{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.PrettyPrint.GHCi.Haddock (
prettyPrintHaddock, haddock2Doc,
) where
import System.Terminal.Utils
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.String ( fromString )
import Data.Void ( Void, absurd )
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Data.List ( dropWhileEnd )
import System.IO ( stdout )
import Documentation.Haddock.Markup
import Documentation.Haddock.Parser
import Documentation.Haddock.Types
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal
prettyPrintHaddock :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
prettyPrintHaddock smarter str = do
termSize <- getTerminalSize
let layoutOpts = LayoutOptions (AvailablePerLine (maybe 80 snd termSize) 1.0)
layoutAlgo = if smarter then layoutSmart else layoutPretty
renderIO stdout (layoutAlgo layoutOpts (haddock2Doc str))
haddock2Doc :: String -> Doc AnsiStyle
haddock2Doc doc = (blocksToDoc blks <> hardline)
MetaDoc { _doc = parsedDoc } = parseParas Nothing doc
blks = getAsBlocks $ markup (terminalMarkup defaultHaddockConf) parsedDoc
defaultHaddockConf :: HaddockPrintConf
defaultHaddockConf = HaddockPrintConf
{ hpc_default = mempty
, hpc_emphasis = italicized
, hpc_bold = bold
, hpc_monospaced = colorDull Magenta
, hpc_header = bold <> underlined <> color White
, hpc_identifier = underlined <> color Magenta
, hpc_math = italicized <> color Green
, hpc_links = underlined <> color Blue
, hpc_warning = italicized <> color Red
, hpc_control = bold <> colorDull Yellow
data HaddockPrintConf = HaddockPrintConf
{ hpc_default :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_emphasis :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_bold :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_monospaced :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_header :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_identifier :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_math :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_links :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_warning :: AnsiStyle
, hpc_control :: AnsiStyle
type ReflowSpaces = Bool
data RenderedDocH = RDH
{ getAsBlocks :: [Doc AnsiStyle]
, getAsInline :: ReflowSpaces -> Doc AnsiStyle
blocksToDoc :: [Doc AnsiStyle] -> Doc AnsiStyle
blocksToDoc = align . vcat . punctuate hardline
terminalMarkup :: HaddockPrintConf -> DocMarkupH Void Identifier RenderedDocH
terminalMarkup hpc = Markup
{ markupEmpty = RDH { getAsBlocks = []
, getAsInline = mempty }
, markupString = \str -> onlyInline $ \reflowSpaces -> case str of
"" -> mempty
_ | reflowSpaces
-> let headSpace = if isSpace (head str) then space else mempty
lastSpace = if isSpace (last str) then space else mempty
in headSpace <> fillSep (map fromString (words str)) <> lastSpace
| otherwise
-> fromString (dropWhileEnd (== '\n') str)
, markupParagraph = \doc -> onlyBlock (getAsInline doc True)
, markupAppend = \(RDH b1 i1) (RDH b2 i2) -> RDH (b1 ++ b2) (i1 <> i2)
, markupIdentifier = \(_,idnt,_) -> onlyInline $ \_ -> ident (fromString idnt)
, markupModule = \mdl -> onlyInline $ \_ -> ident (fromString mdl)
, markupAName = \anc -> onlyInline $ \_ -> ident (fromString anc)
, markupIdentifierUnchecked = absurd
, markupEmphasis = \doc -> onlyInline (emph . getAsInline doc)
, markupBold = \doc -> onlyInline (bolded . getAsInline doc)
, markupMonospaced = \doc -> onlyInline (mono . getAsInline doc)
, markupWarning = \doc ->
onlyBlock (warn (getAsInline doc True))
, markupUnorderedList = \docs ->
onlyBlock (renderListLike (repeat "*")
(map (blocksToDoc . getAsBlocks) docs))
, markupOrderedList = \docs ->
onlyBlock (renderListLike [ unsafeViaShow i <> "." | i <- [1 :: Int ..] ]
(map (blocksToDoc . getAsBlocks) docs))
, markupDefList = \lblDocs -> let (lbls, docs) = unzip lblDocs in
onlyBlock (renderListLike [ ctrl (getAsInline l True <> ":") <> hardline | l <- lbls ]
(map (\doc -> align (getAsInline doc False)) docs))
, markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink uri titleOpt) -> onlyInline $ \_ -> case titleOpt of
Nothing -> ctrl "<" <> link (fromString uri) <> ctrl ">"
Just title -> ctrl "[" <> fromString title <> ctrl "](" <> link (fromString uri) <> ctrl ")"
, markupPic = \(Picture uri titleOpt) -> onlyInline $ \_ -> case titleOpt of
Nothing -> ctrl "<<" <> link (fromString uri) <> ctrl ">>"
Just title -> ctrl " <> ctrl ")"
, markupMathInline = \tex -> onlyInline $ \_ ->
math ("\\(" <+> fillSep (map fromString (words tex)) <+> "\\)")
, markupMathDisplay = \tex -> onlyBlock (math ("\\[" <> fromString tex <> "\\]"))
, markupProperty = \prop -> onlyBlock (ctrl "prop>" <> fromString prop)
, markupHeader = \(Header lvl title) -> let leader = ctrl (fromString (replicate lvl '=')) in
onlyBlock (leader <+> header (getAsInline title True))
, markupTable = \_ -> onlyBlock (bad "<table could not be rendered>")
, markupExample = \examples -> onlyBlock . vcat . join $
[ (ctrl ">>>" <+> fromString input) : (map (mono . fromString) output)
| Example input output <- examples ]
, markupCodeBlock = \doc -> RDH { getAsBlocks = [mono (getAsInline doc False)]
, getAsInline = \_ -> mono (getAsInline doc True) }
onlyInline :: (ReflowSpaces -> Doc AnsiStyle) -> RenderedDocH
onlyInline renderInline = RDH { getAsBlocks = [renderInline False]
, getAsInline = renderInline }
onlyBlock :: Doc AnsiStyle -> RenderedDocH
onlyBlock renderBlock = RDH { getAsBlocks = [renderBlock]
, getAsInline = \_ -> align renderBlock }
renderListLike :: [Doc AnsiStyle] -> [Doc AnsiStyle] -> Doc AnsiStyle
renderListLike ixs docs = indent 2 . blocksToDoc $
[ ctrl ix <+> doc | (ix,doc) <- ixs `zip` docs ]
header = annotate (hpc_header hpc)
emph = annotate (hpc_emphasis hpc)
bolded = annotate (hpc_bold hpc)
ctrl = annotate (hpc_control hpc)
link = annotate (hpc_links hpc)
math = annotate (hpc_math hpc)
mono = annotate (hpc_monospaced hpc)
ident = annotate (hpc_identifier hpc)
warn = annotate (hpc_warning hpc)
bad = annotate (color Red <> bold <> bgColor White)