{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time.Internal.Parser
, localTime
, timeOfDay
, timeZone
, UTCOffsetHMS(..)
, timeZoneHMS
, localToUTCTimeOfDayHMS
, utcTime
, zonedTime
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*), (*>))
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Compat (toPico)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Fixed (Pico)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorianValid, addDays)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Local
day :: Parser Day
day = do
y <- decimal <* char '-'
m <- twoDigits <* char '-'
d <- twoDigits
maybe (fail "invalid date") return (fromGregorianValid y m d)
twoDigits :: Parser Int
twoDigits = do
a <- digit
b <- digit
let c2d c = ord c .&. 15
return $! c2d a * 10 + c2d b
timeOfDay :: Parser Local.TimeOfDay
timeOfDay = do
h <- twoDigits <* char ':'
m <- twoDigits
mc <- peekChar
s <- case mc of
Just ':' -> anyChar *> seconds
_ -> return 0
if h < 24 && m < 60 && s <= 60
then return (Local.TimeOfDay h m s)
else fail "invalid time"
seconds :: Parser Pico
seconds = do
real <- twoDigits
mc <- peekChar
case mc of
Just '.' -> do
t <- anyChar *> takeWhile1 isDigit
return $! parsePicos (fromIntegral real) t
_ -> return $! fromIntegral real
parsePicos :: Int64 -> B8.ByteString -> Pico
parsePicos a0 t = toPico (fromIntegral (t' * 10^n))
where n = max 0 (12 - B8.length t)
t' = B8.foldl' (\a c -> 10 * a + fromIntegral (ord c .&. 15)) a0
(B8.take 12 t)
timeZone :: Parser (Maybe Local.TimeZone)
timeZone = do
ch <- satisfy $ \c -> c == '+' || c == '-' || c == 'Z'
if ch == 'Z'
then return Nothing
else do
h <- twoDigits
mm <- peekChar
m <- case mm of
Just ':' -> anyChar *> twoDigits
_ -> return 0
let off | ch == '-' = negate off0
| otherwise = off0
off0 = h * 60 + m
case undefined of
_ | off == 0 ->
return Nothing
| h > 23 || m > 59 ->
fail "invalid time zone offset"
| otherwise ->
let !tz = Local.minutesToTimeZone off
in return (Just tz)
data UTCOffsetHMS = UTCOffsetHMS {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
timeZoneHMS :: Parser (Maybe UTCOffsetHMS)
timeZoneHMS = do
ch <- satisfy $ \c -> c == '+' || c == '-' || c == 'Z'
if ch == 'Z'
then return Nothing
else do
h <- twoDigits
m <- maybeTwoDigits
s <- maybeTwoDigits
case undefined of
_ | h == 0 && m == 0 && s == 0 ->
return Nothing
| h > 23 || m >= 60 || s >= 60 ->
fail "invalid time zone offset"
| otherwise ->
if ch == '+'
then let !tz = UTCOffsetHMS h m s
in return (Just tz)
else let !tz = UTCOffsetHMS (-h) (-m) (-s)
in return (Just tz)
maybeTwoDigits = do
ch <- peekChar
case ch of
Just ':' -> anyChar *> twoDigits
_ -> return 0
localToUTCTimeOfDayHMS :: UTCOffsetHMS -> Local.TimeOfDay -> (Integer, Local.TimeOfDay)
localToUTCTimeOfDayHMS (UTCOffsetHMS dh dm ds) (Local.TimeOfDay h m s) =
(\ !a !b -> (a,b)) dday (Local.TimeOfDay h'' m'' s'')
s' = s - fromIntegral ds
(!s'', m')
| s' < 0 = (s' + 60, m - dm - 1)
| s' >= 60 = (s' - 60, m - dm + 1)
| otherwise = (s' , m - dm )
(!m'', h')
| m' < 0 = (m' + 60, h - dh - 1)
| m' >= 60 = (m' - 60, h - dh + 1)
| otherwise = (m' , h - dh )
(!h'', dday)
| h' < 0 = (h' + 24, -1)
| h' >= 24 = (h' - 24, 1)
| otherwise = (h' , 0)
localTime :: Parser Local.LocalTime
localTime = Local.LocalTime <$> day <* daySep <*> timeOfDay
where daySep = satisfy (\c -> c == ' ' || c == 'T')
utcTime :: Parser UTCTime
utcTime = do
(Local.LocalTime d t) <- localTime
mtz <- timeZoneHMS
case mtz of
Nothing -> let !tt = Local.timeOfDayToTime t
in return (UTCTime d tt)
Just tz -> let !(dd,t') = localToUTCTimeOfDayHMS tz t
!d' = addDays dd d
!tt = Local.timeOfDayToTime t'
in return (UTCTime d' tt)
zonedTime :: Parser Local.ZonedTime
zonedTime = Local.ZonedTime <$> localTime <*> (fromMaybe utc <$> timeZone)
utc :: Local.TimeZone
utc = Local.TimeZone 0 False ""