parser-regex- Regex based parsers
Safe HaskellNone



This module offers regexes, combinators, and operations to work with the list type ([]), and also specifically Strings, which are lists of Chars.



data RE c a Source #

A regular expression. Operates on a sequence of elements of type c and capable of parsing into an a.

A RE is a Functor, Applicative, and Alternative.

  • pure: Succeed without consuming input.
  • liftA2, <*>, *>, <*: Sequential composition.
  • empty: Fail.
  • <|>: Alternative composition. Left-biased, i.e. the result of parsing using a <|> b is the result of parsing using a if it succeeds, otherwise it is the result of parsing using b if it succeeds, otherwise parsing fails.
  • many: Zero or more. many a parses multiple as sequentially. Biased towards matching more. Use manyMin for a bias towards matching less. Also see the section "Looping parsers".
  • some: One or more. some a parses multiple as sequentially. Biased towards matching more. Use someMin for a bias towards matching less.

In addition to expected Functor, Applicative, and Alternative laws, RE obeys these Applicative-Alternative laws:

a <*> empty = empty
empty <*> a = empty
(a <|> b) <*> c = (a <*> c) <|> (b <*> c)
a <*> (b <|> c) = (a <*> b) <|> (a <*> c)

Note that, because of bias, it is not true that a <|> b = b <|> a.

Performance tip: Prefer the smaller of equivalent regexes, i.e. prefer (a <|> b) <*> c over (a <*> c) <|> (b <*> c).


Instances details
Alternative (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


empty :: RE c a #

(<|>) :: RE c a -> RE c a -> RE c a #

some :: RE c a -> RE c [a] #

many :: RE c a -> RE c [a] #

Applicative (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


pure :: a -> RE c a #

(<*>) :: RE c (a -> b) -> RE c a -> RE c b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> RE c a -> RE c b -> RE c c0 #

(*>) :: RE c a -> RE c b -> RE c b #

(<*) :: RE c a -> RE c b -> RE c a #

Functor (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


fmap :: (a -> b) -> RE c a -> RE c b #

(<$) :: a -> RE c b -> RE c a #

Monoid a => Monoid (RE c a) Source #

mempty = pure mempty

Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


mempty :: RE c a #

mappend :: RE c a -> RE c a -> RE c a #

mconcat :: [RE c a] -> RE c a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (RE c a) Source #

(<>) = liftA2 (<>)

Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


(<>) :: RE c a -> RE c a -> RE c a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (RE c a) -> RE c a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> RE c a -> RE c a #

token :: (c -> Maybe a) -> RE c a Source #

Parse a c into an a if the given function returns Just.

satisfy :: (c -> Bool) -> RE c c Source #

Parse a c if it satisfies the given predicate.

single :: Eq c => c -> RE c c Source #

Parse the given c.

anySingle :: RE c c Source #

Parse any c.

list :: Eq c => [c] -> RE c [c] Source #

Parse the given list.

manyList :: RE c [c] Source #

Parse any list. Biased towards matching more.

someList :: RE c [c] Source #

Parse any non-empty list. Biased towards matching more.

manyListMin :: RE c [c] Source #

Parse any list. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

someListMin :: RE c [c] Source #

Parse any non-empty String. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

Char REs

charIgnoreCase :: Char -> RE Char Char Source #

Parse the given Char, ignoring case.

Comparisons are performed after applying simple case folding as described by the Unicode standard.

oneOfChar :: CharSet -> RE Char Char Source #

Parse a Char if it is a member of the CharSet.

stringIgnoreCase :: String -> RE Char String Source #

Parse the given String, ignoring case.

Comparisons are performed after applying simple case folding as described by the Unicode standard.

manyStringOf :: CharSet -> RE Char String Source #

Parse any String containing members of the CharSet. Biased towards matching more.

someStringOf :: CharSet -> RE Char String Source #

Parse any non-empty String containing members of the CharSet. Biased towards matching more.

manyStringOfMin :: CharSet -> RE Char String Source #

Parse any String containing members of the CharSet. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

someStringOfMin :: CharSet -> RE Char String Source #

Parse any non-empty String containing members of the CharSet. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

Numeric Char REs

naturalDec :: RE Char Natural Source #

Parse a decimal Natural. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

integerDec :: RE Char a -> RE Char Integer Source #

Parse a decimal Integer. Parse an optional sign, '-' or '+', followed by the given RE, followed by the absolute value of the integer. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

naturalHex :: RE Char Natural Source #

Parse a hexadecimal Natural. Both uppercase 'A'..'F' and lowercase 'a'..'f' are accepted. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

integerHex :: RE Char a -> RE Char Integer Source #

Parse a hexadecimal Integer. Parse an optional sign, '-' or '+', followed by the given RE, followed by the absolute value of the integer. Both uppercase 'A'..'F' and lowercase 'a'..'f' are accepted. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

wordRangeDec :: (Word, Word) -> RE Char Word Source #

Parse a decimal Word in the range [low..high]. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

intRangeDec :: RE Char a -> (Int, Int) -> RE Char Int Source #

Parse a decimal Int in the range [low..high]. Parse an optional sign, '-' or '+', followed by the given RE, followed by the absolute value of the integer. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

wordRangeHex :: (Word, Word) -> RE Char Word Source #

Parse a hexadecimal Word in the range [low..high]. Both uppercase 'A'..'F' and lowercase 'a'..'f' are accepted. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

intRangeHex :: RE Char a -> (Int, Int) -> RE Char Int Source #

Parse a hexadecimal Int in the range [low..high]. Parse an optional sign, '-' or '+', followed by the given RE, followed by the absolute value of the integer. Both uppercase 'A'..'F' and lowercase 'a'..'f' are accepted. Leading zeros are not accepted. Biased towards matching more.

wordDecN :: Int -> RE Char Word Source #

Parse a Word of exactly n decimal digits, including any leading zeros. Will not parse values that do not fit in a Word. Biased towards matching more.

wordHexN :: Int -> RE Char Word Source #

Parse a Word of exactly n hexadecimal digits, including any leading zeros. Both uppercase 'A'..'F' and lowercase 'a'..'f' are accepted. Will not parse values that do not fit in a Word. Biased towards matching more.


foldlMany :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> RE c a -> RE c b Source #

Parse many occurences of the given RE. Biased towards matching more.

Also see the section "Looping parsers".

foldlManyMin :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> RE c a -> RE c b Source #

Parse many occurences of the given RE. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

toMatch :: RE c a -> RE c [c] Source #

Rebuild the RE such that the result is the matched section of the list instead.

withMatch :: RE c a -> RE c ([c], a) Source #

Rebuild the RE to include the matched section of the list alongside the result.

data Many a Source #

A repeating value or a finite list.


Repeat a

A single value repeating indefinitely

Finite [a]

A finite list


Instances details
Eq1 Many Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Many a -> Many b -> Bool #

Ord1 Many Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> Many a -> Many b -> Ordering #

Show1 Many Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Many a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [Many a] -> ShowS #

NFData1 Many Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


liftRnf :: (a -> ()) -> Many a -> () #

Functor Many Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Many a -> Many b #

(<$) :: a -> Many b -> Many a #

Foldable Many Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


fold :: Monoid m => Many m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Many a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Many a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Many a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Many a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Many a -> a #

toList :: Many a -> [a] #

null :: Many a -> Bool #

length :: Many a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> Many a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => Many a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => Many a -> a #

sum :: Num a => Many a -> a #

product :: Num a => Many a -> a #

NFData a => NFData (Many a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


rnf :: Many a -> () #

Show a => Show (Many a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


showsPrec :: Int -> Many a -> ShowS #

show :: Many a -> String #

showList :: [Many a] -> ShowS #

Eq a => Eq (Many a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


(==) :: Many a -> Many a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Many a -> Many a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Many a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Regex.Internal.Regex


compare :: Many a -> Many a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Many a -> Many a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Many a -> Many a -> Bool #

(>) :: Many a -> Many a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Many a -> Many a -> Bool #

max :: Many a -> Many a -> Many a #

min :: Many a -> Many a -> Many a #

manyr :: RE c a -> RE c (Many a) Source #

Zero or more. Biased towards matching more.

Also see the section "Looping parsers".

optionalMin :: RE c a -> RE c (Maybe a) Source #

Zero or one. Minimal, i.e. biased towards zero.

Use Control.Applicative.optional for the same but biased towards one.

someMin :: RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

One or more. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

manyMin :: RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

Zero or more. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

atLeast :: Int -> RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

At least n times. Biased towards matching more.

atMost :: Int -> RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

At most n times. Biased towards matching more.

betweenCount :: (Int, Int) -> RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

Between m and n times (inclusive). Biased towards matching more.

atLeastMin :: Int -> RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

At least n times. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

atMostMin :: Int -> RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

At most n times. Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

betweenCountMin :: (Int, Int) -> RE c a -> RE c [a] Source #

Between m and n times (inclusive). Minimal, i.e. biased towards matching less.

sepBy :: RE c a -> RE c sep -> RE c [a] Source #

r `sepBy` sep parses zero or more occurences of r, separated by sep. Biased towards matching more.

sepBy1 :: RE c a -> RE c sep -> RE c [a] Source #

r `sepBy1` sep parses one or more occurences of r, separated by sep. Biased towards matching more.

endBy :: RE c a -> RE c sep -> RE c [a] Source #

r `endBy` sep parses zero or more occurences of r, separated and ended by sep. Biased towards matching more.

endBy1 :: RE c a -> RE c sep -> RE c [a] Source #

r `endBy1` sep parses one or more occurences of r, separated and ended by sep. Biased towards matching more.

sepEndBy :: RE c a -> RE c sep -> RE c [a] Source #

r `sepEndBy` sep parses zero or more occurences of r, separated and optionally ended by sep. Biased towards matching more.

sepEndBy1 :: RE c a -> RE c sep -> RE c [a] Source #

r `sepEndBy1` sep parses one or more occurences of r, separated and optionally ended by sep. Biased towards matching more.

chainl1 :: RE c a -> RE c (a -> a -> a) -> RE c a Source #

chainl1 r op parses one or more occurences of r, separated by op. The result is obtained by left associative application of all functions returned by op to the values returned by p. Biased towards matching more.

chainr1 :: RE c a -> RE c (a -> a -> a) -> RE c a Source #

chainr1 r op parses one or more occurences of r, separated by op. The result is obtained by right associative application of all functions returned by op to the values returned by p. Biased towards matching more.

Combinators in base

Various combinators are available in base that work with REs, by virtue of RE being Applicative and Alternative. Since this package does not attempt to redefine or re-export such combinators, you need to import and use them. Commonly used combinators are:

Compile and parse

reParse :: RE c a -> [c] -> Maybe a Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Parse a list with a RE.

Parses the entire list, not just a prefix or a substring. Returns early without demanding the entire list on parse failure.

Uses compile, see the note there.

If parsing multiple lists using the same RE, it is wasteful to compile the RE every time. So, prefer to

  • Compile once with compile or compileBounded and use the compiled Parser with parse as many times as required.
  • Alternately, partially apply this function to a RE and use the function as many times as required.

data Parser c a Source #

A parser compiled from a RE c a.

compile :: RE c a -> Parser c a Source #

\(O(m)\). Compile a RE c a to a Parser c a.

Note: compile does not limit the size of the RE. See compileBounded if you would like to limit the size. REs with size greater than (maxBound::Int) `div` 2 are not supported and the behavior of such a RE is undefined.

compileBounded :: Int -> RE c a -> Maybe (Parser c a) Source #

\(O(\min(l,m))\). Compile a RE c a to a Parser c a.

Returns Nothing if the size of the RE is greater than the provided limit \(l\). You may want to use this if you suspect that the RE may be too large, for instance if the regex is constructed from an untrusted source.

While the exact size of a RE depends on an internal representation, it can be assumed to be in the same order as the length of a regex pattern corresponding to the RE.

parse :: Parser c a -> [c] -> Maybe a Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Parse a list with a Parser.

Parses the entire list, not just a prefix or a substring. Returns early without demanding the entire list on parse failure.

parseSure :: Parser c a -> [c] -> a Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Parse a list with a Parser. Calls error on parse failure.

For use with parsers that are known to never fail.

Parses the entire list, not just a prefix or a substring. Returns early without demanding the entire list on parse failure.

List operations

find :: RE c a -> [c] -> Maybe a Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Find the first occurence of the given RE in a list.


>>> find (list "meow") "homeowner"
Just "meow"

To test whether a list is present in another list, like above, prefer Data.List.isInfixOf.

>>> find (stringIgnoreCase "haskell") "Look I'm Haskelling!"
Just "Haskell"
>>> find (list "backtracking") "parser-regex"

findAll :: RE c a -> [c] -> [a] Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Find all non-overlapping occurences of the given RE in the list.


>>> findAll (list "ana") "banananana"
data Roll = Roll
  Natural -- ^ Rolls
  Natural -- ^ Faces on the die
  deriving Show

roll :: RE Char Roll
roll = Roll <$> (naturalDec <|> pure 1) <* single 'd' <*> naturalDec
>>> findAll roll "3d6, d10, 2d10"
[Roll 3 6,Roll 1 10,Roll 2 10]

splitOn :: RE c a -> [c] -> [[c]] Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Split a list at occurences of the given RE.


>>> splitOn (single ' ') "Glasses are really versatile"

In cases like above, prefer using words or lines instead, if applicable.

>>> splitOn (single ' ' *> oneOfChar "+-=" *> single ' ') "3 - 1 + 1/2 - 2 = 0"

If the list starts or ends with a delimiter, the result will contain empty lists at those positions.

>>> splitOn (single 'a') "ayaya"

replace :: RE c [c] -> [c] -> Maybe [c] Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Replace the first match of the given RE with its result. If there is no match, the result is Nothing.


>>> replace ("world" <$ list "Haskell") "Hello, Haskell!"
Just "Hello, world!"
>>> replace ("," <$ some (single '.')) "one...two...ten"
Just "one,two...ten"

replaceAll :: RE c [c] -> [c] -> [c] Source #

\(O(mn \log m)\). Replace all non-overlapping matches of the given RE with their results.


>>> replaceAll (" and " <$ list ", ") "red, blue, green"
"red and blue and green"
>>> replaceAll ("Fruit" <$ list "Time" <|> "a banana" <$ list "an arrow") "Time flies like an arrow"
"Fruit flies like a banana"
sep = oneOfChar "-./"
digits n = replicateM n (oneOfChar digit)
toYmd d m y = concat [y, "-", m, "-", d]
date = toYmd <$> digits 2 <* sep
             <*> digits 2 <* sep
             <*> digits 4
>>> replaceAll date "01/01/1970, 01-04-1990, 03.07.2011"
"1970-01-01, 1990-04-01, 2011-07-03"

Additional information

Recursive definitions

It is not possible to define a RE recursively. If it were permitted, it would be capable of parsing more than regular languages. Unfortunately, there is no good way* to make it impossible to write such a regex in the first place. So it must be avoided by the programmer. As an example, avoid this:

re :: RE Char [String]
re = liftA2 (:) (list "ha") re <|> [] <$ list "!"  -- diverges!

Instead, use appropriate combinators from this module:

re = many (list "ha") <* list "!"

For the same reason, be cautious when using combinators from the other packages on REs. Make sure that they do not attempt to construct a recursive RE.

If you find that your regex is impossible to write without recursion, you are attempting to parse a non-regular language! You need a more powerful parser than what this library has to offer.

*Unlifted datatypes can be used for this but they are too inconvenient to work with.


Parsing is lazy in the result value, i.e. the a in RE c a or Parser c a. In fact, for the algorithm used in this library, this laziness is essential for good runtime complexity. However, there is little reason to be lazy in other aspects, such as the elements of the sequence, c, or the functions and regexes used in combinators. Functions are strict in such arguments.

-- Lazy in the result
reParse (pure ⊥) "" = Just ⊥
reParse (fmap (\_ -> ⊥) (char 'a')) "a" = Just ⊥

-- Strict in places like
single ⊥ = ⊥
fmap ⊥ r = ⊥
liftA2 f r ⊥ = ⊥

Looping parsers

What should be the result of reParse (many (pure ())) ""?

Since many r parses r as many times as possible, and pure () succeeds without consuming input, the result should arguably be the infinite list repeat (). Similarly, reParse (foldlMany f z (pure ())) "" should diverge. Note that this applies to not just pure x, but any regex that can succeed without consuming input, such as many x, manyMin x, etc.

This library considers that such an outcome is not desirable in practice. It would be surprising to get an infinite structure from a parser. So, in the case that many succeeds an infinite number of times, this library treats it as succeeding zero times.

By this rule, reParse (many (pure ())) "" parses as [] and reParse (foldlMany f z (pure ())) "" parses as z.

This behavior makes it impossible to distinguish between zero parses and infinite parses. To address this, an alternate combinator manyr is provided. This parses into a Many, a type that clearly indicates if parsing succeeded without consuming input into an infinite list, or if it succeeded a finite number of times.


This section describes some performance characteristics of this library, without requiring a dive into the source code.

Parsing with a RE is done in two distinct steps.

  1. A RE is compiled to a Parser, which is a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA), in \(O(m)\) time. \(m\) here is the size of the RE, which is the number of nodes in its internal tree representation. The resulting Parser has \(O(m)\) size.
  2. The Parser is run on a list in \(O(mn \log m)\) time, where \(n\) is the length of the list. This assumes that each (c -> Maybe a) function used to parse individual elements takes \(O(1)\) time.

Performance tip: Use (<$) over (<$>), and (<*)/(*>) over liftA2/(<*>) when ignoring the result of a RE. Knowing the result is ignored allows compiling to a faster parser.

Memory usage for parsing is \(O(nm)\), but

  • If the result of a RE is ignored using (<$), (<*), or (*>), only \(O(m)\) memory is required.

This applies even as subcomponents. So, any subcomponent RE of a larger RE that is only recognizing a section of the list is cheaper in terms of memory.