
is an experimental library with a focus on the low-level empirics of Haskell code performance. If you are looking for a quick and reliable performance benchmark, criterion and tasty-bench are both good choices. If your results are confounding, however, you may need to dig deeper, and this is the problem space of perf
The library:
provides a monad transformer, PerfT
. The criterion API tends towards an atomistic approach - bust code up into snippets, copy-paste into a bench.hs and measure their isolated performance. In contrast, with PerfT
performance can be measured within a code snippet’s original context. Differing code points can be labelled and measured as part of a single run, encouraging a much faster observation - experimentation - refactor cycle.
is polymorphic to what, exactly, is being measured, so that concepts such as counters, debug checks, time and space performance can share treatment.
attempts to measure big O for algorithms that can be defined in terms of input size growth.
includes live charting of raw performance results via chart-svg and prettychart
Probably the best introduction to perf
is via the perf-explore executable:
label1 label2 old result new result change
sum time 9.93e3 7.57e3 improvement
Summing [1..1000] took 9,930 nanoseconds, an improvement versus the on file performance previously measured.
Live charts of raw performance measurement can be obtained via the prettychart library with:
prettychart-watch --watch --filepath other --port 3566
… and pointer your browser at localhost:3566
perf-explore -n 1000 --nocheck --chart

In this particular measure, there was an improvement, dropping from about 10,000 nanos to 8,600 nanos. Increasing the number of measurements:
perf-explore -n 20000 --nocheck --chart --chartpath other/perf20000.svg

Improvements seem to continue as n increases before stabilising (after a GC perhaps) at 3,500 nanos
perf-explore -n 20000 --order --nocheck --tasty
label1 label2 results
sum time 3.51e3
sum:time 3.5 * O(N1)
tasty:time: 3510
The order of the computation (\l -> fap sum [1 .. l]
) is O(N1) and the results are very close to the tasty-bench result.
In comparsion, (\l -> fap (\x -> sum [1 .. x]) l):
perf-explore --nocheck --sumFuse -n 100000 --chart --chartpath other/perffuse.svg --order

perf-explore --nocheck --sumFuse -n 100000 --order
label1 label2 results
sumFuse time 6.78e2
sumFuse:time 0.66 * O(N1)
… is much faster. Hooray for list fusion!
Results, especially for simple computations, are fragile and can show large variance in performance characteristics in identical runs, and across differing compilations. Whether this is due to library flaws or is just the nature of ghc is an open question.
Obligatory disclaimer: statistics is a tricky matter, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. In the absence of a good theory simplistic approaches are as (un)sound as obscure ones. Those who seek statistical soundness should rather collect raw data and process it themselves using a proper statistical toolbox. Data reported by tasty-bench is only of indicative and comparative significance. ~ tasty-bench
variance introduced by outliers: 88% (severely inflated) ~ criterion
The library default is to report the 10th percentile as a summary statistic, and this is a matter of taste, determined mostly by the purpose of the measurement.
ffap and fap
:t ffap
:: (Control.DeepSeq.NFData a, Control.DeepSeq.NFData b, MonadIO m,
Semigroup t) =>
Text.Text -> (a -> b) -> a -> PerfT m t b
ffap and fap are broadly similar to criterion’s nf and whnf respectively, but passes throught the results of the computation into the monad transformer, enabling in-context measurement.
A fine-grained and detailed examination of the effect of measurement on laziness and on core details would be beneficial to the library.
The library was originally developed before tasty-bench, which does a great job of integrating into the tasty api, and a future refactor may integrate with this, rather than supply idiosyncratic methods.
BigOrder calculations tend to be fragile and sometimes differ from theory.
This org file has been used to develop and document library innovation and testing, and may be of use to users in understanding the library. Note that running perf
via ghci is very slow compared with an external process which accesses the compiled version of the library.
:set -Wno-type-defaults
:set -Wno-unused-do-bind
:set -Wno-name-shadowing
:set -XOverloadedStrings
:set -XOverloadedLabels
import Perf
import Perf.Report
import Data.FormatN
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import System.Clock
import Data.List qualified as List
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Optics.Core
import Data.Foldable
import NumHask.Space
putStrLn "ok"
import Chart hiding (tick)
import Prettychart
import Chart.Examples
import Perf.Chart
(disp,q) <- startChartServer Nothing
disp lineExample
import Prettyprinter
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes
Ok, 11 modules loaded.
Setting phasegrhsc it>o stun... (poTrrtu e9
160) (cgthrcli->c to quitg)h
l = 1000
n = 1000
p = do
ffap "sum" sum [1 .. l]
ffap "sumfuse" (\x -> sum [1 .. x]) l
:t p
run = runPerfT (times n) p
:t run
(res, m) <- run
:t m
median . fmap fromIntegral <$> m
ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci| ghci> p :: (MonadIO m, Semigroup t, Control.DeepSeq.NFData b, Num b,
Enum b) =>
PerfT m t b
:: (Control.DeepSeq.NFData a, Num a, Enum a) =>
IO (a, Map.Map Text.Text [Nanos])
m :: Map.Map Text.Text [Nanos]
fromList [("sum",21978.1),("sumfuse",26710.18)]
The default clock is MonoticRaw for linux & macOS, and ThreadCPUTime for Windows.
getRes Monotonic
getRes Realtime
getRes ProcessCPUTime
getRes ThreadCPUTime
getRes MonotonicRaw
TimeSpec {sec = 0, nsec = 1000}
TimeSpec {sec = 0, nsec = 1000}
TimeSpec {sec = 0, nsec = 1000}
TimeSpec {sec = 0, nsec = 42}
TimeSpec {sec = 0, nsec = 42}
The various versions of tick and a variety of algorithms are artifacts of ongoing exploration.
perf-explore -n 20000 --best --ticks
algo stepTime tick tickForce tickForceArgs tickLazy tickWHNF times timesn
sumAux 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 5.13e0 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.10e3
sumCata 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 5.11e0 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.14e3
sumCo 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 5.06e0 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.08e3
sumCoCase 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 5.11e0 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.08e3
sumCoGo 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 5.06e0 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.12e3
sumF 3.48e3 3.49e3 3.46e3 3.46e3 5.06e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.48e3
sumFlip 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.45e3 3.45e3 5.03e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.48e3
sumFlipLazy 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.45e3 3.45e3 4.96e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.45e3
sumFoldr 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3 5.13e0 3.11e3 3.11e3 3.11e3
sumFuse 6.54e2 6.54e2 6.54e2 6.54e2 5.17e0 6.54e2 6.54e2 6.39e2
sumFuseFoldl' 6.54e2 6.54e2 6.54e2 6.54e2 5.00e0 6.54e2 6.54e2 6.44e2
sumFuseFoldr 9.93e2 9.92e2 9.92e2 9.92e2 5.13e0 9.92e2 9.93e2 9.63e2
sumFusePoly 6.56e2 6.56e2 6.56e2 6.56e2 5.12e0 6.56e2 6.57e2 6.47e2
sumLambda 3.48e3 3.49e3 3.48e3 3.48e3 5.12e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.55e3
sumMono 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.46e3 3.46e3 5.00e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.50e3
sumPoly 3.62e3 3.49e3 3.54e3 3.56e3 5.04e0 3.71e3 3.62e3 3.70e3
sumSum 3.48e3 3.49e3 3.48e3 3.48e3 4.98e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.49e3
sumTail 3.48e3 3.49e3 3.45e3 3.45e3 5.00e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.51e3
sumTailLazy 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.45e3 3.45e3 5.16e0 3.48e3 3.48e3 3.49e3
What is a tick?
A fundamental operation of Perf.Time is tick, which sandwiches a (strict) function application between two readings of a clock, and returns time in nanoseconds, and the computation result. In this way, the `Perf` monad can be inserted into the midst of a computation in an attempt to measure performance in-situ as opposed to sitting off in a separate and decontextualized process.
:t tick
tick :: (a -> b) -> a -> IO (Nanos, b)
returns in the IO monad, because reading a cycle counter is an IO effect. A trivial but fundamental point is that performance measurement effects the computation being measured.
tick_ measures the nanoseconds between two immediate clock reads.
:t tick_
tick_ :: IO Nanos
replicateM 10 tick_
multiple ticks
fmap (fmap (fst)) . replicateM 10 $ tick (const ()) ()
Here, const () ()
was evaluated and took 7 micro-seconds for the first effect, reducing down to 2 msecs after 10 effects.
measures the evaluation of an IO value.
:t tickIO
tickIO :: IO a -> IO (Cycles, a)
fmap (fmap fst) . replicateM 10 $ tickIO (pure ())
sum example
fmap (expt (Just 2) . fromIntegral) . fst <$> ticks 10 sum ([1..10000] :: [Double])
ts <- ticks 10000 sum ([1..1000] :: [Double])
print $ average (fmap fromIntegral $ fst ts)
allows for multiple measurement points and is polymorphic in what is being measured. It returns a Map of results held in State.
Compare a lower-level usage of ticks, measuring the average of summing to one thousand over one thousand trials:
first (average . fmap fromIntegral) <$> ticks 1000 sum [1..1000]
… with PerfT usage
second (fmap (average . fmap fromIntegral)) <$> runPerfT (times 1000) (sum |$| [1..1000])
(500500,fromList [("",26217.098)])
An IO example
exampleIO' :: IO ()
exampleIO' = do
txt <- Text.readFile "src/Perf.hs"
let n = Text.length txt
Text.putStrLn $ "length of file is: " <> Text.pack (show n)
exampleIO = execPerfT time (do
txt <- fam "file_read" (Text.readFile "src/Perf.hs")
n <- fap "length" Text.length txt
fam "print_result" (Text.putStrLn $ "length of file is: " <> Text.pack (show n)))
perf-explore --exampleIO
length of file is: 1794
length of file is: 1794
label1 label2 label3 old result new result change
normal file-read time 2.31e5 1.28e5 improvement
normal length time 2.71e3 2.00e3 improvement
normal print-result time 3.75e4 1.32e4 improvement
outer file-read time 6.05e4 3.64e4 improvement
outer length time 9.59e2 6.25e2 improvement
outer outer-total time 7.39e4 4.02e4 improvement
outer print-result time 9.79e3 1.71e3 improvement
Perf.BigO represents functionality to determine the complexity order for a computation.
We could do a regression and minimise the error term, but we know that the largest run contains the most information; we would need to weight the simulations according to some heuristic.
Instead, we:
estimate the order factor for each possible Order, from N3 to N0, setting the highest n run constant factor to zero,
pick the order based on lowest absolute error result summed across all the runs,
import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.List (nub)
estOrder (\x -> sum $ nub [1..x]) 100 [10,100,1000,1000]
BigOrder {bigOrder = N2, bigFactor = 3.187417}
import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.List (nub)
estOrder (\x -> sum $ [1..x]) 10 [1,10,100,1000]
BigOrder {bigOrder = N12, bigFactor = 695.0370069284081, bigConstant = 0.0}
The Haskell performance checklist
ndmitchell/spaceleak: Notes on space leaks
5.13. Debugging the compiler
ghc app/speed.hs -ddump-simpl -ddump-to-file -fforce-recomp -dlint -O
haskell wiki: Looking at the Core
ghc issue 15185: Enum instance for IntX / WordX are inefficient
fixpt - All About Strictness Analysis (part 1)
8. Profiling
A typical configuration step for profiling:
cabal configure --enable-library-profiling --enable-executable-profiling -fprof-auto -fprof -write-ghc-environment-files=always
A cabal.project.local with profiling enabled:
write-ghc-environment-files: always
ignore-project: False
flags: +prof +prof-auto
library-profiling: True
executable-profiling: True
Examples from markup-parse R&D:
Executable compilation:
ghc -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts app/speed0.hs -threaded -fforce-recomp
Executable run:
app/speed0 +RTS -s -p -hc -l -RTS
Space usage output (-s)
885,263,472 bytes allocated in the heap
8,507,448 bytes copied during GC
163,200 bytes maximum residency (4 sample(s))
27,752 bytes maximum slop
6 MiB total memory in use (0 MiB lost due to fragmentation)
Tot time (elapsed) Avg pause Max pause
Gen 0 207 colls, 0 par 0.009s 0.010s 0.0001s 0.0002s
Gen 1 4 colls, 0 par 0.001s 0.001s 0.0004s 0.0005s
TASKS: 4 (1 bound, 3 peak workers (3 total), using -N1)
SPARKS: 0 (0 converted, 0 overflowed, 0 dud, 0 GC'd, 0 fizzled)
INIT time 0.006s ( 0.006s elapsed)
MUT time 0.367s ( 0.360s elapsed)
GC time 0.010s ( 0.011s elapsed)
RP time 0.000s ( 0.000s elapsed)
PROF time 0.000s ( 0.000s elapsed)
EXIT time 0.001s ( 0.001s elapsed)
Total time 0.384s ( 0.380s elapsed)
Cost center profile (-p)
Dumped to speed0.prof
token MarkupParse src/MarkupParse.hs:(259,1)-(260,20) 50.2 50.4
wrappedQ' MarkupParse.FlatParse src/MarkupParse/FlatParse.hs:(215,1)-(217,78) 20.8 23.1
ws_ MarkupParse.FlatParse src/MarkupParse/FlatParse.hs:(135,1)-(146,4) 14.3 5.5
eq MarkupParse.FlatParse src/MarkupParse/FlatParse.hs:243:1-30 10.6 11.1
gather MarkupParse src/MarkupParse.hs:(420,1)-(428,100) 2.4 3.7
runParser FlatParse.Basic src/FlatParse/Basic.hs:(217,1)-(225,24) 1.0 6.0
heap analysis (-hc -l)
eventlog2html speed0.eventlog
Produces speed0.eventlog.html which contains heap charts.
Cache speed
The average cycles per + operation can get down to about 0.7 cycles, and there are about 4 cache registers per cycle, so a sum pipeline uses 2.8 register instructions per +.
Cache |
nsecs |
Cycles |
register |
0.1 |
4 per cycle |
L1 Cache access |
1 |
3-4 cycles |
L2 Cache access |
4 |
11-12 cycles |
L3 unified access |
14 |
30 - 40 |
DRAM hit |
80 |
195 cycles |
L1 miss |
16 |
40 cycles |
L2 miss |
>250 |
>600 cycles |