  Copyright 2016 Awake Networks

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at


  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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-- | This module extends the "Data.ByteString.Builder" module by memoizing the
-- resulting length of each `Builder`
-- Example use:
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word32BE 42 <> charUtf8 'λ'))
-- [0,0,0,42,206,187]

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module Proto3.Wire.Builder
      -- * `Builder` type

      -- * Create `Builder`s
    , byteString
    , lazyByteString
    , shortByteString
    , word8
    , word16BE
    , word16LE
    , word32BE
    , word32LE
    , word64BE
    , word64LE
    , word64Base128LEVar
    , int8
    , int16BE
    , int16LE
    , int32BE
    , int32LE
    , int64BE
    , int64LE
    , floatBE
    , floatLE
    , doubleBE
    , doubleLE
    , char7
    , string7
    , char8
    , string8
    , charUtf8
    , stringUtf8

      -- * Consume `Builder`s
    , builderLength
    , rawBuilder
    , toLazyByteString
    , hPutBuilder

    -- * Internal API
    , unsafeMakeBuilder
    ) where

import           Data.Bits                     ((.|.), shiftR)
import qualified Data.ByteString               as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder       as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy          as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short         as BS
import           Data.Char                     ( ord )
import           Data.Int                      ( Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64 )
import           Data.Semigroup                ( Semigroup(..), Sum(..) )
import           Data.Word                     ( Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64 )
import           System.IO                     ( Handle )

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Semigroup

-- | A `Builder` is like a @"Data.ByteString.Builder".`BB.Builder`@, but also
-- memoizes the resulting length so that we can efficiently encode nested
-- embedded messages.
-- You create a `Builder` by using one of the primitives provided in the
-- \"Create `Builder`s\" section.
-- You combine `Builder`s using the `Monoid` and `Semigroup` instances.
-- You consume a `Builder` by using one of the utilities provided in the
-- \"Consume `Builder`s\" section.
data Builder = Builder {-# UNPACK #-} !(Sum Word) BB.Builder

instance Semigroup Builder where
  Builder s b <> Builder s1 b1 = Builder (s <> s1) (b <> b1)

instance Monoid Builder where
  mempty = Builder mempty mempty
  mappend = (<>)

instance Show Builder where
  showsPrec prec builder =
      showParen (prec > 10)
        (showString "Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString " . shows bytes)
      bytes = toLazyByteString builder

-- | Retrieve the length of a `Builder`
-- > builderLength (x <> y) = builderLength x + builderLength y
-- >
-- > builderLength mempty = 0
-- >>> builderLength (word32BE 42)
-- 4
-- >>> builderLength (stringUtf8 "ABC")
-- 3
builderLength :: Builder -> Word
builderLength (Builder x _) = getSum x

-- | Retrieve the underlying @"Data.ByteString.Builder".`BB.Builder`@
-- > rawBuilder (x <> y) = rawBuilder x <> rawBuilder y
-- >
-- > rawBuilder mempty = mempty
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString (rawBuilder (stringUtf8 "ABC"))
-- "ABC"
rawBuilder :: Builder -> BB.Builder
rawBuilder (Builder _ x) = x

-- | Create a `Builder` from a @"Data.ByteString.Builder".`BB.Builder`@ and a
-- length.  This is unsafe because you are responsible for ensuring that the
-- provided length value matches the length of the
-- @"Data.ByteString.Builder".`BB.Builder`@
-- >>> unsafeMakeBuilder 3 (Data.ByteString.Builder.stringUtf8 "ABC")
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
unsafeMakeBuilder :: Word -> BB.Builder -> Builder
unsafeMakeBuilder len bldr = Builder (Sum len) bldr

-- | Create a lazy `BL.ByteString` from a `Builder`
-- > toLazyByteString (x <> y) = toLazyByteString x <> toLazyByteString y
-- >
-- > toLazyByteString mempty = mempty
-- >>> toLazyByteString (stringUtf8 "ABC")
-- "ABC"
toLazyByteString :: Builder -> BL.ByteString
toLazyByteString (Builder (Sum len) bb) =
    BB.toLazyByteStringWith strat BL.empty bb
    -- If the supplied length is accurate then we will perform just
    -- one allocation.  An inaccurate length would indicate a bug
    -- in one of the primitives that produces a 'Builder'.
    strat = BB.safeStrategy (fromIntegral len) BB.defaultChunkSize
{-# NOINLINE toLazyByteString #-}
  -- NOINLINE to avoid bloating caller; see docs for 'BB.toLazyByteStringWith'.

-- | Write a `Builder` to a `Handle`
-- > hPutBuilder handle (x <> y) = hPutBuilder handle x <> hPutBuilder handle y
-- >
-- > hPutBuilder handle mempty = mempty
-- >>> hPutBuilder System.IO.stdout (stringUtf8 "ABC\n")
-- ABC
hPutBuilder :: Handle -> Builder -> IO ()
hPutBuilder handle = BB.hPutBuilder handle . rawBuilder

-- | Convert a strict `B.ByteString` to a `Builder`
-- > byteString (x <> y) = byteString x <> byteString y
-- >
-- > byteString mempty = mempty
-- >>> byteString "ABC"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
byteString :: B.ByteString -> Builder
byteString bs =
  Builder (Sum (fromIntegral (B.length bs))) (BB.byteStringCopy bs)
    -- NOTE: We want 'toLazyByteString' to produce a single chunk (unless
    -- incorrect uses of 'unsafeMakeBuilder' sabotage the length prediction).
    -- To that end, 'toLazyByteString' allocates a first chunk of exactly the
    -- builder length.  That length should be accurate unless there is a bug,
    -- either within this library or in some arguments to 'unsafeMakeBuilder'.
    -- If the given 'bs :: B.ByteString' is longer than a certain threshold,
    -- then passing it to 'BB.byteString' would produce a builder that closes
    -- the current chunk and appends 'bs' as its own chunk, without copying.
    -- That would waste some of the chunk allocated by 'toLazyByteString'.
    -- Therefore we force copying of 'bs' by using 'BB.byteStringCopy' here.

-- | Convert a lazy `BL.ByteString` to a `Builder`
-- Warning: evaluating the length will force the lazy `BL.ByteString`'s chunks,
-- and they will remain allocated until you finish using the builder.
-- > lazyByteString (x <> y) = lazyByteString x <> lazyByteString y
-- >
-- > lazyByteString mempty = mempty
-- > lazyByteString . toLazyByteString = id
-- >
-- > toLazyByteString . lazyByteString = id
-- >>> lazyByteString "ABC"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
lazyByteString :: BL.ByteString -> Builder
lazyByteString bl =
  Builder (Sum (fromIntegral (BL.length bl))) (BB.lazyByteStringCopy bl)
    -- NOTE: We use 'BB.lazyByteStringCopy' here for the same reason
    -- that 'byteString' uses 'BB.byteStringCopy'.  For the rationale,
    -- please see the comments in the implementation of 'byteString'.

-- | Convert a `BS.ShortByteString` to a `Builder`
-- > shortByteString (x <> y) = shortByteString x <> shortByteString y
-- >
-- > shortByteString mempty = mempty
-- >>> shortByteString "ABC"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
shortByteString :: BS.ShortByteString -> Builder
shortByteString bs =
  Builder (Sum (fromIntegral (BS.length bs))) (BB.shortByteString bs)

-- | Convert a `Word8` to a `Builder`
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word8 42))
-- [42]
word8 :: Word8 -> Builder
word8 w = Builder (Sum 1) (BB.word8 w)

-- | Convert a `Int8` to a `Builder`
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int8 (-5)))
-- [251]
int8 :: Int8 -> Builder
int8 w = Builder (Sum 1) (BB.int8 w)

-- | Convert a `Word16` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word16BE 42))
-- [0,42]
word16BE :: Word16 -> Builder
word16BE w = Builder (Sum 2) (BB.word16BE w)

-- | Convert a `Word16` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in little-endian
-- order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word16LE 42))
-- [42,0]
word16LE :: Word16 -> Builder
word16LE w = Builder (Sum 2) (BB.word16LE w)

-- | Convert an `Int16` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int16BE (-5)))
-- [255,251]
int16BE :: Int16 -> Builder
int16BE w = Builder (Sum 2) (BB.int16BE w)

-- | Convert an `Int16` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in little-endian
-- order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int16LE (-5)))
-- [251,255]
int16LE :: Int16 -> Builder
int16LE w = Builder (Sum 2) (BB.int16LE w)

-- | Convert a `Word32` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word32BE 42))
-- [0,0,0,42]
word32BE :: Word32 -> Builder
word32BE w = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.word32BE w)

-- | Convert a `Word32` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in little-endian
-- order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word32LE 42))
-- [42,0,0,0]
word32LE :: Word32 -> Builder
word32LE w = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.word32LE w)

-- | Convert an `Int32` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int32BE (-5)))
-- [255,255,255,251]
int32BE :: Int32 -> Builder
int32BE w = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.int32BE w)

-- | Convert an `Int32` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in little-endian
-- order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int32LE (-5)))
-- [251,255,255,255]
int32LE :: Int32 -> Builder
int32LE w = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.int32LE w)

-- | Convert a `Float` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in IEEE-754 format in
-- big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (floatBE 4.2))
-- [64,134,102,102]
floatBE :: Float -> Builder
floatBE f = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.floatBE f)

-- | Convert a `Float` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in IEEE-754 format in
-- little-endian order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (floatLE 4.2))
-- [102,102,134,64]
floatLE :: Float -> Builder
floatLE f = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.floatLE f)

-- | Convert a `Word64` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word64BE 42))
-- [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,42]
word64BE :: Word64 -> Builder
word64BE w = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.word64BE w)

-- | Convert a `Word64` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in little-endian
-- order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (word64LE 42))
-- [42,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
word64LE :: Word64 -> Builder
word64LE w = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.word64LE w)

-- | Convert a `Word64` to a `Builder` using this variable-length encoding:
--   1. Convert the given value to a base 128 representation
--   without unnecessary digits (that is, omit zero digits
--   unless they are less significant than nonzero digits).
--   2. Present those base-128 digits in order of increasing
--   significance (that is, in little-endian order).
--   3. Add 128 to every digit except the most significant digit,
--   yielding a sequence of octets terminated by one that is <= 127.
-- This encoding is used in the wire format of Protocol Buffers version 3.
word64Base128LEVar :: Word64 -> Builder
Prelude Data.Bits Numeric> map (("0x"++) .($"").showHex) $ map bit $ take 11 [0,7..]
word64Base128LEVar i
    | i < 0x80         = word8 (fromIntegral i)
    | i < 0x4000       = Builder (Sum 2) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7)))
    | i < 0x200000     = Builder (Sum 3) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14)))
    | i < 0x10000000   = Builder (Sum 4) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21)))
    | i < 0x800000000  = Builder (Sum 5) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21) .|. 0x80) <>
                                          BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 28)))
    | i < 0x40000000000      = Builder (Sum 6) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 28) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 35)))
    | i < 0x2000000000000    = Builder (Sum 7) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 28) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 35) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 42)))
    | i < 0x100000000000000  = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 28) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 35) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 42) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 49)))
    | i < 0x8000000000000000 = Builder (Sum 9) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 28) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 35) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 42) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 49) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 56)))
    | otherwise              = Builder (Sum 10) (BB.word8 (fromIntegral i .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 7) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 14) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 21) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 28) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 35) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 42) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 49) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 56) .|. 0x80) <>
                                                 BB.word8 (fromIntegral (i `shiftR` 63)))

-- | Convert an `Int64` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int64BE (-5)))
-- [255,255,255,255,255,255,255,251]
int64BE :: Int64 -> Builder
int64BE w = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.int64BE w)

-- | Convert an `Int64` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in little-endian
-- order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (int64LE (-5)))
-- [251,255,255,255,255,255,255,255]
int64LE :: Int64 -> Builder
int64LE w = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.int64LE w)

-- | Convert a `Double` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in IEEE-754 format
-- in big-endian order
-- In other words, the most significant byte is stored first and the least
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (doubleBE 4.2))
-- [64,16,204,204,204,204,204,205]
doubleBE :: Double -> Builder
doubleBE f = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.doubleBE f)

-- | Convert a `Double` to a `Builder` by storing the bytes in IEEE-754 format
-- in little-endian order
-- In other words, the least significant byte is stored first and the most
-- significant byte is stored last
-- >>> Data.ByteString.Lazy.unpack (toLazyByteString (doubleLE 4.2))
-- [205,204,204,204,204,204,16,64]
doubleLE :: Double -> Builder
doubleLE f = Builder (Sum 8) (BB.doubleLE f)

-- | Convert an @ASCII@ `Char` to a `Builder`
-- __Careful:__ If you provide a Unicode character that is not part of the
-- @ASCII@ alphabet this will only encode the lowest 7 bits
-- >>> char7 ';'
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString ";"
-- >>> char7 'λ' -- Example of truncation
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString ";"
char7 :: Char -> Builder
char7 c = Builder (Sum 1) (BB.char7 c)

-- | Convert an @ASCII@ `String` to a `Builder`
-- __Careful:__ If you provide a Unicode `String` that has non-@ASCII@
-- characters then this will only encode the lowest 7 bits of each character
-- > string7 (x <> y) = string7 x <> string7 y
-- >
-- > string7 mempty = mempty
-- >>> string7 "ABC"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
-- >>> string7 "←↑→↓" -- Example of truncation
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "\DLE\DC1\DC2\DC3"
string7 :: String -> Builder
string7 s = Builder (Sum (fromIntegral (length s))) (BB.string7 s)

-- | Convert an @ISO/IEC 8859-1@ `Char` to a `Builder`
-- __Careful:__ If you provide a Unicode character that is not part of the
-- @ISO/IEC 8859-1@ alphabet then this will only encode the lowest 8 bits
-- >>> char8 ';'
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString ";"
-- >>> char8 'λ' -- Example of truncation
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "\187"
char8 :: Char -> Builder
char8 c = Builder (Sum 1) (BB.char8 c)

-- | Convert an @ISO/IEC 8859-1@ `String` to a `Builder`
-- __Careful:__ If you provide a Unicode `String` that has non-@ISO/IEC 8859-1@
-- characters then this will only encode the lowest 8 bits of each character
-- > string8 (x <> y) = string8 x <> string8 y
-- >
-- > string8 mempty = mempty
-- >>> string8 "ABC"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
-- >>> string8 "←↑→↓" -- Example of truncation
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "\144\145\146\147"
string8 :: String -> Builder
string8 s = Builder (Sum (fromIntegral (length s))) (BB.string8 s)

-- | Convert a Unicode `Char` to a `Builder` using a @UTF-8@ encoding
-- >>> charUtf8 'A'
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "A"
-- >>> charUtf8 'λ'
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "\206\187"
-- >>> hPutBuilder System.IO.stdout (charUtf8 'λ' <> charUtf8 '\n')
-- λ
charUtf8 :: Char -> Builder
charUtf8 c = Builder (Sum (utf8Width c)) (BB.charUtf8 c)

-- | Convert a Unicode `String` to a `Builder` using a @UTF-8@ encoding
-- > stringUtf8 (x <> y) = stringUtf8 x <> stringUtf8 y
-- >
-- > stringUtf8 mempty = mempty
-- >>> stringUtf8 "ABC"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "ABC"
-- >>> stringUtf8 "←↑→↓"
-- Proto3.Wire.Builder.lazyByteString "\226\134\144\226\134\145\226\134\146\226\134\147"
-- >>> hPutBuilder System.IO.stdout (stringUtf8 "←↑→↓\n")
-- ←↑→↓
stringUtf8 :: String -> Builder
stringUtf8 s = Builder (Sum (len 0 s)) (BB.stringUtf8 s)
    len !n []      = n
    len !n (h : t) = len (n + utf8Width h) t
{-# INLINABLE stringUtf8 #-}
  -- INLINABLE so that if the input is constant, the
  -- compiler has the opportunity to precompute its length.

utf8Width :: Char -> Word
utf8Width c = case ord c of
  o | o <= 0x007F -> 1
    | o <= 0x07FF -> 2
    | o <= 0xFFFF -> 3
    | otherwise   -> 4
{-# INLINE utf8Width #-}