module ProjectM36.DateExamples where
import ProjectM36.Base
import qualified ProjectM36.Attribute as A
import ProjectM36.Key
import ProjectM36.AtomFunctions.Basic
import ProjectM36.DataTypes.Basic
import ProjectM36.DatabaseContext
import ProjectM36.Relation
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
dateExamples :: DatabaseContext
dateExamples = empty { inclusionDependencies = dateIncDeps,
relationVariables = M.union (relationVariables basicDatabaseContext) dateRelVars,
notifications = M.empty,
atomFunctions = basicAtomFunctions,
typeConstructorMapping = basicTypeConstructorMapping }
dateRelVars = M.fromList [("s", suppliers),
("p", products),
("sp", supplierProducts)]
suppliers = suppliersRel
products = productsRel
supplierProducts = supplierProductsRel
dateIncDeps = M.fromList [
("s_pkey", simplePKey ["s#"] "s"),
("p_pkey", simplePKey ["p#"] "p"),
("sp_pkey", simplePKey ["s#", "p#"] "sp"),
("s_sp_fk", inclusionDependencyForForeignKey ("sp", ["s#"]) ("s", ["s#"])),
("p_sp_fk", inclusionDependencyForForeignKey ("sp", ["p#"]) ("p", ["p#"]))
simplePKey attrNames relvarName = inclusionDependencyForKey (AttributeNames $ S.fromList attrNames) (RelationVariable relvarName ())
suppliersRel :: Relation
suppliersRel = case mkRelationFromList attrs atomMatrix of
Left _ -> undefined
Right rel -> rel
attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "s#" TextAtomType,
Attribute "sname" TextAtomType,
Attribute "status" IntegerAtomType,
Attribute "city" TextAtomType]
atomMatrix = [
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "Smith", IntegerAtom 20, TextAtom "London"],
[TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "Jones", IntegerAtom 10, TextAtom "Paris"],
[TextAtom "S3", TextAtom "Blake", IntegerAtom 30, TextAtom "Paris"],
[TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "Clark", IntegerAtom 20, TextAtom "London"],
[TextAtom "S5", TextAtom "Adams", IntegerAtom 30, TextAtom "Athens"]]
supplierProductsRel :: Relation
supplierProductsRel = case mkRelationFromList attrs matrix of
Left _ -> undefined
Right rel -> rel
attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "s#" TextAtomType,
Attribute "p#" TextAtomType,
Attribute "qty" IntegerAtomType]
matrix = [
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "P1", IntegerAtom 300],
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "P2", IntegerAtom 200],
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "P3", IntegerAtom 400],
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "P4", IntegerAtom 200],
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "P5", IntegerAtom 100],
[TextAtom "S1", TextAtom "P6", IntegerAtom 100],
[TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "P1", IntegerAtom 300],
[TextAtom "S2", TextAtom "P2", IntegerAtom 400],
[TextAtom "S3", TextAtom "P2", IntegerAtom 200],
[TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "P2", IntegerAtom 200],
[TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "P4", IntegerAtom 300],
[TextAtom "S4", TextAtom "P5", IntegerAtom 400]
productsRel :: Relation
productsRel = case mkRelationFromList attrs matrix of
Left _ -> undefined
Right rel -> rel
attrs = A.attributesFromList [Attribute "p#" TextAtomType,
Attribute "pname" TextAtomType,
Attribute "color" TextAtomType,
Attribute "weight" IntegerAtomType,
Attribute "city" TextAtomType]
matrix = [
[TextAtom "P1", TextAtom "Nut", TextAtom "Red", IntegerAtom 12, TextAtom "London"],
[TextAtom "P2", TextAtom "Bolt", TextAtom "Green", IntegerAtom 17, TextAtom "Paris"],
[TextAtom "P3", TextAtom "Screw", TextAtom "Blue", IntegerAtom 17, TextAtom "Oslo"],
[TextAtom "P4", TextAtom "Screw", TextAtom "Red", IntegerAtom 14, TextAtom "London"],
[TextAtom "P5", TextAtom "Cam", TextAtom "Blue", IntegerAtom 12, TextAtom "Paris"],
[TextAtom "P6", TextAtom "Cog", TextAtom "Red", IntegerAtom 19, TextAtom "London"]