{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# language RoleAnnotations #-}
module Data.Primitive.Unlifted.SmallArray.ST
, SmallUnliftedArray
, SmallMutableUnliftedArray_(..)
, SmallMutableUnliftedArray
, newSmallUnliftedArray
, unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray
, sizeofSmallUnliftedArray
, getSizeofSmallMutableUnliftedArray
, sameSmallMutableUnliftedArray
, shrinkSmallMutableUnliftedArray
, writeSmallUnliftedArray
, readSmallUnliftedArray
, indexSmallUnliftedArray
, unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray
, freezeSmallUnliftedArray
, thawSmallUnliftedArray
, unsafeThawSmallUnliftedArray
, setSmallUnliftedArray
, copySmallUnliftedArray
, copySmallMutableUnliftedArray
, cloneSmallUnliftedArray
, cloneSmallMutableUnliftedArray
, emptySmallUnliftedArray
, singletonSmallUnliftedArray
, runSmallUnliftedArray
, dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray
, smallUnliftedArrayToList
, smallUnliftedArrayFromList
, smallUnliftedArrayFromListN
, foldrSmallUnliftedArray
, foldrSmallUnliftedArray'
, foldlSmallUnliftedArray
, foldlSmallUnliftedArray'
, foldlSmallUnliftedArrayM'
, traverseSmallUnliftedArray_
, itraverseSmallUnliftedArray_
, mapSmallUnliftedArray
) where
import Data.Primitive.Unlifted.Class (PrimUnlifted (..))
import Data.Primitive.Unlifted.SmallArray.Primops
import GHC.Exts (Int(I#),State#)
import GHC.ST (ST (..))
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
primitive_ :: (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
{-# INLINE primitive_ #-}
primitive_ :: forall s. (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
primitive_ State# s -> State# s
m = STRep s () -> ST s ()
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (\State# s
s -> (# State# s -> State# s
m State# s
s, () #))
data SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
= SmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a)
type role SmallUnliftedArray_ representational phantom
type SmallUnliftedArray a = SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
data SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
= SmallMutableUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a)
type role SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ representational nominal phantom
type SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a = SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a
instance unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a => PrimUnlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a) where
type Unlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a _) = SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a
toUnlifted# :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> Unlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)
toUnlifted# (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a
a) = SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a
Unlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)
fromUnlifted# :: Unlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
fromUnlifted# Unlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)
x = SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a
Unlifted (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)
instance unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a => PrimUnlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a) where
type Unlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s _) = SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
toUnlifted# :: SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> Unlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a)
toUnlifted# (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
a) = SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
Unlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a)
fromUnlifted# :: Unlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a)
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
fromUnlifted# Unlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a)
x = SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
Unlifted (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a)
:: PrimUnlifted a
=> Int
-> a
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
newSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
Int -> a -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
newSmallUnliftedArray (I# Int#
len) a
v = STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case Int#
-> Unlifted a
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a) #)
forall (a :: UnliftedType) s.
-> a -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a #)
newSmallUnliftedArray# Int#
len (a -> Unlifted a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => a -> Unlifted a
toUnlifted# a
v) State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
ma #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
ma #)
{-# inline newSmallUnliftedArray #-}
:: PrimUnlifted a
=> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> a
-> Int
-> Int
-> ST s ()
{-# inline setSmallUnliftedArray #-}
setSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> a -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
setSmallUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
mua a
v Int
off Int
len = Int -> ST s ()
loop (Int
len Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
off Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
loop :: Int -> ST s ()
loop Int
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
off = () -> ST s ()
forall a. a -> ST s a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
| Bool
otherwise = SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
writeSmallUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
mua Int
i a
v ST s () -> ST s () -> ST s ()
forall a b. ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
*> Int -> ST s ()
loop (Int
iInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
{-# inline sizeofSmallUnliftedArray #-}
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray :: forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_e
ar) = Int# -> Int
I# (SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_e -> Int#
forall (a :: UnliftedType). SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int#
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_e
getSizeofSmallMutableUnliftedArray :: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s e -> ST s Int
{-# inline getSizeofSmallMutableUnliftedArray #-}
getSizeofSmallMutableUnliftedArray :: forall s e. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s e -> ST s Int
getSizeofSmallMutableUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted e)
= STRep s Int -> ST s Int
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (\State# s
s -> case SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted e)
-> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
getSizeofSmallMutableUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted e)
maa# State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', Int#
sz #) -> (# State# s
s', Int# -> Int
I# Int#
sz #))
writeSmallUnliftedArray :: PrimUnlifted a
=> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> a
-> ST s ()
{-# inline writeSmallUnliftedArray #-}
writeSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
writeSmallUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
arr) (I# Int#
ix) a
a =
(State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall s. (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
primitive_ (SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int# -> Unlifted a -> State# s -> State# s
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
writeSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
arr Int#
ix (a -> Unlifted a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => a -> Unlifted a
toUnlifted# a
readSmallUnliftedArray :: PrimUnlifted a
=> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> ST s a
{-# inline readSmallUnliftedArray #-}
readSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> ST s a
readSmallUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
arr) (I# Int#
ix) =
STRep s a -> ST s a
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s a -> ST s a) -> STRep s a -> ST s a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Unlifted a #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
readSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
arr Int#
ix State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', Unlifted a
a #) -> (# State# s
s', Unlifted a -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => Unlifted a -> a
fromUnlifted# Unlifted a
a #)
indexSmallUnliftedArray :: PrimUnlifted a
=> SmallUnliftedArray a
-> Int
-> a
{-# inline indexSmallUnliftedArray #-}
indexSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
arr) (I# Int#
ix) =
Unlifted a -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => Unlifted a -> a
fromUnlifted# (SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) -> Int# -> Unlifted a
forall (a :: UnliftedType). SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int# -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
arr Int#
:: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray :: forall s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
= STRep s (SmallUnliftedArray a) -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallUnliftedArray a) -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a))
-> STRep s (SmallUnliftedArray a) -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# a #)
unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
maa# State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
aa# #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) -> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
aa# #)
{-# inline unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray #-}
:: SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> Bool
sameSmallMutableUnliftedArray :: forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a -> Bool
sameSmallMutableUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
maa1#) (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
= Int# -> Bool
Exts.isTrue# (SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a -> Int#
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a -> Int#
sameSmallMutableUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
maa1# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
{-# inline sameSmallMutableUnliftedArray #-}
shrinkSmallMutableUnliftedArray :: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> ST s ()
shrinkSmallMutableUnliftedArray :: forall s a. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> ST s ()
shrinkSmallMutableUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary) (I# Int#
= (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall s. (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
primitive_ ((State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ())
-> (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
shrinkSmallMutableUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary Int#
{-# inline shrinkSmallMutableUnliftedArray #-}
:: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
-> Int
-> Int
-> ST s ()
{-# inline copySmallUnliftedArray #-}
copySmallUnliftedArray :: forall s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
(SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
dst) (I# Int#
(SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
src) (I# Int#
soff) (I# Int#
ln) =
(State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall s. (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
primitive_ ((State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ())
-> (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> State# s
forall (a :: UnliftedType) s.
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> State# s
copySmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
src Int#
soff SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
dst Int#
doff Int#
:: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> Int
-> ST s ()
{-# inline copySmallMutableUnliftedArray #-}
copySmallMutableUnliftedArray :: forall s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int -> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
(SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
dst) (I# Int#
(SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
src) (I# Int#
soff) (I# Int#
ln) =
(State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall s. (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
primitive_ ((State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ())
-> (State# s -> State# s) -> ST s ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> State# s
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> State# s
copySmallMutableUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
src Int#
soff SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
dst Int#
doff Int#
:: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> Int
-> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
freezeSmallUnliftedArray :: forall s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int -> Int -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
freezeSmallUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary) (I# Int#
off) (I# Int#
len) =
STRep s (SmallUnliftedArray a) -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallUnliftedArray a) -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a))
-> STRep s (SmallUnliftedArray a) -> ST s (SmallUnliftedArray a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# a #)
freezeSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary Int#
off Int#
len State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) -> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary #)
{-# inline freezeSmallUnliftedArray #-}
:: SmallUnliftedArray a
-> Int
-> Int
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
{-# inline thawSmallUnliftedArray #-}
thawSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a s.
SmallUnliftedArray a
-> Int -> Int -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
thawSmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary) (I# Int#
off) (I# Int#
len) =
STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a) #)
forall (a :: UnliftedType) s.
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a #)
thawSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary Int#
off Int#
len State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary #)
:: SmallUnliftedArray a
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
{-# inline unsafeThawSmallUnliftedArray #-}
unsafeThawSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a s.
SmallUnliftedArray a -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
unsafeThawSmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary) =
STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a) #)
forall (a :: UnliftedType) s.
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a #)
unsafeThawSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary #)
:: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
{-# INLINE runSmallUnliftedArray #-}
runSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
runSmallUnliftedArray forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
m = SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray ((forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
runSmallUnliftedArray# ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
:: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
runSmallUnliftedArray# :: forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
runSmallUnliftedArray# forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
m = case (State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall o. (State# RealWorld -> o) -> o
Exts.runRW# ((State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# RealWorld
s0 ->
case State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
forall d. State# d -> State# d
Exts.noDuplicate# State# RealWorld
s0 of { State# RealWorld
s ->
case ST RealWorld (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) RealWorld a)
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld,
SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) RealWorld a #)
forall s a. ST s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
unST ST RealWorld (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) RealWorld a)
forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
m State# RealWorld
s of { (# State# RealWorld
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld (Unlifted a)
mary# #) ->
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld (Unlifted a)
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# a #)
unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld (Unlifted a)
mary# State# RealWorld
s'}} of (# State# RealWorld
_, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary# #) -> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
{-# INLINE runSmallUnliftedArray# #-}
:: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
{-# INLINE dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray #-}
dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
m = SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray ((forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray# ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
:: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray# :: forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray# forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
m = case (State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall o. (State# RealWorld -> o) -> o
Exts.runRW# ((State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #))
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# RealWorld
s ->
case ST RealWorld (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) RealWorld a)
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld,
SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) RealWorld a #)
forall s a. ST s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
unST ST RealWorld (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) RealWorld a)
forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
m State# RealWorld
s of { (# State# RealWorld
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld (Unlifted a)
mary# #) ->
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld (Unlifted a)
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a) #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# a #)
unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld (Unlifted a)
mary# State# RealWorld
s'} of (# State# RealWorld
_, SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary# #) -> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
{-# INLINE dupableRunSmallUnliftedArray# #-}
unST :: ST s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
unST :: forall s a. ST s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
unST (ST STRep s a
f) = STRep s a
:: Int
-> (forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
unsafeCreateSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a.
-> (forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
unsafeCreateSmallUnliftedArray !Int
n forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
f = (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
runSmallUnliftedArray ((forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a)
-> (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
mary <- Int -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s a. Int -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray Int
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
f SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall a. a -> ST s a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
:: Int
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
{-# inline unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray #-}
unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray :: forall s a. Int -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray (I# Int#
i) = STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a) #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a #)
unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray# Int#
i State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
ma #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
ma #)
:: SmallUnliftedArray a
-> Int
-> Int
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
{-# inline cloneSmallUnliftedArray #-}
cloneSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a.
SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> Int -> SmallUnliftedArray a
cloneSmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary) (I# Int#
off) (I# Int#
= SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> Int# -> Int# -> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
forall (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int# -> Int# -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
cloneSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
ary Int#
off Int#
:: SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int
-> Int
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
{-# inline cloneSmallMutableUnliftedArray #-}
cloneSmallMutableUnliftedArray :: forall s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
-> Int -> Int -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
cloneSmallMutableUnliftedArray (SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary) (I# Int#
off) (I# Int#
= STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a)
forall s a. STRep s a -> ST s a
ST (STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a))
-> STRep s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a)
-> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# s
s -> case SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a) #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a #)
cloneSmallMutableUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary Int#
off Int#
len State# s
s of
(# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary' #) -> (# State# s
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s unlifted_a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
SmallMutableUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s (Unlifted a)
mary' #)
emptySmallUnliftedArray :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
emptySmallUnliftedArray :: forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
emptySmallUnliftedArray = SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray ((# #) -> SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a
forall (a :: UnliftedType). (# #) -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
emptySmallUnliftedArray# (##))
singletonSmallUnliftedArray :: PrimUnlifted a => a -> SmallUnliftedArray a
{-# INLINE singletonSmallUnliftedArray #-}
singletonSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a. PrimUnlifted a => a -> SmallUnliftedArray a
singletonSmallUnliftedArray a
x = (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall a.
(forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
runSmallUnliftedArray ((forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a)
-> (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a))
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> a -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) s a)
forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
Int -> a -> ST s (SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a)
newSmallUnliftedArray Int
1 a
concatSmallUnliftedArray :: SmallUnliftedArray a -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> SmallUnliftedArray a
{-# INLINE concatSmallUnliftedArray #-}
concatSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a.
SmallUnliftedArray a
-> SmallUnliftedArray a -> SmallUnliftedArray a
concatSmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
a1) (SmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
= SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray# unlifted_a -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray (SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
forall (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> SmallUnliftedArray# a -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
concatSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
a1 SmallUnliftedArray# (Unlifted a)
concatSmallUnliftedArray# :: SmallUnliftedArray# a -> SmallUnliftedArray# a -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
{-# NOINLINE concatSmallUnliftedArray# #-}
concatSmallUnliftedArray# :: forall (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> SmallUnliftedArray# a -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
concatSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# a
a1 SmallUnliftedArray# a
a2 =
let !sza1 :: Int#
sza1 = SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int#
forall (a :: UnliftedType). SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int#
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# a
if Int# -> Bool
Exts.isTrue# (Int#
sza1 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
Exts.==# Int#
then SmallUnliftedArray# a
let !sza2 :: Int#
sza2 = SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int#
forall (a :: UnliftedType). SmallUnliftedArray# a -> Int#
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# a
if Int# -> Bool
Exts.isTrue# (Int#
sza2 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
Exts.==# Int#
then SmallUnliftedArray# a
else (State# RealWorld -> SmallUnliftedArray# a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray# a
forall o. (State# RealWorld -> o) -> o
Exts.runRW# ((State# RealWorld -> SmallUnliftedArray# a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray# a)
-> (State# RealWorld -> SmallUnliftedArray# a)
-> SmallUnliftedArray# a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \State# RealWorld
s0 ->
finish :: State# RealWorld -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
finish State# RealWorld
s =
case Int#
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a #)
unsafeNewSmallUnliftedArray# (Int#
sza1 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
Exts.+# Int#
sza2) State# RealWorld
s of { (# State# RealWorld
s', SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
ma #) ->
case SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# RealWorld
-> State# RealWorld
forall (a :: UnliftedType) s.
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> State# s
copySmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# a
a1 Int#
0# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
ma Int#
0# Int#
sza1 State# RealWorld
s' of { State# RealWorld
s'' ->
case SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# RealWorld
-> State# RealWorld
forall (a :: UnliftedType) s.
SmallUnliftedArray# a
-> Int#
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> Int#
-> Int#
-> State# s
-> State# s
copySmallUnliftedArray# SmallUnliftedArray# a
a2 Int#
0# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
ma Int#
sza1 Int#
sza2 State# RealWorld
s'' of { State# RealWorld
s''' ->
case SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
-> State# RealWorld
-> (# State# RealWorld, SmallUnliftedArray# a #)
forall s (a :: UnliftedType).
SmallMutableUnliftedArray# s a
-> State# s -> (# State# s, SmallUnliftedArray# a #)
unsafeFreezeSmallUnliftedArray# SmallMutableUnliftedArray# RealWorld a
ma State# RealWorld
s''' of
(# State# RealWorld
_, SmallUnliftedArray# a
ar #) -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
{-# NOINLINE finish #-}
if Int# -> Bool
Exts.isTrue# ((Int#
sza1 Int# -> Int# -> Int#
Exts.+# Int#
sza2) Int# -> Int# -> Int#
Exts.>=# Int#
then State# RealWorld -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
finish (State# RealWorld -> State# RealWorld
forall d. State# d -> State# d
Exts.noDuplicate# State# RealWorld
else State# RealWorld -> SmallUnliftedArray# a
finish State# RealWorld
foldrSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a b. PrimUnlifted a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
{-# INLINE foldrSmallUnliftedArray #-}
foldrSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a b.
PrimUnlifted a =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldrSmallUnliftedArray a -> b -> b
f b
z SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> b
go Int
!sz :: Int
sz = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
go :: Int -> b
go !Int
| Int
sz Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
i = a -> b -> b
f (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
i) (Int -> b
go (Int
iInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
| Bool
otherwise = b
{-# INLINE foldrSmallUnliftedArray' #-}
foldrSmallUnliftedArray' :: forall a b. PrimUnlifted a => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldrSmallUnliftedArray' :: forall a b.
PrimUnlifted a =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldrSmallUnliftedArray' a -> b -> b
f b
z0 SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> b -> b
go (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
1) b
go :: Int -> b -> b
go !Int
i !b
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 = b
| Bool
otherwise = Int -> b -> b
go (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
1) (a -> b -> b
f (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
i) b
{-# INLINE foldlSmallUnliftedArray #-}
foldlSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a b. PrimUnlifted a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldlSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a b.
PrimUnlifted a =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldlSmallUnliftedArray b -> a -> b
f b
z SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> b
go (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
go :: Int -> b
go !Int
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 = b
| Bool
otherwise = b -> a -> b
f (Int -> b
go (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
1)) (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
{-# INLINE foldlSmallUnliftedArray' #-}
foldlSmallUnliftedArray' :: forall a b. PrimUnlifted a => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldlSmallUnliftedArray' :: forall a b.
PrimUnlifted a =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldlSmallUnliftedArray' b -> a -> b
f b
z0 SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> b -> b
go Int
0 b
!sz :: Int
sz = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
go :: Int -> b -> b
go !Int
i !b
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
sz = Int -> b -> b
go (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
1) (b -> a -> b
f b
acc (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
| Bool
otherwise = b
{-# INLINE foldlSmallUnliftedArrayM' #-}
foldlSmallUnliftedArrayM' :: (PrimUnlifted a, Monad m)
=> (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> m b
foldlSmallUnliftedArrayM' :: forall a (m :: * -> *) b.
(PrimUnlifted a, Monad m) =>
(b -> a -> m b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> m b
foldlSmallUnliftedArrayM' b -> a -> m b
f b
z0 SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> b -> m b
go Int
0 b
!sz :: Int
sz = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
go :: Int -> b -> m b
go !Int
i !b
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
sz = b -> a -> m b
f b
acc (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
i) m b -> (b -> m b) -> m b
forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= Int -> b -> m b
go (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
| Bool
otherwise = b -> m b
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure b
{-# INLINE traverseSmallUnliftedArray_ #-}
traverseSmallUnliftedArray_ :: (PrimUnlifted a, Applicative m)
=> (a -> m b) -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> m ()
traverseSmallUnliftedArray_ :: forall a (m :: * -> *) b.
(PrimUnlifted a, Applicative m) =>
(a -> m b) -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> m ()
traverseSmallUnliftedArray_ a -> m b
f SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> m ()
go Int
!sz :: Int
sz = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
go :: Int -> m ()
go !Int
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
sz = a -> m b
f (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
i) m b -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
*> Int -> m ()
go (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
| Bool
otherwise = () -> m ()
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
{-# INLINE itraverseSmallUnliftedArray_ #-}
itraverseSmallUnliftedArray_ :: (PrimUnlifted a, Applicative m)
=> (Int -> a -> m b) -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> m ()
itraverseSmallUnliftedArray_ :: forall a (m :: * -> *) b.
(PrimUnlifted a, Applicative m) =>
(Int -> a -> m b) -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> m ()
itraverseSmallUnliftedArray_ Int -> a -> m b
f SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int -> m ()
go Int
!sz :: Int
sz = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
go :: Int -> m ()
go !Int
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
sz = Int -> a -> m b
f Int
i (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
i) m b -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. m a -> m b -> m b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
*> Int -> m ()
go (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
| Bool
otherwise = () -> m ()
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()
{-# INLINE mapSmallUnliftedArray #-}
mapSmallUnliftedArray :: (PrimUnlifted a, PrimUnlifted b)
=> (a -> b)
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
-> SmallUnliftedArray b
mapSmallUnliftedArray :: forall a b.
(PrimUnlifted a, PrimUnlifted b) =>
(a -> b) -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> SmallUnliftedArray b
mapSmallUnliftedArray a -> b
f SmallUnliftedArray a
arr = Int
-> (forall {s}. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s b -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted b) b
forall a.
-> (forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
unsafeCreateSmallUnliftedArray Int
sz ((forall {s}. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s b -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted b) b)
-> (forall {s}. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s b -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted b) b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \SmallMutableUnliftedArray s b
marr -> do
let go :: Int -> ST s ()
go !Int
ix = if Int
ix Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
then do
let b :: b
b = a -> b
f (SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
arr Int
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s b -> Int -> b -> ST s ()
forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
writeSmallUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray s b
marr Int
ix b
Int -> ST s ()
go (Int
ix Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
else () -> ST s ()
forall a. a -> ST s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
Int -> ST s ()
go Int
!sz :: Int
sz = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray a
{-# INLINE smallUnliftedArrayToList #-}
smallUnliftedArrayToList :: PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> [a]
smallUnliftedArrayToList :: forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> [a]
smallUnliftedArrayToList SmallUnliftedArray a
xs = (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
forall a. (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
Exts.build (\a -> b -> b
c b
n -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
forall a b.
PrimUnlifted a =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> SmallUnliftedArray a -> b
foldrSmallUnliftedArray a -> b -> b
c b
n SmallUnliftedArray a
smallUnliftedArrayFromList :: PrimUnlifted a => [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
smallUnliftedArrayFromList :: forall a. PrimUnlifted a => [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
smallUnliftedArrayFromList [a]
xs = Int -> [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => Int -> [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
smallUnliftedArrayFromListN ([a] -> Int
forall a. [a] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
L.length [a]
xs) [a]
smallUnliftedArrayFromListN :: forall a. PrimUnlifted a => Int -> [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
smallUnliftedArrayFromListN :: forall a. PrimUnlifted a => Int -> [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
smallUnliftedArrayFromListN Int
len [a]
vs = Int
-> (forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ (Unlifted a) a
forall a.
-> (forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ())
-> SmallUnliftedArray a
unsafeCreateSmallUnliftedArray Int
len SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
run where
run :: forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
run :: forall s. SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> ST s ()
run SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
arr = do
let go :: [a] -> Int -> ST s ()
go :: [a] -> Int -> ST s ()
go [] !Int
ix = if Int
ix Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Int
then () -> ST s ()
forall a. a -> ST s a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ()
else String -> String -> ST s ()
forall a. String -> String -> a
die String
"unliftedArrayFromListN" String
"list length less than specified size"
go (a
a : [a]
as) !Int
ix = if Int
ix Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
then do
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
forall a s.
PrimUnlifted a =>
SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
writeSmallUnliftedArray SmallMutableUnliftedArray s a
arr Int
ix a
[a] -> Int -> ST s ()
go [a]
as (Int
ix Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int
else String -> String -> ST s ()
forall a. String -> String -> a
die String
"unliftedArrayFromListN" String
"list length greater than specified size"
[a] -> Int -> ST s ()
go [a]
vs Int
instance (PrimUnlifted a, unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a)
=> Exts.IsList (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a) where
type Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ _ a) = a
fromList :: [Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)]
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
fromList = [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
[Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)]
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
fromListN :: Int
-> [Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)]
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
fromListN = Int -> [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
-> [Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)]
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => Int -> [a] -> SmallUnliftedArray a
toList :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> [Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)]
toList = SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> [Item (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a)]
SmallUnliftedArray a -> [a]
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> [a]
instance (PrimUnlifted a, unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a)
=> Semigroup (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a) where
<> :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
(<>) = SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray a
-> SmallUnliftedArray a -> SmallUnliftedArray a
forall a.
SmallUnliftedArray a
-> SmallUnliftedArray a -> SmallUnliftedArray a
instance (PrimUnlifted a, unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a) => Monoid (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a) where
mempty :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
mempty = SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) a.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
instance (Show a, PrimUnlifted a, unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a) => Show (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a) where
showsPrec :: Int -> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a -> ShowS
showsPrec Int
p SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
a = Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
showParen (Int
p Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> Int
10) (ShowS -> ShowS) -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
String -> ShowS
showString String
"fromListN " ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Int -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> ShowS
shows (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
a) ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. String -> ShowS
showString String
" "
ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [a] -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => a -> ShowS
shows (SmallUnliftedArray a -> [a]
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> [a]
smallUnliftedArrayToList SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray a
instance unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a => Eq (SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a) where
== :: SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a -> Bool
(==) = SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a -> Bool
forall (unlifted_a :: UnliftedType) s a.
SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a
-> SmallMutableUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a s a -> Bool
instance (Eq a, PrimUnlifted a, unlifted_a ~ Unlifted a) => Eq (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a) where
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
aa1 == :: SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
-> SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a -> Bool
== SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
aa2 = SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
aa1 Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Int -> Bool
loop (SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a -> Int
forall (unlifted_e :: UnliftedType) e.
SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_e e -> Int
sizeofSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
aa1 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int
loop :: Int -> Bool
loop Int
| Int
i Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
0 = Bool
| Bool
otherwise = SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray a
aa1 Int
i a -> a -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
forall a. PrimUnlifted a => SmallUnliftedArray a -> Int -> a
indexSmallUnliftedArray SmallUnliftedArray_ unlifted_a a
SmallUnliftedArray a
aa2 Int
i Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Int -> Bool
loop (Int
iInt -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
die :: String -> String -> a
die :: forall a. String -> String -> a
die String
fun String
problem = String -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error (String -> a) -> String -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Data.Primitive.Unlifted.SmallArray.ST." String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
fun String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
": " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String