{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST ( writeRST, flatten ) where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, stripEnd)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad, report)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
type Refs = [([Inline], Target)]
data WriterState =
WriterState { stNotes :: [[Block]]
, stLinks :: Refs
, stImages :: [([Inline], (Attr, String, String, Maybe String))]
, stHasMath :: Bool
, stHasRawTeX :: Bool
, stOptions :: WriterOptions
, stTopLevel :: Bool
type RST = StateT WriterState
writeRST :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
writeRST opts document = do
let st = WriterState { stNotes = [], stLinks = [],
stImages = [], stHasMath = False,
stHasRawTeX = False, stOptions = opts,
stTopLevel = True }
evalStateT (pandocToRST document) st
pandocToRST :: PandocMonad m => Pandoc -> RST m Text
pandocToRST (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
let render' :: Doc -> Text
render' = render colwidth
let subtit = case lookupMeta "subtitle" meta of
Just (MetaBlocks [Plain xs]) -> xs
Just (MetaInlines xs) -> xs
_ -> []
title <- titleToRST (docTitle meta) subtit
metadata <- metaToJSON opts
(fmap render' . blockListToRST)
(fmap (stripEnd . render') . inlineListToRST)
body <- blockListToRST' True $ case writerTemplate opts of
Just _ -> normalizeHeadings 1 blocks
Nothing -> blocks
notes <- gets (reverse . stNotes) >>= notesToRST
refs <- gets (reverse . stLinks) >>= refsToRST
pics <- gets (reverse . stImages) >>= pictRefsToRST
hasMath <- gets stHasMath
rawTeX <- gets stHasRawTeX
let main = render' $ foldl ($+$) empty [body, notes, refs, pics]
let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents opts)
$ defField "toc-depth" (show $ writerTOCDepth opts)
$ defField "number-sections" (writerNumberSections opts)
$ defField "math" hasMath
$ defField "titleblock" (render Nothing title :: String)
$ defField "math" hasMath
$ defField "rawtex" rawTeX metadata
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> return main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context
normalizeHeadings lev (Header l a i:bs) =
Header lev a i:normalizeHeadings (lev+1) cont ++ normalizeHeadings lev bs'
where (cont,bs') = break (headerLtEq l) bs
headerLtEq level (Header l' _ _) = l' <= level
headerLtEq _ _ = False
normalizeHeadings lev (b:bs) = b:normalizeHeadings lev bs
normalizeHeadings _ [] = []
refsToRST :: PandocMonad m => Refs -> RST m Doc
refsToRST refs = mapM keyToRST refs >>= return . vcat
keyToRST :: PandocMonad m => ([Inline], (String, String)) -> RST m Doc
keyToRST (label, (src, _)) = do
label' <- inlineListToRST label
let label'' = if ':' `elem` (render Nothing label' :: String)
then char '`' <> label' <> char '`'
else label'
return $ nowrap $ ".. _" <> label'' <> ": " <> text src
notesToRST :: PandocMonad m => [[Block]] -> RST m Doc
notesToRST notes =
zipWithM noteToRST [1..] notes >>=
return . vsep
noteToRST :: PandocMonad m => Int -> [Block] -> RST m Doc
noteToRST num note = do
contents <- blockListToRST note
let marker = ".. [" <> text (show num) <> "]"
return $ nowrap $ marker $$ nest 3 contents
pictRefsToRST :: PandocMonad m
=> [([Inline], (Attr, String, String, Maybe String))]
-> RST m Doc
pictRefsToRST refs = mapM pictToRST refs >>= return . vcat
pictToRST :: PandocMonad m
=> ([Inline], (Attr, String, String, Maybe String))
-> RST m Doc
pictToRST (label, (attr, src, _, mbtarget)) = do
label' <- inlineListToRST label
dims <- imageDimsToRST attr
let (_, cls, _) = attr
classes = if null cls
then empty
else ":class: " <> text (unwords cls)
return $ nowrap
$ ".. |" <> label' <> "| image:: " <> text src $$ hang 3 empty (classes $$ dims)
$$ case mbtarget of
Nothing -> empty
Just t -> " :target: " <> text t
escapeString :: WriterOptions -> String -> String
escapeString = escapeString' True
escapeString' _ _ [] = []
escapeString' firstChar opts (c:cs) =
case c of
_ | c `elem` ['\\','`','*','_','|'] &&
(firstChar || null cs) -> '\\':c:escapeString' False opts cs
'\'' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'\'':escapeString' False opts cs
'"' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'"':escapeString' False opts cs
'-' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ->
case cs of
'-':_ -> '\\':'-':escapeString' False opts cs
_ -> '-':escapeString' False opts cs
'.' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ->
case cs of
'.':'.':rest -> '\\':'.':'.':'.':escapeString' False opts rest
_ -> '.':escapeString' False opts cs
_ -> c : escapeString' False opts cs
titleToRST :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> [Inline] -> RST m Doc
titleToRST [] _ = return empty
titleToRST tit subtit = do
title <- inlineListToRST tit
subtitle <- inlineListToRST subtit
return $ bordered title '=' $$ bordered subtitle '-'
bordered :: Doc -> Char -> Doc
bordered contents c =
if len > 0
then border $$ contents $$ border
else empty
where len = offset contents
border = text (replicate len c)
blockToRST :: PandocMonad m
=> Block
-> RST m Doc
blockToRST Null = return empty
blockToRST (Div ("",["admonition-title"],[]) _) = return empty
blockToRST (Div (ident,classes,_kvs) bs) = do
contents <- blockListToRST bs
let admonitions = ["attention","caution","danger","error","hint",
let admonition = case classes of
| cl `elem` admonitions
-> ".. " <> text cl <> "::"
cls -> ".. container::" <> space <>
text (unwords (filter (/= "container") cls))
return $ blankline $$
admonition $$
(if null ident
then blankline
else " :name: " <> text ident $$ blankline) $$
nest 3 contents $$
blockToRST (Plain inlines) = inlineListToRST inlines
blockToRST (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
capt <- inlineListToRST txt
dims <- imageDimsToRST attr
let fig = "figure:: " <> text src
alt = ":alt: " <> if null tit then capt else text tit
(_,cls,_) = attr
classes = if null cls
then empty
else ":figclass: " <> text (unwords cls)
return $ hang 3 ".. " (fig $$ alt $$ classes $$ dims $+$ capt) $$ blankline
blockToRST (Para inlines)
| LineBreak `elem` inlines =
linesToLineBlock $ splitBy (==LineBreak) inlines
| otherwise = do
contents <- inlineListToRST inlines
return $ contents <> blankline
blockToRST (LineBlock lns) =
linesToLineBlock lns
blockToRST (RawBlock f@(Format f') str)
| f == "rst" = return $ text str
| f == "tex" = blockToRST (RawBlock (Format "latex") str)
| otherwise = return $ blankline <> ".. raw:: " <>
text (map toLower f') $+$
nest 3 (text str) $$ blankline
blockToRST HorizontalRule =
return $ blankline $$ "--------------" $$ blankline
blockToRST (Header level (name,classes,_) inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToRST inlines
let autoId = uniqueIdent inlines mempty
isTopLevel <- gets stTopLevel
if isTopLevel
then do
let headerChar = if level > 5 then ' ' else "=-~^'" !! (level - 1)
let border = text $ replicate (offset contents) headerChar
let anchor | null name || name == autoId = empty
| otherwise = ".. _" <> text name <> ":" $$ blankline
return $ nowrap $ anchor $$ contents $$ border $$ blankline
else do
let rub = "rubric:: " <> contents
let name' | null name = empty
| otherwise = ":name: " <> text name
let cls | null classes = empty
| otherwise = ":class: " <> text (unwords classes)
return $ nowrap $ hang 3 ".. " (rub $$ name' $$ cls) $$ blankline
blockToRST (CodeBlock (_,classes,kvs) str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
let startnum = maybe "" (\x -> " " <> text x) $ lookup "startFrom" kvs
let numberlines = if "numberLines" `elem` classes
then " :number-lines:" <> startnum
else empty
if "haskell" `elem` classes && "literate" `elem` classes &&
isEnabled Ext_literate_haskell opts
then return $ prefixed "> " (text str) $$ blankline
else return $
(case [c | c <- classes,
c `notElem` ["sourceCode","literate","numberLines",
"number-lines","example"]] of
[] -> "::"
(lang:_) -> (".. code:: " <> text lang) $$ numberlines)
$+$ nest 3 (text str) $$ blankline
blockToRST (BlockQuote blocks) = do
contents <- blockListToRST blocks
return $ nest 3 contents <> blankline
blockToRST (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
caption' <- inlineListToRST caption
let blocksToDoc opts bs = do
oldOpts <- gets stOptions
modify $ \st -> st{ stOptions = opts }
result <- blockListToRST bs
modify $ \st -> st{ stOptions = oldOpts }
return result
opts <- gets stOptions
tbl <- gridTable opts blocksToDoc (all null headers)
(map (const AlignDefault) aligns) widths
headers rows
return $ if null caption
then tbl $$ blankline
else (".. table:: " <> caption') $$ blankline $$ nest 3 tbl $$
blockToRST (BulletList items) = do
contents <- mapM bulletListItemToRST items
return $ blankline $$ chomp (vcat contents) $$ blankline
blockToRST (OrderedList (start, style', delim) items) = do
let markers = if start == 1 && style' == DefaultStyle && delim == DefaultDelim
then replicate (length items) "#."
else take (length items) $ orderedListMarkers
(start, style', delim)
let maxMarkerLength = maximum $ map length markers
let markers' = map (\m -> let s = maxMarkerLength - length m
in m ++ replicate s ' ') markers
contents <- zipWithM orderedListItemToRST markers' items
return $ blankline $$ chomp (vcat contents) $$ blankline
blockToRST (DefinitionList items) = do
contents <- mapM definitionListItemToRST items
return $ blankline $$ chomp (vcat contents) $$ blankline
bulletListItemToRST :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> RST m Doc
bulletListItemToRST items = do
contents <- blockListToRST items
return $ hang 3 "- " $ contents <> cr
orderedListItemToRST :: PandocMonad m
=> String
-> [Block]
-> RST m Doc
orderedListItemToRST marker items = do
contents <- blockListToRST items
let marker' = marker ++ " "
return $ hang (length marker') (text marker') $ contents <> cr
definitionListItemToRST :: PandocMonad m => ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> RST m Doc
definitionListItemToRST (label, defs) = do
label' <- inlineListToRST label
contents <- liftM vcat $ mapM blockListToRST defs
return $ nowrap label' $$ nest 3 (nestle contents <> cr)
linesToLineBlock :: PandocMonad m => [[Inline]] -> RST m Doc
linesToLineBlock inlineLines = do
lns <- mapM inlineListToRST inlineLines
return $
vcat (map (hang 2 (text "| ")) lns) <> blankline
blockListToRST' :: PandocMonad m
=> Bool
-> [Block]
-> RST m Doc
blockListToRST' topLevel blocks = do
let fixBlocks (b1:b2@(BlockQuote _):bs)
| toClose b1 = b1 : commentSep : b2 : fixBlocks bs
toClose Plain{} = False
toClose Header{} = False
toClose LineBlock{} = False
toClose HorizontalRule = False
toClose (Para [Image _ _ (_,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) = True
toClose Para{} = False
toClose _ = True
commentSep = RawBlock "rst" "..\n\n"
fixBlocks (b:bs) = b : fixBlocks bs
fixBlocks [] = []
tl <- gets stTopLevel
modify (\s->s{stTopLevel=topLevel})
res <- vcat `fmap` mapM blockToRST (fixBlocks blocks)
modify (\s->s{stTopLevel=tl})
return res
blockListToRST :: PandocMonad m
=> [Block]
-> RST m Doc
blockListToRST = blockListToRST' False
transformInlines :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
transformInlines = insertBS .
filter hasContents .
removeSpaceAfterDisplayMath .
concatMap (transformNested . flatten)
hasContents :: Inline -> Bool
hasContents (Str "") = False
hasContents (Emph []) = False
hasContents (Strong []) = False
hasContents (Strikeout []) = False
hasContents (Superscript []) = False
hasContents (Subscript []) = False
hasContents (SmallCaps []) = False
hasContents (Quoted _ []) = False
hasContents (Cite _ []) = False
hasContents (Span _ []) = False
hasContents (Link _ [] ("", "")) = False
hasContents (Image _ [] ("", "")) = False
hasContents _ = True
removeSpaceAfterDisplayMath (Math DisplayMath x : zs) =
Math DisplayMath x : dropWhile (==Space) zs
removeSpaceAfterDisplayMath (x:xs) = x : removeSpaceAfterDisplayMath xs
removeSpaceAfterDisplayMath [] = []
insertBS :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
insertBS (x:y:z:zs)
| isComplex y && surroundComplex x z =
x : y : insertBS (z : zs)
insertBS (x:y:zs)
| isComplex x && not (okAfterComplex y) =
x : RawInline "rst" "\\ " : insertBS (y : zs)
| isComplex y && not (okBeforeComplex x) =
x : RawInline "rst" "\\ " : insertBS (y : zs)
| otherwise =
x : insertBS (y : zs)
insertBS (x:ys) = x : insertBS ys
insertBS [] = []
transformNested :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
transformNested = map (mapNested stripLeadingTrailingSpace)
surroundComplex :: Inline -> Inline -> Bool
surroundComplex (Str s@(_:_)) (Str s'@(_:_)) =
case (last s, head s') of
('\'','\'') -> True
('"','"') -> True
('<','>') -> True
('[',']') -> True
('{','}') -> True
_ -> False
surroundComplex _ _ = False
okAfterComplex :: Inline -> Bool
okAfterComplex Space = True
okAfterComplex SoftBreak = True
okAfterComplex LineBreak = True
okAfterComplex (Str (c:_)) = isSpace c || c `elem` ("-.,:;!?\\/'\")]}>–—" :: String)
okAfterComplex _ = False
okBeforeComplex :: Inline -> Bool
okBeforeComplex Space = True
okBeforeComplex SoftBreak = True
okBeforeComplex LineBreak = True
okBeforeComplex (Str (c:_)) = isSpace c || c `elem` ("-:/'\"<([{–—" :: String)
okBeforeComplex _ = False
isComplex :: Inline -> Bool
isComplex (Emph _) = True
isComplex (Strong _) = True
isComplex (SmallCaps _) = True
isComplex (Strikeout _) = True
isComplex (Superscript _) = True
isComplex (Subscript _) = True
isComplex Link{} = True
isComplex Image{} = True
isComplex (Code _ _) = True
isComplex (Math _ _) = True
isComplex (Cite _ (x:_)) = isComplex x
isComplex (Span _ (x:_)) = isComplex x
isComplex _ = False
flatten :: Inline -> [Inline]
flatten outer
| null contents = [outer]
| otherwise = combineAll contents
where contents = dropInlineParent outer
combineAll = foldl combine []
combine :: [Inline] -> Inline -> [Inline]
combine f i =
case (outer, i) of
(Quoted _ _, _) -> keep f i
(_, Quoted _ _) -> keep f i
(Link _ _ _, Image _ _ _) -> keep f i
(_, Link _ _ _) -> emerge f i
(Emph _, Strong _) -> emerge f i
(_, _) -> collapse f i
emerge f i = f <> [i]
keep f i = appendToLast f [i]
collapse f i = appendToLast f $ dropInlineParent i
appendToLast :: [Inline] -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
appendToLast [] toAppend = [setInlineChildren outer toAppend]
appendToLast flattened toAppend
| isOuter lastFlat = init flattened <> [appendTo lastFlat toAppend]
| otherwise = flattened <> [setInlineChildren outer toAppend]
where lastFlat = last flattened
appendTo o i = mapNested (<> i) o
isOuter i = emptyParent i == emptyParent outer
emptyParent i = setInlineChildren i []
mapNested :: ([Inline] -> [Inline]) -> Inline -> Inline
mapNested f i = setInlineChildren i (f (dropInlineParent i))
dropInlineParent :: Inline -> [Inline]
dropInlineParent (Link _ i _) = i
dropInlineParent (Emph i) = i
dropInlineParent (Strong i) = i
dropInlineParent (Strikeout i) = i
dropInlineParent (Superscript i) = i
dropInlineParent (Subscript i) = i
dropInlineParent (SmallCaps i) = i
dropInlineParent (Cite _ i) = i
dropInlineParent (Image _ i _) = i
dropInlineParent (Span _ i) = i
dropInlineParent (Quoted _ i) = i
dropInlineParent i = [i]
setInlineChildren :: Inline -> [Inline] -> Inline
setInlineChildren (Link a _ t) i = Link a i t
setInlineChildren (Emph _) i = Emph i
setInlineChildren (Strong _) i = Strong i
setInlineChildren (Strikeout _) i = Strikeout i
setInlineChildren (Superscript _) i = Superscript i
setInlineChildren (Subscript _) i = Subscript i
setInlineChildren (SmallCaps _) i = SmallCaps i
setInlineChildren (Quoted q _) i = Quoted q i
setInlineChildren (Cite c _) i = Cite c i
setInlineChildren (Image a _ t) i = Image a i t
setInlineChildren (Span a _) i = Span a i
setInlineChildren leaf _ = leaf
inlineListToRST :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> RST m Doc
inlineListToRST = writeInlines . walk transformInlines
writeInlines :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> RST m Doc
writeInlines lst = mapM inlineToRST lst >>= return . hcat
inlineToRST :: PandocMonad m => Inline -> RST m Doc
inlineToRST (Span (_,_,kvs) ils) = do
contents <- writeInlines ils
return $
case lookup "role" kvs of
Just role -> ":" <> text role <> ":`" <> contents <> "`"
Nothing -> contents
inlineToRST (Emph lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
inlineToRST (Strong lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
return $ "**" <> contents <> "**"
inlineToRST (Strikeout lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
return $ "[STRIKEOUT:" <> contents <> "]"
inlineToRST (Superscript lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
return $ ":sup:`" <> contents <> "`"
inlineToRST (Subscript lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
return $ ":sub:`" <> contents <> "`"
inlineToRST (SmallCaps lst) = writeInlines lst
inlineToRST (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
opts <- gets stOptions
if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then return $ "'" <> contents <> "'"
else return $ "‘" <> contents <> "’"
inlineToRST (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
contents <- writeInlines lst
opts <- gets stOptions
if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then return $ "\"" <> contents <> "\""
else return $ "“" <> contents <> "”"
inlineToRST (Cite _ lst) =
writeInlines lst
inlineToRST (Code (_,["interpreted-text"],[("role",role)]) str) = do
return $ ":" <> text role <> ":`" <> text str <> "`"
inlineToRST (Code _ str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
return $
if '`' `elem` str
then ":literal:`" <> text (escapeString opts (trim str)) <> "`"
else "``" <> text (trim str) <> "``"
inlineToRST (Str str) = do
opts <- gets stOptions
return $ text $
(if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
then unsmartify opts
else id) $ escapeString opts str
inlineToRST (Math t str) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stHasMath = True }
return $ if t == InlineMath
then ":math:`" <> text str <> "`"
else if '\n' `elem` str
then blankline $$ ".. math::" $$
blankline $$ nest 3 (text str) $$ blankline
else blankline $$ (".. math:: " <> text str) $$ blankline
inlineToRST il@(RawInline f x)
| f == "rst" = return $ text x
| f == "latex" || f == "tex" = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stHasRawTeX = True }
return $ ":raw-latex:`" <> text x <> "`"
| otherwise = empty <$ report (InlineNotRendered il)
inlineToRST LineBreak = return cr
inlineToRST Space = return space
inlineToRST SoftBreak = do
wrapText <- gets $ writerWrapText . stOptions
case wrapText of
WrapPreserve -> return cr
WrapAuto -> return space
WrapNone -> return space
inlineToRST (Link _ [Str str] (src, _))
| isURI src &&
if "mailto:" `isPrefixOf` src
then src == escapeURI ("mailto:" ++ str)
else src == escapeURI str = do
let srcSuffix = fromMaybe src (stripPrefix "mailto:" src)
return $ text srcSuffix
inlineToRST (Link _ [Image attr alt (imgsrc,imgtit)] (src, _tit)) = do
label <- registerImage attr alt (imgsrc,imgtit) (Just src)
return $ "|" <> label <> "|"
inlineToRST (Link _ txt (src, tit)) = do
useReferenceLinks <- gets $ writerReferenceLinks . stOptions
linktext <- writeInlines $ B.toList . B.trimInlines . B.fromList $ txt
if useReferenceLinks
then do refs <- gets stLinks
case lookup txt refs of
Just (src',tit') ->
if src == src' && tit == tit'
then return $ "`" <> linktext <> "`_"
return $ "`" <> linktext <> " <" <> text src <> ">`__"
Nothing -> do
modify $ \st -> st { stLinks = (txt,(src,tit)):refs }
return $ "`" <> linktext <> "`_"
else return $ "`" <> linktext <> " <" <> text src <> ">`__"
inlineToRST (Image attr alternate (source, tit)) = do
label <- registerImage attr alternate (source,tit) Nothing
return $ "|" <> label <> "|"
inlineToRST (Note contents) = do
notes <- gets stNotes
modify $ \st -> st { stNotes = contents:notes }
let ref = show $ length notes + 1
return $ " [" <> text ref <> "]_"
registerImage :: PandocMonad m => Attr -> [Inline] -> Target -> Maybe String -> RST m Doc
registerImage attr alt (src,tit) mbtarget = do
pics <- gets stImages
txt <- case lookup alt pics of
Just (a,s,t,mbt) | (a,s,t,mbt) == (attr,src,tit,mbtarget)
-> return alt
_ -> do
let alt' = if null alt || alt == [Str ""]
then [Str $ "image" ++ show (length pics)]
else alt
modify $ \st -> st { stImages =
(alt', (attr,src,tit, mbtarget)):stImages st }
return alt'
inlineListToRST txt
imageDimsToRST :: PandocMonad m => Attr -> RST m Doc
imageDimsToRST attr = do
let (ident, _, _) = attr
name = if null ident
then empty
else ":name: " <> text ident
showDim dir = let cols d = ":" <> text (show dir) <> ": " <> text (show d)
in case dimension dir attr of
Just (Percent a) ->
case dir of
Height -> empty
Width -> cols (Percent a)
Just dim -> cols dim
Nothing -> empty
return $ cr <> name $$ showDim Width $$ showDim Height