatched f x a c # | |
(Applicative f, Monad f) => Category (WhenMissing f k :: Type -> Type -> Type) | Since: containers-0.5.9 |
Defined in Data.Map.Internal Methods id :: WhenMissing f k a a # (.) :: WhenMissing f k b c -> WhenMissing f k a b -> WhenMissing f k a c # | |
(Monad f, Applicative f) => Category (WhenMatched f k x :: Type -> Type -> Type) | Since: containers-0.5.9 |
Defined in Data.Map.Internal Methods id :: WhenMatched f k x a a # (.) :: WhenMatched f k x b c -> WhenMatched f k x a b -> WhenMatched f k x a c # |
class CategoryWith1 cat => CartesianCategory (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where Source #
Cartesian category is a monoidal category where monoidal product is the categorical product.
proj1 :: cat (Product cat a b) a Source #
proj2 :: cat (Product cat a b) b Source #
fanout :: cat a b -> cat a c -> cat a (Product cat b c) Source #
is written as \(\langle f, g \rangle\) in category theory literature.fanout
f g
class Category cat => CocartesianCategory (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where Source #
Cocartesian category is a monoidal category where monoidal product is the categorical coproduct.
inl :: cat a (Coproduct cat a b) Source #
inr :: cat b (Coproduct cat a b) Source #
fanin :: cat a c -> cat b c -> cat (Coproduct cat a b) c Source #
is written as \([f, g]\) in category theory literature.fanin
f g
class (CartesianCategory cat, CocartesianCategory cat) => BicartesianCategory cat where Source #
Bicartesian category is category which is both cartesian and cocartesian.
We also require distributive morpism.
class CartesianCategory cat => CCC (cat :: k -> k -> Type) where Source #
Closed cartesian category.
Associated Types
type Exponential cat :: k -> k -> k Source #
represents \(B^A\). This is due how (->) works.Exponential
cat a b
eval :: cat (Product cat (Exponential cat a b) a) b Source #
transpose :: cat (Product cat a b) c -> cat a (Exponential cat b c) Source #
CCC ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Overloaded.Categories Associated Types type Exponential (->) :: k -> k -> k Source # Methods eval :: Product (->) (Exponential (->) a b) a -> b Source # transpose :: (Product (->) a b -> c) -> a -> Exponential (->) b c Source # |
See GHC.Records.Compat from record-hasfield