{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ProjectM36.RelationalExpression where
import ProjectM36.Relation
import ProjectM36.Tuple
import ProjectM36.TupleSet
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.AtomType
import ProjectM36.Attribute (emptyAttributes)
import ProjectM36.ScriptSession
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Primitive
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunction
import ProjectM36.Arbitrary
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.State hiding (join)
import Control.Exception
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified ProjectM36.TypeConstructorDef as TCD
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Test.QuickCheck
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
data DatabaseContextExprDetails = CountUpdatedTuples
databaseContextExprDetailsFunc :: DatabaseContextExprDetails -> ResultAccumFunc
databaseContextExprDetailsFunc CountUpdatedTuples _ relIn = Relation attrs newTups
attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "count" IntAtomType]
existingTuple = fromMaybe (error "impossible counting error in singletonTuple") (singletonTuple relIn)
existingCount = case V.head (tupleAtoms existingTuple) of
IntAtom v -> v
_ -> error "impossible counting error in tupleAtoms"
newTups = case mkTupleSetFromList attrs [[IntAtom (existingCount + 1)]] of
Left err -> error ("impossible counting error in " ++ show err)
Right ts -> ts
freshDatabaseState :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseStateElems
freshDatabaseState ctx = (ctx, M.empty, False)
data RelationalExprStateElems = RelationalExprStateTupleElems DatabaseContext RelationTuple |
RelationalExprStateAttrsElems DatabaseContext Attributes |
RelationalExprStateElems DatabaseContext
instance Show RelationalExprStateElems where
show (RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ tup) = "RelationalExprStateTupleElems " ++ show tup
show (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs) = "RelationalExprStateAttrsElems" ++ show attrs
show (RelationalExprStateElems _) = "RelationalExprStateElems"
mkRelationalExprState :: DatabaseContext -> RelationalExprStateElems
mkRelationalExprState = RelationalExprStateElems
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState :: RelationTuple -> RelationalExprStateElems -> RelationalExprStateElems
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn (RelationalExprStateElems ctx) = RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx tupIn
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState _ st@(RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ _) = st
mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn (RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx existingTuple) = let mergedTupMap = M.union (tupleToMap tupIn) (tupleToMap existingTuple) in
RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx (mkRelationTupleFromMap mergedTupMap)
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState :: Attributes -> RelationalExprStateElems -> RelationalExprStateElems
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState attrs (RelationalExprStateElems ctx) = RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx attrs
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState _ st@(RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ _) = st
mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState attrsIn (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx attrs) = RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx (A.union attrsIn attrs)
type ResultAccumName = StringType
type ResultAccumFunc = (RelationTuple -> Relation -> Relation) -> Relation -> Relation
data ResultAccum = ResultAccum { resultAccumFunc :: ResultAccumFunc,
resultAccumResult :: Relation
type DatabaseStateElems = (DatabaseContext, M.Map ResultAccumName ResultAccum, DirtyFlag)
type DatabaseState a = State DatabaseStateElems a
getStateContext :: DatabaseState DatabaseContext
getStateContext = do
(ctx,_, _) <- get
pure ctx
putStateContext :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseState ()
putStateContext ctx = do
(_, accum, _) <- get
put (ctx, accum, True)
type RelationalExprState a = Reader RelationalExprStateElems a
stateElemsContext :: RelationalExprStateElems -> DatabaseContext
stateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx _) = ctx
stateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateElems ctx) = ctx
stateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx _) = ctx
setStateElemsContext :: RelationalExprStateElems -> DatabaseContext -> RelationalExprStateElems
setStateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ tup) ctx = RelationalExprStateTupleElems ctx tup
setStateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateElems _) ctx = RelationalExprStateElems ctx
setStateElemsContext (RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs) ctx = RelationalExprStateAttrsElems ctx attrs
evalRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Relation)
evalRelationalExpr (RelationVariable name _) = do
relvarTable <- fmap (relationVariables . stateElemsContext) ask
return $ case M.lookup name relvarTable of
Just res -> Right res
Nothing -> Left $ RelVarNotDefinedError name
evalRelationalExpr (Project attrNames expr) = do
eAttrNameSet <- evalAttributeNames attrNames expr
case eAttrNameSet of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right attrNameSet -> do
rel <- evalRelationalExpr expr
case rel of
Right rel2 -> pure $ project attrNameSet rel2
Left err -> pure $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (Union exprA exprB) = do
relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
case relA of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relA2 -> case relB of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relB2 -> return $ union relA2 relB2
evalRelationalExpr (Join exprA exprB) = do
relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
case relA of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relA2 -> case relB of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relB2 -> return $ join relA2 relB2
evalRelationalExpr (Difference exprA exprB) = do
relA <- evalRelationalExpr exprA
relB <- evalRelationalExpr exprB
case relA of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relA2 -> case relB of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relB2 -> return $ difference relA2 relB2
evalRelationalExpr (MakeStaticRelation attributeSet tupleSet) =
case mkRelation attributeSet tupleSet of
Right rel -> return $ Right rel
Left err -> return $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (MakeRelationFromExprs mAttrExprs tupleExprs) = do
currentContext <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
let tConss = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
runExceptT $ do
mAttrs <- case mAttrExprs of
Just _ ->
Just . A.attributesFromList <$> mapM (either throwE pure . evalAttrExpr tConss) (fromMaybe [] mAttrExprs)
Nothing -> pure Nothing
tuples <- mapM (liftE . evalTupleExpr mAttrs) tupleExprs
let attrs = fromMaybe firstTupleAttrs mAttrs
firstTupleAttrs = if null tuples then A.emptyAttributes else tupleAttributes (head tuples)
either throwE pure (mkRelation attrs (RelationTupleSet tuples))
evalRelationalExpr (ExistingRelation rel) = pure (Right rel)
evalRelationalExpr (Rename oldAttrName newAttrName relExpr) = do
evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
case evald of
Right rel -> return $ rename oldAttrName newAttrName rel
Left err -> return $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (Group oldAttrNames newAttrName relExpr) = do
eOldAttrNameSet <- evalAttributeNames oldAttrNames relExpr
case eOldAttrNameSet of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right oldAttrNameSet -> do
evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
case evald of
Right rel -> return $ group oldAttrNameSet newAttrName rel
Left err -> return $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (Ungroup attrName relExpr) = do
evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
case evald of
Right rel -> return $ ungroup attrName rel
Left err -> return $ Left err
evalRelationalExpr (Restrict predicateExpr relExpr) = do
evald <- evalRelationalExpr relExpr
case evald of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right rel -> do
eFilterFunc <- predicateRestrictionFilter (attributes rel) predicateExpr
case eFilterFunc of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right filterfunc ->
pure (restrict filterfunc rel)
evalRelationalExpr (Equals relExprA relExprB) = do
evaldA <- evalRelationalExpr relExprA
evaldB <- evalRelationalExpr relExprB
case evaldA of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relA -> case evaldB of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relB -> return $ Right $ if relA == relB then relationTrue else relationFalse
evalRelationalExpr (With views mainExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
let addScopedView ctx (vname,vexpr) = if vname `M.member` relationVariables ctx then
Left (RelVarAlreadyDefinedError vname)
case runState (evalDatabaseContextExpr (Assign vname vexpr)) (freshDatabaseState ctx) of
(Left err,_) -> Left err
(Right (), (ctx',_,_)) -> Right ctx'
case foldM addScopedView (stateElemsContext rstate) views of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right ctx'' -> do
let evalMainExpr expr = runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) (RelationalExprStateElems ctx'')
case evalMainExpr mainExpr of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right rel -> return $ Right rel
evalRelationalExpr (NotEquals relExprA relExprB) = do
evaldA <- evalRelationalExpr relExprA
evaldB <- evalRelationalExpr relExprB
case evaldA of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relA -> case evaldB of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right relB -> return $ Right $ if relA /= relB then relationTrue else relationFalse
evalRelationalExpr (Extend tupleExpression relExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
let evald = runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) rstate
case evald of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right rel -> do
tupProc <- extendTupleExpressionProcessor rel tupleExpression
case tupProc of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right (newAttrs, tupProc') -> pure $ relMogrify tupProc' newAttrs rel
setRelVar :: RelVarName -> Relation -> DatabaseState (Either RelationalError ())
setRelVar relVarName rel = do
currentContext <- getStateContext
let newRelVars = M.insert relVarName rel $ relationVariables currentContext
potentialContext = currentContext { relationVariables = newRelVars }
case checkConstraints potentialContext of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right _ -> do
putStateContext potentialContext
return (Right ())
deleteRelVar :: RelVarName -> DatabaseState (Either RelationalError ())
deleteRelVar relVarName = do
currContext <- getStateContext
let relVars = relationVariables currContext
if M.notMember relVarName relVars then
pure (Right ())
else do
let newRelVars = M.delete relVarName relVars
newContext = currContext { relationVariables = newRelVars }
putStateContext newContext
pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr :: DatabaseContextExpr -> DatabaseState (Either RelationalError ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr NoOperation = pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Define relVarName attrExprs) = do
relvars <- fmap relationVariables getStateContext
tConss <- fmap typeConstructorMapping getStateContext
let eAttrs = map (evalAttrExpr tConss) attrExprs
attrErrs = lefts eAttrs
attrsList = rights eAttrs
if not (null attrErrs) then
pure (Left (someErrors attrErrs))
else do
let atomTypeErrs = lefts $ map ((`validateAtomType` tConss) . A.atomType) attrsList
if not (null atomTypeErrs) then
pure (Left (someErrors atomTypeErrs))
case M.member relVarName relvars of
True -> pure (Left (RelVarAlreadyDefinedError relVarName))
False -> setRelVar relVarName emptyRelation >> pure (Right ())
attrs = A.attributesFromList attrsList
emptyRelation = Relation attrs emptyTupleSet
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Undefine relVarName) = deleteRelVar relVarName
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Assign relVarName expr) = do
context <- getStateContext
let existingRelVar = M.lookup relVarName relVarTable
relVarTable = relationVariables context
value = runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
case value of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right rel -> case existingRelVar of
Nothing -> setRelVar relVarName rel
Just existingRel -> let expectedAttributes = attributes existingRel
foundAttributes = attributes rel in
if A.attributesEqual expectedAttributes foundAttributes then
setRelVar relVarName rel
pure (Left (RelationTypeMismatchError expectedAttributes foundAttributes))
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Insert relVarName relExpr) = do
context <- getStateContext
let unionexp = Union relExpr rv
rv = RelationVariable relVarName ()
unioned = runReader (evalRelationalExpr unionexp) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
origRel = runReader (evalRelationalExpr rv) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
case unioned of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right unioned' -> case origRel of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right origRel' -> if cardinality unioned' == cardinality origRel' then
pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr $ Assign relVarName (ExistingRelation unioned')
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Delete relVarName predicate) = do
context <- getStateContext
let rv = RelationVariable relVarName ()
let updatedRel = runReader (evalRelationalExpr (Restrict (NotPredicate predicate) rv)) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
origRel = runReader (evalRelationalExpr rv) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
case updatedRel of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right updatedRel' -> case origRel of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right origRel' -> if cardinality origRel' == cardinality updatedRel' then
pure (Right ())
setRelVar relVarName updatedRel'
evalDatabaseContextExpr (Update relVarName atomExprMap restrictionPredicateExpr) = do
context <- getStateContext
let relVarTable = relationVariables context
case M.lookup relVarName relVarTable of
Nothing -> pure (Left (RelVarNotDefinedError relVarName))
Just rel ->
case runReader (predicateRestrictionFilter (attributes rel) restrictionPredicateExpr) (RelationalExprStateElems context) of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right predicateFunc -> do
let ret = do
restrictedPortion <- restrict predicateFunc rel
if cardinality restrictedPortion == Finite 0 then
pure Nothing
else do
unrestrictedPortion <- restrict (predicateFunc >=> (pure . not)) rel
updatedPortion <- relMap (updateTupleWithAtomExprs atomExprMap context) restrictedPortion
updatedRel <- updatedPortion `union` unrestrictedPortion
pure (Just updatedRel)
case ret of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right Nothing -> pure (Right ())
Right (Just updatedRel) -> setRelVar relVarName updatedRel
evalDatabaseContextExpr (AddInclusionDependency newDepName newDep) = do
currContext <- getStateContext
let currDeps = inclusionDependencies currContext
newDeps = M.insert newDepName newDep currDeps
if M.member newDepName currDeps then
pure (Left (InclusionDependencyNameInUseError newDepName))
else do
let potentialContext = currContext { inclusionDependencies = newDeps }
case checkConstraints potentialContext of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right _ -> do
putStateContext potentialContext
return (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveInclusionDependency depName) = do
currContext <- getStateContext
let currDeps = inclusionDependencies currContext
newDeps = M.delete depName currDeps
if M.notMember depName currDeps then
pure (Left (InclusionDependencyNameNotInUseError depName))
else do
putStateContext $ currContext {inclusionDependencies = newDeps }
return (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (AddNotification notName triggerExpr resultOldExpr resultNewExpr) = do
currentContext <- getStateContext
let nots = notifications currentContext
if M.member notName nots then
pure (Left (NotificationNameInUseError notName))
else do
let newNotifications = M.insert notName newNotification nots
newNotification = Notification { changeExpr = triggerExpr,
reportOldExpr = resultOldExpr,
reportNewExpr = resultNewExpr}
putStateContext $ currentContext { notifications = newNotifications }
return (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveNotification notName) = do
currentContext <- getStateContext
let nots = notifications currentContext
if M.notMember notName nots then
pure (Left (NotificationNameNotInUseError notName))
else do
let newNotifications = M.delete notName nots
putStateContext $ currentContext { notifications = newNotifications }
pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (AddTypeConstructor tConsDef dConsDefList) = do
currentContext <- getStateContext
let oldTypes = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
tConsName = TCD.name tConsDef
case validateTypeConstructorDef tConsDef dConsDefList of
errs@(_:_) -> pure (Left (someErrors errs))
[] | T.null tConsName || not (isUpper (T.head tConsName)) -> pure (Left (InvalidAtomTypeName tConsName))
| isJust (findTypeConstructor tConsName oldTypes) -> pure (Left (AtomTypeNameInUseError tConsName))
| otherwise -> do
let newTypes = oldTypes ++ [(tConsDef, dConsDefList)]
putStateContext $ currentContext { typeConstructorMapping = newTypes }
pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveTypeConstructor tConsName) = do
currentContext <- getStateContext
let oldTypes = typeConstructorMapping currentContext
if isNothing (findTypeConstructor tConsName oldTypes) then
pure (Left (AtomTypeNameNotInUseError tConsName))
else do
let newTypes = filter (\(tCons, _) -> TCD.name tCons /= tConsName) oldTypes
putStateContext $ currentContext { typeConstructorMapping = newTypes }
pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextExpr (MultipleExpr exprs) = do
evald <- forM exprs evalDatabaseContextExpr
case lefts evald of
[] -> pure (Right ())
errs -> pure (Left (someErrors errs))
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveAtomFunction funcName) = do
currentContext <- getStateContext
let atomFuncs = atomFunctions currentContext
case atomFunctionForName funcName atomFuncs of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right realFunc -> if isScriptedAtomFunction realFunc then do
let updatedFuncs = HS.delete realFunc atomFuncs
putStateContext (currentContext {atomFunctions = updatedFuncs })
pure (Right ())
pure (Left (PrecompiledFunctionRemoveError funcName))
evalDatabaseContextExpr (RemoveDatabaseContextFunction funcName) = do
context <- getStateContext
let dbcFuncs = dbcFunctions context
case databaseContextFunctionForName funcName dbcFuncs of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right realFunc -> if isScriptedDatabaseContextFunction realFunc then do
let updatedFuncs = HS.delete realFunc dbcFuncs
putStateContext (context { dbcFunctions = updatedFuncs })
pure (Right ())
pure (Left (PrecompiledFunctionRemoveError funcName))
evalDatabaseContextExpr (ExecuteDatabaseContextFunction funcName atomArgExprs) = do
context <- getStateContext
let relExprState = mkRelationalExprState context
eAtomTypes = map (\atomExpr -> runReader (typeFromAtomExpr emptyAttributes atomExpr) relExprState) atomArgExprs
eFunc = databaseContextFunctionForName funcName (dbcFunctions context)
case eFunc of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right func -> do
let expectedArgCount = length (dbcFuncType func)
actualArgCount = length atomArgExprs
if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
pure (Left (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount))
case lefts eAtomTypes of
_:_ -> pure (Left (someErrors (lefts eAtomTypes)))
[] -> do
let atomTypes = rights eAtomTypes
let mValidTypes = map (\(expType, actType) -> case atomTypeVerify expType actType of
Left err -> Just err
Right _ -> Nothing) (zip (dbcFuncType func) atomTypes)
typeErrors = catMaybes mValidTypes
eAtomArgs = map (\arg -> runReader (evalAtomExpr emptyTuple arg) relExprState) atomArgExprs
if length (lefts eAtomArgs) > 1 then
pure (Left (someErrors (lefts eAtomArgs)))
else if not (null typeErrors) then
pure (Left (someErrors typeErrors))
case evalDatabaseContextFunction func (rights eAtomArgs) context of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right newContext -> putStateContext newContext >> pure (Right ())
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr :: Maybe ScriptSession -> DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContextIOExpr -> IO (Either RelationalError DatabaseContext)
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr mScriptSession currentContext (AddAtomFunction funcName funcType script) =
case mScriptSession of
Nothing -> pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
Just scriptSession -> do
res <- try $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
let atomFuncs = atomFunctions currentContext
case extractAtomFunctionType funcType of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right adjustedAtomTypeCons -> do
eCompiledFunc <- compileScript (atomFunctionBodyType scriptSession) script
pure $ case eCompiledFunc of
Left err -> Left (ScriptError err)
Right compiledFunc -> do
funcAtomType <- mapM (\funcTypeArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructorValidate False funcTypeArg (typeConstructorMapping currentContext) M.empty) adjustedAtomTypeCons
let updatedFuncs = HS.insert newAtomFunc atomFuncs
newContext = currentContext { atomFunctions = updatedFuncs }
newAtomFunc = AtomFunction { atomFuncName = funcName,
atomFuncType = funcAtomType,
atomFuncBody = AtomFunctionBody (Just script) compiledFunc }
if HS.member funcName (HS.map atomFuncName atomFuncs) then
Left (FunctionNameInUseError funcName)
Right newContext
case res of
Left (exc :: SomeException) -> pure $ Left (ScriptError (OtherScriptCompilationError (show exc)))
Right eContext -> case eContext of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right context' -> pure (Right context')
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr mScriptSession currentContext (AddDatabaseContextFunction funcName funcType script) =
case mScriptSession of
Nothing -> pure (Left (ScriptError ScriptCompilationDisabledError))
Just scriptSession -> do
let last2Args = reverse (take 2 (reverse funcType))
atomArgs = take (length funcType - 2) funcType
dbContextTypeCons = ADTypeConstructor "Either" [ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContextFunctionError" [], ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContext" []]
expectedType = "DatabaseContext -> Either DatabaseContextFunctionError DatabaseContext"
actualType = show funcType
if last2Args /= [ADTypeConstructor "DatabaseContext" [], dbContextTypeCons] then
pure (Left (ScriptError (TypeCheckCompilationError expectedType actualType)))
else do
res <- try $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
eCompiledFunc <- compileScript (dbcFunctionBodyType scriptSession) script
pure $ case eCompiledFunc of
Left err -> Left (ScriptError err)
Right compiledFunc -> do
funcAtomType <- mapM (\funcTypeArg -> atomTypeForTypeConstructor funcTypeArg (typeConstructorMapping currentContext) M.empty) atomArgs
let updatedDBCFuncs = HS.insert newDBCFunc (dbcFunctions currentContext)
newContext = currentContext { dbcFunctions = updatedDBCFuncs }
dbcFuncs = dbcFunctions currentContext
newDBCFunc = DatabaseContextFunction {
dbcFuncName = funcName,
dbcFuncType = funcAtomType,
dbcFuncBody = DatabaseContextFunctionBody (Just script) compiledFunc
if HS.member funcName (HS.map dbcFuncName dbcFuncs) then
Left (FunctionNameInUseError funcName)
Right newContext
case res of
Left (exc :: SomeException) -> pure $ Left (ScriptError (OtherScriptCompilationError (show exc)))
Right eContext -> case eContext of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right context' -> pure (Right context')
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr _ currentContext (LoadAtomFunctions modName funcName modPath) = do
eLoadFunc <- loadAtomFunctions (T.unpack modName) (T.unpack funcName) modPath
case eLoadFunc of
Left LoadSymbolError -> pure (Left LoadFunctionError)
Right atomFunctionListFunc -> let newContext = currentContext { atomFunctions = mergedFuncs }
mergedFuncs = HS.union (atomFunctions currentContext) (HS.fromList atomFunctionListFunc)
in pure (Right newContext)
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr _ currentContext (LoadDatabaseContextFunctions modName funcName modPath) = do
eLoadFunc <- loadDatabaseContextFunctions (T.unpack modName) (T.unpack funcName) modPath
case eLoadFunc of
Left LoadSymbolError -> pure (Left LoadFunctionError)
Right dbcListFunc -> let newContext = currentContext { dbcFunctions = mergedFuncs }
mergedFuncs = HS.union (dbcFunctions currentContext) (HS.fromList dbcListFunc)
in pure (Right newContext)
evalDatabaseContextIOExpr _ currentContext (CreateArbitraryRelation relVarName attrExprs range) =
case runState ( evalDatabaseContextExpr (Define relVarName attrExprs)) (freshDatabaseState currentContext) of
(Left err,_) -> pure (Left err)
(Right (), elems@(ctx,_,_)) -> do
let existingRelVar = M.lookup relVarName relVarTable
relVarTable = relationVariables ctx
case existingRelVar of
Nothing -> pure $ Left (RelVarNotDefinedError relVarName)
Just existingRel -> do
let expectedAttributes = attributes existingRel
let tcMap = typeConstructorMapping ctx
eitherRel <- generate $ runReaderT (arbitraryRelation expectedAttributes range) tcMap
case eitherRel of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right rel ->
case runState (setRelVar relVarName rel) elems of
(Left err,_) -> pure (Left err)
(Right (), (ctx',_,_)) -> pure $ Right ctx'
updateTupleWithAtomExprs :: M.Map AttributeName AtomExpr -> DatabaseContext -> RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple
updateTupleWithAtomExprs exprMap context tupIn = do
atomsAssoc <- mapM (\(attrName, atomExpr) -> do
atom <- runReader (evalAtomExpr tupIn atomExpr) (RelationalExprStateElems context)
pure (attrName, atom)
) (M.toList exprMap)
pure (updateTupleWithAtoms (M.fromList atomsAssoc) tupIn)
checkConstraints :: DatabaseContext -> Either RelationalError ()
checkConstraints context =
mapM_ (uncurry checkIncDep) (M.toList deps)
deps = inclusionDependencies context
eval expr = evalReader (evalRelationalExpr expr)
evalReader f = runReader f (RelationalExprStateElems context)
checkIncDep depName (InclusionDependency subsetExpr supersetExpr) = do
typeSub <- evalReader (typeForRelationalExpr subsetExpr)
typeSuper <- evalReader (typeForRelationalExpr supersetExpr)
when (typeSub /= typeSuper) (Left (RelationTypeMismatchError (attributes typeSub) (attributes typeSuper)))
let checkExpr = Equals supersetExpr (Union subsetExpr supersetExpr)
case eval checkExpr of
Left err -> Left err
Right resultRel -> if resultRel == relationTrue then
pure ()
Left (InclusionDependencyCheckError depName)
typeForRelationalExpr :: RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Relation)
typeForRelationalExpr expr = do
rstate <- ask
let context = stateElemsContext rstate
let context' = contextWithEmptyTupleSets context
rstate' = setStateElemsContext rstate context'
pure $ case runReader (evalRelationalExpr expr) rstate' of
Left err -> Left err
Right typeRel -> Right (relationWithEmptyTupleSet typeRel)
contextWithEmptyTupleSets :: DatabaseContext -> DatabaseContext
contextWithEmptyTupleSets contextIn = contextIn { relationVariables = relVars }
relVars = M.map (\rel -> Relation (attributes rel) emptyTupleSet) (relationVariables contextIn)
liftE :: (Monad m) => m (Either a b) -> ExceptT a m b
liftE v = do
y <- lift v
case y of
Left err -> throwE err
Right val -> pure val
predicateRestrictionFilter :: Attributes -> RestrictionPredicateExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError RestrictionFilter)
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AndPredicate expr1 expr2) =
runExceptT $ do
expr1v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr1)
expr2v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr2)
pure (\x -> do
ev1 <- expr1v x
ev2 <- expr2v x
pure (ev1 && ev2))
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (OrPredicate expr1 expr2) =
runExceptT $ do
expr1v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr1)
expr2v <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr2)
pure (\x -> do
ev1 <- expr1v x
ev2 <- expr2v x
pure (ev1 || ev2))
predicateRestrictionFilter _ TruePredicate = pure (Right (\_ -> pure True))
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (NotPredicate expr) =
runExceptT $ do
exprv <- liftE (predicateRestrictionFilter attrs expr)
pure (fmap not . exprv)
predicateRestrictionFilter _ (RelationalExprPredicate relExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
pure (Right (\tup -> case runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) (mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tup rstate) of
Left err -> Left err
Right rel -> if arity rel /= 0 then
Left (PredicateExpressionError "Relational restriction filter must evaluate to 'true' or 'false'")
pure (rel == relationTrue)))
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AttributeEqualityPredicate attrName atomExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
let (attrs', ctxtup') = case rstate of
RelationalExprStateElems _ -> (attrs, emptyTuple)
RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ _ -> (attrs, emptyTuple)
RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ ctxtup -> (A.union attrs (tupleAttributes ctxtup), ctxtup)
runExceptT $ do
atomExprType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr attrs' atomExpr)
attr <- either throwE pure $ case A.attributeForName attrName attrs of
Right attr -> Right attr
Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case A.attributeForName attrName (tupleAttributes ctxtup') of
Right ctxattr -> Right ctxattr
Left err2@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> Left err2
Left err -> Left err
Left err -> Left err
if atomExprType /= A.atomType attr then
throwE (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError (A.attributesFromList [attr]))
pure $ \tupleIn -> let evalAndCmp atomIn = case atomEvald of
Right atomCmp -> atomCmp == atomIn
Left _ -> False
atomEvald = runReader (evalAtomExpr tupleIn atomExpr) rstate
pure $ case atomForAttributeName attrName tupleIn of
Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case atomForAttributeName attrName ctxtup' of
Left _ -> False
Right ctxatom -> evalAndCmp ctxatom
Left _ -> False
Right atomIn -> evalAndCmp atomIn
predicateRestrictionFilter attrs (AtomExprPredicate atomExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
runExceptT $ do
aType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr attrs atomExpr)
if aType /= BoolAtomType then
throwE (AtomTypeMismatchError aType BoolAtomType)
pure (\tupleIn ->
case runReader (evalAtomExpr tupleIn atomExpr) rstate of
Left err -> Left err
Right boolAtomValue -> pure (boolAtomValue == BoolAtom True))
tupleExprCheckNewAttrName :: AttributeName -> Relation -> Either RelationalError Relation
tupleExprCheckNewAttrName attrName rel = if isRight (attributeForName attrName rel) then
Left (AttributeNameInUseError attrName)
Right rel
extendTupleExpressionProcessor :: Relation -> ExtendTupleExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError (Attributes, RelationTuple -> Either RelationalError RelationTuple))
extendTupleExpressionProcessor relIn (AttributeExtendTupleExpr newAttrName atomExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
case tupleExprCheckNewAttrName newAttrName relIn of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right _ -> runExceptT $ do
atomExprType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr (attributes relIn) atomExpr)
atomExprType' <- liftE (verifyAtomExprTypes relIn atomExpr atomExprType)
let newAttrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute newAttrName atomExprType']
newAndOldAttrs = A.addAttributes (attributes relIn) newAttrs
pure (newAndOldAttrs, \tup -> let substate = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tup rstate in case runReader (evalAtomExpr tup atomExpr) substate of
Left err -> Left err
Right atom -> Right (tupleAtomExtend newAttrName atom tup)
evalAtomExpr :: RelationTuple -> AtomExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError Atom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) = case atomForAttributeName attrName tupIn of
Right atom -> pure (Right atom)
err@(Left (NoSuchAttributeNamesError _)) -> do
rstate <- ask
case rstate of
RelationalExprStateElems _ -> pure err
RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ _ -> pure err
RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ ctxtup -> pure (atomForAttributeName attrName ctxtup)
Left err -> pure (Left err)
evalAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure (Right atom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName arguments ()) = do
argTypes <- mapM (typeFromAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn)) arguments
context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
runExceptT $ do
let functions = atomFunctions context
func <- either throwE pure (atomFunctionForName funcName functions)
let expectedArgCount = length (atomFuncType func) - 1
actualArgCount = length argTypes
safeInit [] = []
safeInit xs = init xs
if expectedArgCount /= actualArgCount then
throwE (FunctionArgumentCountMismatchError expectedArgCount actualArgCount)
else do
let zippedArgs = zip (safeInit (atomFuncType func)) argTypes
mapM_ (\(expType, eActType) -> do
actType <- either throwE pure eActType
either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expType actType)) zippedArgs
evaldArgs <- mapM (liftE . evalAtomExpr tupIn) arguments
case evalAtomFunction func evaldArgs of
Left err -> throwE (AtomFunctionUserError err)
Right result -> do
_ <- either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify (last (atomFuncType func)) (atomTypeForAtom result))
pure result
evalAtomExpr tupIn (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = do
rstate <- ask
runExceptT $ do
let newState = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn rstate
relAtom <- either throwE pure (runReader (evalRelationalExpr relExpr) newState)
pure (RelationAtom relAtom)
evalAtomExpr tupIn cons@(ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs ()) = runExceptT $ do
rstate <- lift ask
let newState = mergeTuplesIntoRelationalExprState tupIn rstate
aType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeFromAtomExpr (tupleAttributes tupIn) cons) newState)
argAtoms <- mapM (\arg -> either throwE pure (runReader (evalAtomExpr tupIn arg) newState)) dConsArgs
pure (ConstructedAtom dConsName aType argAtoms)
typeFromAtomExpr :: Attributes -> AtomExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError AtomType)
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) = do
rstate <- ask
case A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName attrs of
Right aType -> pure (Right aType)
Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _) -> case rstate of
RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs' -> case A.attributeForName attrName attrs' of
Left err' -> pure (Left err')
Right attr -> pure (Right (A.atomType attr))
RelationalExprStateElems _ -> pure (Left err)
RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ tup -> case atomForAttributeName attrName tup of
Left err' -> pure (Left err')
Right atom -> pure (Right (atomTypeForAtom atom))
Left err -> pure (Left err)
typeFromAtomExpr _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) = pure (Right (atomTypeForAtom atom))
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (FunctionAtomExpr funcName atomArgs _) = do
context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
let funcs = atomFunctions context
case atomFunctionForName funcName funcs of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right func -> do
let funcRetType = last (atomFuncType func)
funcArgTypes = init (atomFuncType func)
eArgTypes <- mapM (typeFromAtomExpr attrs) atomArgs
case lefts eArgTypes of
errs@(_:_) -> pure (Left (someErrors errs))
[] -> do
let eTvMap = resolveTypeVariables funcArgTypes argTypes
argTypes = rights eArgTypes
case eTvMap of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right tvMap -> pure (resolveFunctionReturnValue funcName tvMap funcRetType)
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (RelationAtomExpr relExpr) = runExceptT $ do
rstate <- lift ask
relType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeForRelationalExpr relExpr) (mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState attrs rstate))
pure (RelationAtomType (attributes relType))
typeFromAtomExpr attrs (ConstructedAtomExpr dConsName dConsArgs _) =
runExceptT $ do
argsTypes <- mapM (liftE . typeFromAtomExpr attrs) dConsArgs
context <- fmap stateElemsContext (lift ask)
either throwE pure (atomTypeForDataConstructor (typeConstructorMapping context) dConsName argsTypes)
verifyAtomExprTypes :: Relation -> AtomExpr -> AtomType -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError AtomType)
verifyAtomExprTypes relIn (AttributeAtomExpr attrName) expectedType = runExceptT $ do
rstate <- lift ask
case A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName (attributes relIn) of
Right aType -> either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType aType)
(Left err@(NoSuchAttributeNamesError _)) -> case rstate of
RelationalExprStateTupleElems _ _ -> throwE err
RelationalExprStateElems _ -> throwE err
RelationalExprStateAttrsElems _ attrs -> case A.attributeForName attrName attrs of
Left err' -> throwE err'
Right attrType -> either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (A.atomType attrType))
Left err -> throwE err
verifyAtomExprTypes _ (NakedAtomExpr atom) expectedType = pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (atomTypeForAtom atom))
verifyAtomExprTypes relIn (FunctionAtomExpr funcName funcArgExprs _) expectedType = do
rstate <- ask
let functions = atomFunctions context
context = stateElemsContext rstate
runExceptT $ do
func <- either throwE pure (atomFunctionForName funcName functions)
let expectedArgTypes = atomFuncType func
funcArgTypes <- mapM (\(atomExpr,expectedType2,argCount) -> case runReader (verifyAtomExprTypes relIn atomExpr expectedType2) rstate of
Left (AtomTypeMismatchError expSubType actSubType) -> throwE (AtomFunctionTypeError funcName argCount expSubType actSubType)
Left err -> throwE err
Right x -> pure x
) $ zip3 funcArgExprs expectedArgTypes [1..]
if length funcArgTypes /= length expectedArgTypes - 1 then
throwE (AtomTypeCountError funcArgTypes expectedArgTypes)
either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (last expectedArgTypes))
verifyAtomExprTypes relIn (RelationAtomExpr relationExpr) expectedType = runExceptT $ do
rstate <- lift ask
relType <- either throwE pure (runReader (typeForRelationalExpr relationExpr) (mergeAttributesIntoRelationalExprState (attributes relIn) rstate))
either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType (RelationAtomType (attributes relType)))
verifyAtomExprTypes rel cons@ConstructedAtomExpr{} expectedType = runExceptT $ do
cType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr (attributes rel) cons)
either throwE pure (atomTypeVerify expectedType cType)
evalAttrExpr :: TypeConstructorMapping -> AttributeExpr -> Either RelationalError Attribute
evalAttrExpr aTypes (AttributeAndTypeNameExpr attrName tCons ()) = do
aType <- atomTypeForTypeConstructorValidate True tCons aTypes M.empty
validateAtomType aType aTypes
Right (Attribute attrName aType)
evalAttrExpr _ (NakedAttributeExpr attr) = Right attr
evalTupleExpr :: Maybe Attributes -> TupleExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError RelationTuple)
evalTupleExpr mAttrs (TupleExpr tupMap) = do
context <- fmap stateElemsContext ask
runExceptT $ do
let attrs = fromMaybe A.emptyAttributes mAttrs
attrAtoms <- mapM (\(attrName, aExpr) -> do
let eExpectedAtomType = A.atomTypeForAttributeName attrName attrs
unresolvedType <- liftE (typeFromAtomExpr attrs aExpr)
resolvedType <- case eExpectedAtomType of
Left _ -> pure unresolvedType
Right typeHint -> either throwE pure (resolveAtomType typeHint unresolvedType)
newAtom <- liftE (evalAtomExpr emptyTuple aExpr)
pure (attrName, newAtom, resolvedType)
) (M.toList tupMap)
let tupAttrs = A.attributesFromList $ map (\(attrName, _, aType) -> Attribute attrName aType) attrAtoms
atoms = V.fromList $ map (\(_, atom, _) -> atom) attrAtoms
tup = mkRelationTuple tupAttrs atoms
tConss = typeConstructorMapping context
finalAttrs = fromMaybe tupAttrs mAttrs
when (A.attributeNameSet finalAttrs /= A.attributeNameSet tupAttrs) $ throwE (TupleAttributeTypeMismatchError tupAttrs)
tup' <- either throwE pure (resolveTypesInTuple finalAttrs tConss (reorderTuple finalAttrs tup))
_ <- either throwE pure (validateTuple tup' tConss)
pure tup'
evalAttributeNames :: AttributeNames -> RelationalExpr -> RelationalExprState (Either RelationalError (S.Set AttributeName))
evalAttributeNames attrNames expr = do
eExprType <- typeForRelationalExpr expr
case eExprType of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right exprTyp -> do
let typeNameSet = S.fromList (V.toList (A.attributeNames (attributes exprTyp)))
case attrNames of
AttributeNames names ->
case A.projectionAttributesForNames names (attributes exprTyp) of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right attrs -> pure (Right (S.fromList (V.toList (A.attributeNames attrs))))
InvertedAttributeNames names -> do
let nonExistentAttributeNames = A.attributeNamesNotContained names typeNameSet
if not (S.null nonExistentAttributeNames) then
pure (Left (AttributeNamesMismatchError nonExistentAttributeNames))
pure (Right (A.nonMatchingAttributeNameSet names typeNameSet))
UnionAttributeNames namesA namesB -> do
eNameSetA <- evalAttributeNames namesA expr
case eNameSetA of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right nameSetA -> do
eNameSetB <- evalAttributeNames namesB expr
case eNameSetB of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right nameSetB ->
pure (Right (S.union nameSetA nameSetB))
IntersectAttributeNames namesA namesB -> do
eNameSetA <- evalAttributeNames namesA expr
case eNameSetA of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right nameSetA -> do
eNameSetB <- evalAttributeNames namesB expr
case eNameSetB of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right nameSetB ->
pure (Right (S.intersection nameSetA nameSetB))
RelationalExprAttributeNames attrExpr -> do
eAttrExprType <- typeForRelationalExpr attrExpr
case eAttrExprType of
Left err -> pure (Left err)
Right attrExprType -> pure (Right (A.attributeNameSet (attributes attrExprType)))