pureMD5-2.1.3: A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm.

Safe HaskellNone




It is suggested you use the 'crypto-api' class-based interface to access the MD5 algorithm. Either rely on type inference or provide an explicit type:

  hashFileStrict = liftM hash' . B.readFile
  hashFileLazyBS = liftM hash . B.readFile



data MD5Digest Source #

After finalizing a context, using md5Finalize, a new type is returned to prevent 're-finalizing' the structure.

Static data

md5InitialContext :: MD5Context Source #

The initial context to use when calling md5Update for the first time


md5 :: ByteString -> MD5Digest Source #

Processes a lazy ByteString and returns the md5 digest. This is probably what you want.

md5Update :: MD5Context -> ByteString -> MD5Context Source #

Alters the MD5Context with a partial digest of the data.

The input bytestring MUST be a multiple of the blockSize or bad things can happen (incorrect digest results)!

md5Finalize :: MD5Context -> ByteString -> MD5Digest Source #

Closes an MD5 context, thus producing the digest.

md5DigestBytes :: MD5Digest -> ByteString Source #

The raw bytes of an MD5Digest. It is always 16 bytes long.

You can also use the Binary or Serialize instances to output the raw bytes. Alternatively you can use show to prodce the standard hex representation.

Crypto-API interface

class (Serialize d, Eq d, Ord d) => Hash ctx d | d -> ctx, ctx -> d where #

Minimal complete definition

outputLength, blockLength, initialCtx, updateCtx, finalize