Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Deprecated: Writing your own stack machine is probably more efficient and customizable; also consider using »renderSimplyDecorated(A)« instead
This module shows how to write a custom prettyprinter backend, based on
directly converting a SimpleDocStream
to an output format using a stack
machine. For a tree serialization approach, which may be more suitable for
certain output formats, see
Rendering to ANSI terminal with colors is an important use case for stack machine based rendering.
The module is written to be readable top-to-bottom in both Haddock and raw source form.
- data SimpleHtml
- data Color
- bold :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml
- italics :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml
- paragraph :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml
- headline :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml
- color :: Color -> Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml
- renderStackMachine :: SimpleDocStream SimpleHtml -> StackMachine Builder SimpleHtml ()
- htmlTag :: SimpleHtml -> (Builder, Builder)
- render :: SimpleDocStream SimpleHtml -> Text
The type of available markup
First, we define a set of valid annotations must be defined, with the goal of
defining a
. We will later define how to convert this to
the output format (Doc
Convenience definitions
bold :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml Source #
italics :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml Source #
paragraph :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml Source #
headline :: Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml Source #
color :: Color -> Doc SimpleHtml -> Doc SimpleHtml Source #
The rendering algorithm
With the annotation definitions out of the way, we can now define a
conversion function from SimpleDocStream
annotated with our SimpleHtml
to the
final Text
There are two ways to render this; the simpler one is just using
. However, some output formats require more
complicated functionality, so we explore this explicitly with a simple
example below. An example for something more complicated is ANSI terminal
rendering, where on popping we need to regenerate the previous style,
requiring a pop (discard current style) followed by a peek (regenerate
previous style).
renderStackMachine :: SimpleDocStream SimpleHtml -> StackMachine Builder SimpleHtml () Source #
The StackMachine
type defines a stack machine suitable for many rendering
needs. It has two auxiliary parameters: the type of the end result, and the
type of the document’s annotations.
Most StackMachine
creations will look like this definition: a recursive
walk through the SimpleDocStream
, pushing styles on the stack and popping
them off again, and writing raw output.
The equivalent to this in the tree based rendering approach is
htmlTag :: SimpleHtml -> (Builder, Builder) Source #
Convert a SimpleHtml
annotation to a pair of opening and closing tags.
This is where the translation of style to raw output happens.
render :: SimpleDocStream SimpleHtml -> Text Source #
We can now wrap our stack machine definition from renderStackMachine
in a
nicer interface; on successful conversion, we run the builder to give us the
final Text
, and before we do that we check that the style stack is empty
(i.e. there are no unmatched style applications) after the machine is run.
This function does only a bit of plumbing around renderStackMachine
, and is
the main API function of a stack machine renderer. The tree renderer
equivalent to this is
Example invocation
We can now render an example document using our definitions:
:set -XOverloadedStrings
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
let go = TL.putStrLn . render . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
in go (vsep
[ headline "Example document"
, paragraph ("This is a" <+> color Red "paragraph" <> comma)
, paragraph ("and" <+> bold "this text is bold.")
<h1>Example document</h1> <p>This is a <span style="color: #f00">paragraph</span>,</p> <p>and <strong>this text is bold.</strong></p>