{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Pretty
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2010-2019 John MacFarlane
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
   Stability   : alpha
   Portability : portable

A prettyprinting library for the production of text documents,
including wrapped text, indentated blocks, and tables.

module Text.Pandoc.Pretty (
     , render
     , cr
     , blankline
     , blanklines
     , space
     , text
     , char
     , prefixed
     , flush
     , nest
     , hang
     , beforeNonBlank
     , nowrap
     , afterBreak
     , offset
     , minOffset
     , height
     , lblock
     , cblock
     , rblock
     , (<>)
     , (<+>)
     , ($$)
     , ($+$)
     , isEmpty
     , empty
     , cat
     , hcat
     , hsep
     , vcat
     , vsep
     , nestle
     , chomp
     , inside
     , braces
     , brackets
     , parens
     , quotes
     , doubleQuotes
     , charWidth
     , realLength

import Prelude
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL (..), fromList, mapWithIndex, singleton, viewl,
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.String

data RenderState a = RenderState{
         output     :: [a]        -- ^ In reverse order
       , prefix     :: String
       , usePrefix  :: Bool
       , lineLength :: Maybe Int  -- ^ 'Nothing' means no wrapping
       , column     :: Int
       , newlines   :: Int        -- ^ Number of preceding newlines

type DocState a = State (RenderState a) ()

data D = Text Int String
       | Block Int [String]
       | Prefixed String Doc
       | BeforeNonBlank Doc
       | Flush Doc
       | BreakingSpace
       | AfterBreak String
       | CarriageReturn
       | NewLine
       | BlankLines Int  -- number of blank lines
       deriving (Show, Eq)

newtype Doc = Doc { unDoc :: Seq D }
              deriving (Semigroup, Monoid, Show, Eq)

instance IsString Doc where
  fromString = text

isBlank :: D -> Bool
isBlank BreakingSpace  = True
isBlank CarriageReturn = True
isBlank NewLine        = True
isBlank (BlankLines _) = True
isBlank (Text _ (c:_)) = isSpace c
isBlank _              = False

-- | True if the document is empty.
isEmpty :: Doc -> Bool
isEmpty = Seq.null . unDoc

-- | The empty document.
empty :: Doc
empty = mempty

-- | Concatenate a list of 'Doc's.
cat :: [Doc] -> Doc
cat = mconcat

-- | Same as 'cat'.
hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
hcat = mconcat

-- | Concatenate a list of 'Doc's, putting breakable spaces
-- between them.
infixr 6 <+>
(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
(<+>) x y
  | isEmpty x = y
  | isEmpty y = x
  | otherwise = x <> space <> y

-- | Same as 'cat', but putting breakable spaces between the
-- 'Doc's.
hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
hsep = foldr (<+>) empty

infixr 5 $$
-- | @a $$ b@ puts @a@ above @b@.
($$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
($$) x y
  | isEmpty x = y
  | isEmpty y = x
  | otherwise = x <> cr <> y

infixr 5 $+$
-- | @a $+$ b@ puts @a@ above @b@, with a blank line between.
($+$) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
($+$) x y
  | isEmpty x = y
  | isEmpty y = x
  | otherwise = x <> blankline <> y

-- | List version of '$$'.
vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
vcat = foldr ($$) empty

-- | List version of '$+$'.
vsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
vsep = foldr ($+$) empty

-- | Removes leading blank lines from a 'Doc'.
nestle :: Doc -> Doc
nestle (Doc d) = Doc $ go d
  where go x = case viewl x of
               (BlankLines _ :< rest) -> go rest
               (NewLine :< rest)      -> go rest
               _                      -> x

-- | Chomps trailing blank space off of a 'Doc'.
chomp :: Doc -> Doc
chomp d = Doc (fromList dl')
  where dl = toList (unDoc d)
        dl' = reverse $ go $ reverse dl
        go []                    = []
        go (BreakingSpace : xs)  = go xs
        go (CarriageReturn : xs) = go xs
        go (NewLine : xs)        = go xs
        go (BlankLines _ : xs)   = go xs
        go (Prefixed s d' : xs)  = Prefixed s (chomp d') : xs
        go xs                    = xs

outp :: (IsString a) => Int -> String -> DocState a
outp off s | off < 0 = do  -- offset < 0 means newline characters
  st' <- get
  let rawpref = prefix st'
  when (column st' == 0 && usePrefix st' && not (null rawpref)) $ do
    let pref = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse rawpref
    modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString pref : output st
                      , column = column st + realLength pref }
  let numnewlines = length $ takeWhile (=='\n') $ reverse s
  modify $ \st -> st { output = fromString s : output st
                     , column = 0
                     , newlines = newlines st + numnewlines }
outp off s = do           -- offset >= 0 (0 might be combining char)
  st' <- get
  let pref = prefix st'
  when (column st' == 0 && usePrefix st' && not (null pref)) $
    modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString pref : output st
                    , column = column st + realLength pref }
  modify $ \st -> st{ output = fromString s : output st
                    , column = column st + off
                    , newlines = 0 }

-- | Renders a 'Doc'.  @render (Just n)@ will use
-- a line length of @n@ to reflow text on breakable spaces.
-- @render Nothing@ will not reflow text.
render :: (IsString a) => Maybe Int -> Doc -> a
render linelen doc = fromString . mconcat . reverse . output $
  execState (renderDoc doc) startingState
   where startingState = RenderState{
                            output = mempty
                          , prefix = ""
                          , usePrefix = True
                          , lineLength = linelen
                          , column = 0
                          , newlines = 2 }

renderDoc :: (IsString a, Monoid a)
          => Doc -> DocState a
renderDoc = renderList . dropWhile (== BreakingSpace) . toList . unDoc

data IsBlock = IsBlock Int [String]

-- This would be nicer with a pattern synonym
-- pattern VBlock i s <- mkIsBlock -> Just (IsBlock ..)

renderList :: (IsString a, Monoid a)
           => [D] -> DocState a
renderList [] = return ()
renderList (Text off s : xs) = do
  outp off s
  renderList xs

renderList (Prefixed pref d : xs) = do
  st <- get
  let oldPref = prefix st
  put st{ prefix = prefix st ++ pref }
  renderDoc d
  modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref }
  renderList xs

renderList (Flush d : xs) = do
  st <- get
  let oldUsePrefix = usePrefix st
  put st{ usePrefix = False }
  renderDoc d
  modify $ \s -> s{ usePrefix = oldUsePrefix }
  renderList xs

renderList (BeforeNonBlank d : xs) =
  case xs of
    (x:_) | isBlank x -> renderList xs
          | otherwise -> renderDoc d >> renderList xs
    []                -> renderList xs

renderList [BlankLines _] = return ()

renderList (BlankLines m : BlankLines n : xs) =
  renderList (BlankLines (max m n) : xs)

renderList (BlankLines num : BreakingSpace : xs) =
  renderList (BlankLines num : xs)

renderList (BlankLines num : xs) = do
  st <- get
  case output st of
     _ | newlines st > num -> return ()
       | otherwise -> replicateM_ (1 + num - newlines st) (outp (-1) "\n")
  renderList xs

renderList (CarriageReturn : BlankLines m : xs) =
  renderList (BlankLines m : xs)

renderList (CarriageReturn : BreakingSpace : xs) =
  renderList (CarriageReturn : xs)

renderList (CarriageReturn : xs) = do
  st <- get
  if newlines st > 0 || null xs
     then renderList xs
     else do
       outp (-1) "\n"
       renderList xs

renderList (NewLine : xs) = do
  outp (-1) "\n"
  renderList xs

renderList (BreakingSpace : CarriageReturn : xs) =
  renderList (CarriageReturn:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : NewLine : xs) = renderList (NewLine:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : BlankLines n : xs) = renderList (BlankLines n:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : BreakingSpace : xs) = renderList (BreakingSpace:xs)
renderList (BreakingSpace : xs) = do
  let isText (Text _ _)     = True
      isText (Block _ _)    = True
      isText (AfterBreak _) = True
      isText _              = False
  let isBreakingSpace BreakingSpace = True
      isBreakingSpace _             = False
  let xs' = dropWhile isBreakingSpace xs
  let next = takeWhile isText xs'
  st <- get
  let off = sum $ map offsetOf next
  case lineLength st of
        Just l | column st + 1 + off > l -> do
          outp (-1) "\n"
          renderList xs'
        _  -> do
          outp 1 " "
          renderList xs'

renderList (AfterBreak s : xs) = do
  st <- get
  when (newlines st > 0) $ outp (realLength s) s
  renderList xs

renderList (Block i1 s1 : Block i2 s2  : xs) =
  renderList (mergeBlocks False (IsBlock i1 s1) (IsBlock i2 s2) : xs)

renderList (Block i1 s1 : BreakingSpace : Block i2 s2 : xs) =
  renderList (mergeBlocks True (IsBlock i1 s1) (IsBlock i2 s2) : xs)

renderList (Block _width lns : xs) = do
  st <- get
  let oldPref = prefix st
  case column st - realLength oldPref of
        n | n > 0 -> modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref ++ replicate n ' ' }
        _ -> return ()
  renderList $ intersperse CarriageReturn (map (Text 0) lns)
  modify $ \s -> s{ prefix = oldPref }
  renderList xs

mergeBlocks :: Bool -> IsBlock -> IsBlock -> D
mergeBlocks addSpace (IsBlock w1 lns1) (IsBlock w2 lns2) =
  Block (w1 + w2 + if addSpace then 1 else 0) $
     zipWith (\l1 l2 -> pad w1 l1 ++ l2) lns1' (map sp lns2')
    where (lns1', lns2') = case (length lns1, length lns2) of
                                (x, y) | x > y -> (lns1,
                                                   lns2 ++ replicate (x - y) "")
                                       | x < y -> (lns1 ++ replicate (y - x) "",
                                       | otherwise -> (lns1, lns2)
          pad n s = s ++ replicate (n - realLength s) ' '
          sp "" = ""
          sp xs = if addSpace then ' ' : xs else xs

offsetOf :: D -> Int
offsetOf (Text o _)    = o
offsetOf (Block w _)   = w
offsetOf BreakingSpace = 1
offsetOf _             = 0

-- | A literal string.
text :: String -> Doc
text = Doc . toChunks
  where toChunks :: String -> Seq D
        toChunks [] = mempty
        toChunks s = case break (=='\n') s of
                          ([], _:ys) -> NewLine <| toChunks ys
                          (xs, _:ys) -> Text (realLength xs) xs <|
                                            (NewLine <| toChunks ys)
                          (xs, [])      -> singleton $ Text (realLength xs) xs

-- | A character.
char :: Char -> Doc
char c = text [c]

-- | A breaking (reflowable) space.
space :: Doc
space = Doc $ singleton BreakingSpace

-- | A carriage return.  Does nothing if we're at the beginning of
-- a line; otherwise inserts a newline.
cr :: Doc
cr = Doc $ singleton CarriageReturn

-- | Inserts a blank line unless one exists already.
-- (@blankline <> blankline@ has the same effect as @blankline@.
blankline :: Doc
blankline = Doc $ singleton (BlankLines 1)

-- | Inserts blank lines unless they exist already.
-- (@blanklines m <> blanklines n@ has the same effect as @blanklines (max m n)@.
blanklines :: Int -> Doc
blanklines n = Doc $ singleton (BlankLines n)

-- | Uses the specified string as a prefix for every line of
-- the inside document (except the first, if not at the beginning
-- of the line).
prefixed :: String -> Doc -> Doc
prefixed pref doc = Doc $ singleton $ Prefixed pref doc

-- | Makes a 'Doc' flush against the left margin.
flush :: Doc -> Doc
flush doc = Doc $ singleton $ Flush doc

-- | Indents a 'Doc' by the specified number of spaces.
nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
nest ind = prefixed (replicate ind ' ')

-- | A hanging indent. @hang ind start doc@ prints @start@,
-- then @doc@, leaving an indent of @ind@ spaces on every
-- line but the first.
hang :: Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
hang ind start doc = start <> nest ind doc

-- | @beforeNonBlank d@ conditionally includes @d@ unless it is
-- followed by blank space.
beforeNonBlank :: Doc -> Doc
beforeNonBlank d = Doc $ singleton (BeforeNonBlank d)

-- | Makes a 'Doc' non-reflowable.
nowrap :: Doc -> Doc
nowrap doc = Doc $ mapWithIndex replaceSpace $ unDoc doc
  where replaceSpace _ BreakingSpace = Text 1 " "
        replaceSpace _ x             = x

-- | Content to print only if it comes at the beginning of a line,
-- to be used e.g. for escaping line-initial `.` in roff man.
afterBreak :: String -> Doc
afterBreak s = Doc $ singleton (AfterBreak s)

-- | Returns the width of a 'Doc'.
offset :: Doc -> Int
offset d = maximum (0: map realLength (lines $ render Nothing d))

-- | Returns the minimal width of a 'Doc' when reflowed at breakable spaces.
minOffset :: Doc -> Int
minOffset d = maximum (0: map realLength (lines $ render (Just 0) d))

-- | @lblock n d@ is a block of width @n@ characters, with
-- text derived from @d@ and aligned to the left.
lblock :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
lblock = block id

-- | Like 'lblock' but aligned to the right.
rblock :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
rblock w = block (\s -> replicate (w - realLength s) ' ' ++ s) w

-- | Like 'lblock' but aligned centered.
cblock :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
cblock w = block (\s -> replicate ((w - realLength s) `div` 2) ' ' ++ s) w

-- | Returns the height of a block or other 'Doc'.
height :: Doc -> Int
height = length . lines . render Nothing

block :: (String -> String) -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
block filler width d
  | width < 1 && not (isEmpty d) = block filler 1 d
  | otherwise                    = Doc $ singleton $ Block width $ map filler
                                 $ chop width $ render (Just width) d

chop :: Int -> String -> [String]
chop _ [] = []
chop n cs = case break (=='\n') cs of
                  (xs, ys)     -> if len <= n
                                     then case ys of
                                             []     -> [xs]
                                             ['\n'] -> [xs]
                                             (_:zs) -> xs : chop n zs
                                     else take n xs : chop n (drop n xs ++ ys)
                                   where len = realLength xs

-- | Encloses a 'Doc' inside a start and end 'Doc'.
inside :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
inside start end contents =
  start <> contents <> end

-- | Puts a 'Doc' in curly braces.
braces :: Doc -> Doc
braces = inside (char '{') (char '}')

-- | Puts a 'Doc' in square brackets.
brackets :: Doc -> Doc
brackets = inside (char '[') (char ']')

-- | Puts a 'Doc' in parentheses.
parens :: Doc -> Doc
parens = inside (char '(') (char ')')

-- | Wraps a 'Doc' in single quotes.
quotes :: Doc -> Doc
quotes = inside (char '\'') (char '\'')

-- | Wraps a 'Doc' in double quotes.
doubleQuotes :: Doc -> Doc
doubleQuotes = inside (char '"') (char '"')

-- | Returns width of a character in a monospace font:  0 for a combining
-- character, 1 for a regular character, 2 for an East Asian wide character.
charWidth :: Char -> Int
charWidth c =
  case c of
      _ | c <  '\x0300'                    -> 1
        | c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F'   -> 0  -- combining
        | c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x10FC'   -> 1
        | c >= '\x1100' && c <= '\x115F'   -> 2
        | c >= '\x1160' && c <= '\x11A2'   -> 1
        | c >= '\x11A3' && c <= '\x11A7'   -> 2
        | c >= '\x11A8' && c <= '\x11F9'   -> 1
        | c >= '\x11FA' && c <= '\x11FF'   -> 2
        | c >= '\x1200' && c <= '\x2328'   -> 1
        | c >= '\x2329' && c <= '\x232A'   -> 2
        | c >= '\x232B' && c <= '\x2E31'   -> 1
        | c >= '\x2E80' && c <= '\x303E'   -> 2
        | c == '\x303F'                    -> 1
        | c >= '\x3041' && c <= '\x3247'   -> 2
        | c >= '\x3248' && c <= '\x324F'   -> 1 -- ambiguous
        | c >= '\x3250' && c <= '\x4DBF'   -> 2
        | c >= '\x4DC0' && c <= '\x4DFF'   -> 1
        | c >= '\x4E00' && c <= '\xA4C6'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xA4D0' && c <= '\xA95F'   -> 1
        | c >= '\xA960' && c <= '\xA97C'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xA980' && c <= '\xABF9'   -> 1
        | c >= '\xAC00' && c <= '\xD7FB'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xD800' && c <= '\xDFFF'   -> 1
        | c >= '\xE000' && c <= '\xF8FF'   -> 1 -- ambiguous
        | c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFAFF'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xFB00' && c <= '\xFDFD'   -> 1
        | c >= '\xFE00' && c <= '\xFE0F'   -> 1 -- ambiguous
        | c >= '\xFE10' && c <= '\xFE19'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xFE20' && c <= '\xFE26'   -> 1
        | c >= '\xFE30' && c <= '\xFE6B'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xFE70' && c <= '\xFEFF'   -> 1
        | c >= '\xFF01' && c <= '\xFF60'   -> 2
        | c >= '\xFF61' && c <= '\x16A38'  -> 1
        | c >= '\x1B000' && c <= '\x1B001' -> 2
        | c >= '\x1D000' && c <= '\x1F1FF' -> 1
        | c >= '\x1F200' && c <= '\x1F251' -> 2
        | c >= '\x1F300' && c <= '\x1F773' -> 1
        | c >= '\x20000' && c <= '\x3FFFD' -> 2
        | otherwise                        -> 1

-- | Get real length of string, taking into account combining and double-wide
-- characters.
realLength :: String -> Int
realLength = sum . map charWidth