parameterized-utils-2.0: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2014-2019
MaintainerJoe Hendrix <>
Safe HaskellSafe



Description : a GADT that hides a type parameter

This module provides Some, a GADT that hides a type parameter.



data Some (f :: k -> *) Source #


Some (f x) 
OrdC (Some :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.ClassesC


compareC :: (forall (x :: k0) (y :: k0). f x -> g y -> OrderingF x y) -> Some f -> Some g -> Ordering Source #

TestEqualityC (Some :: (k -> Type) -> Type) Source #

This instance demonstrates where the above class is useful: namely, in types with existential quantification.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.ClassesC


testEqualityC :: (forall (x :: k0) (y :: k0). f x -> f y -> Maybe (x :~: y)) -> Some f -> Some f -> Bool Source #

TestEquality f => Eq (Some f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Some


(==) :: Some f -> Some f -> Bool #

(/=) :: Some f -> Some f -> Bool #

OrdF f => Ord (Some f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Some


compare :: Some f -> Some f -> Ordering #

(<) :: Some f -> Some f -> Bool #

(<=) :: Some f -> Some f -> Bool #

(>) :: Some f -> Some f -> Bool #

(>=) :: Some f -> Some f -> Bool #

max :: Some f -> Some f -> Some f #

min :: Some f -> Some f -> Some f #

ShowF f => Show (Some f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Some


showsPrec :: Int -> Some f -> ShowS #

show :: Some f -> String #

showList :: [Some f] -> ShowS #

HashableF f => Hashable (Some f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Some


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Some f -> Int #

hash :: Some f -> Int #

viewSome :: (forall tp. f tp -> r) -> Some f -> r Source #

Project out of Some.

mapSome :: (forall tp. f tp -> g tp) -> Some f -> Some g Source #

Apply function to inner value.

traverseSome :: Functor m => (forall tp. f tp -> m (g tp)) -> Some f -> m (Some g) Source #

Modify the inner value.

traverseSome_ :: Functor m => (forall tp. f tp -> m ()) -> Some f -> m () Source #

Modify the inner value.