module Text.Pandoc.Filter.Scripting (
    , addPlotCapture
    , hasBlockingShowCall
    , PythonScript
    , ScriptResult(..)
) where

import System.Directory     (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Exit          (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath      ((</>), isAbsolute)
import System.IO.Temp       (getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory)
import System.Process.Typed (runProcess, shell)

import Data.Monoid          (Any(..))

type PythonScript = String

data ScriptResult = ScriptSuccess
                  | ScriptFailure Int

-- | Take a python script in string form, write it in a temporary directory,

-- then execute it. 

runTempPythonScript :: PythonScript    -- ^ Content of the script

                    -> IO ScriptResult -- ^ Result with exit code.

runTempPythonScript script = do
            -- Write script to temporary directory

            scriptPath <- (</> "") <$>  getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory
            writeFile scriptPath script
            -- Execute script

            ec <- runProcess $ shell $ "python " <> (show scriptPath)
            case ec of
                ExitSuccess -> return ScriptSuccess
                ExitFailure code -> return $ ScriptFailure code

-- | Modify a Python plotting script to save the figure to a filename.

addPlotCapture :: FilePath          -- ^ Path where to save the figure

               -> PythonScript      -- ^ Raw code block

               -> IO PythonScript   -- ^ Code block with added capture

addPlotCapture fname content = do
    absFname <- if isAbsolute fname
                then (return fname)
                else (</> fname) <$> getCurrentDirectory
    return $ mconcat [ content
                     , "\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt"  -- Just in case

                     , "\nplt.savefig(" <> show absFname <> ")\n\n"

-- | Detect the presence of a blocking show call, for example ""

hasBlockingShowCall :: PythonScript -> Bool
hasBlockingShowCall script = anyOf
        [ "" `elem` scriptLines
        , "" `elem` scriptLines
        scriptLines = lines script
        anyOf xs = getAny $ mconcat $ Any <$> xs