parser-regex- Regex based parsers
Safe HaskellNone



This is an internal module. You probably don't need to import this.


Definitions in this module allow violating invariants that would otherwise be guaranteed by non-internal modules. Use at your own risk!



data Parser c a where Source #

A parser compiled from a RE c a.


PToken :: forall c a. !(c -> Maybe a) -> Parser c a 
PFmap :: forall a1 a c. !Strictness -> !(a1 -> a) -> !(Parser c a1) -> Parser c a 
PFmap_ :: forall c a. !(Node c a) -> Parser c a 
PPure :: forall a c. a -> Parser c a 
PLiftA2 :: forall a1 a2 a c. !Strictness -> !(a1 -> a2 -> a) -> !(Parser c a1) -> !(Parser c a2) -> Parser c a 
PEmpty :: forall c a. Parser c a 
PAlt :: forall c a. !Unique -> !(Parser c a) -> !(Parser c a) -> !(SmallArray (Parser c a)) -> Parser c a 
PFoldGr :: forall a a1 c. !Unique -> !Strictness -> !(a -> a1 -> a) -> a -> !(Parser c a1) -> Parser c a 
PFoldMn :: forall a a1 c. !Unique -> !Strictness -> !(a -> a1 -> a) -> a -> !(Parser c a1) -> Parser c a 
PMany :: forall a1 a a2 c. !Unique -> !(a1 -> a) -> !(a2 -> a) -> !(a2 -> a1 -> a2) -> !a2 -> !(Parser c a1) -> Parser c a 

data Node c a where Source #

A node in the NFA. Used for recognition.


NAccept :: forall a c. a -> Node c a 
NGuard :: forall c a. !Unique -> Node c a -> Node c a 
NToken :: forall c a1 a. !(c -> Maybe a1) -> !(Node c a) -> Node c a 
NEmpty :: forall c a. Node c a 
NAlt :: forall c a. !(Node c a) -> !(Node c a) -> !(SmallArray (Node c a)) -> Node c a 

compile :: RE c a -> Parser c a Source #

\(O(m)\). Compile a RE c a to a Parser c a.

Note: compile does not limit the size of the RE. See compileBounded if you would like to limit the size. REs with size greater than (maxBound::Int) `div` 2 are not supported and the behavior of such a RE is undefined.

compileBounded :: Int -> RE c a -> Maybe (Parser c a) Source #

\(O(\min(l,m))\). Compile a RE c a to a Parser c a.

Returns Nothing if the size of the RE is greater than the provided limit \(l\). You may want to use this if you suspect that the RE may be too large, for instance if the regex is constructed from an untrusted source.

While the exact size of a RE depends on an internal representation, it can be assumed to be in the same order as the length of a regex pattern corresponding to the RE.

data ParserState c a Source #

The state maintained for parsing.

prepareParser :: Parser c a -> Maybe (ParserState c a) Source #

\(O(m \log m)\). Prepare a parser for input.

Returns Nothing if parsing has failed regardless of further input. Otherwise, returns the initial ParserState.

stepParser :: ParserState c a -> c -> Maybe (ParserState c a) Source #

\(O(m \log m)\). Step a parser by feeding a single element c.

Returns Nothing if parsing has failed regardless of further input. Otherwise, returns an updated ParserState.

finishParser :: ParserState c a -> Maybe a Source #

\(O(1)\). Get the parse result for the input fed into the parser so far.

type Foldr f a = forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f -> b Source #

A fold function.

parseFoldr :: Foldr f c -> Parser c a -> f -> Maybe a Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Run a parser given a sequence f and a fold function.

Parses the entire sequence, not just a prefix or an substring. Returns early on parse failure, if the fold can short circuit.


import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG -- from vector

import Regex.Base (Parser)
import qualified Regex.Base as R

parseVector :: VG.Vector v c => Parser c a -> v c -> Maybe a
parseVector p v = R.parseFoldr VG.foldr p v
>>> import Control.Applicative (many)
>>> import qualified Data.Vector as V
>>> import Regex.Base (Parser)
>>> import qualified Regex.Base as R
>>> let p = R.compile $ many ((,) <$> R.satisfy even <*> R.satisfy odd) :: Parser Int [(Int, Int)]
>>> parseVector p (V.fromList [0..5])
Just [(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]
>>> parseVector p (V.fromList [0,2..6])

parseNext :: Monad m => Parser c a -> m (Maybe c) -> m (Maybe a) Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Run a parser given a "next" action.

Calls next repeatedly to yield elements. A Nothing is interpreted as end-of-sequence.

Parses the entire sequence, not just a prefix or an substring. Returns without exhausting the input on parse failure.


import Conduit (ConduitT, await, sinkNull) -- from conduit

import Regex.Base (Parser)
import qualified Regex.Base as R

parseConduit :: Monad m => Parser c a -> ConduitT c x m (Maybe a)
parseConduit p = R.parseNext p await <* sinkNull
>>> import Control.Applicative (many)
>>> import Conduit ((.|), iterMC, runConduit, yieldMany)
>>> import Regex.Base (Parser)
>>> import qualified Regex.Base as R
>>> let p = R.compile $ many ((,) <$> R.satisfy even <*> R.satisfy odd) :: Parser Int [(Int, Int)]
>>> let printYieldMany xs = yieldMany xs .| iterMC print
>>> runConduit $ printYieldMany [0..5] .| parseConduit p
Just [(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]
>>> runConduit $ printYieldMany [0,2..6] .| parseConduit p
