{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Language.PureScript.TsdGen.Types where
import Prelude hiding (elem,notElem,lookup)
import Language.PureScript.Environment
import Language.PureScript.Types
import Language.PureScript.Label
import Language.PureScript.PSString
import Language.PureScript.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.Names
import Language.PureScript.Errors
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Kinds
import Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Monad
import qualified Language.PureScript.Constants as C
import Language.PureScript.CodeGen.JS.Common
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Char (isLetter,isAlphaNum)
import qualified Data.List as List
data Field = Field { fieldLabel :: !Label
, fieldType :: !TSType
, fieldIsOptional :: !Bool
| NewSignature [Text] [TSType] TSType
deriving (Eq,Show)
mkField :: Label -> TSType -> Field
mkField label ty = Field label ty False
mkOptionalField :: Label -> TSType -> Field
mkOptionalField label ty = Field label ty True
data TSType = TSAny
| TSUndefined
| TSNull
| TSNever
| TSNumber
| TSBoolean
| TSString
| TSFunction [Text] [TSType] TSType
| TSArray TSType
| TSRecord [Field]
| TSStrMap TSType
| TSTyVar Text
| TSNamed (Maybe Text) Text [TSType]
| TSStringLit PSString
| TSUnion [TSType]
| TSIntersection [TSType]
| TSUnknown Text
| TSCommented TSType Text
deriving (Eq,Show)
qnUnit = Qualified (Just (moduleNameFromString "Data.Unit")) (ProperName "Unit")
tyFn0, tyFn2, tyFn3, tyFn4, tyFn5, tyFn6, tyFn7, tyFn8, tyFn9, tyFn10 :: Type
modDataFunctionUncurried = Just (moduleNameFromString "Data.Function.Uncurried")
qnFn0 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn0")
qnFn2 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn2")
qnFn3 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn3")
qnFn4 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn4")
qnFn5 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn5")
qnFn6 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn6")
qnFn7 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn7")
qnFn8 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn8")
qnFn9 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn9")
qnFn10 = Qualified modDataFunctionUncurried (ProperName "Fn10")
tyFn0 = TypeConstructor qnFn0
tyFn2 = TypeConstructor qnFn2
tyFn3 = TypeConstructor qnFn3
tyFn4 = TypeConstructor qnFn4
tyFn5 = TypeConstructor qnFn5
tyFn6 = TypeConstructor qnFn6
tyFn7 = TypeConstructor qnFn7
tyFn8 = TypeConstructor qnFn8
tyFn9 = TypeConstructor qnFn9
tyFn10 = TypeConstructor qnFn10
qnStrMap = Qualified (Just (moduleNameFromString "Data.StrMap")) (ProperName "StrMap")
tyStrMap :: Type
tyStrMap = TypeConstructor qnStrMap
tyEff = TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just (moduleNameFromString "Control.Monad.Eff")) (ProperName "Eff"))
qnEffect = Qualified (Just (moduleNameFromString "Effect")) (ProperName "Effect")
tyEffect = TypeConstructor qnEffect
tyVariant = TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just (moduleNameFromString "Data.Variant")) (ProperName "Variant"))
qnNullable = Qualified (Just (moduleNameFromString "Data.Nullable")) (ProperName "Nullable")
tyNullable = TypeConstructor qnNullable
constraintToType :: Constraint -> Type
constraintToType ct = foldl TypeApp (TypeConstructor qDictTypeName) (constraintArgs ct)
where qDictTypeName = fmap coerceProperName (constraintClass ct)
data TypeTranslationContext f = TypeTranslationContext { ttcBoundTyVars :: [Text]
, ttcUnboundTyVars :: [Text]
, ttcScopedVarKinds :: Maybe [(Text,Kind)]
, ttcGetModuleId :: ModuleName -> f (Maybe Text)
, ttcEnvironment :: Environment
, ttcCurrentModuleName :: ModuleName
type TypeTranslationT f = ReaderT (TypeTranslationContext f) (ExceptT MultipleErrors f)
tsFunction :: forall f. Monad f => (Type -> TypeTranslationT f TSType) -> [Type] -> Type -> TypeTranslationT f TSType
tsFunction go args ret = do
unbound <- asks ttcUnboundTyVars
withReaderT (\r -> r { ttcBoundTyVars = ttcBoundTyVars r ++ unbound, ttcUnboundTyVars = [] })
$ TSFunction unbound <$> traverse go args <*> go ret
pursTypeToTSType :: forall f. Monad f => Type -> TypeTranslationT f TSType
pursTypeToTSType = go
go :: Type -> TypeTranslationT f TSType
go (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) r)
| tcon == tyFunction = tsFunction go [a0] r
| tcon == tyEff = tsFunction go [] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) r)
| tcon == tyFn2 = tsFunction go [a0,a1] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) r)
| tcon == tyFn3 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) r)
| tcon == tyFn4 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) a4) r)
| tcon == tyFn5 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) a4) a5) r)
| tcon == tyFn6 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) a4) a5) a6) r)
| tcon == tyFn7 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) a4) a5) a6) a7) r)
| tcon == tyFn8 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) a4) a5) a6) a7) a8) r)
| tcon == tyFn9 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8] r
go (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp (TypeApp tcon a0) a1) a2) a3) a4) a5) a6) a7) a8) a9) r)
| tcon == tyFn10 = tsFunction go [a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9] r
go (TypeApp tcon a0)
| tcon == tyArray = TSArray <$> go a0
| tcon == tyStrMap = TSStrMap <$> go a0
| tcon == tyRecord = case rowToList a0 of
(pairs, _) -> TSRecord <$> traverse (\(label,ty) -> mkField label <$> go ty) pairs
| tcon == tyFn0 = tsFunction go [] a0
| tcon == tyEffect = tsFunction go [] a0
| tcon == tyVariant = case rowToList a0 of
(pairs, _) -> TSUnion <$> traverse (\(label,ty) -> (\ty' -> TSRecord [mkField "type" (TSStringLit $ runLabel label), mkField "value" ty']) <$> go ty) pairs
| tcon == tyNullable = (\ty -> TSUnion [ty, TSNull]) <$> go a0
go ty@(ForAll name inner _) = getKindsIn ty $ \kinds ->
if List.lookup name kinds == Just kindType
then withReaderT (\r -> r { ttcUnboundTyVars = name : ttcUnboundTyVars r }) (go inner)
else go inner
go (TypeVar name) = do
isBound <- asks (\r -> List.elem name (ttcBoundTyVars r))
if isBound
then pure (TSTyVar name)
else pure (TSUnknown $ T.pack $ "type variable " ++ T.unpack name)
go ty@(TypeConstructor _qName)
| ty == tyString = pure TSString
| ty == tyChar = pure TSString
| ty == tyNumber = pure TSNumber
| ty == tyInt = pure TSNumber
| ty == tyBoolean = pure TSBoolean
go ty@(TypeApp s t) = do
s' <- go s
t' <- go t
case s' of
TSNamed m n a -> pure (TSNamed m n (a ++ [t']))
_ -> pure (TSUnknown $ T.pack $ show ty)
go ty@(TypeConstructor (Qualified (Just (ModuleName [ProperName prim])) typeName)) | prim == C.prim = do
case typeName of
ProperName "Partial" -> pure (TSUnknown "Prim.Partial")
_ -> pure (TSUnknown $ T.pack $ show ty)
go ty@(TypeConstructor qName@(Qualified (Just moduleName) typeName)) = do
ti <- asks (Map.lookup qName . types . ttcEnvironment)
case ti of
Just (k, _) | isSimpleKind k -> do
getModuleId <- asks ttcGetModuleId
moduleId <- lift (lift (getModuleId moduleName))
pure (TSNamed moduleId (runProperName typeName) [])
_ -> pure (TSUnknown $ T.pack $ show ty)
go (ConstrainedType ct inner) = tsFunction go [constraintToType ct] inner
go ty = pure (TSUnknown $ T.pack $ show ty)
getKindsIn :: Type -> ([(Text,Kind)] -> TypeTranslationT f r) -> TypeTranslationT f r
getKindsIn ty m = do
mkinds <- asks ttcScopedVarKinds
case mkinds of
Just kinds -> m kinds
Nothing -> do
checkState <- asks (\TypeTranslationContext{..} ->
let insertLocalTyVar env v = Map.insert (Qualified (Just ttcCurrentModuleName) (ProperName v)) (kindType, LocalTypeVariable) env
env' = ttcEnvironment { types = foldl insertLocalTyVar (types ttcEnvironment) ttcBoundTyVars }
in (emptyCheckState env') { checkCurrentModule = Just ttcCurrentModuleName })
case runExcept (evalStateT (kindOfWithScopedVars ty) checkState) of
Left err -> throwError err
Right (kind,kinds)
| kind == kindType -> withReaderT (\r -> r { ttcScopedVarKinds = Just kinds }) (m kinds)
| otherwise -> throwError (errorMessage (ExpectedType ty kind))
showTSType :: TSType -> Text
showTSType = showTSTypePrec 0
showParenIf :: Bool -> Text -> Text
showParenIf True s = "(" <> s <> ")"
showParenIf False s = s
showField :: Field -> Text
showField field@Field{} = objectPropertyToString (runLabel (fieldLabel field)) <> optionalMarker <> ": " <> showTSType (fieldType field)
where optionalMarker | fieldIsOptional field = "?"
| otherwise = ""
showField (NewSignature [] params result) = "new (" <> showFunctionParameters params <> "): " <> showTSType result
showField (NewSignature tp params result) = "new <" <> T.intercalate ", " (map properToJs tp) <> ">(" <> showFunctionParameters params <> "): " <> showTSType result
showFunctionParameters :: [TSType] -> Text
showFunctionParameters [] = ""
showFunctionParameters [ty] = "_: " <> showTSType ty
showFunctionParameters types = T.intercalate ", " $ zipWith (\n ty -> "_" <> T.pack (show (n :: Int)) <> ": " <> showTSType ty) [0..] types
objectPropertyToString :: PSString -> Text
objectPropertyToString ps = case decodeString ps of
Just t | not (identNeedsEscaping t) -> t
_ -> prettyPrintStringJS ps
isIdentifierStart, isIdentifierPart :: Char -> Bool
isIdentifierStart c = isLetter c || c == '$' || c == '_'
isIdentifierPart c = isAlphaNum c || c == '$' || c == '_'
isIdentifierName :: Text -> Bool
isIdentifierName name = case T.uncons name of
Just (head, tail) -> isIdentifierStart head && T.all isIdentifierPart tail
_ -> False
showTSTypePrec :: Int -> TSType -> Text
showTSTypePrec prec ty = case ty of
TSAny -> "any"
TSUndefined -> "undefined"
TSNull -> "null"
TSNever -> "never"
TSNumber -> "number"
TSBoolean -> "boolean"
TSString -> "string"
TSFunction [] params ret -> showParenIf (prec > 0) $ "(" <> showFunctionParameters params <> ") => " <> showTSType ret
TSFunction tp params ret -> showParenIf (prec > 0) $ "<" <> T.intercalate ", " (map properToJs tp) <> ">(" <> showFunctionParameters params <> ") => " <> showTSType ret
TSArray elemTy -> "Array< " <> showTSType elemTy <> " >"
TSStrMap elemTy -> "{[_: string]: " <> showTSType elemTy <> "}"
TSRecord [] -> "{}"
TSRecord fields -> "{ " <> T.intercalate "; " (map showField fields) <> " }"
TSUnknown desc -> "any /* " <> desc <> " */"
TSStringLit s -> prettyPrintStringJS s
TSUnion [] -> "never"
TSUnion members -> showParenIf (prec > 1) $ T.intercalate " | " (map (showTSTypePrec 1) members)
TSIntersection [] -> "{}"
TSIntersection members -> T.intercalate " & " (map (showTSTypePrec 2) members)
TSTyVar name -> properToJs name
TSNamed moduleid name tyArgs -> mid <> name <> ta
where mid | Just m <- moduleid = m <> "."
| otherwise = ""
ta | [] <- tyArgs = ""
| otherwise = "< " <> T.intercalate ", " (map showTSType tyArgs) <> " >"
TSCommented inner desc -> showTSTypePrec prec inner <> " /* " <> desc <> " */"
isSimpleKind :: Kind -> Bool
isSimpleKind k | k == kindType = True
isSimpleKind (FunKind s t) = s == kindType && isSimpleKind t
isSimpleKind _ = False
numberOfTypeParams :: Kind -> Int
numberOfTypeParams k | k == kindType = 0
numberOfTypeParams (FunKind s t) | s == kindType = numberOfTypeParams t + 1
numberOfTypeParams _ = 0
isLessSimpleKind :: Kind -> Bool
isLessSimpleKind k | k == kindType = True
isLessSimpleKind (FunKind s t) = isSimpleKind s && isLessSimpleKind t
isLessSimpleKind _ = False
extractTypes :: Kind -> [(a,Maybe Kind)] -> Maybe [a]
extractTypes k [] | k == kindType = return []
extractTypes (FunKind kind1 r) ((name,kind2):xs)
| kind1 == kindType && (kind2 == Just kindType || kind2 == Nothing) = (name :) <$> extractTypes r xs
| otherwise = extractTypes r xs
extractTypes _ _ = Nothing