{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Codec.Compression.Zlib.OutputWindow(
, emptyWindow
, emitExcess
, finalizeWindow
, addByte
, addChunk
, addOldChunk
import Data.ByteString.Builder(Builder, toLazyByteString, word8,
lazyByteString, byteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.FingerTree(FingerTree, Measured, ViewL(..),
empty, (|>), split, measure, viewl)
import Data.Foldable.Compat(foldMap)
import Data.Int(Int64)
import Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Data.Word(Word8)
import Prelude()
import Prelude.Compat
type WindowType = FingerTree Int S.ByteString
instance Sem.Semigroup Int where
(<>) = (+)
instance Monoid Int where
mempty = 0
{-# INLINE mempty #-}
mappend = (+)
{-# INLINE mappend #-}
instance Measured Int S.ByteString where
measure = S.length
{-# INLINE measure #-}
data OutputWindow = OutputWindow {
owWindow :: WindowType
, owRecent :: Builder
emptyWindow :: OutputWindow
emptyWindow = OutputWindow empty mempty
emitExcess :: OutputWindow -> Maybe (L.ByteString, OutputWindow)
emitExcess ow
| totalMeasure < 65536 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (excess, ow{ owWindow = window' })
window = owWindow ow
totalMeasure = measure window
excessAmount = totalMeasure - 32768
(excessFT, window') = split (>= excessAmount) window
excess = toLazyByteString (foldMap byteString excessFT)
finalizeWindow :: OutputWindow -> L.ByteString
finalizeWindow ow =
toLazyByteString (foldMap byteString (owWindow ow) <> owRecent ow)
addByte :: OutputWindow -> Word8 -> OutputWindow
addByte ow b = ow{ owRecent = owRecent ow <> word8 b }
addChunk :: OutputWindow -> L.ByteString -> OutputWindow
addChunk ow bs = ow{ owRecent = owRecent ow <> lazyByteString bs }
addOldChunk :: OutputWindow -> Int -> Int64 -> (OutputWindow, L.ByteString)
addOldChunk ow dist len = (OutputWindow output (lazyByteString chunk), chunk)
output = L.foldlChunks (|>) (owWindow ow) (toLazyByteString (owRecent ow))
dropAmt = measure output - dist
(prev, sme) = split (> dropAmt) output
s :< rest = viewl sme
start = S.take (fromIntegral len) (S.drop (dropAmt-measure prev) s)
len' = fromIntegral len - S.length start
chunkBase = getChunk rest len' (byteString start)
chunkInf = chunkBase `L.append` chunkInf
chunk = L.take len chunkInf
getChunk :: WindowType -> Int -> Builder -> L.ByteString
getChunk win len acc
| len <= 0 = toLazyByteString acc
| otherwise =
case viewl win of
EmptyL -> toLazyByteString acc
cur :< rest ->
let curlen = S.length cur
in case compare (S.length cur) len of
LT -> getChunk rest (len - curlen) (acc <> byteString cur)
EQ -> toLazyByteString (acc <> byteString cur)
GT -> let (mine, _notMine) = S.splitAt len cur
in toLazyByteString (acc <> byteString mine)