Copyright | Copyright (C) 2006-2021 John MacFarlane |
License | GNU GPL, version 2 or above |
Maintainer | John MacFarlane <> |
Stability | alpha |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A utility library with parsers used in pandoc readers.
- take1WhileP :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParserT Text st m Text
- takeP :: Monad m => Int -> ParserT Text st m Text
- countChar :: (Stream s m Char, Monad m) => Int -> ParsecT s st m Char -> ParsecT s st m Text
- textStr :: Stream s m Char => Text -> ParsecT s u m Text
- anyLine :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
- anyLineNewline :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
- indentWith :: Stream s m Char => HasReaderOptions st => Int -> ParserT s st m Text
- manyChar :: Stream s m t => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Text
- many1Char :: Stream s m t => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Text
- manyTillChar :: Stream s m t => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m Text
- many1TillChar :: (Show end, Stream s m t) => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m Text
- many1Till :: (Show end, Stream s m t) => ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m [a]
- manyUntil :: ParserT s u m a -> ParserT s u m b -> ParserT s u m ([a], b)
- manyUntilChar :: ParserT s u m Char -> ParserT s u m b -> ParserT s u m (Text, b)
- sepBy1' :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- notFollowedBy' :: (Show b, Stream s m a) => ParserT s st m b -> ParserT s st m ()
- oneOfStrings :: Stream s m Char => [Text] -> ParserT s st m Text
- oneOfStringsCI :: Stream s m Char => [Text] -> ParserT s st m Text
- spaceChar :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char
- nonspaceChar :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char
- skipSpaces :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m ()
- blankline :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char
- blanklines :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Text
- gobbleSpaces :: (HasReaderOptions st, Monad m) => Int -> ParserT Text st m ()
- gobbleAtMostSpaces :: (HasReaderOptions st, Monad m) => Int -> ParserT Text st m Int
- enclosed :: (Show end, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m t -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m [a]
- stringAnyCase :: Stream s m Char => Text -> ParserT s st m Text
- parseFromString :: (Stream s m Char, IsString s) => ParserT s st m r -> Text -> ParserT s st m r
- parseFromString' :: (Stream s m Char, IsString s, HasLastStrPosition u) => ParserT s u m a -> Text -> ParserT s u m a
- lineClump :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text
- charsInBalanced :: Stream s m Char => Char -> Char -> ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Text
- romanNumeral :: Stream s m Char => Bool -> ParserT s st m Int
- emailAddress :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (Text, Text)
- uri :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (Text, Text)
- mathInline :: (HasReaderOptions st, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Text
- mathDisplay :: (HasReaderOptions st, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Text
- withHorizDisplacement :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m (a, Int)
- withRaw :: Monad m => ParsecT Text st m a -> ParsecT Text st m (a, Text)
- escaped :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Char
- characterReference :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char
- upperRoman :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- lowerRoman :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- decimal :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- lowerAlpha :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- upperAlpha :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int)
- anyOrderedListMarker :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s ParserState m ListAttributes
- orderedListMarker :: Stream s m Char => ListNumberStyle -> ListNumberDelim -> ParserT s ParserState m Int
- charRef :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Inline
- lineBlockLines :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m [Text]
- tableWith :: (Stream s m Char, HasReaderOptions st, Monad mf) => ParserT s st m (mf [Blocks], [Alignment], [Int]) -> ([Int] -> ParserT s st m (mf [Blocks])) -> ParserT s st m sep -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m (mf Blocks)
- widthsFromIndices :: Int -> [Int] -> [Double]
- gridTableWith :: (Stream s m Char, HasReaderOptions st, HasLastStrPosition st, Monad mf, IsString s) => ParserT s st m (mf Blocks) -> Bool -> ParserT s st m (mf Blocks)
- gridTableWith' :: (Stream s m Char, HasReaderOptions st, HasLastStrPosition st, Monad mf, IsString s) => ParserT s st m (mf Blocks) -> Bool -> ParserT s st m (TableComponents mf)
- readWith :: Parser Text st a -> st -> Text -> Either PandocError a
- readWithM :: (Stream s m Char, ToText s) => ParserT s st m a -> st -> s -> m (Either PandocError a)
- testStringWith :: Show a => ParserT Text ParserState Identity a -> Text -> IO ()
- guardEnabled :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st) => Extension -> ParserT s st m ()
- guardDisabled :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st) => Extension -> ParserT s st m ()
- updateLastStrPos :: (Stream s m a, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT s st m ()
- notAfterString :: (Stream s m a, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT s st m Bool
- logMessage :: (Stream s m a, HasLogMessages st) => LogMessage -> ParserT s st m ()
- reportLogMessages :: (PandocMonad m, HasLogMessages st) => ParserT s st m ()
- data ParserState = ParserState {
- stateOptions :: ReaderOptions
- stateParserContext :: ParserContext
- stateQuoteContext :: QuoteContext
- stateAllowLinks :: Bool
- stateAllowLineBreaks :: Bool
- stateMaxNestingLevel :: Int
- stateLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos
- stateKeys :: KeyTable
- stateHeaderKeys :: KeyTable
- stateSubstitutions :: SubstTable
- stateNotes :: NoteTable
- stateNotes' :: NoteTable'
- stateNoteRefs :: Set Text
- stateInNote :: Bool
- stateNoteNumber :: Int
- stateMeta :: Meta
- stateMeta' :: F Meta
- stateCitations :: Map Text Text
- stateHeaderTable :: [HeaderType]
- stateIdentifiers :: Set Text
- stateNextExample :: Int
- stateExamples :: Map Text Int
- stateMacros :: Map Text Macro
- stateRstDefaultRole :: Text
- stateRstHighlight :: Maybe Text
- stateRstCustomRoles :: Map Text (Text, Maybe Text, Attr)
- stateCaption :: Maybe Inlines
- stateInHtmlBlock :: Maybe Text
- stateFencedDivLevel :: Int
- stateContainers :: [Text]
- stateLogMessages :: [LogMessage]
- stateMarkdownAttribute :: Bool
- class HasReaderOptions st where
- extractReaderOptions :: st -> ReaderOptions
- getOption :: Stream s m t => (ReaderOptions -> b) -> ParserT s st m b
- class HasIdentifierList st where
- extractIdentifierList :: st -> Set Text
- updateIdentifierList :: (Set Text -> Set Text) -> st -> st
- class HasMacros st where
- class HasLogMessages st where
- addLogMessage :: LogMessage -> st -> st
- getLogMessages :: st -> [LogMessage]
- class HasLastStrPosition st where
- setLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos -> st -> st
- getLastStrPos :: st -> Maybe SourcePos
- class HasIncludeFiles st where
- getIncludeFiles :: st -> [Text]
- addIncludeFile :: Text -> st -> st
- dropLatestIncludeFile :: st -> st
- defaultParserState :: ParserState
- data HeaderType
- data ParserContext
- data QuoteContext
- class HasQuoteContext st m where
- getQuoteContext :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s st m QuoteContext
- withQuoteContext :: QuoteContext -> ParsecT s st m a -> ParsecT s st m a
- type NoteTable = [(Text, Text)]
- type NoteTable' = Map Text (SourcePos, F Blocks)
- type KeyTable = Map Key (Target, Attr)
- type SubstTable = Map Key Inlines
- newtype Key = Key Text
- toKey :: Text -> Key
- registerHeader :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st, HasLogMessages st, HasIdentifierList st) => Attr -> Inlines -> ParserT s st m Attr
- smartPunctuation :: (HasReaderOptions st, HasLastStrPosition st, HasQuoteContext st m, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Inlines -> ParserT s st m Inlines
- singleQuoteStart :: (HasLastStrPosition st, HasQuoteContext st m, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m ()
- singleQuoteEnd :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m ()
- doubleQuoteStart :: (HasQuoteContext st m, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m ()
- doubleQuoteEnd :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m ()
- ellipses :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Inlines
- apostrophe :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Inlines
- dash :: (HasReaderOptions st, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Inlines
- nested :: Stream s m a => ParserT s ParserState m a -> ParserT s ParserState m a
- citeKey :: (Stream s m Char, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT s st m (Bool, Text)
- type Parser t s = Parsec t s
- type ParserT = ParsecT
- type F = Future ParserState
- newtype Future s a = Future {
- runDelayed :: Reader s a
- runF :: Future s a -> s -> a
- askF :: Future s s
- asksF :: (s -> a) -> Future s a
- returnF :: Monad m => a -> m (Future s a)
- trimInlinesF :: Future s Inlines -> Future s Inlines
- token :: Stream s m t => (t -> Text) -> (t -> SourcePos) -> (t -> Maybe a) -> ParsecT s st m a
- (<+?>) :: Monoid a => ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m a
- extractIdClass :: Attr -> Attr
- insertIncludedFile :: (PandocMonad m, HasIncludeFiles st) => ParserT [a] st m Blocks -> (Text -> [a]) -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> ParserT [a] st m Blocks
- insertIncludedFileF :: (PandocMonad m, HasIncludeFiles st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st Blocks) -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> ParserT Text st m (Future st Blocks)
- class Monad m => Stream s (m :: Type -> Type) t | s -> t
- runParser :: Stream s Identity t => Parsec s u a -> u -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError a
- runParserT :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> u -> SourceName -> s -> m (Either ParseError a)
- parse :: Stream s Identity t => Parsec s () a -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError a
- tokenPrim :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t a u. Stream s m t => (t -> String) -> (SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos) -> (t -> Maybe a) -> ParsecT s u m a
- anyToken :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u. (Stream s m t, Show t) => ParsecT s u m t
- getInput :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m s
- setInput :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => s -> ParsecT s u m ()
- unexpected :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => String -> ParsecT s u m a
- char :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => Char -> ParsecT s u m Char
- letter :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
- digit :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
- alphaNum :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
- skipMany :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
- skipMany1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
- spaces :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m ()
- space :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
- anyChar :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
- satisfy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => (Char -> Bool) -> ParsecT s u m Char
- newline :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
- string :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m String
- count :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => Int -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- eof :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u. (Stream s m t, Show t) => ParsecT s u m ()
- noneOf :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => [Char] -> ParsecT s u m Char
- oneOf :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => [Char] -> ParsecT s u m Char
- lookAhead :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
- notFollowedBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t a u. (Stream s m t, Show a) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
- many :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- many1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- manyTill :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a end. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m end -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- (<|>) :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
- (<?>) :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> String -> ParsecT s u m a
- choice :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => [ParsecT s u m a] -> ParsecT s u m a
- try :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
- sepBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- sepBy1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- sepEndBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- sepEndBy1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- endBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- endBy1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a]
- option :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t a u. Stream s m t => a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
- optional :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
- optionMaybe :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m (Maybe a)
- getState :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m u
- setState :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) u s. Monad m => u -> ParsecT s u m ()
- updateState :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) u s. Monad m => (u -> u) -> ParsecT s u m ()
- data SourcePos
- getPosition :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m SourcePos
- setPosition :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => SourcePos -> ParsecT s u m ()
- sourceColumn :: SourcePos -> Column
- sourceLine :: SourcePos -> Line
- setSourceColumn :: SourcePos -> Column -> SourcePos
- setSourceLine :: SourcePos -> Line -> SourcePos
- incSourceColumn :: SourcePos -> Column -> SourcePos
- incSourceLine :: SourcePos -> Line -> SourcePos
- newPos :: SourceName -> Line -> Column -> SourcePos
- initialPos :: SourceName -> SourcePos
- type Line = Int
- type Column = Int
- data ParseError
take1WhileP :: Monad m => (Char -> Bool) -> ParserT Text st m Text Source #
Parse characters while a predicate is true.
countChar :: (Stream s m Char, Monad m) => Int -> ParsecT s st m Char -> ParsecT s st m Text Source #
Like count
, but packs its result
anyLineNewline :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text Source #
Parse any line, include the final newline in the output
indentWith :: Stream s m Char => HasReaderOptions st => Int -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Parse indent by specified number of spaces (or equiv. tabs)
manyChar :: Stream s m t => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Like many
, but packs its result.
many1Char :: Stream s m t => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Like many1
, but packs its result.
manyTillChar :: Stream s m t => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Like manyTill
, but packs its result.
many1TillChar :: (Show end, Stream s m t) => ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Like many1Till
, but packs its result
many1Till :: (Show end, Stream s m t) => ParserT s st m a -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m [a] Source #
Like manyTill
, but reads at least one item.
manyUntil :: ParserT s u m a -> ParserT s u m b -> ParserT s u m ([a], b) Source #
Like manyTill
, but also returns the result of end parser.
manyUntilChar :: ParserT s u m Char -> ParserT s u m b -> ParserT s u m (Text, b) Source #
Like manyUntil
, but also packs its result.
sepBy1' :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] Source #
Like sepBy1
from Parsec,
but does not fail if it sep
succeeds and p
notFollowedBy' :: (Show b, Stream s m a) => ParserT s st m b -> ParserT s st m () Source #
A more general form of notFollowedBy
. This one allows any
type of parser to be specified, and succeeds only if that parser fails.
It does not consume any input.
oneOfStrings :: Stream s m Char => [Text] -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Parses one of a list of strings. If the list contains two strings one of which is a prefix of the other, the longer string will be matched if possible.
oneOfStringsCI :: Stream s m Char => [Text] -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Parses one of a list of strings (tried in order), case insensitive.
nonspaceChar :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char Source #
Parses a nonspace, nonnewline character.
blankline :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Char Source #
Skips zero or more spaces or tabs, then reads a newline.
blanklines :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Text Source #
Parses one or more blank lines and returns a string of newlines.
gobbleSpaces :: (HasReaderOptions st, Monad m) => Int -> ParserT Text st m () Source #
Gobble n spaces; if tabs are encountered, expand them and gobble some or all of their spaces, leaving the rest.
gobbleAtMostSpaces :: (HasReaderOptions st, Monad m) => Int -> ParserT Text st m Int Source #
Gobble up to n spaces; if tabs are encountered, expand them and gobble some or all of their spaces, leaving the rest.
:: (Show end, Stream s m Char) | |
=> ParserT s st m t | start parser |
-> ParserT s st m end | end parser |
-> ParserT s st m a | content parser (to be used repeatedly) |
-> ParserT s st m [a] |
Parses material enclosed between start and end parsers.
stringAnyCase :: Stream s m Char => Text -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Parse string, case insensitive.
parseFromString :: (Stream s m Char, IsString s) => ParserT s st m r -> Text -> ParserT s st m r Source #
Parse contents of str
using parser
and return result.
parseFromString' :: (Stream s m Char, IsString s, HasLastStrPosition u) => ParserT s u m a -> Text -> ParserT s u m a Source #
Like parseFromString
but specialized for ParserState
This resets stateLastStrPos
, which is almost always what we want.
lineClump :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m Text Source #
Parse raw line block up to and including blank lines.
charsInBalanced :: Stream s m Char => Char -> Char -> ParserT s st m Char -> ParserT s st m Text Source #
Parse a string of characters between an open character
and a close character, including text between balanced
pairs of open and close, which must be different. For example,
charsInBalanced '(' ')' anyChar
will parse "(hello (there))"
and return "hello (there)".
Parses a roman numeral (uppercase or lowercase), returns number.
emailAddress :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (Text, Text) Source #
Parses an email address; returns original and corresponding escaped mailto: URI.
uri :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (Text, Text) Source #
Parses a URI. Returns pair of original and URI-escaped version.
mathInline :: (HasReaderOptions st, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Text Source #
mathDisplay :: (HasReaderOptions st, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Text Source #
withHorizDisplacement Source #
:: Stream s m Char | |
=> ParserT s st m a | Parser to apply |
-> ParserT s st m (a, Int) | (result, displacement) |
Applies a parser, returns tuple of its results and its horizontal displacement (the difference between the source column at the end and the source column at the beginning). Vertical displacement (source row) is ignored.
withRaw :: Monad m => ParsecT Text st m a -> ParsecT Text st m (a, Text) Source #
Applies a parser and returns the raw string that was parsed, along with the value produced by the parser.
Parses backslash, then applies character parser.
upperRoman :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int) Source #
Parses an uppercase roman numeral and returns (UpperRoman, number).
lowerRoman :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int) Source #
Parses a lowercase roman numeral and returns (LowerRoman, number).
decimal :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int) Source #
Parses a decimal numeral and returns (Decimal, number).
lowerAlpha :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int) Source #
Parses a lowercase letter and returns (LowerAlpha, number).
upperAlpha :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m (ListNumberStyle, Int) Source #
Parses an uppercase letter and returns (UpperAlpha, number).
anyOrderedListMarker :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s ParserState m ListAttributes Source #
Parses an ordered list marker and returns list attributes.
orderedListMarker :: Stream s m Char => ListNumberStyle -> ListNumberDelim -> ParserT s ParserState m Int Source #
Parses an ordered list marker with a given style and delimiter, returns number.
charRef :: Stream s m Char => ParserT s st m Inline Source #
Parses a character reference and returns a Str element.
lineBlockLines :: Monad m => ParserT Text st m [Text] Source #
Parses an RST-style line block and returns a list of strings.
tableWith :: (Stream s m Char, HasReaderOptions st, Monad mf) => ParserT s st m (mf [Blocks], [Alignment], [Int]) -> ([Int] -> ParserT s st m (mf [Blocks])) -> ParserT s st m sep -> ParserT s st m end -> ParserT s st m (mf Blocks) Source #
Parse a table using headerParser
, rowParser
, and footerParser
:: (Stream s m Char, HasReaderOptions st, HasLastStrPosition st, Monad mf, IsString s) | |
=> ParserT s st m (mf Blocks) | Block list parser |
-> Bool | Headerless table |
-> ParserT s st m (TableComponents mf) |
readWith :: Parser Text st a -> st -> Text -> Either PandocError a Source #
Parse a string with a given parser and state
:: (Stream s m Char, ToText s) | |
=> ParserT s st m a | parser |
-> st | initial state |
-> s | input |
-> m (Either PandocError a) |
Removes the ParsecT layer from the monad transformer stack
testStringWith :: Show a => ParserT Text ParserState Identity a -> Text -> IO () Source #
Parse a string with parser
(for testing).
guardEnabled :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st) => Extension -> ParserT s st m () Source #
Succeed only if the extension is enabled.
guardDisabled :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st) => Extension -> ParserT s st m () Source #
Succeed only if the extension is disabled.
updateLastStrPos :: (Stream s m a, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT s st m () Source #
Update the position on which the last string ended.
notAfterString :: (Stream s m a, HasLastStrPosition st) => ParserT s st m Bool Source #
Whether we are right after the end of a string.
logMessage :: (Stream s m a, HasLogMessages st) => LogMessage -> ParserT s st m () Source #
Add a log message.
reportLogMessages :: (PandocMonad m, HasLogMessages st) => ParserT s st m () Source #
Report all the accumulated log messages, according to verbosity level.
data ParserState Source #
Parsing options.
ParserState | |
class HasReaderOptions st where Source #
extractReaderOptions :: st -> ReaderOptions Source #
getOption :: Stream s m t => (ReaderOptions -> b) -> ParserT s st m b Source #
HasReaderOptions ParserState Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing extractReaderOptions :: ParserState -> ReaderOptions Source # getOption :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t b. Stream s m t => (ReaderOptions -> b) -> ParserT s ParserState m b Source # |
class HasIdentifierList st where Source #
extractIdentifierList :: st -> Set Text Source #
updateIdentifierList :: (Set Text -> Set Text) -> st -> st Source #
HasIdentifierList ParserState Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing extractIdentifierList :: ParserState -> Set Text Source # updateIdentifierList :: (Set Text -> Set Text) -> ParserState -> ParserState Source # |
class HasMacros st where Source #
extractMacros :: st -> Map Text Macro Source #
updateMacros :: (Map Text Macro -> Map Text Macro) -> st -> st Source #
HasMacros ParserState Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing extractMacros :: ParserState -> Map Text Macro Source # updateMacros :: (Map Text Macro -> Map Text Macro) -> ParserState -> ParserState Source # |
class HasLogMessages st where Source #
addLogMessage :: LogMessage -> st -> st Source #
getLogMessages :: st -> [LogMessage] Source #
HasLogMessages ParserState Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing addLogMessage :: LogMessage -> ParserState -> ParserState Source # getLogMessages :: ParserState -> [LogMessage] Source # |
class HasLastStrPosition st where Source #
setLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos -> st -> st Source #
getLastStrPos :: st -> Maybe SourcePos Source #
HasLastStrPosition ParserState Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing setLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos -> ParserState -> ParserState Source # |
class HasIncludeFiles st where Source #
getIncludeFiles :: st -> [Text] Source #
addIncludeFile :: Text -> st -> st Source #
dropLatestIncludeFile :: st -> st Source #
HasIncludeFiles ParserState Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing getIncludeFiles :: ParserState -> [Text] Source # addIncludeFile :: Text -> ParserState -> ParserState Source # dropLatestIncludeFile :: ParserState -> ParserState Source # |
data HeaderType Source #
SingleHeader Char | Single line of characters underneath |
DoubleHeader Char | Lines of characters above and below |
Eq HeaderType Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing (==) :: HeaderType -> HeaderType -> Bool # (/=) :: HeaderType -> HeaderType -> Bool # | |
Show HeaderType Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing showsPrec :: Int -> HeaderType -> ShowS # show :: HeaderType -> String # showList :: [HeaderType] -> ShowS # |
data ParserContext Source #
ListItemState | Used when running parser on list item contents |
NullState | Default state |
Eq ParserContext Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing (==) :: ParserContext -> ParserContext -> Bool # (/=) :: ParserContext -> ParserContext -> Bool # | |
Show ParserContext Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing showsPrec :: Int -> ParserContext -> ShowS # show :: ParserContext -> String # showList :: [ParserContext] -> ShowS # |
data QuoteContext Source #
InSingleQuote | Used when parsing inside single quotes |
InDoubleQuote | Used when parsing inside double quotes |
NoQuote | Used when not parsing inside quotes |
Eq QuoteContext Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing (==) :: QuoteContext -> QuoteContext -> Bool # (/=) :: QuoteContext -> QuoteContext -> Bool # | |
Show QuoteContext Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing showsPrec :: Int -> QuoteContext -> ShowS # show :: QuoteContext -> String # showList :: [QuoteContext] -> ShowS # |
class HasQuoteContext st m where Source #
getQuoteContext :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s st m QuoteContext Source #
withQuoteContext :: QuoteContext -> ParsecT s st m a -> ParsecT s st m a Source #
Monad m => HasQuoteContext ParserState m Source # | |
Defined in Text.Pandoc.Parsing getQuoteContext :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s ParserState m QuoteContext Source # withQuoteContext :: QuoteContext -> ParsecT s ParserState m a -> ParsecT s ParserState m a Source # |
registerHeader :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st, HasLogMessages st, HasIdentifierList st) => Attr -> Inlines -> ParserT s st m Attr Source #
smartPunctuation :: (HasReaderOptions st, HasLastStrPosition st, HasQuoteContext st m, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m Inlines -> ParserT s st m Inlines Source #
singleQuoteStart :: (HasLastStrPosition st, HasQuoteContext st m, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m () Source #
doubleQuoteStart :: (HasQuoteContext st m, Stream s m Char) => ParserT s st m () Source #
nested :: Stream s m a => ParserT s ParserState m a -> ParserT s ParserState m a Source #
type F = Future ParserState Source #
Reader monad wrapping the parser state. This is used to possibly delay evaluation until all relevant information has been parsed and made available in the parser state.
Future | |
token :: Stream s m t => (t -> Text) -> (t -> SourcePos) -> (t -> Maybe a) -> ParsecT s st m a Source #
extractIdClass :: Attr -> Attr Source #
insertIncludedFile :: (PandocMonad m, HasIncludeFiles st) => ParserT [a] st m Blocks -> (Text -> [a]) -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> ParserT [a] st m Blocks Source #
Parse content of include file as blocks. Circular includes result in an
insertIncludedFileF :: (PandocMonad m, HasIncludeFiles st) => ParserT Text st m (Future st Blocks) -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> ParserT Text st m (Future st Blocks) Source #
Parse content of include file as future blocks. Circular includes result in
an PandocParseError
Re-exports from Text.Parsec
class Monad m => Stream s (m :: Type -> Type) t | s -> t #
An instance of Stream
has stream type s
, underlying monad m
and token type t
determined by the stream
Some rough guidelines for a "correct" instance of Stream:
- unfoldM uncons gives the [t] corresponding to the stream
- A
instance is responsible for maintaining the "position within the stream" in the stream states
. This is trivial unless you are using the monad in a non-trivial way.
Monad m => Stream Text m Char | |
Monad m => Stream Text m Char | |
Monad m => Stream ByteString m Char | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim uncons :: ByteString -> m (Maybe (Char, ByteString)) # | |
Monad m => Stream ByteString m Char | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim uncons :: ByteString -> m (Maybe (Char, ByteString)) # | |
Monad m => Stream [tok] m tok | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Prim |
runParser :: Stream s Identity t => Parsec s u a -> u -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError a #
The most general way to run a parser over the Identity monad. runParser p state filePath
runs parser p
on the input list of tokens input
obtained from source filePath
with the initial user state st
The filePath
is only used in error messages and may be the empty
string. Returns either a ParseError
) or a
value of type a
parseFromFile p fname = do{ input <- readFile fname ; return (runParser p () fname input) }
runParserT :: Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> u -> SourceName -> s -> m (Either ParseError a) #
The most general way to run a parser. runParserT p state filePath
runs parser p
on the input list of tokens input
obtained from source filePath
with the initial user state st
The filePath
is only used in error messages and may be the empty
string. Returns a computation in the underlying monad m
that return either a ParseError
) or a
value of type a
parse :: Stream s Identity t => Parsec s () a -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError a #
parse p filePath input
runs a parser p
over Identity without user
state. The filePath
is only used in error messages and may be the
empty string. Returns either a ParseError
or a value of type a
main = case (parse numbers "" "11, 2, 43") of Left err -> print err Right xs -> print (sum xs) numbers = commaSep integer
:: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t a u. Stream s m t | |
=> (t -> String) | Token pretty-printing function. |
-> (SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos) | Next position calculating function. |
-> (t -> Maybe a) | Matching function for the token to parse. |
-> ParsecT s u m a |
The parser tokenPrim showTok nextPos testTok
accepts a token t
with result x
when the function testTok t
. The
token can be shown using Just
xshowTok t
. The position of the next
token should be returned when nextPos
is called with the current
source position pos
, the current token t
and the rest of the
tokens toks
, nextPos pos t toks
This is the most primitive combinator for accepting tokens. For
example, the char
parser could be implemented as:
char c = tokenPrim showChar nextPos testChar where showChar x = "'" ++ x ++ "'" testChar x = if x == c then Just x else Nothing nextPos pos x xs = updatePosChar pos x
anyToken :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u. (Stream s m t, Show t) => ParsecT s u m t #
The parser anyToken
accepts any kind of token. It is for example
used to implement eof
. Returns the accepted token.
setInput :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => s -> ParsecT s u m () #
setInput input
continues parsing with input
. The getInput
functions can for example be used to deal with #include
unexpected :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => String -> ParsecT s u m a #
The parser unexpected msg
always fails with an unexpected error
message msg
without consuming any input.
The parsers fail
, (<?>
) and unexpected
are the three parsers
used to generate error messages. Of these, only (<?>
) is commonly
used. For an example of the use of unexpected
, see the definition
of notFollowedBy
char :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => Char -> ParsecT s u m Char #
char c
parses a single character c
. Returns the parsed
character (i.e. c
semiColon = char ';'
letter :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char #
Parses an alphabetic Unicode characters (lower-case, upper-case and title-case letters,
plus letters of caseless scripts and modifiers letters according to isAlpha
Returns the parsed character.
digit :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char #
Parses an ASCII digit. Returns the parsed character.
alphaNum :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char #
Parses a alphabetic or numeric Unicode characters
according to isAlphaNum
. Returns the parsed character.
Note that numeric digits outside the ASCII range (such as arabic-indic digits like e.g. "٤" or U+0664
as well as numeric characters which aren't digits, are parsed by this function
but not by digit
skipMany :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m () #
skipMany p
applies the parser p
zero or more times, skipping
its result.
spaces = skipMany space
skipMany1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m () #
skipMany1 p
applies the parser p
one or more times, skipping
its result.
spaces :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m () #
Skips zero or more white space characters. See also skipMany
space :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char #
Parses a white space character (any character which satisfies isSpace
Returns the parsed character.
anyChar :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char #
This parser succeeds for any character. Returns the parsed character.
satisfy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => (Char -> Bool) -> ParsecT s u m Char #
The parser satisfy f
succeeds for any character for which the
supplied function f
returns True
. Returns the character that is
actually parsed.
newline :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char #
Parses a newline character ('\n'). Returns a newline character.
string :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => String -> ParsecT s u m String #
string s
parses a sequence of characters given by s
. Returns
the parsed string (i.e. s
divOrMod = string "div" <|> string "mod"
count :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => Int -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
count n p
parses n
occurrences of p
. If n
is smaller or
equal to zero, the parser equals to return []
. Returns a list of
values returned by p
eof :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u. (Stream s m t, Show t) => ParsecT s u m () #
This parser only succeeds at the end of the input. This is not a
primitive parser but it is defined using notFollowedBy
eof = notFollowedBy anyToken <?> "end of input"
noneOf :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => [Char] -> ParsecT s u m Char #
As the dual of oneOf
, noneOf cs
succeeds if the current
character not in the supplied list of characters cs
. Returns the
parsed character.
consonant = noneOf "aeiou"
oneOf :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) u. Stream s m Char => [Char] -> ParsecT s u m Char #
oneOf cs
succeeds if the current character is in the supplied
list of characters cs
. Returns the parsed character. See also
vowel = oneOf "aeiou"
lookAhead :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #
lookAhead p
parses p
without consuming any input.
If p
fails and consumes some input, so does lookAhead
. Combine with try
if this is undesirable.
notFollowedBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t a u. (Stream s m t, Show a) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m () #
notFollowedBy p
only succeeds when parser p
fails. This parser
does not consume any input. This parser can be used to implement the
'longest match' rule. For example, when recognizing keywords (for
example let
), we want to make sure that a keyword is not followed
by a legal identifier character, in which case the keyword is
actually an identifier (for example lets
). We can program this
behaviour as follows:
keywordLet = try (do{ string "let" ; notFollowedBy alphaNum })
NOTE: Currently, notFollowedBy
exhibits surprising behaviour
when applied to a parser p
that doesn't consume any input;
is not equivalent tonotFollowedBy
, and
never fails.notFollowedBy
See haskell/parsec#8 for more details.
many :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
many p
applies the parser p
zero or more times. Returns a
list of the returned values of p
identifier = do{ c <- letter ; cs <- many (alphaNum <|> char '_') ; return (c:cs) }
many1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
many1 p
applies the parser p
one or more times. Returns a
list of the returned values of p
word = many1 letter
manyTill :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a end. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m end -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
manyTill p end
applies parser p
zero or more times until
parser end
succeeds. Returns the list of values returned by p
This parser can be used to scan comments:
simpleComment = do{ string "<!--" ; manyTill anyChar (try (string "-->")) }
Note the overlapping parsers anyChar
and string "-->"
, and
therefore the use of the try
(<|>) :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a infixr 1 #
This combinator implements choice. The parser p <|> q
applies p
. If it succeeds, the value of p
is returned. If p
fails without consuming any input, parser q
is tried. This
combinator is defined equal to the mplus
member of the MonadPlus
class and the (<|>
) member of Alternative
The parser is called predictive since q
is only tried when
parser p
didn't consume any input (i.e.. the look ahead is 1).
This non-backtracking behaviour allows for both an efficient
implementation of the parser combinators and the generation of good
error messages.
(<?>) :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> String -> ParsecT s u m a infix 0 #
The parser p <?> msg
behaves as parser p
, but whenever the
parser p
fails without consuming any input, it replaces expect
error messages with the expect error message msg
This is normally used at the end of a set alternatives where we want
to return an error message in terms of a higher level construct
rather than returning all possible characters. For example, if the
parser from the try
example would fail, the error
message is: '...: expecting expression'. Without the (<?>)
combinator, the message would be like '...: expecting "let" or
letter', which is less friendly.
choice :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => [ParsecT s u m a] -> ParsecT s u m a #
choice ps
tries to apply the parsers in the list ps
in order,
until one of them succeeds. Returns the value of the succeeding
try :: forall s u (m :: Type -> Type) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #
The parser try p
behaves like parser p
, except that it
pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when an error occurs.
This combinator is used whenever arbitrary look ahead is needed.
Since it pretends that it hasn't consumed any input when p
the (<|>
) combinator will try its second alternative even when the
first parser failed while consuming input.
The try
combinator can for example be used to distinguish
identifiers and reserved words. Both reserved words and identifiers
are a sequence of letters. Whenever we expect a certain reserved
word where we can also expect an identifier we have to use the try
combinator. Suppose we write:
expr = letExpr <|> identifier <?> "expression" letExpr = do{ string "let"; ... } identifier = many1 letter
If the user writes "lexical", the parser fails with: unexpected
'x', expecting 't' in "let"
. Indeed, since the (<|>
) combinator
only tries alternatives when the first alternative hasn't consumed
input, the identifier
parser is never tried (because the prefix
"le" of the string "let"
parser is already consumed). The
right behaviour can be obtained by adding the try
expr = letExpr <|> identifier <?> "expression" letExpr = do{ try (string "let"); ... } identifier = many1 letter
sepBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
sepBy p sep
parses zero or more occurrences of p
, separated
by sep
. Returns a list of values returned by p
commaSep p = p `sepBy` (symbol ",")
sepBy1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
sepBy1 p sep
parses one or more occurrences of p
, separated
by sep
. Returns a list of values returned by p
sepEndBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
sepEndBy p sep
parses zero or more occurrences of p
separated and optionally ended by sep
, ie. haskell style
statements. Returns a list of values returned by p
haskellStatements = haskellStatement `sepEndBy` semi
sepEndBy1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
sepEndBy1 p sep
parses one or more occurrences of p
separated and optionally ended by sep
. Returns a list of values
returned by p
endBy :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
endBy p sep
parses zero or more occurrences of p
, separated
and ended by sep
. Returns a list of values returned by p
cStatements = cStatement `endBy` semi
endBy1 :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a sep. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m sep -> ParsecT s u m [a] #
endBy1 p sep
parses one or more occurrences of p
, separated
and ended by sep
. Returns a list of values returned by p
option :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t a u. Stream s m t => a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a #
option x p
tries to apply parser p
. If p
fails without
consuming input, it returns the value x
, otherwise the value
returned by p
priority = option 0 (do{ d <- digit ; return (digitToInt d) })
optional :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m () #
optional p
tries to apply parser p
. It will parse p
or nothing.
It only fails if p
fails after consuming input. It discards the result
of p
optionMaybe :: forall s (m :: Type -> Type) t u a. Stream s m t => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m (Maybe a) #
getState :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m u #
Returns the current user state.
setState :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) u s. Monad m => u -> ParsecT s u m () #
An alias for putState for backwards compatibility.
updateState :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) u s. Monad m => (u -> u) -> ParsecT s u m () #
An alias for modifyState for backwards compatibility.
The abstract data type SourcePos
represents source positions. It
contains the name of the source (i.e. file name), a line number and
a column number. SourcePos
is an instance of the Show
, Eq
Eq SourcePos | |
Data SourcePos | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Pos gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> SourcePos -> c SourcePos # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c SourcePos # toConstr :: SourcePos -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: SourcePos -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c SourcePos) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c SourcePos) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> SourcePos -> SourcePos # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> SourcePos -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> SourcePos -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> SourcePos -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> SourcePos -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> SourcePos -> m SourcePos # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> SourcePos -> m SourcePos # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> SourcePos -> m SourcePos # | |
Ord SourcePos | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Pos | |
Show SourcePos | |
getPosition :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m SourcePos #
Returns the current source position. See also SourcePos
setPosition :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) s u. Monad m => SourcePos -> ParsecT s u m () #
setPosition pos
sets the current source position to pos
sourceColumn :: SourcePos -> Column #
Extracts the column number from a source position.
sourceLine :: SourcePos -> Line #
Extracts the line number from a source position.
setSourceColumn :: SourcePos -> Column -> SourcePos #
Set the column number of a source position.
setSourceLine :: SourcePos -> Line -> SourcePos #
Set the line number of a source position.
incSourceColumn :: SourcePos -> Column -> SourcePos #
Increments the column number of a source position.
incSourceLine :: SourcePos -> Line -> SourcePos #
Increments the line number of a source position.
newPos :: SourceName -> Line -> Column -> SourcePos #
Create a new SourcePos
with the given source name,
line number and column number.
initialPos :: SourceName -> SourcePos #
Create a new SourcePos
with the given source name,
and line number and column number set to 1, the upper left.
data ParseError #
The abstract data type ParseError
represents parse errors. It
provides the source position (SourcePos
) of the error
and a list of error messages (Message
). A ParseError
can be returned by the function parse
. ParseError
is an
instance of the Show
and Eq
Eq ParseError | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Error (==) :: ParseError -> ParseError -> Bool # (/=) :: ParseError -> ParseError -> Bool # | |
Show ParseError | |
Defined in Text.Parsec.Error showsPrec :: Int -> ParseError -> ShowS # show :: ParseError -> String # showList :: [ParseError] -> ShowS # |