{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
#include "version-compatibility-macros.h"
module Prettyprinter.Render.Util.SimpleDocTree (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics
import Prettyprinter
import Prettyprinter.Internal
import Prettyprinter.Render.Util.Panic
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable (..))
import Data.Traversable (Traversable (..))
:: Monoid out
=> (Text -> out)
-> (ann -> out -> out)
-> SimpleDocTree ann
-> out
renderSimplyDecorated text renderAnn = go
go = \sdt -> case sdt of
STEmpty -> mempty
STChar c -> text (T.singleton c)
STText _ t -> text t
STLine i -> text (T.singleton '\n') `mappend` text (textSpaces i)
STAnn ann rest -> renderAnn ann (go rest)
STConcat xs -> foldMap go xs
{-# INLINE renderSimplyDecorated #-}
:: (Applicative f, Monoid out)
=> (Text -> f out)
-> (ann -> f out -> f out)
-> SimpleDocTree ann
-> f out
renderSimplyDecoratedA text renderAnn = go
go = \sdt -> case sdt of
STEmpty -> pure mempty
STChar c -> text (T.singleton c)
STText _ t -> text t
STLine i -> text (T.cons '\n' (textSpaces i))
STAnn ann rest -> renderAnn ann (go rest)
STConcat xs -> fmap mconcat (traverse go xs)
{-# INLINE renderSimplyDecoratedA #-}
newtype UniqueParser s a = UniqueParser { runParser :: s -> Maybe (a, s) }
deriving Typeable
instance Functor (UniqueParser s) where
fmap f (UniqueParser mx) = UniqueParser (\s ->
fmap (\(x,s') -> (f x, s')) (mx s))
instance Applicative (UniqueParser s) where
pure x = UniqueParser (\rest -> Just (x, rest))
UniqueParser mf <*> UniqueParser mx = UniqueParser (\s -> do
(f, s') <- mf s
(x, s'') <- mx s'
pure (f x, s'') )
instance Monad (UniqueParser s) where
UniqueParser p >>= f = UniqueParser (\s -> do
(a', s') <- p s
let UniqueParser p' = f a'
p' s' )
return = pure
fail = Fail.fail
instance Fail.MonadFail (UniqueParser s) where
fail _err = empty
instance Alternative (UniqueParser s) where
empty = UniqueParser (const empty)
UniqueParser p <|> UniqueParser q = UniqueParser (\s -> p s <|> q s)
data SimpleDocTok ann
= TokEmpty
| TokChar Char
| TokText !Int Text
| TokLine Int
| TokAnnPush ann
| TokAnnPop
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
data SimpleDocTree ann
= STEmpty
| STChar Char
| STText !Int Text
| STLine !Int
| STAnn ann (SimpleDocTree ann)
| STConcat [SimpleDocTree ann]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable)
instance Functor SimpleDocTree where
fmap = reAnnotateST
nextToken :: UniqueParser (SimpleDocStream ann) (SimpleDocTok ann)
nextToken = UniqueParser (\sds -> case sds of
SFail -> panicUncaughtFail
SEmpty -> empty
SChar c rest -> Just (TokChar c , rest)
SText l t rest -> Just (TokText l t , rest)
SLine i rest -> Just (TokLine i , rest)
SAnnPush ann rest -> Just (TokAnnPush ann , rest)
SAnnPop rest -> Just (TokAnnPop , rest) )
sdocToTreeParser :: UniqueParser (SimpleDocStream ann) (SimpleDocTree ann)
sdocToTreeParser = fmap wrap (many contentPiece)
wrap :: [SimpleDocTree ann] -> SimpleDocTree ann
wrap = \sdts -> case sdts of
[] -> STEmpty
[x] -> x
xs -> STConcat xs
contentPiece = nextToken >>= \tok -> case tok of
TokEmpty -> pure STEmpty
TokChar c -> pure (STChar c)
TokText l t -> pure (STText l t)
TokLine i -> pure (STLine i)
TokAnnPop -> empty
TokAnnPush ann -> do annotatedContents <- sdocToTreeParser
TokAnnPop <- nextToken
pure (STAnn ann annotatedContents)
treeForm :: SimpleDocStream ann -> SimpleDocTree ann
treeForm sdoc = case runParser sdocToTreeParser sdoc of
Nothing -> panicSimpleDocTreeConversionFailed
Just (sdoct, SEmpty) -> sdoct
Just (_, _unconsumed) -> panicInputNotFullyConsumed
unAnnotateST :: SimpleDocTree ann -> SimpleDocTree xxx
unAnnotateST = alterAnnotationsST (const [])
reAnnotateST :: (ann -> ann') -> SimpleDocTree ann -> SimpleDocTree ann'
reAnnotateST f = alterAnnotationsST (pure . f)
alterAnnotationsST :: (ann -> [ann']) -> SimpleDocTree ann -> SimpleDocTree ann'
alterAnnotationsST re = go
go = \sdt -> case sdt of
STEmpty -> STEmpty
STChar c -> STChar c
STText l t -> STText l t
STLine i -> STLine i
STConcat xs -> STConcat (map go xs)
STAnn ann rest -> Prelude.foldr STAnn (go rest) (re ann)
instance Foldable SimpleDocTree where
foldMap f = go
go = \sdt -> case sdt of
STEmpty -> mempty
STChar _ -> mempty
STText _ _ -> mempty
STLine _ -> mempty
STAnn ann rest -> f ann `mappend` go rest
STConcat xs -> mconcat (map go xs)
instance Traversable SimpleDocTree where
traverse f = go
go = \sdt -> case sdt of
STEmpty -> pure STEmpty
STChar c -> pure (STChar c)
STText l t -> pure (STText l t)
STLine i -> pure (STLine i)
STAnn ann rest -> STAnn <$> f ann <*> go rest
STConcat xs -> STConcat <$> traverse go xs