{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.AST
( LuaAttr (..)
, LuaListAttributes (..)
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Foreign.Lua (Lua, Peekable, Pushable, StackIndex)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util (defineHowTo, pushViaConstructor)
import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.CommonState ()
import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch
import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
instance Pushable Pandoc where
push (Pandoc meta blocks) =
pushViaConstructor "Pandoc" blocks meta
instance Peekable Pandoc where
peek idx = defineHowTo "get Pandoc value" $ do
blocks <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "blocks"
meta <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "meta"
return $ Pandoc meta blocks
instance Pushable Meta where
push (Meta mmap) =
pushViaConstructor "Meta" mmap
instance Peekable Meta where
peek idx = defineHowTo "get Meta value" $
Meta <$> Lua.peek idx
instance Pushable MetaValue where
push = pushMetaValue
instance Peekable MetaValue where
peek = peekMetaValue
instance Pushable Block where
push = pushBlock
instance Peekable Block where
peek = peekBlock
instance Pushable Inline where
push = pushInline
instance Peekable Inline where
peek = peekInline
instance Pushable Citation where
push (Citation cid prefix suffix mode noteNum hash) =
pushViaConstructor "Citation" cid mode prefix suffix noteNum hash
instance Peekable Citation where
peek idx = do
id' <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "id"
prefix <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "prefix"
suffix <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "suffix"
mode <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "mode"
num <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "note_num"
hash <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "hash"
return $ Citation id' prefix suffix mode num hash
instance Pushable Alignment where
push = Lua.push . show
instance Peekable Alignment where
peek = Lua.peekRead
instance Pushable CitationMode where
push = Lua.push . show
instance Peekable CitationMode where
peek = Lua.peekRead
instance Pushable Format where
push (Format f) = Lua.push f
instance Peekable Format where
peek idx = Format <$> Lua.peek idx
instance Pushable ListNumberDelim where
push = Lua.push . show
instance Peekable ListNumberDelim where
peek = Lua.peekRead
instance Pushable ListNumberStyle where
push = Lua.push . show
instance Peekable ListNumberStyle where
peek = Lua.peekRead
instance Pushable MathType where
push = Lua.push . show
instance Peekable MathType where
peek = Lua.peekRead
instance Pushable QuoteType where
push = Lua.push . show
instance Peekable QuoteType where
peek = Lua.peekRead
pushMetaValue :: MetaValue -> Lua ()
pushMetaValue = \case
MetaBlocks blcks -> pushViaConstructor "MetaBlocks" blcks
MetaBool bool -> Lua.push bool
MetaInlines inlns -> pushViaConstructor "MetaInlines" inlns
MetaList metalist -> pushViaConstructor "MetaList" metalist
MetaMap metamap -> pushViaConstructor "MetaMap" metamap
MetaString str -> Lua.push str
peekMetaValue :: StackIndex -> Lua MetaValue
peekMetaValue idx = defineHowTo "get MetaValue" $ do
let elementContent :: Peekable a => Lua a
elementContent = Lua.peek idx
luatype <- Lua.ltype idx
case luatype of
Lua.TypeBoolean -> MetaBool <$> Lua.peek idx
Lua.TypeString -> MetaString <$> Lua.peek idx
Lua.TypeTable -> do
tag <- try $ LuaUtil.getTag idx
case tag of
Right "MetaBlocks" -> MetaBlocks <$> elementContent
Right "MetaBool" -> MetaBool <$> elementContent
Right "MetaMap" -> MetaMap <$> elementContent
Right "MetaInlines" -> MetaInlines <$> elementContent
Right "MetaList" -> MetaList <$> elementContent
Right "MetaString" -> MetaString <$> elementContent
Right t -> Lua.throwMessage ("Unknown meta tag: " <> t)
Left _ -> do
len <- Lua.rawlen idx
if len <= 0
then MetaMap <$> Lua.peek idx
else (MetaInlines <$> Lua.peek idx)
<|> (MetaBlocks <$> Lua.peek idx)
<|> (MetaList <$> Lua.peek idx)
_ -> Lua.throwMessage "could not get meta value"
pushBlock :: Block -> Lua ()
pushBlock = \case
BlockQuote blcks -> pushViaConstructor "BlockQuote" blcks
BulletList items -> pushViaConstructor "BulletList" items
CodeBlock attr code -> pushViaConstructor "CodeBlock" code (LuaAttr attr)
DefinitionList items -> pushViaConstructor "DefinitionList" items
Div attr blcks -> pushViaConstructor "Div" blcks (LuaAttr attr)
Header lvl attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Header" lvl inlns (LuaAttr attr)
HorizontalRule -> pushViaConstructor "HorizontalRule"
LineBlock blcks -> pushViaConstructor "LineBlock" blcks
OrderedList lstAttr list -> pushViaConstructor "OrderedList" list
(LuaListAttributes lstAttr)
Null -> pushViaConstructor "Null"
Para blcks -> pushViaConstructor "Para" blcks
Plain blcks -> pushViaConstructor "Plain" blcks
RawBlock f cs -> pushViaConstructor "RawBlock" f cs
Table attr blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot ->
pushViaConstructor "Table" attr blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
peekBlock :: StackIndex -> Lua Block
peekBlock idx = defineHowTo "get Block value" $ do
tag <- LuaUtil.getTag idx
case tag of
"BlockQuote" -> BlockQuote <$> elementContent
"BulletList" -> BulletList <$> elementContent
"CodeBlock" -> withAttr CodeBlock <$> elementContent
"DefinitionList" -> DefinitionList <$> elementContent
"Div" -> withAttr Div <$> elementContent
"Header" -> (\(lvl, LuaAttr attr, lst) -> Header lvl attr lst)
<$> elementContent
"HorizontalRule" -> return HorizontalRule
"LineBlock" -> LineBlock <$> elementContent
"OrderedList" -> (\(LuaListAttributes lstAttr, lst) ->
OrderedList lstAttr lst)
<$> elementContent
"Null" -> return Null
"Para" -> Para <$> elementContent
"Plain" -> Plain <$> elementContent
"RawBlock" -> uncurry RawBlock <$> elementContent
"Table" -> (\(attr, capt, colSpecs, thead, tbodies, tfoot) ->
Table (fromLuaAttr attr)
<$> elementContent
_ -> Lua.throwMessage ("Unknown block type: " <> tag)
elementContent :: Peekable a => Lua a
elementContent = LuaUtil.rawField idx "c"
instance Pushable Caption where
push = pushCaption
instance Peekable Caption where
peek = peekCaption
pushCaption :: Caption -> Lua ()
pushCaption (Caption shortCaption longCaption) = do
LuaUtil.addField "short" (Lua.Optional shortCaption)
LuaUtil.addField "long" longCaption
peekCaption :: StackIndex -> Lua Caption
peekCaption idx = do
short <- Lua.fromOptional <$> LuaUtil.rawField idx "short"
long <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "long"
return $ Caption short long
instance Peekable ColWidth where
peek idx = do
width <- Lua.fromOptional <$> Lua.peek idx
return $ case width of
Nothing -> ColWidthDefault
Just w -> ColWidth w
instance Pushable ColWidth where
push = \case
(ColWidth w) -> Lua.push w
ColWidthDefault -> Lua.pushnil
instance Pushable Row where
push (Row attr cells) = Lua.push (attr, cells)
instance Peekable Row where
peek = fmap (uncurry Row) . Lua.peek
instance Pushable TableBody where
push (TableBody attr (RowHeadColumns rowHeadColumns) head' body) = do
LuaUtil.addField "attr" attr
LuaUtil.addField "row_head_columns" rowHeadColumns
LuaUtil.addField "head" head'
LuaUtil.addField "body" body
instance Peekable TableBody where
peek idx = do
attr <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "attr"
rowHeadColumns <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "row_head_columns"
head' <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "head"
body <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "body"
return $ TableBody attr (RowHeadColumns rowHeadColumns) head' body
instance Pushable TableHead where
push (TableHead attr cells) = Lua.push (attr, cells)
instance Peekable TableHead where
peek = fmap (uncurry TableHead) . Lua.peek
instance Pushable TableFoot where
push (TableFoot attr cells) = Lua.push (attr, cells)
instance Peekable TableFoot where
peek = fmap (uncurry TableFoot) . Lua.peek
instance Pushable Cell where
push = pushCell
instance Peekable Cell where
peek = peekCell
pushCell :: Cell -> Lua ()
pushCell (Cell attr align (RowSpan rowSpan) (ColSpan colSpan) contents) = do
LuaUtil.addField "attr" attr
LuaUtil.addField "alignment" align
LuaUtil.addField "row_span" rowSpan
LuaUtil.addField "col_span" colSpan
LuaUtil.addField "contents" contents
peekCell :: StackIndex -> Lua Cell
peekCell idx = do
attr <- fromLuaAttr <$> LuaUtil.rawField idx "attr"
align <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "alignment"
rowSpan <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "row_span"
colSpan <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "col_span"
contents <- LuaUtil.rawField idx "contents"
return $ Cell attr align (RowSpan rowSpan) (ColSpan colSpan) contents
pushInline :: Inline -> Lua ()
pushInline = \case
Cite citations lst -> pushViaConstructor "Cite" lst citations
Code attr lst -> pushViaConstructor "Code" lst (LuaAttr attr)
Emph inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Emph" inlns
Underline inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Underline" inlns
Image attr alt (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor "Image" alt src tit (LuaAttr attr)
LineBreak -> pushViaConstructor "LineBreak"
Link attr lst (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor "Link" lst src tit (LuaAttr attr)
Note blcks -> pushViaConstructor "Note" blcks
Math mty str -> pushViaConstructor "Math" mty str
Quoted qt inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Quoted" qt inlns
RawInline f cs -> pushViaConstructor "RawInline" f cs
SmallCaps inlns -> pushViaConstructor "SmallCaps" inlns
SoftBreak -> pushViaConstructor "SoftBreak"
Space -> pushViaConstructor "Space"
Span attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Span" inlns (LuaAttr attr)
Str str -> pushViaConstructor "Str" str
Strikeout inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Strikeout" inlns
Strong inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Strong" inlns
Subscript inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Subscript" inlns
Superscript inlns -> pushViaConstructor "Superscript" inlns
peekInline :: StackIndex -> Lua Inline
peekInline idx = defineHowTo "get Inline value" $ do
tag <- LuaUtil.getTag idx
case tag of
"Cite" -> uncurry Cite <$> elementContent
"Code" -> withAttr Code <$> elementContent
"Emph" -> Emph <$> elementContent
"Underline" -> Underline <$> elementContent
"Image" -> (\(LuaAttr attr, lst, tgt) -> Image attr lst tgt)
<$> elementContent
"Link" -> (\(LuaAttr attr, lst, tgt) -> Link attr lst tgt)
<$> elementContent
"LineBreak" -> return LineBreak
"Note" -> Note <$> elementContent
"Math" -> uncurry Math <$> elementContent
"Quoted" -> uncurry Quoted <$> elementContent
"RawInline" -> uncurry RawInline <$> elementContent
"SmallCaps" -> SmallCaps <$> elementContent
"SoftBreak" -> return SoftBreak
"Space" -> return Space
"Span" -> withAttr Span <$> elementContent
"Str" -> Str <$> elementContent
"Strikeout" -> Strikeout <$> elementContent
"Strong" -> Strong <$> elementContent
"Subscript" -> Subscript <$> elementContent
"Superscript"-> Superscript <$> elementContent
_ -> Lua.throwMessage ("Unknown inline type: " <> tag)
elementContent :: Peekable a => Lua a
elementContent = LuaUtil.rawField idx "c"
try :: Lua a -> Lua (Either PandocError a)
try = Catch.try
withAttr :: (Attr -> a -> b) -> (LuaAttr, a) -> b
withAttr f (attributes, x) = f (fromLuaAttr attributes) x
newtype LuaAttr = LuaAttr { fromLuaAttr :: Attr }
instance Pushable LuaAttr where
push (LuaAttr (id', classes, kv)) =
pushViaConstructor "Attr" id' classes kv
instance Peekable LuaAttr where
peek idx = defineHowTo "get Attr value" (LuaAttr <$> Lua.peek idx)
newtype LuaListAttributes = LuaListAttributes ListAttributes
instance Pushable LuaListAttributes where
push (LuaListAttributes (start, style, delimiter)) =
pushViaConstructor "ListAttributes" start style delimiter
instance Peekable LuaListAttributes where
peek = defineHowTo "get ListAttributes value" .
fmap LuaListAttributes . Lua.peek