postgresql-simple- Mid-Level PostgreSQL client library

Safe HaskellNone




Transaction handling

withTransaction :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a Source

Execute an action inside a SQL transaction.

This function initiates a transaction with a "begin transaction" statement, then executes the supplied action. If the action succeeds, the transaction will be completed with commit before this function returns.

If the action throws any kind of exception (not just a PostgreSQL-related exception), the transaction will be rolled back using rollback, then the exception will be rethrown.

For nesting transactions, see withSavepoint.

withTransactionLevel :: IsolationLevel -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a Source

Execute an action inside a SQL transaction with a given isolation level.

withTransactionMode :: TransactionMode -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a Source

Execute an action inside a SQL transaction with a given transaction mode.

withTransactionModeRetry :: TransactionMode -> (SqlError -> Bool) -> Connection -> IO a -> IO a Source

Like withTransactionMode, but also takes a custom callback to determine if a transaction should be retried if an SqlError occurs. If the callback returns True, then the transaction will be retried. If the callback returns False, or an exception other than an SqlError occurs then the transaction will be rolled back and the exception rethrown.

This is used to implement withTransactionSerializable.

withTransactionSerializable :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a Source

Execute an action inside of a Serializable transaction. If a serialization failure occurs, roll back the transaction and try again. Be warned that this may execute the IO action multiple times.

A Serializable transaction creates the illusion that your program has exclusive access to the database. This means that, even in a concurrent setting, you can perform queries in sequence without having to worry about what might happen between one statement and the next.

Think of it as STM, but without retry.

data IsolationLevel Source

Of the four isolation levels defined by the SQL standard, these are the three levels distinguished by PostgreSQL as of version 9.0. See for more information. Note that prior to PostgreSQL 9.0, RepeatableRead was equivalent to Serializable.



the isolation level will be taken from PostgreSQL's per-connection default_transaction_isolation variable, which is initialized according to the server's config. The default configuration is ReadCommitted.


data ReadWriteMode Source



the read-write mode will be taken from PostgreSQL's per-connection default_transaction_read_only variable, which is initialized according to the server's config. The default configuration is ReadWrite.


begin :: Connection -> IO () Source

Begin a transaction.

beginLevel :: IsolationLevel -> Connection -> IO () Source

Begin a transaction with a given isolation level

beginMode :: TransactionMode -> Connection -> IO () Source

Begin a transaction with a given transaction mode

commit :: Connection -> IO () Source

Commit a transaction.

rollback :: Connection -> IO () Source

Rollback a transaction.


withSavepoint :: Connection -> IO a -> IO a Source

Create a savepoint, and roll back to it if an error occurs. This may only be used inside of a transaction, and provides a sort of "nested transaction".


newSavepoint :: Connection -> IO Savepoint Source

Create a new savepoint. This may only be used inside of a transaction.

releaseSavepoint :: Connection -> Savepoint -> IO () Source

Destroy a savepoint, but retain its effects.

Warning: this will throw a SqlError matching isFailedTransactionError if the transaction is aborted due to an error. commit would merely warn and roll back.

rollbackToSavepoint :: Connection -> Savepoint -> IO () Source

Roll back to a savepoint. This will not release the savepoint.

rollbackToAndReleaseSavepoint :: Connection -> Savepoint -> IO () Source

Roll back to a savepoint and release it. This is like calling rollbackToSavepoint followed by releaseSavepoint, but avoids a round trip to the database server.

Error predicates