{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
module Data.Map.Interval.DBTS.Internal
( Map
, pure
, singleton
, empty
, lookup
, union
, unionWith
, equals
, map
, mapBijection
, traverseP
, traverse
, traverse_
, fromList
, foldrWithKey
, foldlWithKeyM'
, foldl'
, foldMap
, toList
, showsPrec
, concat
, elems
) where
import Prelude hiding (pure,lookup,compare,map,showsPrec,concat,traverse,foldMap)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST,runST)
import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad)
import Data.Primitive (PrimArray)
import Data.Primitive.Contiguous (Contiguous,Element,Mutable)
import qualified Data.Concatenation as C
import qualified Data.Primitive.Contiguous as I
import qualified Prelude as P
data Map karr varr k v = Map !(karr k) !(varr v)
equals :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Eq k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v) => Map karr varr k v -> Map karr varr k v -> Bool
equals (Map k1 v1) (Map k2 v2) = I.equals k1 k2 && I.equals v1 v2
size :: (Contiguous varr, Element varr v)
=> Map karr varr k v
-> Int
size (Map _ v) = I.size v
mapBijection :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Element varr w)
=> (v -> w) -> Map karr varr k v -> Map karr varr k w
mapBijection f (Map k v) = Map k (I.map f v)
map :: forall karr varr k v w. (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Element varr w, Eq w)
=> (v -> w)
-> Map karr varr k v
-> Map karr varr k w
map f (Map keys vals) = runST action where
!sz = I.size vals
action :: forall s. ST s (Map karr varr k w)
action = do
m <- I.new sz
let go :: Int -> Int -> w -> [Int] -> Int -> ST s (Int,[Int],Int)
go !ixSrc !ixDst !prevVal !dropped !droppedCount = if ixSrc < sz
then do
oldVal <- I.indexM vals ixSrc
let val = f oldVal
if val == prevVal
then go (ixSrc + 1) ixDst val ((ixSrc - 1) : dropped) (droppedCount + 1)
else do
I.write m ixDst val
go (ixSrc + 1) (ixDst + 1) val dropped droppedCount
else return (ixDst,dropped,droppedCount)
v0 <- I.indexM vals 0
let !w0 = f v0
I.write m 0 w0
(len,dropped,droppedCount) <- go 1 1 w0 [] 0
vals' <- I.resize m len >>= I.unsafeFreeze
case droppedCount of
0 -> return (Map keys vals')
_ -> do
n <- I.new len
let !(d :: PrimArray Int) = I.unsafeFromListReverseN (droppedCount + 1) (maxBound : dropped)
let run :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
run !ixKey !ixDst !ixDrop = if ixKey < sz
then if I.index d ixDrop == ixKey
then run (ixKey + 1) ixDst (ixDrop + 1)
else do
I.write n ixDst =<< I.indexM keys ixKey
run (ixKey + 1) (ixDst + 1) ixDrop
else return ()
run 0 0 0
keys' <- I.unsafeFreeze n
return (Map keys' vals')
traverseP :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Element varr w, PrimMonad m)
=> (v -> m w) -> Map karr varr k v -> m (Map karr varr k w)
traverseP f (Map k v) = fmap (Map k) (I.traverseP f v)
traverse :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Element varr w, Applicative m)
=> (v -> m w) -> Map karr varr k v -> m (Map karr varr k w)
traverse f (Map k v) = fmap (Map k) (I.traverse f v)
traverse_ :: (Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Element varr w, Applicative m)
=> (v -> m w) -> Map karr varr k v -> m ()
traverse_ f (Map _ v) = I.traverse_ f v
pure :: (Contiguous karr, Contiguous varr, Element karr k, Element varr v, Bounded k) => v -> Map karr varr k v
pure v = Map
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable karr s k) <- I.replicateM 1 maxBound
I.unsafeFreeze arr
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable varr s v) <- I.replicateM 1 v
I.unsafeFreeze arr
empty :: (Contiguous karr, Contiguous varr, Element karr k, Element varr v, Bounded k, Monoid v) => Map karr varr k v
empty = pure mempty
singleton :: forall karr varr k v. (Contiguous karr, Contiguous varr, Element karr k, Element varr v, Bounded k, Enum k, Ord k, Eq v)
=> v
-> k
-> k
-> v
-> Map karr varr k v
singleton def lo hi v = if lo <= hi && def /= v
then if lo > minBound
then if hi < maxBound
then Map
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable karr s k) <- I.new 3
I.write arr 0 (pred lo)
I.write arr 1 hi
I.write arr 2 maxBound
I.unsafeFreeze arr
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable varr s v) <- I.new 3
I.write arr 0 def
I.write arr 1 v
I.write arr 2 def
I.unsafeFreeze arr
else Map
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable karr s k) <- I.new 2
I.write arr 0 (pred lo)
I.write arr 1 maxBound
I.unsafeFreeze arr
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable varr s v) <- I.new 2
I.write arr 0 def
I.write arr 1 v
I.unsafeFreeze arr
else if hi < maxBound
then Map
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable karr s k) <- I.new 2
I.write arr 0 hi
I.write arr 1 maxBound
I.unsafeFreeze arr
(runST $ do
!(arr :: Mutable varr s v) <- I.new 2
I.write arr 0 v
I.write arr 1 def
I.unsafeFreeze arr
else pure v
else pure def
lookup :: forall karr varr k v. (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Ord k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v) => k -> Map karr varr k v -> v
lookup a (Map keys vals) = go 0 (I.size vals - 1) where
go :: Int -> Int -> v
go !start !end = if end == start
let !(# v #) = I.index# vals start
in v
let !mid = div (end + start) 2
!valHi = I.index keys mid
in case P.compare a valHi of
LT -> go start mid
EQ -> case I.index# vals mid of
(# v #) -> v
GT -> go (mid + 1) end
{-# INLINEABLE lookup #-}
union :: forall karr varr k v. (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Ord k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v, Semigroup v)
=> Map karr varr k v
-> Map karr varr k v
-> Map karr varr k v
union = unionWith (<>)
unionWith :: forall karr aarr barr carr k a b c. (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Ord k, Contiguous aarr, Element aarr a, Contiguous barr, Element barr b, Contiguous carr, Element carr c, Eq c)
=> (a -> b -> c)
-> Map karr aarr k a
-> Map karr barr k b
-> Map karr carr k c
unionWith combine (Map keysA valsA) (Map keysB valsB) = runST action where
action :: forall s. ST s (Map karr carr k c)
action = do
let szA = I.size keysA
szB = I.size keysB
szMax = szA + szB
keysDst <- I.new szMax
valsDst <- I.new szMax
let go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> c -> ST s Int
go !ixA !ixB !ixDst prevVal = if ixA < szA && ixB < szB
then do
keyA <- I.indexM keysA ixA
keyB <- I.indexM keysB ixB
case P.compare keyA keyB of
EQ -> do
valA <- I.indexM valsA ixA
valB <- I.indexM valsB ixB
let !v = combine valA valB
if v == prevVal
then do
I.write keysDst (ixDst - 1) keyA
go (ixA + 1) (ixB + 1) ixDst v
else do
I.write keysDst ixDst keyA
I.write valsDst ixDst v
go (ixA + 1) (ixB + 1) (ixDst + 1) v
LT -> do
valA <- I.indexM valsA ixA
valB <- I.indexM valsB ixB
let !v = combine valA valB
if v == prevVal
then do
I.write keysDst (ixDst - 1) keyA
go (ixA + 1) ixB ixDst v
else do
I.write keysDst ixDst keyA
I.write valsDst ixDst v
go (ixA + 1) ixB (ixDst + 1) v
GT -> do
valA <- I.indexM valsA ixA
valB <- I.indexM valsB ixB
let !v = combine valA valB
if v == prevVal
then do
I.write keysDst (ixDst - 1) keyB
go ixA (ixB + 1) ixDst v
else do
I.write keysDst ixDst keyB
I.write valsDst ixDst v
go ixA (ixB + 1) (ixDst + 1) v
else return ixDst
keyA <- I.indexM keysA 0
keyB <- I.indexM keysB 0
valA <- I.indexM valsA 0
valB <- I.indexM valsB 0
let v = combine valA valB
dstIx <- case P.compare keyA keyB of
EQ -> do
I.write keysDst 0 keyA
I.write valsDst 0 v
go 1 1 1 v
LT -> do
I.write keysDst 0 keyA
I.write valsDst 0 v
go 1 0 1 v
GT -> do
I.write keysDst 0 keyB
I.write valsDst 0 v
go 0 1 1 v
keys <- I.resize keysDst dstIx >>= I.unsafeFreeze
vals <- I.resize valsDst dstIx >>= I.unsafeFreeze
return (Map keys vals)
showsPrec :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Bounded k, Enum k, Show k, Show v)
=> Int -> Map karr varr k v -> ShowS
showsPrec p m = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "fromList "
. shows (toList m)
foldrWithKey :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Bounded k, Enum k)
=> (k -> k -> v -> b -> b)
-> b
-> Map karr varr k v
-> b
foldrWithKey f z (Map keys vals) =
let !sz = I.size vals
go !i lo
| i == sz = z
| otherwise =
let !hi = I.index keys i
!(# v #) = I.index# vals i
in f lo hi v (go (i + 1) (succ hi))
in go 0 minBound
foldlWithKeyM' :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Bounded k, Enum k, Monad m)
=> (b -> k -> k -> v -> m b)
-> b
-> Map karr varr k v
-> m b
foldlWithKeyM' f z (Map keys vals) =
let !sz = I.size vals
go !i !acc lo
| i == sz = return acc
| otherwise = do
let !hi = I.index keys i
!(# v #) = I.index# vals i
acc' <- f acc lo hi v
go (i + 1) acc' (succ hi)
in go 0 z minBound
foldl' :: (Contiguous varr, Element varr v)
=> (b -> v -> b)
-> b
-> Map karr varr k v
-> b
foldl' f b0 (Map _ vals) = I.foldl' f b0 vals
foldMap :: (Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Monoid m)
=> (v -> m)
-> Map karr varr k v
-> m
foldMap f (Map _ vals) = I.foldMap f vals
toList :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Bounded k, Enum k)
=> Map karr varr k v
-> [(k,k,v)]
toList = foldrWithKey (\lo hi v xs -> (lo,hi,v) : xs) []
fromList :: (Contiguous karr, Element karr k, Bounded k, Ord k, Enum k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v)
=> v
-> [(k,k,v)]
-> Map karr varr k v
fromList def xs = concatWith
(\x y -> if x == def then y else x)
(P.map (\(lo,hi,v) -> singleton def lo hi v) xs)
concatWith :: forall karr varr k v. (Contiguous karr, Bounded k, Element karr k, Ord k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v)
=> v
-> (v -> v -> v)
-> [Map karr varr k v]
-> Map karr varr k v
concatWith def combine = C.concatSized size (pure def) (unionWith combine)
concat :: (Contiguous karr, Bounded k, Element karr k, Ord k, Contiguous varr, Element varr v, Eq v, Monoid v)
=> [Map karr varr k v]
-> Map karr varr k v
concat = concatWith mempty mappend
elems :: Map karr varr k v -> varr v
elems (Map _ v) = v