{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( readLaTeX,
) where
import Prelude
import Control.Applicative (many, optional, (<|>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Default
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Safe (minimumDef)
import System.FilePath (addExtension, replaceExtension, takeExtension)
import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang (..), renderLang)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, PandocPure, getResourcePath, lookupEnv,
readFileFromDirs, report, setResourcePath,
setTranslations, translateTerm, trace)
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError ( PandocParseError, PandocParsecError))
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (fromListingsLanguage, languagesByExtension)
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize (numUnit, showFl)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, many, mathDisplay, mathInline,
optional, space, spaces, withRaw, (<|>))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types (ExpansionPoint (..), Macro (..),
ArgSpec (..), Tok (..), TokType (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Translations as Translations
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
readLaTeX :: PandocMonad m
=> ReaderOptions
-> Text
-> m Pandoc
readLaTeX opts ltx = do
parsed <- runParserT parseLaTeX def{ sOptions = opts } "source"
(tokenize "source" (crFilter ltx))
case parsed of
Right result -> return result
Left e -> throwError $ PandocParsecError (T.unpack ltx) e
parseLaTeX :: PandocMonad m => LP m Pandoc
parseLaTeX = do
bs <- blocks
st <- getState
let meta = sMeta st
let doc' = doc bs
let headerLevel (Header n _ _) = [n]
headerLevel _ = []
let bottomLevel = minimumDef 1 $ query headerLevel doc'
let adjustHeaders m (Header n attr ils) = Header (n+m) attr ils
adjustHeaders _ x = x
let (Pandoc _ bs') =
(if bottomLevel < 1
then walk (adjustHeaders (1 - bottomLevel))
else id) $
walk (resolveRefs (sLabels st)) doc'
return $ Pandoc meta bs'
resolveRefs :: M.Map String [Inline] -> Inline -> Inline
resolveRefs labels x@(Link (ident,classes,kvs) _ _) =
case (lookup "reference-type" kvs,
lookup "reference" kvs) of
(Just "ref", Just lab) ->
case M.lookup lab labels of
Just txt -> Link (ident,classes,kvs) txt ('#':lab, "")
Nothing -> x
_ -> x
resolveRefs _ x = x
rawLaTeXBlock :: (PandocMonad m, HasMacros s, HasReaderOptions s)
=> ParserT String s m String
rawLaTeXBlock = do
lookAhead (try (char '\\' >> letter))
snd <$> (rawLaTeXParser False macroDef blocks
<|> (rawLaTeXParser True
(do choice (map controlSeq
["include", "input", "subfile", "usepackage"])
skipMany opt
return mempty) blocks)
<|> rawLaTeXParser True
(environment <|> blockCommand)
(mconcat <$> (many (block <|> beginOrEndCommand))))
beginOrEndCommand :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
beginOrEndCommand = try $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) txt <- anyControlSeq
guard $ name == "begin" || name == "end"
(envname, rawargs) <- withRaw braced
if M.member (untokenize envname)
(inlineEnvironments :: M.Map Text (LP PandocPure Inlines))
then mzero
else return $ rawBlock "latex"
(T.unpack (txt <> untokenize rawargs))
rawLaTeXInline :: (PandocMonad m, HasMacros s, HasReaderOptions s)
=> ParserT String s m String
rawLaTeXInline = do
lookAhead (try (char '\\' >> letter))
snd <$> ( rawLaTeXParser True
(mempty <$ (controlSeq "input" >> skipMany opt >> braced))
<|> rawLaTeXParser True (inlineEnvironment <|> inlineCommand') inlines)
inlineCommand :: PandocMonad m => ParserT String ParserState m Inlines
inlineCommand = do
lookAhead (try (char '\\' >> letter))
fst <$> rawLaTeXParser True (inlineEnvironment <|> inlineCommand') inlines
word :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
word = (str . T.unpack . untoken) <$> satisfyTok isWordTok
regularSymbol :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
regularSymbol = (str . T.unpack . untoken) <$> satisfyTok isRegularSymbol
where isRegularSymbol (Tok _ Symbol t) = not $ T.any isSpecial t
isRegularSymbol _ = False
isSpecial c = c `Set.member` specialChars
inlineGroup :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
inlineGroup = do
ils <- grouped inline
if isNull ils
then return mempty
else return $ spanWith nullAttr ils
doLHSverb :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
doLHSverb =
(codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) . T.unpack . untokenize)
<$> manyTill (satisfyTok (not . isNewlineTok)) (symbol '|')
mkImage :: PandocMonad m => [(String, String)] -> String -> LP m Inlines
mkImage options src = do
let replaceTextwidth (k,v) =
case numUnit v of
Just (num, "\\textwidth") -> (k, showFl (num * 100) ++ "%")
_ -> (k, v)
let kvs = map replaceTextwidth
$ filter (\(k,_) -> k `elem` ["width", "height"]) options
let attr = ("",[], kvs)
let alt = str "image"
case takeExtension src of
"" -> do
defaultExt <- getOption readerDefaultImageExtension
return $ imageWith attr (addExtension src defaultExt) "" alt
_ -> return $ imageWith attr src "" alt
doxspace :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
doxspace =
(space <$ lookAhead (satisfyTok startsWithLetter)) <|> return mempty
where startsWithLetter (Tok _ Word t) =
case T.uncons t of
Just (c, _) | isLetter c -> True
_ -> False
startsWithLetter _ = False
dosiunitx :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
dosiunitx = do
value <- tok
valueprefix <- option "" $ bracketed tok
unit <- grouped (mconcat <$> many1 siUnit) <|> siUnit <|> tok
let emptyOr160 "" = ""
emptyOr160 _ = "\160"
return . mconcat $ [valueprefix,
emptyOr160 valueprefix,
emptyOr160 unit,
siUnit :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
siUnit = do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
if name == "square"
then do
unit <- grouped (mconcat <$> many1 siUnit) <|> siUnit <|> tok
return . mconcat $ [unit, "\178"]
case M.lookup name siUnitMap of
Just il -> return il
Nothing -> mzero
siUnitMap :: M.Map Text Inlines
siUnitMap = M.fromList
[ ("fg", str "fg")
, ("pg", str "pg")
, ("ng", str "ng")
, ("ug", str "μg")
, ("mg", str "mg")
, ("g", str "g")
, ("kg", str "kg")
, ("amu", str "u")
, ("pm", str "pm")
, ("nm", str "nm")
, ("um", str "μm")
, ("mm", str "mm")
, ("cm", str "cm")
, ("dm", str "dm")
, ("m", str "m")
, ("km", str "km")
, ("as", str "as")
, ("fs", str "fs")
, ("ps", str "ps")
, ("ns", str "ns")
, ("us", str "μs")
, ("ms", str "ms")
, ("s", str "s")
, ("fmol", str "fmol")
, ("pmol", str "pmol")
, ("nmol", str "nmol")
, ("umol", str "μmol")
, ("mmol", str "mmol")
, ("mol", str "mol")
, ("kmol", str "kmol")
, ("pA", str "pA")
, ("nA", str "nA")
, ("uA", str "μA")
, ("mA", str "mA")
, ("A", str "A")
, ("kA", str "kA")
, ("ul", str "μl")
, ("ml", str "ml")
, ("l", str "l")
, ("hl", str "hl")
, ("uL", str "μL")
, ("mL", str "mL")
, ("L", str "L")
, ("hL", str "hL")
, ("mHz", str "mHz")
, ("Hz", str "Hz")
, ("kHz", str "kHz")
, ("MHz", str "MHz")
, ("GHz", str "GHz")
, ("THz", str "THz")
, ("mN", str "mN")
, ("N", str "N")
, ("kN", str "kN")
, ("MN", str "MN")
, ("Pa", str "Pa")
, ("kPa", str "kPa")
, ("MPa", str "MPa")
, ("GPa", str "GPa")
, ("mohm", str "mΩ")
, ("kohm", str "kΩ")
, ("Mohm", str "MΩ")
, ("pV", str "pV")
, ("nV", str "nV")
, ("uV", str "μV")
, ("mV", str "mV")
, ("V", str "V")
, ("kV", str "kV")
, ("W", str "W")
, ("uW", str "μW")
, ("mW", str "mW")
, ("kW", str "kW")
, ("MW", str "MW")
, ("GW", str "GW")
, ("J", str "J")
, ("uJ", str "μJ")
, ("mJ", str "mJ")
, ("kJ", str "kJ")
, ("eV", str "eV")
, ("meV", str "meV")
, ("keV", str "keV")
, ("MeV", str "MeV")
, ("GeV", str "GeV")
, ("TeV", str "TeV")
, ("kWh", str "kWh")
, ("F", str "F")
, ("fF", str "fF")
, ("pF", str "pF")
, ("K", str "K")
, ("dB", str "dB")
, ("angstrom", str "Å")
, ("arcmin", str "′")
, ("arcminute", str "′")
, ("arcsecond", str "″")
, ("astronomicalunit", str "ua")
, ("atomicmassunit", str "u")
, ("atto", str "a")
, ("bar", str "bar")
, ("barn", str "b")
, ("becquerel", str "Bq")
, ("bel", str "B")
, ("candela", str "cd")
, ("celsius", str "°C")
, ("centi", str "c")
, ("coulomb", str "C")
, ("dalton", str "Da")
, ("day", str "d")
, ("deca", str "d")
, ("deci", str "d")
, ("decibel", str "db")
, ("degreeCelsius",str "°C")
, ("degree", str "°")
, ("deka", str "d")
, ("electronvolt", str "eV")
, ("exa", str "E")
, ("farad", str "F")
, ("femto", str "f")
, ("giga", str "G")
, ("gram", str "g")
, ("hectare", str "ha")
, ("hecto", str "h")
, ("henry", str "H")
, ("hertz", str "Hz")
, ("hour", str "h")
, ("joule", str "J")
, ("katal", str "kat")
, ("kelvin", str "K")
, ("kilo", str "k")
, ("kilogram", str "kg")
, ("knot", str "kn")
, ("liter", str "L")
, ("litre", str "l")
, ("lumen", str "lm")
, ("lux", str "lx")
, ("mega", str "M")
, ("meter", str "m")
, ("metre", str "m")
, ("milli", str "m")
, ("minute", str "min")
, ("mmHg", str "mmHg")
, ("mole", str "mol")
, ("nano", str "n")
, ("nauticalmile", str "M")
, ("neper", str "Np")
, ("newton", str "N")
, ("ohm", str "Ω")
, ("Pa", str "Pa")
, ("pascal", str "Pa")
, ("percent", str "%")
, ("per", str "/")
, ("peta", str "P")
, ("pico", str "p")
, ("radian", str "rad")
, ("second", str "s")
, ("siemens", str "S")
, ("sievert", str "Sv")
, ("steradian", str "sr")
, ("tera", str "T")
, ("tesla", str "T")
, ("tonne", str "t")
, ("volt", str "V")
, ("watt", str "W")
, ("weber", str "Wb")
, ("yocto", str "y")
, ("yotta", str "Y")
, ("zepto", str "z")
, ("zetta", str "Z")
lit :: String -> LP m Inlines
lit = pure . str
removeDoubleQuotes :: Text -> Text
removeDoubleQuotes t =
Data.Maybe.fromMaybe t $ T.stripPrefix "\"" t >>= T.stripSuffix "\""
doubleQuote :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
doubleQuote =
quoted' doubleQuoted (try $ count 2 $ symbol '`')
(void $ try $ count 2 $ symbol '\'')
<|> quoted' doubleQuoted ((:[]) <$> symbol '“') (void $ symbol '”')
<|> quoted' doubleQuoted (try $ sequence [symbol '"', symbol '`'])
(void $ try $ sequence [symbol '"', symbol '\''])
singleQuote :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
singleQuote =
quoted' singleQuoted ((:[]) <$> symbol '`')
(try $ symbol '\'' >>
notFollowedBy (satisfyTok startsWithLetter))
<|> quoted' singleQuoted ((:[]) <$> symbol '‘')
(try $ symbol '’' >>
notFollowedBy (satisfyTok startsWithLetter))
where startsWithLetter (Tok _ Word t) =
case T.uncons t of
Just (c, _) | isLetter c -> True
_ -> False
startsWithLetter _ = False
quoted' :: PandocMonad m
=> (Inlines -> Inlines)
-> LP m [Tok]
-> LP m ()
-> LP m Inlines
quoted' f starter ender = do
startchs <- (T.unpack . untokenize) <$> starter
smart <- extensionEnabled Ext_smart <$> getOption readerExtensions
if smart
then do
ils <- many (notFollowedBy ender >> inline)
(ender >> return (f (mconcat ils))) <|>
(<> mconcat ils) <$>
lit (case startchs of
"``" -> "“"
"`" -> "‘"
cs -> cs)
else lit startchs
enquote :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> Maybe Text -> LP m Inlines
enquote starred mblang = do
let lang = (T.unpack <$> mblang) >>= babelLangToBCP47
let langspan = case lang of
Nothing -> id
Just l -> spanWith ("",[],[("lang", renderLang l)])
quoteContext <- sQuoteContext <$> getState
if starred || quoteContext == InDoubleQuote
then singleQuoted . langspan <$> withQuoteContext InSingleQuote tok
else doubleQuoted . langspan <$> withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote tok
blockquote :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> Maybe Text -> LP m Blocks
blockquote citations mblang = do
citePar <- if citations
then do
cs <- cites NormalCitation False
return $ para (cite cs mempty)
else return mempty
let lang = (T.unpack <$> mblang) >>= babelLangToBCP47
let langdiv = case lang of
Nothing -> id
Just l -> divWith ("",[],[("lang", renderLang l)])
bs <- grouped block
return $ blockQuote . langdiv $ (bs <> citePar)
doAcronym :: PandocMonad m => String -> LP m Inlines
doAcronym form = do
acro <- braced
return . mconcat $ [spanWith ("",[],[("acronym-label", toksToString acro),
("acronym-form", "singular+" ++ form)])
$ str $ toksToString acro]
doAcronymPlural :: PandocMonad m => String -> LP m Inlines
doAcronymPlural form = do
acro <- braced
plural <- lit "s"
return . mconcat $ [spanWith ("",[],[("acronym-label", toksToString acro),
("acronym-form", "plural+" ++ form)]) $
mconcat [str $ toksToString acro, plural]]
doverb :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
doverb = do
Tok _ Symbol t <- anySymbol
marker <- case T.uncons t of
Just (c, ts) | T.null ts -> return c
_ -> mzero
withVerbatimMode $
(code . T.unpack . untokenize) <$>
manyTill (verbTok marker) (symbol marker)
verbTok :: PandocMonad m => Char -> LP m Tok
verbTok stopchar = do
t@(Tok pos toktype txt) <- satisfyTok (not . isNewlineTok)
case T.findIndex (== stopchar) txt of
Nothing -> return t
Just i -> do
let (t1, t2) = T.splitAt i txt
inp <- getInput
setInput $ Tok (incSourceColumn pos i) Symbol (T.singleton stopchar)
: totoks (incSourceColumn pos (i + 1)) (T.drop 1 t2) ++ inp
return $ Tok pos toktype t1
dolstinline :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
dolstinline = do
options <- option [] keyvals
let classes = maybeToList $ lookup "language" options >>= fromListingsLanguage
doinlinecode classes
domintinline :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
domintinline = do
cls <- toksToString <$> braced
doinlinecode [cls]
doinlinecode :: PandocMonad m => [String] -> LP m Inlines
doinlinecode classes = do
Tok _ Symbol t <- anySymbol
marker <- case T.uncons t of
Just (c, ts) | T.null ts -> return c
_ -> mzero
let stopchar = if marker == '{' then '}' else marker
withVerbatimMode $
(codeWith ("",classes,[]) . T.unpack . untokenize) <$>
manyTill (verbTok stopchar) (symbol stopchar)
keyval :: PandocMonad m => LP m (String, String)
keyval = try $ do
Tok _ Word key <- satisfyTok isWordTok
optional sp
val <- option mempty $ do
symbol '='
optional sp
(untokenize <$> braced) <|>
(mconcat <$> many1 (
(untokenize . snd <$> withRaw braced)
(untokenize <$> (many1
(\t -> case t of
Tok _ Symbol "]" -> False
Tok _ Symbol "," -> False
Tok _ Symbol "{" -> False
Tok _ Symbol "}" -> False
_ -> True))))))
optional (symbol ',')
optional sp
return (T.unpack key, T.unpack $ T.strip val)
keyvals :: PandocMonad m => LP m [(String, String)]
keyvals = try $ symbol '[' >> manyTill keyval (symbol ']')
accent :: PandocMonad m => Char -> (Char -> String) -> LP m Inlines
accent c f = try $ do
ils <- tok
case toList ils of
(Str (x:xs) : ys) -> return $ fromList $
case f x of
[z] | z == x -> Str ([z,c] ++ xs) : ys
zs -> Str (zs ++ xs) : ys
[Space] -> return $ str [c]
[] -> return $ str [c]
_ -> return ils
grave :: Char -> String
grave 'A' = "À"
grave 'E' = "È"
grave 'I' = "Ì"
grave 'O' = "Ò"
grave 'U' = "Ù"
grave 'a' = "à"
grave 'e' = "è"
grave 'i' = "ì"
grave 'o' = "ò"
grave 'u' = "ù"
grave c = [c]
acute :: Char -> String
acute 'A' = "Á"
acute 'E' = "É"
acute 'I' = "Í"
acute 'O' = "Ó"
acute 'U' = "Ú"
acute 'Y' = "Ý"
acute 'a' = "á"
acute 'e' = "é"
acute 'i' = "í"
acute 'o' = "ó"
acute 'u' = "ú"
acute 'y' = "ý"
acute 'C' = "Ć"
acute 'c' = "ć"
acute 'L' = "Ĺ"
acute 'l' = "ĺ"
acute 'N' = "Ń"
acute 'n' = "ń"
acute 'R' = "Ŕ"
acute 'r' = "ŕ"
acute 'S' = "Ś"
acute 's' = "ś"
acute 'Z' = "Ź"
acute 'z' = "ź"
acute c = [c]
circ :: Char -> String
circ 'A' = "Â"
circ 'E' = "Ê"
circ 'I' = "Î"
circ 'O' = "Ô"
circ 'U' = "Û"
circ 'a' = "â"
circ 'e' = "ê"
circ 'i' = "î"
circ 'o' = "ô"
circ 'u' = "û"
circ 'C' = "Ĉ"
circ 'c' = "ĉ"
circ 'G' = "Ĝ"
circ 'g' = "ĝ"
circ 'H' = "Ĥ"
circ 'h' = "ĥ"
circ 'J' = "Ĵ"
circ 'j' = "ĵ"
circ 'S' = "Ŝ"
circ 's' = "ŝ"
circ 'W' = "Ŵ"
circ 'w' = "ŵ"
circ 'Y' = "Ŷ"
circ 'y' = "ŷ"
circ c = [c]
tilde :: Char -> String
tilde 'A' = "Ã"
tilde 'a' = "ã"
tilde 'O' = "Õ"
tilde 'o' = "õ"
tilde 'I' = "Ĩ"
tilde 'i' = "ĩ"
tilde 'U' = "Ũ"
tilde 'u' = "ũ"
tilde 'N' = "Ñ"
tilde 'n' = "ñ"
tilde c = [c]
umlaut :: Char -> String
umlaut 'A' = "Ä"
umlaut 'E' = "Ë"
umlaut 'I' = "Ï"
umlaut 'O' = "Ö"
umlaut 'U' = "Ü"
umlaut 'a' = "ä"
umlaut 'e' = "ë"
umlaut 'i' = "ï"
umlaut 'o' = "ö"
umlaut 'u' = "ü"
umlaut c = [c]
hungarumlaut :: Char -> String
hungarumlaut 'A' = "A̋"
hungarumlaut 'E' = "E̋"
hungarumlaut 'I' = "I̋"
hungarumlaut 'O' = "Ő"
hungarumlaut 'U' = "Ű"
hungarumlaut 'Y' = "ӳ"
hungarumlaut 'a' = "a̋"
hungarumlaut 'e' = "e̋"
hungarumlaut 'i' = "i̋"
hungarumlaut 'o' = "ő"
hungarumlaut 'u' = "ű"
hungarumlaut 'y' = "ӳ"
hungarumlaut c = [c]
dot :: Char -> String
dot 'C' = "Ċ"
dot 'c' = "ċ"
dot 'E' = "Ė"
dot 'e' = "ė"
dot 'G' = "Ġ"
dot 'g' = "ġ"
dot 'I' = "İ"
dot 'Z' = "Ż"
dot 'z' = "ż"
dot c = [c]
macron :: Char -> String
macron 'A' = "Ā"
macron 'E' = "Ē"
macron 'I' = "Ī"
macron 'O' = "Ō"
macron 'U' = "Ū"
macron 'a' = "ā"
macron 'e' = "ē"
macron 'i' = "ī"
macron 'o' = "ō"
macron 'u' = "ū"
macron c = [c]
ringabove :: Char -> String
ringabove 'A' = "Å"
ringabove 'a' = "å"
ringabove 'U' = "Ů"
ringabove 'u' = "ů"
ringabove c = [c]
dotbelow :: Char -> String
dotbelow 'B' = "Ḅ"
dotbelow 'b' = "ḅ"
dotbelow 'D' = "Ḍ"
dotbelow 'd' = "ḍ"
dotbelow 'H' = "Ḥ"
dotbelow 'h' = "ḥ"
dotbelow 'K' = "Ḳ"
dotbelow 'k' = "ḳ"
dotbelow 'L' = "Ḷ"
dotbelow 'l' = "ḷ"
dotbelow 'M' = "Ṃ"
dotbelow 'm' = "ṃ"
dotbelow 'N' = "Ṇ"
dotbelow 'n' = "ṇ"
dotbelow 'R' = "Ṛ"
dotbelow 'r' = "ṛ"
dotbelow 'S' = "Ṣ"
dotbelow 's' = "ṣ"
dotbelow 'T' = "Ṭ"
dotbelow 't' = "ṭ"
dotbelow 'V' = "Ṿ"
dotbelow 'v' = "ṿ"
dotbelow 'W' = "Ẉ"
dotbelow 'w' = "ẉ"
dotbelow 'Z' = "Ẓ"
dotbelow 'z' = "ẓ"
dotbelow 'A' = "Ạ"
dotbelow 'a' = "ạ"
dotbelow 'E' = "Ẹ"
dotbelow 'e' = "ẹ"
dotbelow 'I' = "Ị"
dotbelow 'i' = "ị"
dotbelow 'O' = "Ọ"
dotbelow 'o' = "ọ"
dotbelow 'U' = "Ụ"
dotbelow 'u' = "ụ"
dotbelow 'Y' = "Ỵ"
dotbelow 'y' = "ỵ"
dotbelow c = [c]
doublegrave :: Char -> String
doublegrave 'A' = "Ȁ"
doublegrave 'a' = "ȁ"
doublegrave 'E' = "Ȅ"
doublegrave 'e' = "ȅ"
doublegrave 'I' = "Ȉ"
doublegrave 'i' = "ȉ"
doublegrave 'O' = "Ȍ"
doublegrave 'o' = "ȍ"
doublegrave 'R' = "Ȑ"
doublegrave 'r' = "ȑ"
doublegrave 'U' = "Ȕ"
doublegrave 'u' = "ȕ"
doublegrave c = [c]
hookabove :: Char -> String
hookabove 'A' = "Ả"
hookabove 'a' = "ả"
hookabove 'E' = "Ẻ"
hookabove 'e' = "ẻ"
hookabove 'I' = "Ỉ"
hookabove 'i' = "ỉ"
hookabove 'O' = "Ỏ"
hookabove 'o' = "ỏ"
hookabove 'U' = "Ủ"
hookabove 'u' = "ủ"
hookabove 'Y' = "Ỷ"
hookabove 'y' = "ỷ"
hookabove c = [c]
cedilla :: Char -> String
cedilla 'c' = "ç"
cedilla 'C' = "Ç"
cedilla 's' = "ş"
cedilla 'S' = "Ş"
cedilla 't' = "ţ"
cedilla 'T' = "Ţ"
cedilla 'e' = "ȩ"
cedilla 'E' = "Ȩ"
cedilla 'h' = "ḩ"
cedilla 'H' = "Ḩ"
cedilla 'o' = "o̧"
cedilla 'O' = "O̧"
cedilla c = [c]
hacek :: Char -> String
hacek 'A' = "Ǎ"
hacek 'a' = "ǎ"
hacek 'C' = "Č"
hacek 'c' = "č"
hacek 'D' = "Ď"
hacek 'd' = "ď"
hacek 'E' = "Ě"
hacek 'e' = "ě"
hacek 'G' = "Ǧ"
hacek 'g' = "ǧ"
hacek 'H' = "Ȟ"
hacek 'h' = "ȟ"
hacek 'I' = "Ǐ"
hacek 'i' = "ǐ"
hacek 'j' = "ǰ"
hacek 'K' = "Ǩ"
hacek 'k' = "ǩ"
hacek 'L' = "Ľ"
hacek 'l' = "ľ"
hacek 'N' = "Ň"
hacek 'n' = "ň"
hacek 'O' = "Ǒ"
hacek 'o' = "ǒ"
hacek 'R' = "Ř"
hacek 'r' = "ř"
hacek 'S' = "Š"
hacek 's' = "š"
hacek 'T' = "Ť"
hacek 't' = "ť"
hacek 'U' = "Ǔ"
hacek 'u' = "ǔ"
hacek 'Z' = "Ž"
hacek 'z' = "ž"
hacek c = [c]
ogonek :: Char -> String
ogonek 'a' = "ą"
ogonek 'e' = "ę"
ogonek 'o' = "ǫ"
ogonek 'i' = "į"
ogonek 'u' = "ų"
ogonek 'A' = "Ą"
ogonek 'E' = "Ę"
ogonek 'I' = "Į"
ogonek 'O' = "Ǫ"
ogonek 'U' = "Ų"
ogonek c = [c]
breve :: Char -> String
breve 'A' = "Ă"
breve 'a' = "ă"
breve 'E' = "Ĕ"
breve 'e' = "ĕ"
breve 'G' = "Ğ"
breve 'g' = "ğ"
breve 'I' = "Ĭ"
breve 'i' = "ĭ"
breve 'O' = "Ŏ"
breve 'o' = "ŏ"
breve 'U' = "Ŭ"
breve 'u' = "ŭ"
breve c = [c]
mathDisplay :: String -> Inlines
mathDisplay = displayMath . trim
mathInline :: String -> Inlines
mathInline = math . trim
dollarsMath :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
dollarsMath = do
symbol '$'
display <- option False (True <$ symbol '$')
(do contents <- try $ T.unpack <$> pDollarsMath 0
if display
then (mathDisplay contents <$ symbol '$')
else return $ mathInline contents)
<|> (guard display >> return (mathInline ""))
pDollarsMath :: PandocMonad m => Int -> LP m Text
pDollarsMath n = do
Tok _ toktype t <- anyTok
case toktype of
Symbol | t == "$"
, n == 0 -> return mempty
| t == "\\" -> do
Tok _ _ t' <- anyTok
return (t <> t')
| t == "{" -> (t <>) <$> pDollarsMath (n+1)
| t == "}" ->
if n > 0
then (t <>) <$> pDollarsMath (n-1)
else mzero
_ -> (t <>) <$> pDollarsMath n
addPrefix :: [Inline] -> [Citation] -> [Citation]
addPrefix p (k:ks) = k {citationPrefix = p ++ citationPrefix k} : ks
addPrefix _ _ = []
addSuffix :: [Inline] -> [Citation] -> [Citation]
addSuffix s ks@(_:_) =
let k = last ks
in init ks ++ [k {citationSuffix = citationSuffix k ++ s}]
addSuffix _ _ = []
simpleCiteArgs :: PandocMonad m => LP m [Citation]
simpleCiteArgs = try $ do
first <- optionMaybe $ toList <$> opt
second <- optionMaybe $ toList <$> opt
keys <- try $ bgroup *> manyTill citationLabel egroup
let (pre, suf) = case (first , second ) of
(Just s , Nothing) -> (mempty, s )
(Just s , Just t ) -> (s , t )
_ -> (mempty, mempty)
conv k = Citation { citationId = k
, citationPrefix = []
, citationSuffix = []
, citationMode = NormalCitation
, citationHash = 0
, citationNoteNum = 0
return $ addPrefix pre $ addSuffix suf $ map conv keys
citationLabel :: PandocMonad m => LP m String
citationLabel = do
optional spaces
toksToString <$>
(many1 (satisfyTok isWordTok <|> symbolIn bibtexKeyChar)
<* optional spaces
<* optional (symbol ',')
<* optional spaces)
where bibtexKeyChar = ".:;?!`'()/*@_+=-[]" :: [Char]
cites :: PandocMonad m => CitationMode -> Bool -> LP m [Citation]
cites mode multi = try $ do
cits <- if multi
then do
multiprenote <- optionMaybe $ toList <$> paropt
multipostnote <- optionMaybe $ toList <$> paropt
let (pre, suf) = case (multiprenote, multipostnote) of
(Just s , Nothing) -> (mempty, s)
(Nothing , Just t) -> (mempty, t)
(Just s , Just t ) -> (s, t)
_ -> (mempty, mempty)
tempCits <- many1 simpleCiteArgs
case tempCits of
(k:ks) -> case ks of
(_:_) -> return $ ((addMprenote pre k):init ks) ++
[addMpostnote suf (last ks)]
_ -> return [addMprenote pre (addMpostnote suf k)]
_ -> return [[]]
else count 1 simpleCiteArgs
let cs = concat cits
return $ case mode of
AuthorInText -> case cs of
(c:rest) -> c {citationMode = mode} : rest
[] -> []
_ -> map (\a -> a {citationMode = mode}) cs
where mprenote (k:ks) = (k:ks) ++ [Space]
mprenote _ = mempty
mpostnote (k:ks) = [Str ",", Space] ++ (k:ks)
mpostnote _ = mempty
addMprenote mpn (k:ks) =
let mpnfinal = case citationPrefix k of
(_:_) -> mprenote mpn
_ -> mpn
in addPrefix mpnfinal (k:ks)
addMprenote _ _ = []
addMpostnote = addSuffix . mpostnote
citation :: PandocMonad m => String -> CitationMode -> Bool -> LP m Inlines
citation name mode multi = do
(c,raw) <- withRaw $ cites mode multi
return $ cite c (rawInline "latex" $ "\\" ++ name ++ toksToString raw)
handleCitationPart :: Inlines -> [Citation]
handleCitationPart ils =
let isCite Cite{} = True
isCite _ = False
(pref, rest) = break isCite (toList ils)
in case rest of
(Cite cs _:suff) -> addPrefix pref $ addSuffix suff cs
_ -> []
complexNatbibCitation :: PandocMonad m => CitationMode -> LP m Inlines
complexNatbibCitation mode = try $ do
(cs, raw) <-
withRaw $ concat <$> do
items <- mconcat <$>
many1 (notFollowedBy (symbol ';') >> inline)
`sepBy1` (symbol ';')
return $ map handleCitationPart items
case cs of
[] -> mzero
(c:cits) -> return $ cite (c{ citationMode = mode }:cits)
(rawInline "latex" $ "\\citetext" ++ toksToString raw)
inNote :: Inlines -> Inlines
inNote ils =
note $ para $ ils <> str "."
inlineCommand' :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
inlineCommand' = try $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) cmd <- anyControlSeq
guard $ name /= "begin" && name /= "end"
star <- option "" ("*" <$ symbol '*' <* optional sp)
let name' = name <> star
let names = ordNub [name', name]
let raw = do
guard $ isInlineCommand name || not (isBlockCommand name)
rawcommand <- getRawCommand name (cmd <> star)
(guardEnabled Ext_raw_tex >> return (rawInline "latex" rawcommand))
<|> ignore rawcommand
lookupListDefault raw names inlineCommands
tok :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
tok = try $ spaces >> grouped inline <|> inlineCommand' <|> singleChar'
where singleChar' = do
Tok _ _ t <- singleChar
return (str (T.unpack t))
opt :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
opt = bracketed inline <|> (str . T.unpack <$> rawopt)
paropt :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
paropt = parenWrapped inline
rawopt :: PandocMonad m => LP m Text
rawopt = do
inner <- untokenize <$> bracketedToks
optional sp
return $ "[" <> inner <> "]"
skipopts :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
skipopts = skipMany (overlaySpecification <|> void rawopt)
overlaySpecification :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
overlaySpecification = try $ do
symbol '<'
ts <- manyTill overlayTok (symbol '>')
guard $ case ts of
[Tok _ Word s] | T.all isLetter s -> s `elem`
["beamer","presentation", "trans",
"handout","article", "second"]
_ -> True
overlayTok :: PandocMonad m => LP m Tok
overlayTok =
satisfyTok (\t ->
case t of
Tok _ Word _ -> True
Tok _ Spaces _ -> True
Tok _ Symbol c -> c `elem` ["-","+","@","|",":",","]
_ -> False)
inBrackets :: Inlines -> Inlines
inBrackets x = str "[" <> x <> str "]"
unescapeURL :: String -> String
unescapeURL ('\\':x:xs) | isEscapable x = x:unescapeURL xs
where isEscapable c = c `elem` ("#$%&~_^\\{}" :: String)
unescapeURL (x:xs) = x:unescapeURL xs
unescapeURL [] = ""
mathEnvWith :: PandocMonad m
=> (Inlines -> a) -> Maybe Text -> Text -> LP m a
mathEnvWith f innerEnv name = f . mathDisplay . inner <$> mathEnv name
where inner x = case innerEnv of
Nothing -> x
Just y -> "\\begin{" ++ T.unpack y ++ "}\n" ++ x ++
"\\end{" ++ T.unpack y ++ "}"
mathEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m String
mathEnv name = do
optional blankline
res <- manyTill anyTok (end_ name)
return $ stripTrailingNewlines $ T.unpack $ untokenize res
inlineEnvironment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
inlineEnvironment = try $ do
controlSeq "begin"
name <- untokenize <$> braced
M.findWithDefault mzero name inlineEnvironments
inlineEnvironments :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Inlines)
inlineEnvironments = M.fromList [
("displaymath", mathEnvWith id Nothing "displaymath")
, ("math", math <$> mathEnv "math")
, ("equation", mathEnvWith id Nothing "equation")
, ("equation*", mathEnvWith id Nothing "equation*")
, ("gather", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "gather")
, ("gather*", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "gather*")
, ("multline", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "multline")
, ("multline*", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "multline*")
, ("eqnarray", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "eqnarray")
, ("eqnarray*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "eqnarray*")
, ("align", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "align")
, ("align*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "align*")
, ("alignat", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "alignat")
, ("alignat*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "alignat*")
inlineCommands :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Inlines)
inlineCommands = M.union inlineLanguageCommands $ M.fromList
[ ("emph", extractSpaces emph <$> tok)
, ("textit", extractSpaces emph <$> tok)
, ("textsl", extractSpaces emph <$> tok)
, ("textsc", extractSpaces smallcaps <$> tok)
, ("textsf", extractSpaces (spanWith ("",["sans-serif"],[])) <$> tok)
, ("textmd", extractSpaces (spanWith ("",["medium"],[])) <$> tok)
, ("textrm", extractSpaces (spanWith ("",["roman"],[])) <$> tok)
, ("textup", extractSpaces (spanWith ("",["upright"],[])) <$> tok)
, ("texttt", ttfamily)
, ("sout", extractSpaces strikeout <$> tok)
, ("alert", skipopts >> spanWith ("",["alert"],[]) <$> tok)
, ("lq", return (str "‘"))
, ("rq", return (str "’"))
, ("textquoteleft", return (str "‘"))
, ("textquoteright", return (str "’"))
, ("textquotedblleft", return (str "“"))
, ("textquotedblright", return (str "”"))
, ("textsuperscript", extractSpaces superscript <$> tok)
, ("textsubscript", extractSpaces subscript <$> tok)
, ("textbackslash", lit "\\")
, ("backslash", lit "\\")
, ("slash", lit "/")
, ("textbf", extractSpaces strong <$> tok)
, ("textnormal", extractSpaces (spanWith ("",["nodecor"],[])) <$> tok)
, ("ldots", lit "…")
, ("vdots", lit "\8942")
, ("dots", lit "…")
, ("mdots", lit "…")
, ("sim", lit "~")
, ("sep", lit ",")
, ("label", rawInlineOr "label" dolabel)
, ("ref", rawInlineOr "ref" $ doref "ref")
, ("cref", rawInlineOr "cref" $ doref "ref")
, ("vref", rawInlineOr "vref" $ doref "ref+page")
, ("eqref", rawInlineOr "eqref" $ doref "eqref")
, ("lettrine", optional opt >> extractSpaces (spanWith ("",["lettrine"],[])) <$> tok)
, ("(", mathInline . toksToString <$> manyTill anyTok (controlSeq ")"))
, ("[", mathDisplay . toksToString <$> manyTill anyTok (controlSeq "]"))
, ("ensuremath", mathInline . toksToString <$> braced)
, ("texorpdfstring", (\x _ -> x) <$> tok <*> tok)
, ("P", lit "¶")
, ("S", lit "§")
, ("$", lit "$")
, ("%", lit "%")
, ("&", lit "&")
, ("#", lit "#")
, ("_", lit "_")
, ("{", lit "{")
, ("}", lit "}")
, ("em", extractSpaces emph <$> inlines)
, ("it", extractSpaces emph <$> inlines)
, ("sl", extractSpaces emph <$> inlines)
, ("bf", extractSpaces strong <$> inlines)
, ("rm", inlines)
, ("itshape", extractSpaces emph <$> inlines)
, ("slshape", extractSpaces emph <$> inlines)
, ("scshape", extractSpaces smallcaps <$> inlines)
, ("bfseries", extractSpaces strong <$> inlines)
, ("MakeUppercase", makeUppercase <$> tok)
, ("MakeTextUppercase", makeUppercase <$> tok)
, ("uppercase", makeUppercase <$> tok)
, ("MakeLowercase", makeLowercase <$> tok)
, ("MakeTextLowercase", makeLowercase <$> tok)
, ("lowercase", makeLowercase <$> tok)
, ("/", pure mempty)
, ("aa", lit "å")
, ("AA", lit "Å")
, ("ss", lit "ß")
, ("o", lit "ø")
, ("O", lit "Ø")
, ("L", lit "Ł")
, ("l", lit "ł")
, ("ae", lit "æ")
, ("AE", lit "Æ")
, ("oe", lit "œ")
, ("OE", lit "Œ")
, ("pounds", lit "£")
, ("euro", lit "€")
, ("copyright", lit "©")
, ("textasciicircum", lit "^")
, ("textasciitilde", lit "~")
, ("H", accent '\779' hungarumlaut)
, ("`", accent '`' grave)
, ("'", accent '\'' acute)
, ("^", accent '^' circ)
, ("~", accent '~' tilde)
, ("\"", accent '\776' umlaut)
, (".", accent '\775' dot)
, ("=", accent '\772' macron)
, ("|", accent '\781' (:[]))
, ("b", accent '\817' (:[]))
, ("c", accent '\807' cedilla)
, ("G", accent '\783' doublegrave)
, ("h", accent '\777' hookabove)
, ("d", accent '\803' dotbelow)
, ("f", accent '\785' (:[]))
, ("r", accent '\778' ringabove)
, ("t", accent '\865' (:[]))
, ("U", accent '\782' (:[]))
, ("v", accent 'ˇ' hacek)
, ("u", accent '\774' breve)
, ("k", accent '\808' ogonek)
, ("textogonekcentered", accent '\808' ogonek)
, ("i", lit "ı")
, ("j", lit "ȷ")
, ("newtie", accent '\785' (:[]))
, ("textcircled", accent '\8413' (:[]))
, ("\\", linebreak <$ (do inTableCell <- sInTableCell <$> getState
guard $ not inTableCell
optional opt
, (",", lit "\8198")
, ("@", pure mempty)
, (" ", lit "\160")
, ("ps", pure $ str "PS." <> space)
, ("TeX", lit "TeX")
, ("LaTeX", lit "LaTeX")
, ("bar", lit "|")
, ("textless", lit "<")
, ("textgreater", lit ">")
, ("thanks", skipopts >> note <$> grouped block)
, ("footnote", skipopts >> note <$> grouped block)
, ("verb", doverb)
, ("lstinline", dolstinline)
, ("mintinline", domintinline)
, ("Verb", doverb)
, ("url", ((unescapeURL . T.unpack . untokenize) <$> bracedUrl) >>= \url ->
pure (link url "" (str url)))
, ("href", (unescapeURL . toksToString <$>
bracedUrl <* optional sp) >>= \url ->
tok >>= \lab -> pure (link url "" lab))
, ("includegraphics", do options <- option [] keyvals
src <- unescapeURL . T.unpack .
removeDoubleQuotes . untokenize <$> braced
mkImage options src)
, ("enquote*", enquote True Nothing)
, ("enquote", enquote False Nothing)
, ("foreignquote*", braced >>= enquote True . Just . untokenize)
, ("foreignquote", braced >>= enquote False . Just . untokenize)
, ("hyphenquote*", braced >>= enquote True . Just . untokenize)
, ("hyphenquote", braced >>= enquote False . Just . untokenize)
, ("figurename", doTerm Translations.Figure)
, ("prefacename", doTerm Translations.Preface)
, ("refname", doTerm Translations.References)
, ("bibname", doTerm Translations.Bibliography)
, ("chaptername", doTerm Translations.Chapter)
, ("partname", doTerm Translations.Part)
, ("contentsname", doTerm Translations.Contents)
, ("listfigurename", doTerm Translations.ListOfFigures)
, ("listtablename", doTerm Translations.ListOfTables)
, ("indexname", doTerm Translations.Index)
, ("abstractname", doTerm Translations.Abstract)
, ("tablename", doTerm Translations.Table)
, ("enclname", doTerm Translations.Encl)
, ("ccname", doTerm Translations.Cc)
, ("headtoname", doTerm Translations.To)
, ("pagename", doTerm Translations.Page)
, ("seename", doTerm Translations.See)
, ("seealsoname", doTerm Translations.SeeAlso)
, ("proofname", doTerm Translations.Proof)
, ("glossaryname", doTerm Translations.Glossary)
, ("lstlistingname", doTerm Translations.Listing)
, ("cite", citation "cite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Cite", citation "Cite" NormalCitation False)
, ("citep", citation "citep" NormalCitation False)
, ("citep*", citation "citep*" NormalCitation False)
, ("citeal", citation "citeal" NormalCitation False)
, ("citealp", citation "citealp" NormalCitation False)
, ("citealp*", citation "citealp*" NormalCitation False)
, ("autocite", citation "autocite" NormalCitation False)
, ("smartcite", citation "smartcite" NormalCitation False)
, ("footcite", inNote <$> citation "footcite" NormalCitation False)
, ("parencite", citation "parencite" NormalCitation False)
, ("supercite", citation "supercite" NormalCitation False)
, ("footcitetext", inNote <$> citation "footcitetext" NormalCitation False)
, ("citeyearpar", citation "citeyearpar" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("citeyear", citation "citeyear" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("autocite*", citation "autocite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("cite*", citation "cite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("parencite*", citation "parencite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("textcite", citation "textcite" AuthorInText False)
, ("citet", citation "citet" AuthorInText False)
, ("citet*", citation "citet*" AuthorInText False)
, ("citealt", citation "citealt" AuthorInText False)
, ("citealt*", citation "citealt*" AuthorInText False)
, ("textcites", citation "textcites" AuthorInText True)
, ("cites", citation "cites" NormalCitation True)
, ("autocites", citation "autocites" NormalCitation True)
, ("footcites", inNote <$> citation "footcites" NormalCitation True)
, ("parencites", citation "parencites" NormalCitation True)
, ("supercites", citation "supercites" NormalCitation True)
, ("footcitetexts", inNote <$> citation "footcitetexts" NormalCitation True)
, ("Autocite", citation "Autocite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Smartcite", citation "Smartcite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Footcite", citation "Footcite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Parencite", citation "Parencite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Supercite", citation "Supercite" NormalCitation False)
, ("Footcitetext", inNote <$> citation "Footcitetext" NormalCitation False)
, ("Citeyearpar", citation "Citeyearpar" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Citeyear", citation "Citeyear" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Autocite*", citation "Autocite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Cite*", citation "Cite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Parencite*", citation "Parencite*" SuppressAuthor False)
, ("Textcite", citation "Textcite" AuthorInText False)
, ("Textcites", citation "Textcites" AuthorInText True)
, ("Cites", citation "Cites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Autocites", citation "Autocites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Footcites", citation "Footcites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Parencites", citation "Parencites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Supercites", citation "Supercites" NormalCitation True)
, ("Footcitetexts", inNote <$> citation "Footcitetexts" NormalCitation True)
, ("citetext", complexNatbibCitation NormalCitation)
, ("citeauthor", (try (tok *> optional sp *> controlSeq "citetext") *>
complexNatbibCitation AuthorInText)
<|> citation "citeauthor" AuthorInText False)
, ("nocite", mempty <$ (citation "nocite" NormalCitation False >>=
addMeta "nocite"))
, ("hyperlink", hyperlink)
, ("hypertarget", hypertargetInline)
, ("gls", doAcronym "short")
, ("Gls", doAcronym "short")
, ("glsdesc", doAcronym "long")
, ("Glsdesc", doAcronym "long")
, ("GLSdesc", doAcronym "long")
, ("acrlong", doAcronym "long")
, ("Acrlong", doAcronym "long")
, ("acrfull", doAcronym "full")
, ("Acrfull", doAcronym "full")
, ("acrshort", doAcronym "abbrv")
, ("Acrshort", doAcronym "abbrv")
, ("glspl", doAcronymPlural "short")
, ("Glspl", doAcronymPlural "short")
, ("glsdescplural", doAcronymPlural "long")
, ("Glsdescplural", doAcronymPlural "long")
, ("GLSdescplural", doAcronymPlural "long")
, ("ac", doAcronym "short")
, ("acf", doAcronym "full")
, ("acs", doAcronym "abbrv")
, ("acp", doAcronymPlural "short")
, ("acfp", doAcronymPlural "full")
, ("acsp", doAcronymPlural "abbrv")
, ("SI", dosiunitx)
, ("bshyp", lit "\\\173")
, ("fshyp", lit "/\173")
, ("dothyp", lit ".\173")
, ("colonhyp", lit ":\173")
, ("hyp", lit "-")
, ("nohyphens", tok)
, ("textnhtt", ttfamily)
, ("nhttfamily", ttfamily)
, ("textcolor", coloredInline "color")
, ("colorbox", coloredInline "background-color")
, ("faCheck", lit "\10003")
, ("faClose", lit "\10007")
, ("xspace", doxspace)
, ("ifstrequal", ifstrequal)
, ("newtoggle", braced >>= newToggle)
, ("toggletrue", braced >>= setToggle True)
, ("togglefalse", braced >>= setToggle False)
, ("iftoggle", try $ ifToggle >> inline)
, ("RN", romanNumeralUpper)
, ("Rn", romanNumeralLower)
, ("foreignlanguage", foreignlanguage)
, ("input", include "input")
, ("ifdim", ifdim)
ifdim :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
ifdim = do
contents <- manyTill anyTok (controlSeq "fi")
return $ rawInline "latex" $ T.unpack $
"\\ifdim" <> untokenize contents <> "\\fi"
makeUppercase :: Inlines -> Inlines
makeUppercase = fromList . walk (alterStr (map toUpper)) . toList
makeLowercase :: Inlines -> Inlines
makeLowercase = fromList . walk (alterStr (map toLower)) . toList
alterStr :: (String -> String) -> Inline -> Inline
alterStr f (Str xs) = Str (f xs)
alterStr _ x = x
foreignlanguage :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
foreignlanguage = do
babelLang <- T.unpack . untokenize <$> braced
case babelLangToBCP47 babelLang of
Just lang -> spanWith ("", [], [("lang", renderLang lang)]) <$> tok
_ -> tok
inlineLanguageCommands :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Inlines)
inlineLanguageCommands = M.fromList $ mk <$> M.toList polyglossiaLangToBCP47
mk (polyglossia, bcp47Func) =
("text" <> T.pack polyglossia, inlineLanguage bcp47Func)
inlineLanguage :: PandocMonad m => (String -> Lang) -> LP m Inlines
inlineLanguage bcp47Func = do
o <- option "" $ (T.unpack . T.filter (\c -> c /= '[' && c /= ']'))
<$> rawopt
let lang = renderLang $ bcp47Func o
extractSpaces (spanWith ("", [], [("lang", lang)])) <$> tok
hyperlink :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
hyperlink = try $ do
src <- toksToString <$> braced
lab <- tok
return $ link ('#':src) "" lab
hypertargetBlock :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
hypertargetBlock = try $ do
ref <- toksToString <$> braced
bs <- grouped block
case toList bs of
[Header 1 (ident,_,_) _] | ident == ref -> return bs
_ -> return $ divWith (ref, [], []) bs
hypertargetInline :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
hypertargetInline = try $ do
ref <- toksToString <$> braced
ils <- grouped inline
return $ spanWith (ref, [], []) ils
romanNumeralUpper :: (PandocMonad m) => LP m Inlines
romanNumeralUpper =
str . toRomanNumeral <$> romanNumeralArg
romanNumeralLower :: (PandocMonad m) => LP m Inlines
romanNumeralLower =
str . map toLower . toRomanNumeral <$> romanNumeralArg
romanNumeralArg :: (PandocMonad m) => LP m Int
romanNumeralArg = spaces *> (parser <|> inBraces)
inBraces = do
symbol '{'
res <- parser
symbol '}'
return res
parser = do
Tok _ Word s <- satisfyTok isWordTok
let (digits, rest) = T.span isDigit s
unless (T.null rest) $
fail "Non-digits in argument to \\Rn or \\RN"
safeRead $ T.unpack digits
newToggle :: (Monoid a, PandocMonad m) => [Tok] -> LP m a
newToggle name = do
updateState $ \st ->
st{ sToggles = M.insert (toksToString name) False (sToggles st) }
return mempty
setToggle :: (Monoid a, PandocMonad m) => Bool -> [Tok] -> LP m a
setToggle on name = do
updateState $ \st ->
st{ sToggles = M.adjust (const on) (toksToString name) (sToggles st) }
return mempty
ifToggle :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
ifToggle = do
name <- braced
yes <- braced
no <- braced
toggles <- sToggles <$> getState
inp <- getInput
let name' = toksToString name
case M.lookup name' toggles of
Just True -> setInput (yes ++ inp)
Just False -> setInput (no ++ inp)
Nothing -> do
pos <- getPosition
report $ UndefinedToggle name' pos
return ()
doTerm :: PandocMonad m => Translations.Term -> LP m Inlines
doTerm term = str <$> translateTerm term
ifstrequal :: (PandocMonad m, Monoid a) => LP m a
ifstrequal = do
str1 <- tok
str2 <- tok
ifequal <- braced
ifnotequal <- braced
if str1 == str2
then getInput >>= setInput . (ifequal ++)
else getInput >>= setInput . (ifnotequal ++)
return mempty
coloredInline :: PandocMonad m => String -> LP m Inlines
coloredInline stylename = do
color <- braced
spanWith ("",[],[("style",stylename ++ ": " ++ toksToString color)]) <$> tok
ttfamily :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
ttfamily = (code . stringify . toList) <$> tok
rawInlineOr :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Inlines -> LP m Inlines
rawInlineOr name' fallback = do
parseRaw <- extensionEnabled Ext_raw_tex <$> getOption readerExtensions
if parseRaw
then rawInline "latex" <$> getRawCommand name' ("\\" <> name')
else fallback
getRawCommand :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Text -> LP m String
getRawCommand name txt = do
(_, rawargs) <- withRaw $
case name of
"write" -> do
void $ satisfyTok isWordTok
void braced
"titleformat" -> do
void braced
void $ count 4 braced
"def" ->
void $ manyTill anyTok braced
_ -> do
option "" (try (optional sp *> dimenarg))
void $ many braced
return $ T.unpack (txt <> untokenize rawargs)
isBlockCommand :: Text -> Bool
isBlockCommand s =
s `M.member` (blockCommands :: M.Map Text (LP PandocPure Blocks))
|| s `Set.member` treatAsBlock
treatAsBlock :: Set.Set Text
treatAsBlock = Set.fromList
[ "let", "def", "DeclareRobustCommand"
, "newcommand", "renewcommand"
, "newenvironment", "renewenvironment"
, "providecommand", "provideenvironment"
, "special", "pdfannot", "pdfstringdef"
, "bibliographystyle"
, "maketitle", "makeindex", "makeglossary"
, "addcontentsline", "addtocontents", "addtocounter"
, "ignore"
, "hyperdef"
, "markboth", "markright", "markleft"
, "hspace", "vspace"
, "newpage"
, "clearpage"
, "pagebreak"
, "titleformat"
, "listoffigures"
, "listoftables"
, "write"
isInlineCommand :: Text -> Bool
isInlineCommand s =
s `M.member` (inlineCommands :: M.Map Text (LP PandocPure Inlines))
|| s `Set.member` treatAsInline
treatAsInline :: Set.Set Text
treatAsInline = Set.fromList
[ "index"
, "hspace"
, "vspace"
, "noindent"
, "newpage"
, "clearpage"
, "pagebreak"
dolabel :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
dolabel = do
v <- braced
let refstr = toksToString v
return $ spanWith (refstr,[],[("label", refstr)])
$ inBrackets $ str $ toksToString v
doref :: PandocMonad m => String -> LP m Inlines
doref cls = do
v <- braced
let refstr = toksToString v
return $ linkWith ("",[],[ ("reference-type", cls)
, ("reference", refstr)])
(inBrackets $ str refstr)
lookupListDefault :: (Show k, Ord k) => v -> [k] -> M.Map k v -> v
lookupListDefault d = (fromMaybe d .) . lookupList
where lookupList l m = msum $ map (`M.lookup` m) l
inline :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
inline = (mempty <$ comment)
<|> (space <$ whitespace)
<|> (softbreak <$ endline)
<|> word
<|> inlineCommand'
<|> inlineEnvironment
<|> inlineGroup
<|> (symbol '-' *>
option (str "-") (symbol '-' *>
option (str "–") (str "—" <$ symbol '-')))
<|> doubleQuote
<|> singleQuote
<|> (str "”" <$ try (symbol '\'' >> symbol '\''))
<|> (str "”" <$ symbol '”')
<|> (str "’" <$ symbol '\'')
<|> (str "’" <$ symbol '’')
<|> (str "\160" <$ symbol '~')
<|> dollarsMath
<|> (guardEnabled Ext_literate_haskell *> symbol '|' *> doLHSverb)
<|> (str . (:[]) <$> primEscape)
<|> regularSymbol
<|> (do res <- symbolIn "#^'`\"[]&"
pos <- getPosition
let s = T.unpack (untoken res)
report $ ParsingUnescaped s pos
return $ str s)
inlines :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
inlines = mconcat <$> many inline
begin_ :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m ()
begin_ t = try (do
controlSeq "begin"
txt <- untokenize <$> braced
guard (t == txt)) <?> ("\\begin{" ++ T.unpack t ++ "}")
end_ :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m ()
end_ t = try (do
controlSeq "end"
txt <- untokenize <$> braced
guard $ t == txt) <?> ("\\end{" ++ T.unpack t ++ "}")
preamble :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
preamble = mempty <$ many preambleBlock
where preambleBlock = spaces1
<|> void macroDef
<|> void blockCommand
<|> void braced
<|> (notFollowedBy (begin_ "document") >> void anyTok)
paragraph :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
paragraph = do
x <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline
if x == mempty
then return mempty
else return $ para x
include :: (PandocMonad m, Monoid a) => Text -> LP m a
include name = do
skipMany opt
fs <- (map (T.unpack . removeDoubleQuotes . T.strip) . T.splitOn "," .
untokenize) <$> braced
let fs' = if name == "usepackage"
then map (maybeAddExtension ".sty") fs
else map (maybeAddExtension ".tex") fs
dirs <- (splitBy (==':') . fromMaybe ".") <$> lookupEnv "TEXINPUTS"
mapM_ (insertIncluded dirs) fs'
return mempty
insertIncluded :: PandocMonad m
=> [FilePath]
-> FilePath
-> LP m ()
insertIncluded dirs f = do
pos <- getPosition
containers <- getIncludeFiles <$> getState
when (f `elem` containers) $
throwError $ PandocParseError $ "Include file loop at " ++ show pos
updateState $ addIncludeFile f
mbcontents <- readFileFromDirs dirs f
contents <- case mbcontents of
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> do
report $ CouldNotLoadIncludeFile f pos
return ""
getInput >>= setInput . (tokenize f (T.pack contents) ++)
updateState dropLatestIncludeFile
maybeAddExtension :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath
maybeAddExtension ext fp =
if null (takeExtension fp)
then addExtension fp ext
else fp
addMeta :: PandocMonad m => ToMetaValue a => String -> a -> LP m ()
addMeta field val = updateState $ \st ->
st{ sMeta = addMetaField field val $ sMeta st }
authors :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
authors = try $ do
let oneAuthor = mconcat <$>
many1 (notFollowedBy' (controlSeq "and") >>
(inline <|> mempty <$ blockCommand))
auths <- sepBy oneAuthor (controlSeq "and")
addMeta "author" (map trimInlines auths)
macroDef :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
macroDef =
mempty <$ ((commandDef <|> environmentDef) <* doMacros 0)
where commandDef = do
(name, macro') <- newcommand <|> letmacro <|> defmacro
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros <|>
updateState (\s -> s{ sMacros = M.insert name macro' (sMacros s) })
environmentDef = do
(name, macro1, macro2) <- newenvironment
guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros <|>
do updateState $ \s -> s{ sMacros =
M.insert name macro1 (sMacros s) }
updateState $ \s -> s{ sMacros =
M.insert ("end" <> name) macro2 (sMacros s) }
letmacro :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
letmacro = do
controlSeq "let"
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
optional $ symbol '='
contents <- bracedOrToken
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenDefined [] Nothing contents)
defmacro :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
defmacro = try $ do
controlSeq "def"
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) _ <- anyControlSeq
argspecs <- many (argspecArg <|> argspecPattern)
contents <- withVerbatimMode bracedOrToken
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs Nothing contents)
argspecArg :: PandocMonad m => LP m ArgSpec
argspecArg = do
Tok _ (Arg i) _ <- satisfyTok isArgTok
return $ ArgNum i
argspecPattern :: PandocMonad m => LP m ArgSpec
argspecPattern =
Pattern <$> many1 (satisfyTok (\(Tok _ toktype' txt) ->
(toktype' == Symbol || toktype' == Word) &&
(txt /= "{" && txt /= "\\" && txt /= "}")))
isArgTok :: Tok -> Bool
isArgTok (Tok _ (Arg _) _) = True
isArgTok _ = False
newcommand :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro)
newcommand = do
pos <- getPosition
Tok _ (CtrlSeq mtype) _ <- controlSeq "newcommand" <|>
controlSeq "renewcommand" <|>
controlSeq "providecommand" <|>
controlSeq "DeclareRobustCommand"
optional $ symbol '*'
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) txt <- withVerbatimMode $ anyControlSeq <|>
(symbol '{' *> spaces *> anyControlSeq <* spaces <* symbol '}')
numargs <- option 0 $ try bracketedNum
let argspecs = map (\i -> ArgNum i) [1..numargs]
optarg <- option Nothing $ Just <$> try bracketedToks
contents <- withVerbatimMode bracedOrToken
when (mtype == "newcommand") $ do
macros <- sMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just _ -> report $ MacroAlreadyDefined (T.unpack txt) pos
Nothing -> return ()
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs optarg contents)
newenvironment :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Text, Macro, Macro)
newenvironment = do
pos <- getPosition
Tok _ (CtrlSeq mtype) _ <- controlSeq "newenvironment" <|>
controlSeq "renewenvironment" <|>
controlSeq "provideenvironment"
optional $ symbol '*'
name <- untokenize <$> braced
numargs <- option 0 $ try bracketedNum
let argspecs = map (\i -> ArgNum i) [1..numargs]
optarg <- option Nothing $ Just <$> try bracketedToks
startcontents <- withVerbatimMode bracedOrToken
endcontents <- withVerbatimMode bracedOrToken
when (mtype == "newenvironment") $ do
macros <- sMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just _ -> report $ MacroAlreadyDefined (T.unpack name) pos
Nothing -> return ()
return (name, Macro ExpandWhenUsed argspecs optarg startcontents,
Macro ExpandWhenUsed [] Nothing endcontents)
bracketedNum :: PandocMonad m => LP m Int
bracketedNum = do
ds <- untokenize <$> bracketedToks
case safeRead (T.unpack ds) of
Just i -> return i
_ -> return 0
setCaption :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
setCaption = do
ils <- tok
mblabel <- option Nothing $
try $ spaces >> controlSeq "label" >> (Just <$> tok)
let capt = case mblabel of
Just lab -> let slab = stringify lab
ils' = ils <> spanWith
("",[],[("label", slab)]) mempty
in (Just ils', Just slab)
Nothing -> (Just ils, Nothing)
updateState $ \st -> st{ sCaption = capt }
return mempty
looseItem :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
looseItem = do
inListItem <- sInListItem <$> getState
guard $ not inListItem
return mempty
resetCaption :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
resetCaption = updateState $ \st -> st{ sCaption = (Nothing, Nothing) }
section :: PandocMonad m => Attr -> Int -> LP m Blocks
section (ident, classes, kvs) lvl = do
contents <- grouped inline
lab <- option ident $
try (spaces >> controlSeq "label"
>> spaces >> toksToString <$> braced)
when (lvl == 0) $
updateState $ \st -> st{ sHasChapters = True }
unless ("unnumbered" `elem` classes) $ do
hn <- sLastHeaderNum <$> getState
hasChapters <- sHasChapters <$> getState
let lvl' = lvl + if hasChapters then 1 else 0
let num = incrementDottedNum lvl' hn
updateState $ \st -> st{ sLastHeaderNum = num
, sLabels = M.insert lab
[Str (renderDottedNum num)]
(sLabels st) }
attr' <- registerHeader (lab, classes, kvs) contents
return $ headerWith attr' lvl contents
blockCommand :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
blockCommand = try $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) txt <- anyControlSeq
guard $ name /= "begin" && name /= "end"
star <- option "" ("*" <$ symbol '*' <* optional sp)
let name' = name <> star
let names = ordNub [name', name]
let rawDefiniteBlock = do
guard $ isBlockCommand name
rawBlock "latex" <$> getRawCommand name (txt <> star)
let startCommand = try $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq n) _ <- anyControlSeq
guard $ "start" `T.isPrefixOf` n
let rawMaybeBlock = try $ do
guard $ not $ isInlineCommand name
curr <- rawBlock "latex" <$> getRawCommand name (txt <> star)
rest <- many $ notFollowedBy startCommand *> blockCommand
lookAhead $ blankline <|> startCommand
return $ curr <> mconcat rest
let raw = rawDefiniteBlock <|> rawMaybeBlock
lookupListDefault raw names blockCommands
closing :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
closing = do
contents <- tok
st <- getState
let extractInlines (MetaBlocks [Plain ys]) = ys
extractInlines (MetaBlocks [Para ys ]) = ys
extractInlines _ = []
let sigs = case lookupMeta "author" (sMeta st) of
Just (MetaList xs) ->
para $ trimInlines $ fromList $
intercalate [LineBreak] $ map extractInlines xs
_ -> mempty
return $ para (trimInlines contents) <> sigs
blockCommands :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Blocks)
blockCommands = M.fromList
[ ("par", mempty <$ skipopts)
, ("parbox", skipopts >> braced >> grouped blocks)
, ("title", mempty <$ (skipopts *>
(grouped inline >>= addMeta "title")
<|> (grouped block >>= addMeta "title")))
, ("subtitle", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "subtitle"))
, ("author", mempty <$ (skipopts *> authors))
, ("address", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "address"))
, ("signature", mempty <$ (skipopts *> authors))
, ("date", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "date"))
, ("dedication", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "dedication"))
, ("part", section nullAttr (-1))
, ("part*", section nullAttr (-1))
, ("chapter", section nullAttr 0)
, ("chapter*", section ("",["unnumbered"],[]) 0)
, ("section", section nullAttr 1)
, ("section*", section ("",["unnumbered"],[]) 1)
, ("subsection", section nullAttr 2)
, ("subsection*", section ("",["unnumbered"],[]) 2)
, ("subsubsection", section nullAttr 3)
, ("subsubsection*", section ("",["unnumbered"],[]) 3)
, ("paragraph", section nullAttr 4)
, ("paragraph*", section ("",["unnumbered"],[]) 4)
, ("subparagraph", section nullAttr 5)
, ("subparagraph*", section ("",["unnumbered"],[]) 5)
, ("frametitle", section nullAttr 3)
, ("framesubtitle", section nullAttr 4)
, ("opening", (para . trimInlines) <$> (skipopts *> tok))
, ("closing", skipopts *> closing)
, ("plainbreak", braced >> pure horizontalRule)
, ("plainbreak*", braced >> pure horizontalRule)
, ("fancybreak", braced >> pure horizontalRule)
, ("fancybreak*", braced >> pure horizontalRule)
, ("plainfancybreak", braced >> braced >> braced >> pure horizontalRule)
, ("plainfancybreak*", braced >> braced >> braced >> pure horizontalRule)
, ("pfbreak", pure horizontalRule)
, ("pfbreak*", pure horizontalRule)
, ("hrule", pure horizontalRule)
, ("strut", pure mempty)
, ("rule", skipopts *> tok *> tok *> pure horizontalRule)
, ("item", looseItem)
, ("documentclass", skipopts *> braced *> preamble)
, ("centerline", (para . trimInlines) <$> (skipopts *> tok))
, ("caption", skipopts *> setCaption)
, ("bibliography", mempty <$ (skipopts *> braced >>=
addMeta "bibliography" . splitBibs . toksToString))
, ("addbibresource", mempty <$ (skipopts *> braced >>=
addMeta "bibliography" . splitBibs . toksToString))
, ("lstinputlisting", inputListing)
, ("graphicspath", graphicsPath)
, ("setdefaultlanguage", setDefaultLanguage)
, ("setmainlanguage", setDefaultLanguage)
, ("hypertarget", hypertargetBlock)
, ("textcolor", coloredBlock "color")
, ("colorbox", coloredBlock "background-color")
, ("blockquote", blockquote False Nothing)
, ("blockcquote", blockquote True Nothing)
, ("foreignblockquote", braced >>= blockquote False . Just . untokenize)
, ("foreignblockcquote", braced >>= blockquote True . Just . untokenize)
, ("hyphenblockquote", braced >>= blockquote False . Just . untokenize)
, ("hyphenblockcquote", braced >>= blockquote True . Just . untokenize)
, ("include", include "include")
, ("input", include "input")
, ("subfile", include "subfile")
, ("usepackage", include "usepackage")
environments :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Blocks)
environments = M.fromList
[ ("document", env "document" blocks)
, ("abstract", mempty <$ (env "abstract" blocks >>= addMeta "abstract"))
, ("sloppypar", env "sloppypar" $ blocks)
, ("letter", env "letter" letterContents)
, ("minipage", env "minipage" $
skipopts *> spaces *> optional braced *> spaces *> blocks)
, ("figure", env "figure" $ skipopts *> figure)
, ("subfigure", env "subfigure" $ skipopts *> tok *> figure)
, ("center", env "center" blocks)
, ("longtable", env "longtable" $
resetCaption *> simpTable "longtable" False >>= addTableCaption)
, ("table", env "table" $
resetCaption *> skipopts *> blocks >>= addTableCaption)
, ("tabular*", env "tabular*" $ simpTable "tabular*" True)
, ("tabularx", env "tabularx" $ simpTable "tabularx" True)
, ("tabular", env "tabular" $ simpTable "tabular" False)
, ("quote", blockQuote <$> env "quote" blocks)
, ("quotation", blockQuote <$> env "quotation" blocks)
, ("verse", blockQuote <$> env "verse" blocks)
, ("itemize", bulletList <$> listenv "itemize" (many item))
, ("description", definitionList <$> listenv "description" (many descItem))
, ("enumerate", orderedList')
, ("alltt", alltt <$> env "alltt" blocks)
, ("code", guardEnabled Ext_literate_haskell *>
(codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) <$>
verbEnv "code"))
, ("comment", mempty <$ verbEnv "comment")
, ("verbatim", codeBlock <$> verbEnv "verbatim")
, ("Verbatim", fancyverbEnv "Verbatim")
, ("BVerbatim", fancyverbEnv "BVerbatim")
, ("lstlisting", do attr <- parseListingsOptions <$> option [] keyvals
codeBlockWith attr <$> verbEnv "lstlisting")
, ("minted", minted)
, ("obeylines", obeylines)
, ("tikzpicture", rawVerbEnv "tikzpicture")
, ("lilypond", rawVerbEnv "lilypond")
, ("ifstrequal", ifstrequal)
, ("newtoggle", braced >>= newToggle)
, ("toggletrue", braced >>= setToggle True)
, ("togglefalse", braced >>= setToggle False)
, ("iftoggle", try $ ifToggle >> block)
environment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
environment = try $ do
controlSeq "begin"
name <- untokenize <$> braced
M.findWithDefault mzero name environments <|>
if M.member name (inlineEnvironments
:: M.Map Text (LP PandocPure Inlines))
then mzero
else rawEnv name
env :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m a -> LP m a
env name p = p <* end_ name
rawEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Blocks
rawEnv name = do
exts <- getOption readerExtensions
let parseRaw = extensionEnabled Ext_raw_tex exts
rawOptions <- mconcat <$> many rawopt
let beginCommand = "\\begin{" <> name <> "}" <> rawOptions
pos1 <- getPosition
(bs, raw) <- withRaw $ env name blocks
if parseRaw
then return $ rawBlock "latex"
$ T.unpack $ beginCommand <> untokenize raw
else do
report $ SkippedContent (T.unpack beginCommand) pos1
pos2 <- getPosition
report $ SkippedContent ("\\end{" ++ T.unpack name ++ "}") pos2
return bs
rawVerbEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Blocks
rawVerbEnv name = do
pos <- getPosition
(_, raw) <- withRaw $ verbEnv name
let raw' = "\\begin{" ++ T.unpack name ++ "}" ++ toksToString raw
exts <- getOption readerExtensions
let parseRaw = extensionEnabled Ext_raw_tex exts
if parseRaw
then return $ rawBlock "latex" raw'
else do
report $ SkippedContent raw' pos
return mempty
verbEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m String
verbEnv name = withVerbatimMode $ do
optional blankline
res <- manyTill anyTok (end_ name)
return $ stripTrailingNewlines $ toksToString res
fancyverbEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Blocks
fancyverbEnv name = do
options <- option [] keyvals
let kvs = [ (if k == "firstnumber"
then "startFrom"
else k, v) | (k,v) <- options ]
let classes = [ "numberLines" |
lookup "numbers" options == Just "left" ]
let attr = ("",classes,kvs)
codeBlockWith attr <$> verbEnv name
obeylines :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
obeylines =
para . fromList . removeLeadingTrailingBreaks .
walk softBreakToHard . toList <$> env "obeylines" inlines
where softBreakToHard SoftBreak = LineBreak
softBreakToHard x = x
removeLeadingTrailingBreaks = reverse . dropWhile isLineBreak .
reverse . dropWhile isLineBreak
isLineBreak LineBreak = True
isLineBreak _ = False
minted :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
minted = do
options <- option [] keyvals
lang <- toksToString <$> braced
let kvs = [ (if k == "firstnumber"
then "startFrom"
else k, v) | (k,v) <- options ]
let classes = [ lang | not (null lang) ] ++
[ "numberLines" |
lookup "linenos" options == Just "true" ]
let attr = ("",classes,kvs)
codeBlockWith attr <$> verbEnv "minted"
letterContents :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
letterContents = do
bs <- blocks
st <- getState
let addr = case lookupMeta "address" (sMeta st) of
Just (MetaBlocks [Plain xs]) ->
para $ trimInlines $ fromList xs
_ -> mempty
return $ addr <> bs
figure :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
figure = try $ do
blocks >>= addImageCaption
addImageCaption :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> LP m Blocks
addImageCaption = walkM go
where go (Image attr@(_, cls, kvs) alt (src,tit))
| not ("fig:" `isPrefixOf` tit) = do
(mbcapt, mblab) <- sCaption <$> getState
let (alt', tit') = case mbcapt of
Just ils -> (toList ils, "fig:" ++ tit)
Nothing -> (alt, tit)
attr' = case mblab of
Just lab -> (lab, cls, kvs)
Nothing -> attr
case attr' of
("", _, _) -> return ()
(ident, _, _) -> do
st <- getState
let chapnum =
case (sHasChapters st, sLastHeaderNum st) of
(True, DottedNum (n:_)) -> Just n
_ -> Nothing
let num = case sLastFigureNum st of
DottedNum [m,n] ->
case chapnum of
Just m' | m' == m -> DottedNum [m, n+1]
| otherwise -> DottedNum [m', 1]
Nothing -> DottedNum [1]
DottedNum [n] ->
case chapnum of
Just m -> DottedNum [m, 1]
Nothing -> DottedNum [n + 1]
_ ->
case chapnum of
Just n -> DottedNum [n, 1]
Nothing -> DottedNum [1]
setState $
st{ sLastFigureNum = num
, sLabels = M.insert ident
[Str (renderDottedNum num)] (sLabels st) }
return $ Image attr' alt' (src, tit')
go x = return x
coloredBlock :: PandocMonad m => String -> LP m Blocks
coloredBlock stylename = try $ do
color <- braced
notFollowedBy (grouped inline)
let constructor = divWith ("",[],[("style",stylename ++ ": " ++ toksToString color)])
constructor <$> grouped block
graphicsPath :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
graphicsPath = do
ps <- map toksToString <$>
(bgroup *> spaces *> manyTill (braced <* spaces) egroup)
getResourcePath >>= setResourcePath . (++ ps)
return mempty
splitBibs :: String -> [Inlines]
splitBibs = map (str . flip replaceExtension "bib" . trim) . splitBy (==',')
alltt :: Blocks -> Blocks
alltt = walk strToCode
where strToCode (Str s) = Code nullAttr s
strToCode Space = RawInline (Format "latex") "\\ "
strToCode SoftBreak = LineBreak
strToCode x = x
parseListingsOptions :: [(String, String)] -> Attr
parseListingsOptions options =
let kvs = [ (if k == "firstnumber"
then "startFrom"
else k, v) | (k,v) <- options ]
classes = [ "numberLines" |
lookup "numbers" options == Just "left" ]
++ maybeToList (lookup "language" options
>>= fromListingsLanguage)
in (fromMaybe "" (lookup "label" options), classes, kvs)
inputListing :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
inputListing = do
pos <- getPosition
options <- option [] keyvals
f <- filter (/='"') . toksToString <$> braced
dirs <- (splitBy (==':') . fromMaybe ".") <$> lookupEnv "TEXINPUTS"
mbCode <- readFileFromDirs dirs f
codeLines <- case mbCode of
Just s -> return $ lines s
Nothing -> do
report $ CouldNotLoadIncludeFile f pos
return []
let (ident,classes,kvs) = parseListingsOptions options
let language = case lookup "language" options >>= fromListingsLanguage of
Just l -> [l]
Nothing -> take 1 $ languagesByExtension (takeExtension f)
let firstline = fromMaybe 1 $ lookup "firstline" options >>= safeRead
let lastline = fromMaybe (length codeLines) $
lookup "lastline" options >>= safeRead
let codeContents = intercalate "\n" $ take (1 + lastline - firstline) $
drop (firstline - 1) codeLines
return $ codeBlockWith (ident,ordNub (classes ++ language),kvs) codeContents
item :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
item = void blocks *> controlSeq "item" *> skipopts *> blocks
descItem :: PandocMonad m => LP m (Inlines, [Blocks])
descItem = do
controlSeq "item"
optional sp
ils <- opt
bs <- blocks
return (ils, [bs])
listenv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m a -> LP m a
listenv name p = try $ do
oldInListItem <- sInListItem `fmap` getState
updateState $ \st -> st{ sInListItem = True }
res <- env name p
updateState $ \st -> st{ sInListItem = oldInListItem }
return res
orderedList' :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
orderedList' = try $ do
let markerSpec = do
symbol '['
ts <- toksToString <$> manyTill anyTok (symbol ']')
case runParser anyOrderedListMarker def "option" ts of
Right r -> return r
Left _ -> do
pos <- getPosition
report $ SkippedContent ("[" ++ ts ++ "]") pos
return (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
(_, style, delim) <- option (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) markerSpec
optional $ try $ controlSeq "setlength"
*> grouped (count 1 $ controlSeq "itemindent")
*> braced
start <- option 1 $ try $ do pos <- getPosition
controlSeq "setcounter"
ctr <- toksToString <$> braced
guard $ "enum" `isPrefixOf` ctr
guard $ all (`elem` ['i','v']) (drop 4 ctr)
optional sp
num <- toksToString <$> braced
case safeRead num of
Just i -> return (i + 1 :: Int)
Nothing -> do
report $ SkippedContent
("\\setcounter{" ++ ctr ++
"}{" ++ num ++ "}") pos
return 1
bs <- listenv "enumerate" (many item)
return $ orderedListWith (start, style, delim) bs
hline :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
hline = try $ do
controlSeq "hline" <|>
controlSeq "toprule" <|>
controlSeq "bottomrule" <|>
controlSeq "midrule" <|>
controlSeq "endhead" <|>
controlSeq "endfirsthead"
optional opt
return ()
lbreak :: PandocMonad m => LP m Tok
lbreak = (controlSeq "\\" <|> controlSeq "tabularnewline") <* spaces
amp :: PandocMonad m => LP m Tok
amp = symbol '&'
splitWordTok :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
splitWordTok = do
inp <- getInput
case inp of
(Tok spos Word t : rest) ->
setInput $ map (Tok spos Symbol . T.singleton) (T.unpack t) ++ rest
_ -> return ()
parseAligns :: PandocMonad m => LP m [(Alignment, Double, ([Tok], [Tok]))]
parseAligns = try $ do
let maybeBar = skipMany $
sp <|> () <$ symbol '|' <|> () <$ (symbol '@' >> braced)
let cAlign = AlignCenter <$ symbol 'c'
let lAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'l'
let rAlign = AlignRight <$ symbol 'r'
let parAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'p'
let xAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'X'
let mAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'm'
let bAlign = AlignLeft <$ symbol 'b'
let alignChar = splitWordTok *> ( cAlign <|> lAlign <|> rAlign <|> parAlign
<|> xAlign <|> mAlign <|> bAlign )
let alignPrefix = symbol '>' >> braced
let alignSuffix = symbol '<' >> braced
let colWidth = try $ do
symbol '{'
ds <- trim . toksToString <$> manyTill anyTok (controlSeq "linewidth")
symbol '}'
case safeRead ds of
Just w -> return w
Nothing -> return 0.0
let alignSpec = do
pref <- option [] alignPrefix
al <- alignChar
width <- colWidth <|> option 0.0 (do s <- toksToString <$> braced
pos <- getPosition
report $ SkippedContent s pos
return 0.0)
suff <- option [] alignSuffix
return (al, width, (pref, suff))
let starAlign = do
symbol '*'
ds <- trim . toksToString <$> braced
spec <- braced
case safeRead ds of
Just n ->
getInput >>= setInput . (mconcat (replicate n spec) ++)
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not parse " ++ ds ++ " as number"
aligns' <- many $ try $ spaces >> optional starAlign >>
(alignSpec <* maybeBar)
return aligns'
parseTableRow :: PandocMonad m
=> Text
-> [([Tok], [Tok])]
-> LP m [Blocks]
parseTableRow envname prefsufs = do
notFollowedBy (spaces *> end_ envname)
let cols = length prefsufs
let celltoks (pref, suff) = do
prefpos <- getPosition
contents <- many (notFollowedBy
(() <$ amp <|> () <$ lbreak <|> end_ envname)
>> anyTok)
suffpos <- getPosition
option [] (count 1 amp)
return $ map (setpos prefpos) pref ++ contents ++ map (setpos suffpos) suff
rawcells <- mapM celltoks prefsufs
oldInput <- getInput
cells <- mapM (\ts -> setInput ts >> parseTableCell) rawcells
setInput oldInput
let numcells = length cells
guard $ numcells <= cols && numcells >= 1
guard $ cells /= [mempty]
return $ cells ++ replicate (cols - numcells) mempty
parseTableCell :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
parseTableCell = do
let plainify bs = case toList bs of
[Para ils] -> plain (fromList ils)
_ -> bs
updateState $ \st -> st{ sInTableCell = True }
cells <- plainify <$> blocks
updateState $ \st -> st{ sInTableCell = False }
return cells
simpTable :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Bool -> LP m Blocks
simpTable envname hasWidthParameter = try $ do
when hasWidthParameter $ () <$ (spaces >> tok)
colspecs <- parseAligns
let (aligns, widths, prefsufs) = unzip3 colspecs
let cols = length colspecs
optional $ controlSeq "caption" *> skipopts *> setCaption
optional lbreak
skipMany hline
header' <- option [] $ try (parseTableRow envname prefsufs <*
lbreak <* many1 hline)
rows <- sepEndBy (parseTableRow envname prefsufs)
(lbreak <* optional (skipMany hline))
optional $ controlSeq "caption" *> skipopts *> setCaption
optional lbreak
let header'' = if null header'
then replicate cols mempty
else header'
lookAhead $ controlSeq "end"
return $ table mempty (zip aligns widths) header'' rows
addTableCaption :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> LP m Blocks
addTableCaption = walkM go
where go (Table c als ws hs rs) = do
(mbcapt, _) <- sCaption <$> getState
return $ case mbcapt of
Just ils -> Table (toList ils) als ws hs rs
Nothing -> Table c als ws hs rs
go x = return x
block :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
block = do
res <- (mempty <$ spaces1)
<|> environment
<|> macroDef
<|> blockCommand
<|> paragraph
<|> grouped block
trace (take 60 $ show $ B.toList res)
return res
blocks :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
blocks = mconcat <$> many block
setDefaultLanguage :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
setDefaultLanguage = do
o <- option "" $ (T.unpack . T.filter (\c -> c /= '[' && c /= ']'))
<$> rawopt
polylang <- toksToString <$> braced
case M.lookup polylang polyglossiaLangToBCP47 of
Nothing -> return mempty
Just langFunc -> do
let l = langFunc o
setTranslations l
updateState $ setMeta "lang" $ str (renderLang l)
return mempty
polyglossiaLangToBCP47 :: M.Map String (String -> Lang)
polyglossiaLangToBCP47 = M.fromList
[ ("arabic", \o -> case filter (/=' ') o of
"locale=algeria" -> Lang "ar" "" "DZ" []
"locale=mashriq" -> Lang "ar" "" "SY" []
"locale=libya" -> Lang "ar" "" "LY" []
"locale=morocco" -> Lang "ar" "" "MA" []
"locale=mauritania" -> Lang "ar" "" "MR" []
"locale=tunisia" -> Lang "ar" "" "TN" []
_ -> Lang "ar" "" "" [])
, ("german", \o -> case filter (/=' ') o of
"spelling=old" -> Lang "de" "" "DE" ["1901"]
-> Lang "de" "" "AT" ["1901"]
"variant=austrian" -> Lang "de" "" "AT" []
-> Lang "de" "" "CH" ["1901"]
"variant=swiss" -> Lang "de" "" "CH" []
_ -> Lang "de" "" "" [])
, ("lsorbian", \_ -> Lang "dsb" "" "" [])
, ("greek", \o -> case filter (/=' ') o of
"variant=poly" -> Lang "el" "" "polyton" []
"variant=ancient" -> Lang "grc" "" "" []
_ -> Lang "el" "" "" [])
, ("english", \o -> case filter (/=' ') o of
"variant=australian" -> Lang "en" "" "AU" []
"variant=canadian" -> Lang "en" "" "CA" []
"variant=british" -> Lang "en" "" "GB" []
"variant=newzealand" -> Lang "en" "" "NZ" []
"variant=american" -> Lang "en" "" "US" []
_ -> Lang "en" "" "" [])
, ("usorbian", \_ -> Lang "hsb" "" "" [])
, ("latin", \o -> case filter (/=' ') o of
"variant=classic" -> Lang "la" "" "" ["x-classic"]
_ -> Lang "la" "" "" [])
, ("slovenian", \_ -> Lang "sl" "" "" [])
, ("serbianc", \_ -> Lang "sr" "cyrl" "" [])
, ("pinyin", \_ -> Lang "zh" "Latn" "" ["pinyin"])
, ("afrikaans", \_ -> Lang "af" "" "" [])
, ("amharic", \_ -> Lang "am" "" "" [])
, ("assamese", \_ -> Lang "as" "" "" [])
, ("asturian", \_ -> Lang "ast" "" "" [])
, ("bulgarian", \_ -> Lang "bg" "" "" [])
, ("bengali", \_ -> Lang "bn" "" "" [])
, ("tibetan", \_ -> Lang "bo" "" "" [])
, ("breton", \_ -> Lang "br" "" "" [])
, ("catalan", \_ -> Lang "ca" "" "" [])
, ("welsh", \_ -> Lang "cy" "" "" [])
, ("czech", \_ -> Lang "cs" "" "" [])
, ("coptic", \_ -> Lang "cop" "" "" [])
, ("danish", \_ -> Lang "da" "" "" [])
, ("divehi", \_ -> Lang "dv" "" "" [])
, ("esperanto", \_ -> Lang "eo" "" "" [])
, ("spanish", \_ -> Lang "es" "" "" [])
, ("estonian", \_ -> Lang "et" "" "" [])
, ("basque", \_ -> Lang "eu" "" "" [])
, ("farsi", \_ -> Lang "fa" "" "" [])
, ("finnish", \_ -> Lang "fi" "" "" [])
, ("french", \_ -> Lang "fr" "" "" [])
, ("friulan", \_ -> Lang "fur" "" "" [])
, ("irish", \_ -> Lang "ga" "" "" [])
, ("scottish", \_ -> Lang "gd" "" "" [])
, ("ethiopic", \_ -> Lang "gez" "" "" [])
, ("galician", \_ -> Lang "gl" "" "" [])
, ("hebrew", \_ -> Lang "he" "" "" [])
, ("hindi", \_ -> Lang "hi" "" "" [])
, ("croatian", \_ -> Lang "hr" "" "" [])
, ("magyar", \_ -> Lang "hu" "" "" [])
, ("armenian", \_ -> Lang "hy" "" "" [])
, ("interlingua", \_ -> Lang "ia" "" "" [])
, ("indonesian", \_ -> Lang "id" "" "" [])
, ("icelandic", \_ -> Lang "is" "" "" [])
, ("italian", \_ -> Lang "it" "" "" [])
, ("japanese", \_ -> Lang "jp" "" "" [])
, ("khmer", \_ -> Lang "km" "" "" [])
, ("kurmanji", \_ -> Lang "kmr" "" "" [])
, ("kannada", \_ -> Lang "kn" "" "" [])
, ("korean", \_ -> Lang "ko" "" "" [])
, ("lao", \_ -> Lang "lo" "" "" [])
, ("lithuanian", \_ -> Lang "lt" "" "" [])
, ("latvian", \_ -> Lang "lv" "" "" [])
, ("malayalam", \_ -> Lang "ml" "" "" [])
, ("mongolian", \_ -> Lang "mn" "" "" [])
, ("marathi", \_ -> Lang "mr" "" "" [])
, ("dutch", \_ -> Lang "nl" "" "" [])
, ("nynorsk", \_ -> Lang "nn" "" "" [])
, ("norsk", \_ -> Lang "no" "" "" [])
, ("nko", \_ -> Lang "nqo" "" "" [])
, ("occitan", \_ -> Lang "oc" "" "" [])
, ("panjabi", \_ -> Lang "pa" "" "" [])
, ("polish", \_ -> Lang "pl" "" "" [])
, ("piedmontese", \_ -> Lang "pms" "" "" [])
, ("portuguese", \_ -> Lang "pt" "" "" [])
, ("romansh", \_ -> Lang "rm" "" "" [])
, ("romanian", \_ -> Lang "ro" "" "" [])
, ("russian", \_ -> Lang "ru" "" "" [])
, ("sanskrit", \_ -> Lang "sa" "" "" [])
, ("samin", \_ -> Lang "se" "" "" [])
, ("slovak", \_ -> Lang "sk" "" "" [])
, ("albanian", \_ -> Lang "sq" "" "" [])
, ("serbian", \_ -> Lang "sr" "" "" [])
, ("swedish", \_ -> Lang "sv" "" "" [])
, ("syriac", \_ -> Lang "syr" "" "" [])
, ("tamil", \_ -> Lang "ta" "" "" [])
, ("telugu", \_ -> Lang "te" "" "" [])
, ("thai", \_ -> Lang "th" "" "" [])
, ("turkmen", \_ -> Lang "tk" "" "" [])
, ("turkish", \_ -> Lang "tr" "" "" [])
, ("ukrainian", \_ -> Lang "uk" "" "" [])
, ("urdu", \_ -> Lang "ur" "" "" [])
, ("vietnamese", \_ -> Lang "vi" "" "" [])
babelLangToBCP47 :: String -> Maybe Lang
babelLangToBCP47 s =
case s of
"austrian" -> Just $ Lang "de" "" "AT" ["1901"]
"naustrian" -> Just $ Lang "de" "" "AT" []
"swissgerman" -> Just $ Lang "de" "" "CH" ["1901"]
"nswissgerman" -> Just $ Lang "de" "" "CH" []
"german" -> Just $ Lang "de" "" "DE" ["1901"]
"ngerman" -> Just $ Lang "de" "" "DE" []
"lowersorbian" -> Just $ Lang "dsb" "" "" []
"uppersorbian" -> Just $ Lang "hsb" "" "" []
"polutonikogreek" -> Just $ Lang "el" "" "" ["polyton"]
"slovene" -> Just $ Lang "sl" "" "" []
"australian" -> Just $ Lang "en" "" "AU" []
"canadian" -> Just $ Lang "en" "" "CA" []
"british" -> Just $ Lang "en" "" "GB" []
"newzealand" -> Just $ Lang "en" "" "NZ" []
"american" -> Just $ Lang "en" "" "US" []
"classiclatin" -> Just $ Lang "la" "" "" ["x-classic"]
_ -> fmap ($ "") $ M.lookup s polyglossiaLangToBCP47