{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}

{- | Introduces named parameters for @postgresql-simple@ library.
It uses @?@ question mark symbol as the indicator of the named parameter which
is replaced with the standard syntax with question marks.

Check out the example of usage:

'queryNamed' dbConnection [sql|
    __SELECT__ *
    __FROM__ users
    __WHERE__ foo = ?foo
      __AND__ bar = ?bar
      __AND__ baz = ?foo
|] [ "foo" '=?' "fooBar"
   , "bar" '=?' "barVar"

module PgNamed
       ( -- * Named data types and smart constructors
         NamedParam (..)
       , Name (..)
       , (=?)

         -- * Errors
       , PgNamedError (..)
       , WithNamedError

         -- * Functions to deal with named parameters
       , extractNames
       , namesToRow

         -- * Database querying functions with named parameters
       , queryNamed
       , queryWithNamed
       , executeNamed
       , executeNamed_

         -- * Internal utils
       , withNamedArgs
       ) where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (throwError))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (lookup)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import GHC.Exts (IsString)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow as PG
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField as PG
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types as PG

-- | Wrapper over name of the argument.
newtype Name = Name
    { unName :: Text
    } deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString)

-- | Data type to represent each named parameter.
data NamedParam = NamedParam
    { namedParamName  :: !Name
    , namedParamParam :: !PG.Action
    } deriving stock (Show)

-- | @PostgreSQL@ error type for named parameters.
data PgNamedError
    -- | Named parameter is not specified.
    = PgNamedParam Name
    -- | Query has no names inside but was called with named functions.
    | PgNoNames PG.Query
    -- | Query contains an empty name.
    | PgEmptyName PG.Query
    deriving stock (Eq)

-- | Type alias for monads that can throw errors of the 'PgNamedError' type.
type WithNamedError = MonadError PgNamedError

instance Show PgNamedError where
    show e = "PostgreSQL named parameter error: " ++ case e of
        PgNamedParam n -> "Named parameter '" ++ show n ++ "' is not specified"
        PgNoNames (PG.Query q) ->
            "Query has no names but was called with named functions: " ++ BS.unpack q
        PgEmptyName (PG.Query q) ->
            "Query contains an empty name: " ++ BS.unpack q

-- | Checks whether the 'Name' is in the list and returns its parameter.
lookupName :: Name -> [NamedParam] -> Maybe PG.Action
lookupName n = lookup n . map (\NamedParam{..} -> (namedParamName, namedParamParam))

{- | This function takes query with named parameters specified like this:

__SELECT__ name, user __FROM__ users __WHERE__ id = ?id

and returns either the error or the query with all names replaced by
question marks @?@ with the list of the names in the order of their appearance.

For example:

>>> extractNames "SELECT * FROM users WHERE foo = ?foo AND bar = ?bar AND baz = ?foo"
Right ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE foo = ? AND bar = ? AND baz = ?","foo" :| ["bar","foo"])
    :: PG.Query
    -> Either PgNamedError (PG.Query, NonEmpty Name)
extractNames qr = go (PG.fromQuery qr) >>= \case
    (_, [])         -> Left $ PgNoNames qr
    (q, name:names) -> Right (PG.Query q, name :| names)
    go :: ByteString -> Either PgNamedError (ByteString, [Name])
    go str
        | BS.null str = Right ("", [])
        | otherwise   = let (before, after) = BS.break (== '?') str in
            case BS.uncons after of
                Nothing -> Right (before, [])
                Just ('?', nameStart) ->
                    let (name, remainingQuery) = BS.span isNameChar nameStart
                    in if BS.null name
                           then Left $ PgEmptyName qr
                           else fmap (bimap ((before <> "?") <>) (Name (decodeUtf8 name) :))
                                     (go remainingQuery)
                Just _ -> error "'break (== '?')' doesn't return string started with the question mark"

    isNameChar :: Char -> Bool
    isNameChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_'

{- | Returns the list of values to use in query by given list of 'Name's.
Throws 'PgNamedError' if any named parameter is not specified.
    :: forall m . WithNamedError m
    => NonEmpty Name  -- ^ List of the names used in query
    -> [NamedParam]   -- ^ List of the named parameters
    -> m (NonEmpty PG.Action)
namesToRow names params = traverse magicLookup names
    magicLookup :: Name -> m PG.Action
    magicLookup n = case lookupName n params of
        Just x  -> pure x
        Nothing -> throwError $ PgNamedParam n

{- | Operator to create 'NamedParam's.

>>> "foo" =? (1 :: Int)
NamedParam {namedParamName = "foo", namedParamParam = Plain "1"}

So it can be used in creating the list of the named arguments:

'queryNamed' dbConnection [sql|
    __SELECT__ *
    __FROM__ users
    __WHERE__ foo = ?foo
      __AND__ bar = ?bar
      __AND__ baz = ?foo
|] [ "foo" '=?' "fooBar"
   , "bar" '=?' "barVar"
infix 1 =?
(=?) :: (PG.ToField a) => Name -> a -> NamedParam
n =? a = NamedParam n $ PG.toField a
{-# INLINE (=?) #-}

{- | Queries the database with a given query and named parameters
and expects a list of rows in return.

'queryNamed' dbConnection [sql|
    __SELECT__ id
    __FROM__ table
    __WHERE__ foo = ?foo
|] [ "foo" '=?' "bar" ]
    :: (MonadIO m, WithNamedError m, PG.FromRow res)
    => PG.Connection  -- ^ Database connection
    -> PG.Query       -- ^ Query with named parameters inside
    -> [NamedParam]   -- ^ The list of named parameters to be used in the query
    -> m [res]        -- ^ Resulting rows
queryNamed conn qNamed params =
    withNamedArgs qNamed params >>= \(q, actions) ->
        liftIO $ PG.query conn q (toList actions)

{- | Queries the database with a given row parser, 'PG.Query', and named parameters
and expects a list of rows in return.

Sometimes there are multiple ways to parse tuples returned by PostgreSQL into
the same data type. However, it's not possible to implement multiple intances of
the 'PG.FromRow' typeclass (or any other typeclass).

Consider the following data type:

__data__ Person = Person
    { personName :: !Text
    , personAge  :: !(Maybe Int)

We might want to parse values of the @Person@ data type in two ways:

1. Default by parsing all fields.
2. Parse only name and @age@ to 'Nothing'.

If you want to have multiple instances, you need to create @newtype@ for each
case. However, in some cases it might not be convenient to deal with newtypes
around large data types. So you can implement custom 'PG.RowParser' and use it
with 'queryWithNamed'.

'queryWithNamed' rowParser dbConnection [sql|
    __SELECT__ id
    __FROM__ table
    __WHERE__ foo = ?foo
|] [ "foo" '=?' "bar" ]
    :: (MonadIO m, WithNamedError m)
    => PG.RowParser res -- ^ Custom defined row parser
    -> PG.Connection    -- ^ Database connection
    -> PG.Query         -- ^ Query with named parameters inside
    -> [NamedParam]     -- ^ The list of named parameters to be used in the query
    -> m [res]          -- ^ Resulting rows
queryWithNamed rowParser conn qNamed params =
    withNamedArgs qNamed params >>= \(q, actions) ->
        liftIO $ PG.queryWith rowParser conn q (toList actions)

{- | Modifies the database with a given query and named parameters
and expects a number of the rows affected.

'executeNamed' dbConnection [sql|
    __UPDATE__ table
    __SET__ foo = \'bar\'
    __WHERE__ id = ?id
|] [ "id" '=?' someId ]
    :: (MonadIO m, WithNamedError m)
    => PG.Connection  -- ^ Database connection
    -> PG.Query       -- ^ Query with named parameters inside
    -> [NamedParam]   -- ^ The list of named parameters to be used in the query
    -> m Int64        -- ^ Number of the rows affected by the given query
executeNamed conn qNamed params =
    withNamedArgs qNamed params >>= \(q, actions) ->
        liftIO $ PG.execute conn q (toList actions)

{- | Same as 'executeNamed' but discard the nubmer of rows affected by the given
query. This function is useful when you're not interested in this number.
    :: (MonadIO m, WithNamedError m)
    => PG.Connection  -- ^ Database connection
    -> PG.Query       -- ^ Query with named parameters inside
    -> [NamedParam]   -- ^ The list of named parameters to be used in the query
    -> m ()
executeNamed_ conn qNamed = void . executeNamed conn qNamed
{-# INLINE executeNamed_ #-}

{- | Helper to use named parameters. Use it to implement named wrappers around
functions from @postgresql-simple@ library. If you think that the function is
useful, consider opening feature request to the @postgresql-simple-named@

* https://github.com/Holmusk/postgresql-simple-named/issues
    :: WithNamedError m
    => PG.Query
    -> [NamedParam]
    -> m (PG.Query, NonEmpty PG.Action)
withNamedArgs qNamed namedArgs = do
    (q, names) <- case extractNames qNamed of
        Left errType -> throwError errType
        Right r      -> pure r
    args <- namesToRow names namedArgs
    pure (q, args)