Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides the tools for defining your database schema and using it to generate Haskell data types and migrations.
- persistWith :: PersistSettings -> QuasiQuoter
- persistUpperCase :: QuasiQuoter
- persistLowerCase :: QuasiQuoter
- persistFileWith :: PersistSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
- persistManyFileWith :: PersistSettings -> [FilePath] -> Q Exp
- mkPersist :: MkPersistSettings -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
- mkPersistWith :: MkPersistSettings -> [EntityDef] -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
- data MkPersistSettings
- mpsBackend :: MkPersistSettings -> Type
- mpsGeneric :: MkPersistSettings -> Bool
- mpsPrefixFields :: MkPersistSettings -> Bool
- mpsFieldLabelModifier :: MkPersistSettings -> Text -> Text -> Text
- mpsConstraintLabelModifier :: MkPersistSettings -> Text -> Text -> Text
- mpsEntityJSON :: MkPersistSettings -> Maybe EntityJSON
- mpsGenerateLenses :: MkPersistSettings -> Bool
- mpsDeriveInstances :: MkPersistSettings -> [Name]
- data EntityJSON = EntityJSON {}
- mkPersistSettings :: Type -> MkPersistSettings
- sqlSettings :: MkPersistSettings
- data ImplicitIdDef
- setImplicitIdDef :: ImplicitIdDef -> MkPersistSettings -> MkPersistSettings
- mkMigrate :: String -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
- migrateModels :: [EntityDef] -> Migration
- discoverEntities :: Q Exp
- mkSave :: String -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
- mkDeleteCascade :: MkPersistSettings -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
- mkEntityDefList :: String -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec]
- share :: [[a] -> Q [Dec]] -> [a] -> Q [Dec]
- derivePersistField :: String -> Q [Dec]
- derivePersistFieldJSON :: String -> Q [Dec]
- persistFieldFromEntity :: MkPersistSettings -> UnboundEntityDef -> Q [Dec]
- lensPTH :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
- parseReferences :: PersistSettings -> Text -> Q Exp
- embedEntityDefs :: [EntityDef] -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> [UnboundEntityDef]
- fieldError :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text
- class PersistEntity record => AtLeastOneUniqueKey record where
- requireUniquesP :: record -> NonEmpty (Unique record)
- class PersistEntity record => OnlyOneUniqueKey record where
- onlyUniqueP :: record -> Unique record
- pkNewtype :: MkPersistSettings -> UnboundEntityDef -> Bool
Parse entity defs
persistWith :: PersistSettings -> QuasiQuoter Source #
Converts a quasi-quoted syntax into a list of entity definitions, to be used as input to the template haskell generation code (mkPersist).
persistUpperCase :: QuasiQuoter Source #
Apply persistWith
to upperCaseSettings
persistLowerCase :: QuasiQuoter Source #
Apply persistWith
to lowerCaseSettings
persistFileWith :: PersistSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp Source #
Same as persistWith
, but uses an external file instead of a
quasiquotation. The recommended file extension is .persistentmodels
persistManyFileWith :: PersistSettings -> [FilePath] -> Q Exp Source #
Same as persistFileWith
, but uses several external files instead of
one. Splitting your Persistent definitions into multiple modules can
potentially dramatically speed up compile times.
The recommended file extension is .persistentmodels
Split your Persistent definitions into multiple files (models1
, models2
then create a new module for each new file and run mkPersist
-- Model1.hsshare
] $(persistFileWith
-- Model2.hsshare
] $(persistFileWith
Use persistManyFileWith
to create your migrations:
-- Migrate.hsshare
"migrateAll"] $(persistManyFileWith
Tip: To get the same import behavior as if you were declaring all your models in
one file, import your new files as Name
into another file, then export module Name
This approach may be used in the future to reduce memory usage during compilation, but so far we've only seen mild reductions.
See persistent#778 and persistent#791 for more details.
Since: 2.5.4
Turn EntityDef
s into types
mkPersist :: MkPersistSettings -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Create data types and appropriate PersistEntity
instances for the given
s. Works well with the persist quasi-quoter.
mkPersistWith :: MkPersistSettings -> [EntityDef] -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Like '
data MkPersistSettings Source #
Settings to be passed to the mkPersist
mpsBackend :: MkPersistSettings -> Type Source #
Which database backend we're using. This type is used for the
associated type in the entities that are
If the mpsGeneric
value is set to True
, then this type is used for
the non-Generic type alias. The data and type will be named:
data ModelGeneric backend = Model { ... }
And, for convenience's sake, we provide a type alias:
type Model = ModelGeneric $(the type you give here)
mpsGeneric :: MkPersistSettings -> Bool Source #
Deprecated: The mpsGeneric function adds a considerable amount of overhead and complexity to the library without bringing significant benefit. We would like to remove it. If you require this feature, please comment on the linked GitHub issue, and we'll either keep it around, or we can figure out a nicer way to solve your problem. Github:
Create generic types that can be used with multiple backends. Good for reusable code, but makes error messages harder to understand. Default: False.
mpsPrefixFields :: MkPersistSettings -> Bool Source #
Prefix field names with the model name. Default: True.
Note: this field is deprecated. Use the mpsFieldLabelModifier and
mpsFieldLabelModifier :: MkPersistSettings -> Text -> Text -> Text Source #
Customise the field accessors and lens names using the entity and field name. Both arguments are upper cased.
Default: appends entity and field.
Note: this setting is ignored if mpsPrefixFields is set to False.
mpsConstraintLabelModifier :: MkPersistSettings -> Text -> Text -> Text Source #
Customise the Constraint names using the entity and field name. The result should be a valid haskell type (start with an upper cased letter).
Default: appends entity and field
Note: this setting is ignored if mpsPrefixFields is set to False.
mpsEntityJSON :: MkPersistSettings -> Maybe EntityJSON Source #
Generate ToJSON
instances for each model types. If it's
, no instances will be generated. Default:
= 'entityIdToJSON ,entityFromJSON
= 'entityIdFromJSON }
mpsGenerateLenses :: MkPersistSettings -> Bool Source #
Instead of generating normal field accessors, generator lens-style accessors.
Default: False
Since: 1.3.1
mpsDeriveInstances :: MkPersistSettings -> [Name] Source #
Automatically derive these typeclass instances for all record and key types.
Default: []
Since: 2.8.1
data EntityJSON Source #
EntityJSON | |
:: Type | Value for |
-> MkPersistSettings |
Create an MkPersistSettings
with default values.
sqlSettings :: MkPersistSettings Source #
Use the SqlPersist
Implicit ID Columns
data ImplicitIdDef Source #
A specification for how the implied ID columns are created.
By default, persistent
will give each table a default column named id
(customizable by PersistSettings
), and the column type will be whatever
you'd expect from
. For The BackendKey
this is an auto incrementing integer primary key.
You might want to give a different example. A common use case in postgresql is to use the UUID type, and automatically generate them using a SQL function.
Previously, you'd need to add a custom Id
annotation for each model.
User Id UUID default="uuid_generate_v1mc()" name Text Dog Id UUID default="uuid_generate_v1mc()" name Text user UserId
Now, you can simply create an ImplicitIdDef
that corresponds to this
newtype UUID = UUIDByteString
UUID wheretoPersistValue
(UUID bs) =PersistLiteral_
pv = case pv of PersistLiteral_ Escaped bs -> Right (UUID bs) _ -> Left "nope" instancePersistFieldSql
UUID wheresqlType
_ =SqlOther
With this instance at the ready, we can now create our implicit definition:
uuidDef :: ImplicitIdDef uuidDef = mkImplicitIdDef @UUID "uuid_generate_v1mc()"
And we can use setImplicitIdDef
to use this with the MkPersistSettings
for our block.
mkPersist (setImplicitIdDef uuidDef sqlSettings) [persistLowerCase| ... |]
TODO: either explain interaction with mkMigrate or fix it. see issue #1249 for more details.
setImplicitIdDef :: ImplicitIdDef -> MkPersistSettings -> MkPersistSettings Source #
Set the ImplicitIdDef
in the given MkPersistSettings
. The default
value is autoIncrementingInteger
Various other TH functions
mkMigrate :: String -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Creates a single function to perform all migrations for the entities defined here. One thing to be aware of is dependencies: if you have entities with foreign references, make sure to place those definitions after the entities they reference.
In persistent-
, this was changed to *ignore* the input entity def
list, and instead defer to mkEntityDefList
to get the correct entities.
This avoids problems where the QuasiQuoter is unable to know what the right
reference types are. This sets mkPersist
to be the "single source of truth"
for entity definitions.
migrateModels :: [EntityDef] -> Migration Source #
The basic function for migrating models, no Template Haskell required.
It's probably best to use this in concert with mkEntityDefList
, and then
call migrateModels
with the result from that function.
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkEntityDefList "entities"] [persistLowerCase| ... |]
migrateAll = migrateModels
The function mkMigrate
currently implements exactly this behavior now. If
you're splitting up the entity definitions into separate files, then it is
better to use the entity definition list and the concatenate all the models
together into a big list to call with migrateModels
module Foo where share [mkPersist s, mkEntityDefList "fooModels"] ... module Bar where share [mkPersist s, mkEntityDefList "barModels"] ... module Migration where import Foo import Bar migrateAll = migrateModels (fooModels <> barModels)
discoverEntities :: Q Exp Source #
mkSave :: String -> [EntityDef] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Deprecated: This function is broken. mkEntityDefList is a drop-in replacement that will properly handle foreign keys correctly.
Save the EntityDef
s passed in under the given name.
This function was deprecated in persistent-
. It doesn't properly
fix foreign keys. Please refer to mkEntityDefList
for a replacement.
mkDeleteCascade :: MkPersistSettings -> [UnboundEntityDef] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Deprecated: You can now set update and delete cascade behavior directly on the entity in the quasiquoter. This function and class are deprecated and will be removed in the next major ersion.
Generate a DeleteCascade
instance for the given EntityDef
This function is deprecated as of You can now set cascade behavior directly in the quasiquoter.
:: String | The name that will be given to the |
-> [UnboundEntityDef] | |
-> Q [Dec] |
Creates a declaration for the [
from the EntityDef
schema. This is necessary because the Persistent QuasiQuoter is unable
to know the correct type of ID fields, and assumes that they are all
Provide this in the list you give to share
, much like
"entityDefs"] [...]
Since: 2.7.1
share :: [[a] -> Q [Dec]] -> [a] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Apply the given list of functions to the same EntityDef
This function is useful for cases such as:
share [mkSave "myDefs", mkPersist sqlSettings] [persistLowerCase|...|]
derivePersistField :: String -> Q [Dec] Source #
Automatically creates a valid PersistField
instance for any datatype
that has valid Show
and Read
instances. Can be very convenient for
derivePersistFieldJSON :: String -> Q [Dec] Source #
Automatically creates a valid PersistField
instance for any datatype
that has valid ToJSON
and FromJSON
instances. For a datatype T
generates instances similar to these:
instance PersistField T where toPersistValue = PersistByteString . L.toStrict . encode fromPersistValue = (left T.pack) . eitherDecodeStrict' <=< fromPersistValue instance PersistFieldSql T where sqlType _ = SqlString
persistFieldFromEntity :: MkPersistSettings -> UnboundEntityDef -> Q [Dec] Source #
Produce code similar to the following:
instance PersistEntity e => PersistField e where toPersistValue = entityToPersistValueHelper fromPersistValue = entityFromPersistValueHelper ["col1", "col2"] sqlType _ = SqlString
parseReferences :: PersistSettings -> Text -> Q Exp Source #
Calls parse
to Quasi.parse individual entities in isolation
afterwards, sets references to other entities
In, this was changed to splice in [
instead of UnboundEntityDef
Since: 2.5.3
:: [EntityDef] | A list of Since: |
-> [UnboundEntityDef] | |
-> [UnboundEntityDef] |
Takes a list of (potentially) independently defined entities and properly
links all foreign keys to reference the right EntityDef
, tying the knot
between entities.
Allows users to define entities indepedently or in separate modules and then
fix the cross-references between them at runtime to create a Migration
Since: 2.7.2
fieldError :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text Source #
Render an error message based on the tableName
and fieldName
the provided message.
Since: 2.8.2
class PersistEntity record => AtLeastOneUniqueKey record where Source #
This class is used to ensure that functions requring at least one
unique key are not called with records that have 0 unique keys. The
quasiquoter automatically writes working instances for appropriate
entities, and generates TypeError
instances for records that have
0 unique keys.
Since: 2.10.0
requireUniquesP :: record -> NonEmpty (Unique record) Source #
class PersistEntity record => OnlyOneUniqueKey record where Source #
This class is used to ensure that upsert
is only called on records
that have a single Unique
key. The quasiquoter automatically generates
working instances for appropriate records, and generates TypeError
instances for records that have 0 or multiple unique keys.
Since: 2.10.0
onlyUniqueP :: record -> Unique record Source #
pkNewtype :: MkPersistSettings -> UnboundEntityDef -> Bool Source #
Returns True
if the key definition has less than 2 fields.