module Pier.Core.Internal.Directory
    ( forFileRecursive_
    , FileItem(..)
    , getRegularContents
    , createParentIfMissing
    , copyDirectory
    , parentDirectory
    ) where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import System.Directory
import qualified System.Posix.Files as Posix

-- | Create recursively the parent of the given path, if it doesn't exist.
createParentIfMissing :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
    = liftIO . createDirectoryIfMissing True . parentDirectory

-- | Get the parent of the given directory or file.
-- Examples:
-- parentDirectory "foo/bar"  == "foo"
-- parentDirectory "foo/bar/" == "foo"
-- parentDirectory "foo" == ""
parentDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath
parentDirectory = fixPeriod . takeDirectory . dropTrailingPathSeparator
    fixPeriod "." = ""
    fixPeriod x = x

data FileItem = RegularFile | DirectoryStart | DirectoryEnd | SymbolicLink

forFileRecursive_ :: (FileItem -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO ()
forFileRecursive_ act f = do
    isSymLink <- pathIsSymbolicLink f
    if isSymLink
        then act SymbolicLink f
        else do
            isDir <- doesDirectoryExist f
            if not isDir
                then act RegularFile f
                else do
                    act DirectoryStart f
                    getRegularContents f
                        >>= mapM_ (forFileRecursive_ act . (f </>))
                    act DirectoryEnd f

-- | Get the contents of this path, excluding the special files "." and ".."
getRegularContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getRegularContents f =
    filter (not . specialFile) <$> getDirectoryContents f
    specialFile "." = True
    specialFile ".." = True
    specialFile _ = False

-- | Copy the directory recursively from the source to the target location.
-- Hard-link files, and copy any symlinks.
copyDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyDirectory src dest = do
    createParentIfMissing dest
    forFileRecursive_ act src
    act RegularFile f = Posix.createLink f $ dest </> makeRelative src f
    act SymbolicLink f = do
        target <- getSymbolicLinkTarget f
        let g = dest </> makeRelative src f
        createParentIfMissing g
        createFileLink target g
    act DirectoryStart f = createDirectoryIfMissing False (dest </> makeRelative src f)
    act DirectoryEnd _ = return ()