persistent- Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




class PersistStoreRead backend => PersistUniqueRead backend where Source #

Queries against Unique keys (other than the id Key).

Please read the general Persistent documentation to learn how to create Unique keys.

Using this with an Entity without a Unique key leads to undefined behavior. A few of these functions require a single Unique, so using an Entity with multiple Uniques is also undefined. In these cases persistent's goal is to throw an exception as soon as possible, but persistent is still transitioning to that.

SQL backends automatically create uniqueness constraints, but for MongoDB you must manually place a unique index on a field to have a uniqueness constraint.

Minimal complete definition



getBy :: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend) => Unique record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

Get a record by unique key, if available. Returns also the identifier.

Example usage


With schema-1 and dataset-1:

getBySpjName :: MonadIO m  => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity User))
getBySpjName = getBy $ UniqueUserName "SPJ"
mSpjEnt <- getBySpjName

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will get this entity:

| id | name | age |
|  1 | SPJ  |  40 |

existsBy :: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend) => Unique record -> ReaderT backend m Bool Source #

Returns True if a record with this unique key exists, otherwise False.

Example usage


With schema-1 and dataset-1:

existsBySpjName :: MonadIO m  => ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool
existsBySpjName = existsBy $ UniqueUserName "SPJ"
spjEntExists <- existsBySpjName

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will return the value True.

Since: 2.14.5


Instances details
PersistUniqueRead SqlReadBackend Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistUnique


getBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlReadBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlReadBackend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

existsBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlReadBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlReadBackend m Bool Source #

PersistUniqueRead SqlWriteBackend Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistUnique


getBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

existsBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m Bool Source #

PersistUniqueRead SqlBackend Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistUnique


getBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

existsBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m Bool Source #

(HasPersistBackend b, BackendCompatible b s, PersistUniqueRead b) => PersistUniqueRead (Compatible b s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Compatible.Types


getBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s)) => Unique record -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

existsBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s)) => Unique record -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m Bool Source #

class (PersistUniqueRead backend, PersistStoreWrite backend) => PersistUniqueWrite backend where Source #

Some functions in this module (insertUnique, insertBy, and replaceUnique) first query the unique indexes to check for conflicts. You could instead optimistically attempt to perform the operation (e.g. replace instead of replaceUnique). However,

  • there is some fragility to trying to catch the correct exception and determing the column of failure;
  • an exception will automatically abort the current SQL transaction.

Minimal complete definition



deleteBy :: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend) => Unique record -> ReaderT backend m () Source #

Delete a specific record by unique key. Does nothing if no record matches.

Example usage


With schema-1 and dataset-1,

deleteBySpjName :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m ()
deleteBySpjName = deleteBy UniqueUserName "SPJ"

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name  |age  |
|2    |Simon |41   |

insertUnique :: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Key record)) Source #

Like insert, but returns Nothing when the record couldn't be inserted because of a uniqueness constraint.

Example usage


With schema-1 and dataset-1, we try to insert the following two records:

linusId <- insertUnique $ User "Linus" 48
spjId   <- insertUnique $ User "SPJ" 90
|id   |name  |age  |
|1    |SPJ   |40   |
|2    |Simon |41   |
|3    |Linus |48   |

Linus's record was inserted to dataset-1, while SPJ wasn't because SPJ already exists in dataset-1.

insertUnique_ :: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe ()) Source #

Same as insertUnique but doesn't return a Key.

Example usage


With schema-1 and dataset-1, we try to insert the following two records:

linusId <- insertUnique_ $ User "Linus" 48
spjId   <- insertUnique_ $ User "SPJ" 90
|id   |name  |age  |
|1    |SPJ   |40   |
|2    |Simon |41   |
|3    |Linus |48   |

Linus's record was inserted to dataset-1, while SPJ wasn't because SPJ already exists in dataset-1.


upsert Source #


:: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, OnlyOneUniqueKey record, SafeToInsert record) 
=> record

new record to insert

-> [Update record]

updates to perform if the record already exists

-> ReaderT backend m (Entity record)

the record in the database after the operation

Update based on a uniqueness constraint or insert:

  • insert the new record if it does not exist;
  • If the record exists (matched via it's uniqueness constraint), then update the existing record with the parameters which is passed on as list to the function.

Example usage


First, we try to explain upsert using schema-1 and dataset-1.

upsertSpj :: MonadIO m => [Update User] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity User))
upsertSpj updates = upsert (User "SPJ" 999) updates
mSpjEnt <- upsertSpj [UserAge +=. 15]

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age     |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 55|
|2    |Simon|41      |
upsertX :: MonadIO m => [Update User] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity User))
upsertX updates = upsert (User "X" 999) updates
mXEnt <- upsertX [UserAge +=. 15]

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

|id   |name |age     |
|1    |SPJ  |40      |
|2    |Simon|41      |
|3    |X    |999     |

Next, what if the schema has two uniqueness constraints? Let's check it out using schema-2:

mSpjEnt <- upsertSpj [UserAge +=. 15]

This fails with a compile-time type error alerting us to the fact that this record has multiple unique keys, and suggests that we look for upsertBy to select the unique key we want.

upsertBy Source #


:: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, SafeToInsert record) 
=> Unique record

uniqueness constraint to find by

-> record

new record to insert

-> [Update record]

updates to perform if the record already exists

-> ReaderT backend m (Entity record)

the record in the database after the operation

Update based on a given uniqueness constraint or insert:

  • insert the new record if it does not exist;
  • update the existing record that matches the given uniqueness constraint.

Example usage


We try to explain upsertBy using schema-2 and dataset-1.

upsertBySpjName :: MonadIO m => User -> [Update User] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Entity User)
upsertBySpjName record updates = upsertBy (UniqueUserName "SPJ") record updates
mSpjEnt <- upsertBySpjName (Person "X" 999) [PersonAge += .15]

The above query will alter dataset-1 to:

|id   |name |age     |
|1    |SPJ  |40 -> 55|
|2    |Simon|41      |
upsertBySimonAge :: MonadIO m => User -> [Update User] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Entity User)
upsertBySimonAge record updates = upsertBy (UniqueUserName "SPJ") record updates
mPhilipEnt <- upsertBySimonAge (User "X" 999) [UserName =. "Philip"]

The above query will alter dataset-1 to:

| id |      name       | age |
|  1 | SPJ             |  40 |
|  2 | Simon -> Philip |  41 |
upsertByUnknownName :: MonadIO m => User -> [Update User] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Entity User)
upsertByUnknownName record updates = upsertBy (UniqueUserName "Unknown") record updates
mXEnt <- upsertByUnknownName (User "X" 999) [UserAge +=. 15]

This query will alter dataset-1 to:

|id   |name |age  |
|1    |SPJ  |40   |
|2    |Simon|41   |
|3    |X    |999  |

putMany Source #


:: forall record m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, SafeToInsert record) 
=> [record]

A list of the records you want to insert or replace.

-> ReaderT backend m () 

Put many records into db

  • insert new records that do not exist (or violate any unique constraints)
  • replace existing records (matching any unique constraint)

Since: 2.8.1


Instances details
PersistUniqueWrite SqlWriteBackend Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistUnique


deleteBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m () Source #

insertUnique :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m (Maybe (Key record)) Source #

insertUnique_ :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m (Maybe ()) Source #

upsert :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend, OnlyOneUniqueKey record, SafeToInsert record) => record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m (Entity record) Source #

upsertBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend, SafeToInsert record) => Unique record -> record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m (Entity record) Source #

putMany :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlWriteBackend, SafeToInsert record) => [record] -> ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m () Source #

PersistUniqueWrite SqlBackend Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistUnique


deleteBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend) => Unique record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m () Source #

insertUnique :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Key record)) Source #

insertUnique_ :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe ()) Source #

upsert :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, OnlyOneUniqueKey record, SafeToInsert record) => record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Entity record) Source #

upsertBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, SafeToInsert record) => Unique record -> record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m (Entity record) Source #

putMany :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record SqlBackend, SafeToInsert record) => [record] -> ReaderT SqlBackend m () Source #

(HasPersistBackend b, BackendCompatible b s, PersistUniqueWrite b) => PersistUniqueWrite (Compatible b s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.Persist.Compatible.Types


deleteBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s)) => Unique record -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m () Source #

insertUnique :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s), SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m (Maybe (Key record)) Source #

insertUnique_ :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s), SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m (Maybe ()) Source #

upsert :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s), OnlyOneUniqueKey record, SafeToInsert record) => record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m (Entity record) Source #

upsertBy :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s), SafeToInsert record) => Unique record -> record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m (Entity record) Source #

putMany :: forall record (m :: Type -> Type). (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record (Compatible b s), SafeToInsert record) => [record] -> ReaderT (Compatible b s) m () Source #

class PersistEntity record => OnlyOneUniqueKey record where Source #

This class is used to ensure that upsert is only called on records that have a single Unique key. The quasiquoter automatically generates working instances for appropriate records, and generates TypeError instances for records that have 0 or multiple unique keys.

Since: 2.10.0


onlyUniqueP :: record -> Unique record Source #

onlyOneUniqueDef :: (OnlyOneUniqueKey record, Monad proxy) => proxy record -> UniqueDef Source #

Given a proxy for a PersistEntity record, this returns the sole UniqueDef for that entity.


class PersistEntity record => AtLeastOneUniqueKey record where Source #

This class is used to ensure that functions requring at least one unique key are not called with records that have 0 unique keys. The quasiquoter automatically writes working instances for appropriate entities, and generates TypeError instances for records that have 0 unique keys.

Since: 2.10.0


requireUniquesP :: record -> NonEmpty (Unique record) Source #

atLeastOneUniqueDef :: (AtLeastOneUniqueKey record, Monad proxy) => proxy record -> NonEmpty UniqueDef Source #

Given a proxy for a record that has an instance of AtLeastOneUniqueKey, this returns a NonEmpty list of the UniqueDefs for that entity.

Since: 2.10.0

type NoUniqueKeysError ty = (('Text "The entity " ':<>: 'ShowType ty) ':<>: 'Text " does not have any unique keys.") ':$$: ('Text "The function you are trying to call requires a unique key " ':<>: 'Text "to be defined on the entity.") Source #

This is an error message. It is used when writing instances of OnlyOneUniqueKey for an entity that has no unique keys.

Since: 2.10.0

type MultipleUniqueKeysError ty = ((('Text "The entity " ':<>: 'ShowType ty) ':<>: 'Text " has multiple unique keys.") ':$$: ('Text "The function you are trying to call requires only a single " ':<>: 'Text "unique key.")) ':$$: (('Text "There is probably a variant of the function with 'By' " ':<>: 'Text "appended that will allow you to select a unique key ") ':<>: 'Text "for the operation.") Source #

This is an error message. It is used when an entity has multiple unique keys, and the function expects a single unique key.

Since: 2.10.0

getByValue :: forall record m backend. (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend, PersistRecordBackend record backend, AtLeastOneUniqueKey record) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

A modification of getBy, which takes the PersistEntity itself instead of a Unique record. Returns a record matching one of the unique keys. This function makes the most sense on entities with a single Unique constructor.

Example usage


With schema-1 and dataset-1,

getBySpjValue :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity User)) getBySpjValue = getByValue $ User SPJ 999

mSpjEnt <- getBySpjValue

The above query when applied on dataset-1, will get this record:

| id | name | age |
|  1 | SPJ  |  40 |

getByValueUniques :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueRead backend, PersistRecordBackend record backend) => [Unique record] -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

Retrieve a record from the database using the given unique keys. It will attempt to find a matching record for each Unique in the list, and returns the first one that has a match.

Returns Nothing if you provide an empty list ('[]') or if no value matches in the database.

Since: 2.10.0

insertBy :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueWrite backend, PersistRecordBackend record backend, AtLeastOneUniqueKey record, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Either (Entity record) (Key record)) Source #

Insert a value, checking for conflicts with any unique constraints. If a duplicate exists in the database, it is returned as Left. Otherwise, the new 'Key is returned as Right.

Example usage


With schema-2 and dataset-1, we have following lines of code:

l1 <- insertBy $ User "SPJ" 20
l2 <- insertBy $ User "XXX" 41
l3 <- insertBy $ User "SPJ" 40
r1 <- insertBy $ User "XXX" 100

First three lines return Left because there're duplicates in given record's uniqueness constraints. While the last line returns a new key as Right.

insertUniqueEntity :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, PersistUniqueWrite backend, SafeToInsert record) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Entity record)) Source #

Like insertEntity, but returns Nothing when the record couldn't be inserted because of a uniqueness constraint.

Example usage


We use schema-2 and dataset-1 here.

insertUniqueSpjEntity :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity User))
insertUniqueSpjEntity = insertUniqueEntity $ User "SPJ" 50
mSpjEnt <- insertUniqueSpjEntity

The above query results Nothing as SPJ already exists.

insertUniqueAlexaEntity :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Maybe (Entity User))
insertUniqueAlexaEntity = insertUniqueEntity $ User "Alexa" 3
mAlexaEnt <- insertUniqueSpjEntity

Because there's no such unique keywords of the given record, the above query when applied on dataset-1, will produce this:

| id | name  | age |
|  1 | SPJ   |  40 |
|  2 | Simon |  41 |
|  3 | Alexa |   3 |

Since: 2.7.1

replaceUnique :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, Eq (Unique record), PersistRecordBackend record backend, PersistUniqueWrite backend) => Key record -> record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Unique record)) Source #

Attempt to replace the record of the given key with the given new record. First query the unique fields to make sure the replacement maintains uniqueness constraints.

Return Nothing if the replacement was made. If uniqueness is violated, return a Just with the Unique violation


checkUnique :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, PersistUniqueRead backend) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Unique record)) Source #

Check whether there are any conflicts for unique keys with this entity and existing entities in the database.

Returns Nothing if the entity would be unique, and could thus safely be inserted. on a conflict returns the conflicting key

Example usage


We use schema-1 and dataset-1 here.

This would be Nothing:

mAlanConst <- checkUnique $ User "Alan" 70

While this would be Just because SPJ already exists:

mSpjConst <- checkUnique $ User "SPJ" 60

checkUniqueUpdateable :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, PersistRecordBackend record backend, PersistUniqueRead backend) => Entity record -> ReaderT backend m (Maybe (Unique record)) Source #

Check whether there are any conflicts for unique keys with this entity and existing entities in the database.

Returns Nothing if the entity would stay unique, and could thus safely be updated. on a conflict returns the conflicting key

This is similar to checkUnique, except it's useful for updating - when the particular entity already exists, it would normally conflict with itself. This variant ignores those conflicts

Example usage


We use schema-1 and dataset-1 here.

This would be Nothing:

mAlanConst <- checkUnique $ User "Alan" 70

While this would be Just because SPJ already exists:

mSpjConst <- checkUnique $ User "SPJ" 60


onlyUnique :: forall record backend m. (MonadIO m, PersistUniqueWrite backend, PersistRecordBackend record backend, OnlyOneUniqueKey record) => record -> ReaderT backend m (Unique record) Source #

Return the single unique key for a record.

Example usage


We use shcema-1 and dataset-1 here.

onlySimonConst :: MonadIO m => ReaderT SqlBackend m (Unique User)
onlySimonConst = onlyUnique $ User "Simon" 999
mSimonConst <- onlySimonConst

mSimonConst would be Simon's uniqueness constraint. Note that onlyUnique doesn't work if there're more than two constraints. It will fail with a type error instead.

defaultUpsertBy Source #


:: (PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend, PersistEntity record, MonadIO m, PersistStoreWrite backend, PersistUniqueRead backend, SafeToInsert record) 
=> Unique record

uniqueness constraint to find by

-> record

new record to insert

-> [Update record]

updates to perform if the record already exists

-> ReaderT backend m (Entity record)

the record in the database after the operation

The slow but generic upsertBy implementation for any PersistUniqueRead. * Lookup corresponding entities (if any) getBy. * If the record exists, update using updateGet. * If it does not exist, insert using insertEntity. @since 2.11

defaultPutMany :: forall record backend m. (PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend, PersistEntity record, MonadIO m, PersistStoreWrite backend, PersistUniqueRead backend, SafeToInsert record) => [record] -> ReaderT backend m () Source #

The slow but generic putMany implementation for any PersistUniqueRead. * Lookup corresponding entities (if any) for each record using getByValue * For pre-existing records, issue a replace for each old key and new record * For new records, issue a bulk insertMany_

persistUniqueKeyValues :: PersistEntity record => record -> [PersistValue] Source #

This function returns a list of PersistValue that correspond to the Unique keys on that record. This is useful for comparing two records for equality only on the basis of their Unique keys.