pg-entity tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement the Entity typeclass for your business logic data-types, and run queries against the database.

Setting up

Language Extensions

  • OverloadedLists allow us to use the [list] syntax for datatypes other than List, like Vector.
  • QuasiQuotes enable us to write plain SQL and field names in a [|quasi-quoter block|].
  • The Deriving extensions give us more powerful typeclass derivation.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}

module Tutorial where

Then, let's import some data-types and modules:

import Data.Pool (Pool)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField
import Database.PostgreSQL.Transact (DBT)
import GHC.Generics

import Control.Monad.Error
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import Database.PostgreSQL.Entity
import Database.PostgreSQL.Entity.DBT
import Database.PostgreSQL.Entity.Types

And let's write down our initial data models for a blog. Author, and BlogPost.

It is good practice to wrap your primary key in a newtype to gain more type-safety, but without losing access to typeclass instances of the underlying type, with deriving newtype.

newtype AuthorId = AuthorId {getAuthorId :: UUID}
  deriving newtype (Eq, Show, FromField, ToField)

data Author = Author
  { authorId :: AuthorId
  -- ^ Primary key
  , name :: Text
  , createdAt :: UTCTime
  deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
  deriving anyclass (FromRow, ToRow)


newtype BlogPostId = BlogPostId {getBlogPostId :: UUID}
  deriving newtype (Eq, FromField, Show, ToField)

data BlogPost = BlogPost
  { blogPostId :: BlogPostId
  -- ^ Primary key
  , authorId :: AuthorId
  -- ^ Foreign key
  , title :: Text
  , content :: Text
  , createdAt :: UTCTime
  deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Show)
  deriving anyclass (FromRow, ToRow)

Let us write the Entity instances now:

instance Entity Author where
  tableName = "authors"
  primaryKey = [field| author_id |]
  fields =
    [ [field| author_id |]
    , [field| name |]
    , [field| created_at |]

The above instance declaration reads as:

My table's name is authors, its primary key is author_id, and the fields are author_id, name, and created_at.

The order matters for the declarations, so make sure that each field is at the correct position.

Let's do the same for BlogPost:

instance Entity BlogPost where
  tableName = "blogposts"
  primaryKey = [field| blogpost_id |]
  fields =
    [ [field| blogpost_id |]
    , [field| author_id |]
    , [field| title |]
    , [field| content |]
    , [field| created_at |]

And these instances will give you access to the Entity functions to query your tables

Using Generics

But all these manual instances are a tad tedious. Fortunately, there is a derivation mechanism available that allows you to automate the generation of the Entity instance. This mechanism is called DerivingVia. It allows you to use a wrapper, called GenericEntity, and a list of options at the type-level to generate the instance

deriving via
    '[ TableName "authors"
     , PrimaryKey "author_id"
     ] Author
  ) instance Entity Author

Those two options, TableName and PrimaryKey are optional, and the library will adopt the following defaults:

  • tableName will be the snake_case version of the record's name. No pluralisation will be done.

  • primaryKey will be the snake_case version of the first field of the record.

  • field names will be the snake_case version of the record fields.

The advantages brought by this technique are that the error surface is reduced when implementing the Entity typeclass.

⚠️ While all these deriving parameters are optional, I advise you to write down the table name (with the TableName option). In the PostgreSQL world, it is customary to pluralise the name of the table containing your data, and pg-entity does not automatically do this.

⚠️ For performance reasons, you are advised to write the primary key in the options. If you do not, the generic deriving mechanism will have to do a linear search in the fields list (of complexity 𝛰(n) whereas the lookup will take 𝛰(1) if the primary key is given in your code. Do this especially if you have long tables.

Do it if you have long tables.

Writing the SQL migrations

In a separate file, we will translate our Haskell data models into SQL migrations.

create table authors (
    author_id uuid primary key,
    name text not null,
    created_at timestamptz not null

create table blogposts (
    blogpost_id uuid primary key,
    author_id uuid not null,
    title text not null,
    content text not null,
    created_at timestamptz not null,
    constraint fk_author
      foreign key(author_id)
        references authors(author_id)

Making queries

By implementing the Entity Typeclass, your data-type has access to a variety of functions, combinators and helpers that serve the one true purpose of this library:

Provide a safe mechanism to expand the fields of a table while writing a query.

Let us define our insertion function for the Author model:

insertAuthor :: Author -> DBT IO ()
insertAuthor = insert @Author

The result of this function, which we call a “DBT action”, is then passed to withPool.

You can then build a higher-level API endpoint or route controller like that:

data AuthorInfo = AuthorInfo
  { name :: Text
  deriving stock (Eq, Show)

mkAuthor :: MonadIO m => AuthorInfo -> m Author
mkAuthor AuthorInfo{name = authorName} = do
  authorId <- liftIO $ AuthorId <$> UUID.nextRandom
  createdAt <- liftIO Time.getCurrentTime
  pure Author{name = authorName, authorId, createdAt}

  :: (MonadIO m)
  => Pool Connection
  -> AuthorInfo
  -> m ()
addAuthor pool info = do
  newAuthor <- mkAuthor info
  withPool pool $ insertAuthor newAuthor

And if you want to later select an Author based on its AuthorId:

  :: (MonadIO m)
  => Pool Connection
  -> AuthorId
  -> m (Maybe Author)
getAuthor pool authorId =
  withPool pool $ selectOneByField [field| author_id |] (Only authorId)

This is the end of this tutorial. There are many more functions to discover that will help you write your queries. While you shouldn't have to explore the source code to gain understanding of how to use the library, feel free to navigate it to see how the underlying mechanisms work. :)

Next, you can consult our Guides section to see how to do error handling.