module ProjectM36.Transaction.Persist where
import ProjectM36.Base
import ProjectM36.Error
import ProjectM36.Transaction
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContextFunction
import ProjectM36.AtomFunction
import ProjectM36.Persist (writeBSFileSync, DiskSync, renameSync)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad
import ProjectM36.ScriptSession
import ProjectM36.AtomFunctions.Basic (precompiledAtomFunctions)
import Control.Exception
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
import Codec.Compression.GZip
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
getDirectoryNames :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryNames path =
filter (\ n -> n `notElem` ["..", "."]) <$> getDirectoryContents path
tempTransactionDir :: FilePath -> TransactionId -> FilePath
tempTransactionDir dbdir transId = dbdir </> "." ++ show transId
transactionDir :: FilePath -> TransactionId -> FilePath
transactionDir dbdir transId = dbdir </> show transId
transactionInfoPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
transactionInfoPath transdir = transdir </> "info"
relvarsDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
relvarsDir transdir = transdir </> "relvars"
incDepsDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
incDepsDir transdir = transdir </> "incdeps"
atomFuncsPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
atomFuncsPath transdir = transdir </> "atomfuncs"
dbcFuncsDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
dbcFuncsDir transdir = transdir </> "dbcfuncs"
typeConsPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
typeConsPath transdir = transdir </> "typecons"
subschemasPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
subschemasPath transdir = transdir </> "schemas"
readTransaction :: FilePath -> TransactionId -> Maybe ScriptSession -> IO (Either PersistenceError Transaction)
readTransaction dbdir transId mScriptSession = do
let transDir = transactionDir dbdir transId
transDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist transDir
if not transDirExists then
return $ Left $ MissingTransactionError transId
else do
relvars <- readRelVars transDir
transInfo <- B.decodeFile (transactionInfoPath transDir)
incDeps <- readIncDeps transDir
typeCons <- readTypeConstructorMapping transDir
sschemas <- readSubschemas transDir
dbcFuncs <- readDBCFuncs transDir mScriptSession
atomFuncs <- readAtomFuncs transDir mScriptSession
let newContext = DatabaseContext { inclusionDependencies = incDeps,
relationVariables = relvars,
typeConstructorMapping = typeCons,
notifications = M.empty,
atomFunctions = atomFuncs,
dbcFunctions = dbcFuncs }
newSchemas = Schemas newContext sschemas
return $ Right $ Transaction transId transInfo newSchemas
writeTransaction :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> Transaction -> IO ()
writeTransaction sync dbdir trans = do
let tempTransDir = tempTransactionDir dbdir (transactionId trans)
finalTransDir = transactionDir dbdir (transactionId trans)
context = concreteDatabaseContext trans
transDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist finalTransDir
unless transDirExists $ do
mapM_ createDirectory [tempTransDir, relvarsDir tempTransDir, incDepsDir tempTransDir, dbcFuncsDir tempTransDir]
writeRelVars sync tempTransDir (relationVariables context)
writeIncDeps sync tempTransDir (inclusionDependencies context)
writeAtomFuncs sync tempTransDir (atomFunctions context)
writeDBCFuncs sync tempTransDir (dbcFunctions context)
writeTypeConstructorMapping sync tempTransDir (typeConstructorMapping context)
writeSubschemas sync tempTransDir (subschemas trans)
B.encodeFile (transactionInfoPath tempTransDir) (transactionInfo trans)
renameSync sync tempTransDir finalTransDir
writeRelVar :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> (RelVarName, Relation) -> IO ()
writeRelVar sync transDir (relvarName, rel) = do
let relvarPath = relvarsDir transDir </> T.unpack relvarName
writeBSFileSync sync relvarPath (compress (B.encode rel))
writeRelVars :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> M.Map RelVarName Relation -> IO ()
writeRelVars sync transDir relvars = mapM_ (writeRelVar sync transDir) $ M.toList relvars
readRelVars :: FilePath -> IO (M.Map RelVarName Relation)
readRelVars transDir = do
let relvarsPath = relvarsDir transDir
relvarNames <- getDirectoryNames relvarsPath
let relvars = mapM (\name -> do
rel <- B.decode . decompress . BSL.fromStrict <$> BS.readFile (relvarsPath </> name)
return (T.pack name, rel)) relvarNames
M.fromList <$> relvars
writeAtomFuncs :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> AtomFunctions -> IO ()
writeAtomFuncs sync transDir funcs = do
let atomFuncPath = atomFuncsPath transDir
writeBSFileSync sync atomFuncPath (B.encode $ map (\f -> (atomFuncType f, atomFuncName f, atomFunctionScript f)) (HS.toList funcs))
readAtomFuncs :: FilePath -> Maybe ScriptSession -> IO AtomFunctions
readAtomFuncs transDir mScriptSession = do
atomFuncsList <- B.decodeFile (atomFuncsPath transDir)
funcs <- mapM (\(funcType, funcName, mFuncScript) -> loadAtomFunc precompiledAtomFunctions mScriptSession funcName funcType mFuncScript) atomFuncsList
pure (HS.union precompiledAtomFunctions (HS.fromList funcs))
loadAtomFunc :: AtomFunctions -> Maybe ScriptSession -> AtomFunctionName -> [AtomType] -> Maybe AtomFunctionBodyScript -> IO AtomFunction
loadAtomFunc precompiledFuncs mScriptSession funcName funcType mFuncScript = case mFuncScript of
Nothing -> case atomFunctionForName funcName precompiledFuncs of
Left _ -> error ("expected precompiled atom function: " ++ T.unpack funcName)
Right realFunc -> pure realFunc
Just funcScript ->
case mScriptSession of
Nothing -> error "attempted to read serialized AtomFunction without scripting enabled"
Just scriptSession -> do
eCompiledScript <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
compileScript (atomFunctionBodyType scriptSession) funcScript
case eCompiledScript of
Left err -> throwIO err
Right compiledScript -> pure AtomFunction { atomFuncName = funcName,
atomFuncType = funcType,
atomFuncBody = AtomFunctionBody (Just funcScript) compiledScript }
readAtomFunc :: FilePath -> AtomFunctionName -> Maybe ScriptSession -> AtomFunctions -> IO AtomFunction
readAtomFunc transDir funcName mScriptSession precompiledFuncs = do
let atomFuncPath = atomFuncsPath transDir
(funcType, mFuncScript) <- B.decodeFile atomFuncPath
case mFuncScript of
Nothing -> case atomFunctionForName funcName precompiledFuncs of
Left _ -> error ("expected precompiled atom function: " ++ T.unpack funcName)
Right realFunc -> pure realFunc
Just funcScript ->
case mScriptSession of
Nothing -> error "attempted to read serialized AtomFunction without scripting enabled"
Just scriptSession -> do
eCompiledScript <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
compileScript (atomFunctionBodyType scriptSession) funcScript
case eCompiledScript of
Left err -> throwIO err
Right compiledScript -> pure AtomFunction { atomFuncName = funcName,
atomFuncType = funcType,
atomFuncBody = AtomFunctionBody (Just funcScript) compiledScript }
writeDBCFuncs :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> DatabaseContextFunctions -> IO ()
writeDBCFuncs sync transDir funcs = mapM_ (writeDBCFunc sync transDir) (HS.toList funcs)
writeDBCFunc :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> DatabaseContextFunction -> IO ()
writeDBCFunc sync transDir func = do
let dbcFuncPath = dbcFuncsDir transDir </> T.unpack (dbcFuncName func)
writeBSFileSync sync dbcFuncPath (B.encode (dbcFuncType func, databaseContextFunctionScript func))
readDBCFuncs :: FilePath -> Maybe ScriptSession -> IO DatabaseContextFunctions
readDBCFuncs transDir mScriptSession = do
funcNames <- getDirectoryNames (dbcFuncsDir transDir)
let funcs = mapM ((\name -> readDBCFunc transDir name mScriptSession precompiledDatabaseContextFunctions) . T.pack) funcNames
HS.union basicDatabaseContextFunctions . HS.fromList <$> funcs
readDBCFunc :: FilePath -> DatabaseContextFunctionName -> Maybe ScriptSession -> DatabaseContextFunctions -> IO DatabaseContextFunction
readDBCFunc transDir funcName mScriptSession precompiledFuncs = do
let dbcFuncPath = dbcFuncsDir transDir </> T.unpack funcName
(funcType, mFuncScript) <- B.decodeFile dbcFuncPath
case mFuncScript of
Nothing -> case databaseContextFunctionForName funcName precompiledFuncs of
Left _ -> error ("expected precompiled dbc function: " ++ T.unpack funcName)
Right realFunc -> pure realFunc
Just funcScript ->
case mScriptSession of
Nothing -> error "attempted to read serialized AtomFunction without scripting enabled"
Just scriptSession -> do
eCompiledScript <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
setSession (hscEnv scriptSession)
compileScript (dbcFunctionBodyType scriptSession) funcScript
case eCompiledScript of
Left err -> throwIO err
Right compiledScript -> pure DatabaseContextFunction { dbcFuncName = funcName,
dbcFuncType = funcType,
dbcFuncBody = DatabaseContextFunctionBody (Just funcScript) compiledScript}
writeIncDep :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> (IncDepName, InclusionDependency) -> IO ()
writeIncDep sync transDir (incDepName, incDep) =
writeBSFileSync sync (incDepsDir transDir </> T.unpack incDepName) $ B.encode incDep
writeIncDeps :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> M.Map IncDepName InclusionDependency -> IO ()
writeIncDeps sync transDir incdeps = mapM_ (writeIncDep sync transDir) $ M.toList incdeps
readIncDep :: FilePath -> IncDepName -> IO (IncDepName, InclusionDependency)
readIncDep transDir incdepName = do
let incDepPath = incDepsDir transDir </> T.unpack incdepName
incDepData <- B.decodeFile incDepPath
pure (incdepName, incDepData)
readIncDeps :: FilePath -> IO (M.Map IncDepName InclusionDependency)
readIncDeps transDir = do
let incDepsPath = incDepsDir transDir
incDepNames <- getDirectoryNames incDepsPath
M.fromList <$> mapM (readIncDep transDir . T.pack) incDepNames
readSubschemas :: FilePath -> IO Subschemas
readSubschemas transDir = do
let sschemasPath = subschemasPath transDir
B.decodeFile sschemasPath
writeSubschemas :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> Subschemas -> IO ()
writeSubschemas sync transDir sschemas = do
let sschemasPath = subschemasPath transDir
writeBSFileSync sync sschemasPath (B.encode sschemas)
writeTypeConstructorMapping :: DiskSync -> FilePath -> TypeConstructorMapping -> IO ()
writeTypeConstructorMapping sync path types = let atPath = typeConsPath path in
writeBSFileSync sync atPath $ B.encode types
readTypeConstructorMapping :: FilePath -> IO TypeConstructorMapping
readTypeConstructorMapping path = do
let atPath = typeConsPath path
B.decodeFile atPath