{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TemplateHaskell #-} module Polysemy.Output ( -- * Effect Output (..) -- * Actions , output -- * Interpretations , runOutputList , runOutputMonoid , runOutputMonoidAssocR , runOutputMonoidIORef , runOutputMonoidTVar , outputToIOMonoid , outputToIOMonoidAssocR , ignoreOutput , runOutputBatched , runOutputSem ) where import Data.IORef import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Semigroup (Endo(..)) import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Polysemy import Polysemy.State import Control.Monad (when) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | An effect capable of sending messages. Useful for streaming output and for -- logging. data Output o m a where Output :: o -> Output o m () makeSem ''Output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Run an 'Output' effect by transforming it into a list of its values. -- -- @since runOutputList :: forall o r a . Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r ([o], a) runOutputList = fmap (first reverse) . runState [] . reinterpret (\case Output o -> modify' (o :) ) {-# INLINE runOutputList #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Run an 'Output' effect by transforming it into a monoid. -- -- @since runOutputMonoid :: forall o m r a . Monoid m => (o -> m) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r (m, a) runOutputMonoid f = runState mempty . reinterpret (\case Output o -> modify' (`mappend` f o) ) {-# INLINE runOutputMonoid #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Like 'runOutputMonoid', but right-associates uses of '<>'. -- -- This asymptotically improves performance if the time complexity of '<>' for -- the 'Monoid' depends only on the size of the first argument. -- -- You should always use this instead of 'runOutputMonoid' if the monoid -- is a list, such as 'String'. -- -- @since runOutputMonoidAssocR :: forall o m r a . Monoid m => (o -> m) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r (m, a) runOutputMonoidAssocR f = fmap (first (`appEndo` mempty)) . runOutputMonoid (\o -> let !o' = f o in Endo (o' <>)) {-# INLINE runOutputMonoidAssocR #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Run an 'Output' effect by transforming it into atomic operations -- over an 'IORef'. -- -- @since runOutputMonoidIORef :: forall o m r a . (Monoid m, Member (Embed IO) r) => IORef m -> (o -> m) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r a runOutputMonoidIORef ref f = interpret $ \case Output o -> embed $ atomicModifyIORef' ref (\s -> let !o' = f o in (s <> o', ())) {-# INLINE runOutputMonoidIORef #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Run an 'Output' effect by transforming it into atomic operations -- over a 'TVar'. -- -- @since runOutputMonoidTVar :: forall o m r a . (Monoid m, Member (Embed IO) r) => TVar m -> (o -> m) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r a runOutputMonoidTVar tvar f = interpret $ \case Output o -> embed $ atomically $ do s <- readTVar tvar writeTVar tvar $! s <> f o {-# INLINE runOutputMonoidTVar #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Run an 'Output' effect in terms of atomic operations -- in 'IO'. -- -- Internally, this simply creates a new 'IORef', passes it to -- 'runOutputMonoidIORef', and then returns the result and the final value -- of the 'IORef'. -- -- /Beware/: As this uses an 'IORef' internally, -- all other effects will have local -- state semantics in regards to 'Output' effects -- interpreted this way. -- For example, 'Polysemy.Error.throw' and 'Polysemy.Error.catch' will -- never revert 'output's, even if 'Polysemy.Error.runError' is used -- after 'outputToIOMonoid'. -- -- @since outputToIOMonoid :: forall o m r a . (Monoid m, Member (Embed IO) r) => (o -> m) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r (m, a) outputToIOMonoid f sem = do ref <- embed $ newIORef mempty res <- runOutputMonoidIORef ref f sem end <- embed $ readIORef ref return (end, res) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Like 'outputToIOMonoid', but right-associates uses of '<>'. -- -- This asymptotically improves performance if the time complexity of '<>' for -- the 'Monoid' depends only on the size of the first argument. -- -- You should always use this instead of 'outputToIOMonoid' if the monoid -- is a list, such as 'String'. -- -- /Beware/: As this uses an 'IORef' internally, -- all other effects will have local -- state semantics in regards to 'Output' effects -- interpreted this way. -- For example, 'Polysemy.Error.throw' and 'Polysemy.Error.catch' will -- never revert 'output's, even if 'Polysemy.Error.runError' is used -- after 'outputToIOMonoidAssocR'. -- -- @since outputToIOMonoidAssocR :: forall o m r a . (Monoid m, Member (Embed IO) r) => (o -> m) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r (m, a) outputToIOMonoidAssocR f = (fmap . first) (`appEndo` mempty) . outputToIOMonoid (\o -> let !o' = f o in Endo (o' <>)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Run an 'Output' effect by ignoring it. -- -- @since ignoreOutput :: Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r a ignoreOutput = interpret $ \case Output _ -> pure () {-# INLINE ignoreOutput #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Accumulate 'output's so they are delayed until they reach at least size -- @size@. -- -- If @size@ is 0, this interpretation will not emit anything in the resulting -- 'Output' effect. -- -- @since runOutputBatched :: forall o r a . Member (Output [o]) r => Int -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r a runOutputBatched 0 m = ignoreOutput m runOutputBatched size m = do ((c, res), a) <- runState (0 :: Int, [] :: [o]) $ reinterpret (\case Output o -> do (count, acc) <- get let newCount = 1 + count newAcc = o : acc if newCount < size then put (newCount, newAcc) else do output (reverse newAcc) put (0 :: Int, [] :: [o]) ) m when (c > 0) $ output @[o] (reverse res) pure a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Runs an 'Output' effect by running a monadic action for each of its -- values. runOutputSem :: (o -> Sem r ()) -> Sem (Output o ': r) a -> Sem r a runOutputSem act = interpret $ \case Output o -> act o {-# INLINE runOutputSem #-}