module Plugin.Pl.Common (
Fixity(..), Expr(..), Pattern(..), Decl(..), TopLevel(..),
bt, sizeExpr, mapTopLevel, mapTopLevel', getExpr,
operators, reservedOps, lookupOp, lookupFix, minPrec, maxPrec,
comp, flip', id', const', scomb, cons, nil, fix', if', readM,
makeList, getList,
module Data.Maybe,
module Control.Arrow,
module Data.List,
module Control.Monad,
module GHC.Base
) where
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Data.List (intersperse, minimumBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow (first, second, (***), (&&&), (|||), (+++))
import Language.Haskell.Exts (Assoc(..))
import GHC.Base (assert)
data Fixity = Pref | Inf deriving Show
instance Eq Fixity where
_ == _ = True
instance Ord Fixity where
compare _ _ = EQ
data Expr
= Var Fixity String
| Lambda Pattern Expr
| App Expr Expr
| Let [Decl] Expr
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Pattern
= PVar String
| PCons Pattern Pattern
| PTuple Pattern Pattern
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Decl = Define {
declName :: String,
declExpr :: Expr
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data TopLevel = TLD Bool Decl | TLE Expr deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
mapTopLevel :: (Expr -> Expr) -> TopLevel -> TopLevel
mapTopLevel f tl = case getExpr tl of (e, c) -> c $ f e
mapTopLevel' :: Functor f => (Expr -> f Expr) -> TopLevel -> f TopLevel
mapTopLevel' f tl = case getExpr tl of (e, c) -> fmap c $ f e
getExpr :: TopLevel -> (Expr, Expr -> TopLevel)
getExpr (TLD True (Define foo e)) = (Let [Define foo e] (Var Pref foo),
\e' -> TLD False $ Define foo e')
getExpr (TLD False (Define foo e)) = (e, \e' -> TLD False $ Define foo e')
getExpr (TLE e) = (e, TLE)
sizeExpr :: Expr -> Int
sizeExpr (Var _ _) = 1
sizeExpr (App e1 e2) = sizeExpr e1 + sizeExpr e2 + 1
sizeExpr (Lambda _ e) = 1 + sizeExpr e
sizeExpr (Let ds e) = 1 + sum (map sizeDecl ds) + sizeExpr e where
sizeDecl (Define _ e') = 1 + sizeExpr e'
comp, flip', id', const', scomb, cons, nil, fix', if' :: Expr
comp = Var Inf "."
flip' = Var Pref "flip"
id' = Var Pref "id"
const' = Var Pref "const"
scomb = Var Pref "ap"
cons = Var Inf ":"
nil = Var Pref "[]"
fix' = Var Pref "fix"
if' = Var Pref "if'"
makeList :: [Expr] -> Expr
makeList = foldr (\e1 e2 -> cons `App` e1 `App` e2) nil
getList :: Expr -> ([Expr], Expr)
getList (c `App` x `App` tl) | c == cons = first (x:) $ getList tl
getList e = ([],e)
bt :: a
bt = undefined
shift, minPrec, maxPrec :: Int
shift = 0
maxPrec = shift + 10
minPrec = 0
operators :: [[(String, (Assoc (), Int))]]
operators = (map . map . second . second $ (+shift))
[[inf "." (AssocRight ()) 9, inf "!!" (AssocLeft ()) 9],
[inf name (AssocRight ()) 8 | name <- ["^", "^^", "**"]],
[inf name (AssocLeft ()) 7
| name <- ["*", "/", "`quot`", "`rem`", "`div`", "`mod`", ":%", "%"]],
[inf name (AssocLeft ()) 6 | name <- ["+", "-"]],
[inf name (AssocRight ()) 5 | name <- [":", "++"]],
[inf name (AssocNone ()) 4
| name <- ["==", "/=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "`elem`", "`notElem`"]],
[inf "&&" (AssocRight ()) 3],
[inf "||" (AssocRight ()) 2],
[inf ">>" (AssocLeft ()) 1, inf ">>=" (AssocLeft ()) 1, inf "=<<" (AssocRight ()) 1],
[inf name (AssocRight ()) 0 | name <- ["$", "$!", "`seq`"]]
] where
inf name assoc fx = (name, (assoc, fx))
reservedOps :: [String]
reservedOps = ["->", "..", "="]
opFM :: M.Map String (Assoc (), Int)
opFM = (M.fromList $ concat operators)
lookupOp :: String -> Maybe (Assoc (), Int)
lookupOp k = M.lookup k opFM
lookupFix :: String -> (Assoc (), Int)
lookupFix str = case lookupOp $ str of
Nothing -> ((AssocLeft ()), 9 + shift)
Just x -> x
readM :: (Monad m, Read a) => String -> m a
readM s = case [x | (x,t) <- reads s, ("","") <- lex t] of
[x] -> return x
[] -> fail "readM: No parse."
_ -> fail "readM: Ambiguous parse."