Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell98 |
- class Commitment p where
- class (Functor p, Monad p, Applicative p, Alternative p, Commitment p) => PolyParse p
- apply :: PolyParse p => p (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
- discard :: PolyParse p => p a -> p b -> p a
- failBad :: PolyParse p => String -> p a
- adjustErrBad :: PolyParse p => p a -> (String -> String) -> p a
- indent :: Int -> String -> String
- oneOf :: PolyParse p => [p a] -> p a
- exactly :: PolyParse p => Int -> p a -> p [a]
- upto :: PolyParse p => Int -> p a -> p [a]
- many1 :: PolyParse p => p a -> p [a]
- sepBy :: PolyParse p => p a -> p sep -> p [a]
- sepBy1 :: PolyParse p => p a -> p sep -> p [a]
- bracketSep :: PolyParse p => p bra -> p sep -> p ket -> p a -> p [a]
- bracket :: PolyParse p => p bra -> p ket -> p a -> p a
- manyFinally :: PolyParse p => p a -> p z -> p [a]
- manyFinally' :: (PolyParse p, Show a) => p a -> p z -> p [a]
The PolyParse classes
class Commitment p where Source
The Commitment
class is an abstraction over all the current
concrete representations of monadic/applicative parser combinators in this
package. The common feature is two-level error-handling.
Some primitives must be implemented specific to each parser type
(e.g. depending on whether the parser has a running state, or
whether it is lazy). But given those primitives, large numbers of
combinators do not depend any further on the internal structure of
the particular parser.
Commit is a way of raising the severity of any errors found within its argument. Used in the middle of a parser definition, it means that any operations prior to commitment fail softly, but after commitment, they fail hard.
adjustErr :: p a -> (String -> String) -> p a Source
applies the transformation adjustErr
to any error message
generated in p
, having no effect if p
oneOf' :: [(String, p a)] -> p a Source
Parse the first alternative that succeeds, but if none succeed, report only the severe errors, and if none of those, then report all the soft errors.
Commitment Parser Source | |
Commitment Parser Source | |
Commitment Parser Source | |
Commitment (Parser t) Source | |
Commitment (Parser t) Source | |
Commitment (Parser t) Source | |
Commitment (Parser s) Source | |
Commitment (Parser s t) Source | |
Commitment (Parser s t) Source |
class (Functor p, Monad p, Applicative p, Alternative p, Commitment p) => PolyParse p Source
The PolyParse
class is an abstraction gathering all of the common
features that a two-level error-handling parser requires:
the applicative parsing interface, the monadic interface, and commitment.
There are two additional basic combinators that we expect to be implemented
afresh for every concrete type, but which (for technical reasons)
cannot be class methods. They are next
and satisfy
Combinators general to all parser types.
Simple combinators
apply :: PolyParse p => p (a -> b) -> p a -> p b infixl 3 Source
Apply a parsed function to a parsed value. Rather like ordinary function application lifted into parsers.
discard :: PolyParse p => p a -> p b -> p a infixl 3 Source
parses both x and y, but discards the result of y.
Rather like discard
lifted into parsers.
failBad :: PolyParse p => String -> p a Source
When a simple fail is not strong enough, use failBad for emphasis. An emphasised (severe) error cannot be overridden by choice operators.
adjustErrBad :: PolyParse p => p a -> (String -> String) -> p a Source
is just like adjustErr
except it also raises the
severity of the error.
indent :: Int -> String -> String Source
Helper for formatting error messages: indents all lines by a fixed amount.
exactly :: PolyParse p => Int -> p a -> p [a] Source
'exactly n p' parses precisely n items, using the parser p, in sequence.
upto :: PolyParse p => Int -> p a -> p [a] Source
'upto n p' parses n or fewer items, using the parser p, in sequence.
sepBy :: PolyParse p => p a -> p sep -> p [a] Source
Parse a list of items separated by discarded junk.
sepBy1 :: PolyParse p => p a -> p sep -> p [a] Source
Parse a non-empty list of items separated by discarded junk.
bracketSep :: PolyParse p => p bra -> p sep -> p ket -> p a -> p [a] Source
Parse a list of items, discarding the start, end, and separator items.
bracket :: PolyParse p => p bra -> p ket -> p a -> p a Source
Parse a bracketed item, discarding the brackets.
If everything matches except the closing bracket, the whole
parse fails soft, which can give less-than-satisfying error messages.
If you want better error messages, try calling with e.g.
bracket open (commit close) item
manyFinally :: PolyParse p => p a -> p z -> p [a] Source
manyFinally e t
parses a possibly-empty sequence of e
terminated by a t
. The final t
is discarded. Any parse failures
could be due either to a badly-formed terminator or a badly-formed
element, so it raises both possible errors.
manyFinally' :: (PolyParse p, Show a) => p a -> p z -> p [a] Source
is like manyFinally
, except when the terminator
parser overlaps with the element parser. In manyFinally e t
the parser t
is tried only when parser e
fails, whereas in
manyFinally' e t
, the parser t
is always tried first, then
parser e
only if the terminator is not found. For instance,
manyFinally (accept "01") (accept "0")
on input "0101010"
, whereas manyFinally'
with the same arguments
and input returns []