module Codec.Compression.Zlib.HuffmanTree(
       , AdvanceResult(..)
       , createHuffmanTree
       , advanceTree

import Data.Bits(testBit)
import Data.Word(Word8)

data HuffmanTree a = HuffmanNode (HuffmanTree a) (HuffmanTree a)
                   | HuffmanValue a
                   | HuffmanEmpty
 deriving (Show)

data AdvanceResult a = AdvanceError String
                     | NewTree (HuffmanTree a)
                     | Result a

emptyHuffmanTree :: HuffmanTree a
emptyHuffmanTree = HuffmanEmpty

createHuffmanTree :: Show a =>
                     [(a, Int, Int)] ->
                     Either String (HuffmanTree a)
createHuffmanTree = foldr addHuffmanNode' (Right emptyHuffmanTree)
 where addHuffmanNode' (a, b, c) acc =
         case acc of
           Left err   -> Left err
           Right tree -> addHuffmanNode a b c tree

addHuffmanNode :: Show a =>
                  a -> Int -> Int -> HuffmanTree a ->
                  Either String (HuffmanTree a)
addHuffmanNode val len code node =
  case node of
    HuffmanEmpty    | len == 0 ->
      Right (HuffmanValue val)
    HuffmanEmpty ->
      case addHuffmanNode val (len - 1) code HuffmanEmpty of
        Left err -> Left err
        Right newNode
          | testBit code (len - 1) -> Right (HuffmanNode HuffmanEmpty newNode)
          | otherwise              -> Right (HuffmanNode newNode      HuffmanEmpty)
    HuffmanValue _  | len == 0 ->
      Left "Two values point to the same place!"
    HuffmanValue _ ->
      Left "HuffmanValue hit while inserting a value!"
    HuffmanNode _ _ | len == 0 ->
      Left ("Tried to add where the leaf is a node: " ++ show val)
    HuffmanNode l r | testBit code (len - 1) ->
      case addHuffmanNode val (len - 1) code r of
        Left err -> Left err
        Right r' -> Right (HuffmanNode l r')
    HuffmanNode l r ->
      case addHuffmanNode val (len - 1) code l of
        Left err -> Left err
        Right l' -> Right (HuffmanNode l' r)

advanceTree :: Word8 -> HuffmanTree a -> AdvanceResult a
advanceTree x node =
  case node of
    HuffmanEmpty     -> AdvanceError "Tried to advance empty tree!"
    HuffmanValue _   -> AdvanceError "Tried to advance value!"
    HuffmanNode  l r ->
      case if (x == 1) then r else l of
        HuffmanEmpty   -> AdvanceError "Advanced to empty tree!"
        HuffmanValue y -> Result y
        t              -> NewTree t
{-# INLINE advanceTree #-}