Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- alexIndexInt32OffAddr :: AlexAddr -> Int# -> Int#
- quickIndex :: Array Int (AlexAcc (Any :: Type)) -> Int -> AlexAcc (Any :: Type)
- data AlexReturn a
- alexScan :: (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String) -> Int -> AlexReturn (AlexAction LocToken)
- alexScanUser :: t -> (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String) -> Int -> AlexReturn (AlexAction LocToken)
- alex_scan_tkn :: t1 -> t2 -> Int# -> AlexInput -> Int# -> AlexLastAcc -> (AlexLastAcc, (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String))
- data AlexLastAcc
- = AlexNone
- | AlexLastAcc !Int !AlexInput !Int
- | AlexLastSkip !AlexInput !Int
- data AlexAcc user
- data LocToken = LocToken {}
- data Token
- data AlexUserState = AlexUserState {}
- alexInitUserState :: AlexUserState
- getFilePath :: Alex FilePath
- setFilePath :: FilePath -> Alex ()
- unLex :: Token -> String
- lex' :: (String -> Token) -> AlexAction LocToken
- alexMonadScan' :: Alex LocToken
- alexEOF :: Alex LocToken
- alexError' :: AlexPosn -> String -> Alex a
- runAlex' :: Alex a -> FilePath -> String -> Either String a
- lexAll :: Alex [LocToken]
- parseQuery' :: FilePath -> String -> Either String [LocToken]
- parseQuery :: FilePath -> String -> Either String [Token]
- alex_action_0 :: AlexAction LocToken
- alex_action_1 :: AlexAction LocToken
- alex_action_2 :: AlexAction LocToken
- data AlexAddr = AlexA# Addr#
- alexIndexInt16OffAddr :: AlexAddr -> Int# -> Int#
- utf8Encode :: Char -> [Word8]
- type Byte = Word8
- type AlexInput = (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String)
- ignorePendingBytes :: AlexInput -> AlexInput
- alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
- alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Byte, AlexInput)
- data AlexPosn = AlexPn !Int !Int !Int
- alexStartPos :: AlexPosn
- alexMove :: AlexPosn -> Char -> AlexPosn
- data AlexState = AlexState {}
- runAlex :: String -> Alex a -> Either String a
- newtype Alex a = Alex {}
- alexGetInput :: Alex AlexInput
- alexSetInput :: AlexInput -> Alex ()
- alexError :: String -> Alex a
- alexGetStartCode :: Alex Int
- alexSetStartCode :: Int -> Alex ()
- alexGetUserState :: Alex AlexUserState
- alexSetUserState :: AlexUserState -> Alex ()
- alexMonadScan :: Alex LocToken
- type AlexAction result = AlexInput -> Int -> Alex result
- skip :: p1 -> p2 -> Alex LocToken
- begin :: Int -> p1 -> p2 -> Alex LocToken
- andBegin :: AlexAction result -> Int -> AlexAction result
- token :: (AlexInput -> Int -> token) -> AlexAction token
- alex_tab_size :: Int
- alex_base :: AlexAddr
- alex_table :: AlexAddr
- alex_check :: AlexAddr
- alex_deflt :: AlexAddr
- alex_accept :: Array Int (AlexAcc user)
- alex_actions :: Array Int (AlexAction LocToken)
data AlexReturn a Source #
alexScanUser :: t -> (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String) -> Int -> AlexReturn (AlexAction LocToken) Source #
alex_scan_tkn :: t1 -> t2 -> Int# -> AlexInput -> Int# -> AlexLastAcc -> (AlexLastAcc, (AlexPosn, Char, [Byte], String)) Source #
data AlexLastAcc Source #
AlexNone | |
AlexLastAcc !Int !AlexInput !Int | |
AlexLastSkip !AlexInput !Int |
AlexAccNone | |
AlexAcc Int | |
AlexAccSkip |
Sql String | |
NumberedParam Word | |
HaskellParam String | |
data AlexUserState Source #
AlexUserState | |
setFilePath :: FilePath -> Alex () Source #
utf8Encode :: Char -> [Word8] Source #
Encode a Haskell String to a list of Word8 values, in UTF8 format.
alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char Source #
alexSetInput :: AlexInput -> Alex () Source #
alexSetStartCode :: Int -> Alex () Source #
alexSetUserState :: AlexUserState -> Alex () Source #
andBegin :: AlexAction result -> Int -> AlexAction result Source #
alex_tab_size :: Int Source #