{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Test.StateMachine.Parallel
( forAllParallelCommands
, generateParallelCommands
, shrinkParallelCommands
, validParallelCommands
, prop_splitCombine
, runParallelCommands
, runParallelCommandsNTimes
, linearise
, toBoxDrawings
, prettyParallelCommands
) where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Control.Monad
(foldM, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.State
(MonadIO, State, evalState, put, runStateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
(MonadBaseControl, liftBaseWith)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
(partition, permutations)
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Tree
import GHC.Generics
(Generic1, Rep1)
import Prelude
import Test.QuickCheck
(Gen, Property, Testable, choose, property,
shrinkList, sized)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
(PropertyM, run)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
import Text.Show.Pretty
import Test.StateMachine.BoxDrawer
import Test.StateMachine.ConstructorName
import Test.StateMachine.Logic
import Test.StateMachine.Sequential
import Test.StateMachine.Types
import qualified Test.StateMachine.Types.Rank2 as Rank2
import Test.StateMachine.Utils
forAllParallelCommands :: Testable prop
=> (Show (cmd Symbolic), Show (model Symbolic))
=> (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
=> (Rank2.Foldable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> (ParallelCommands cmd -> prop)
-> Property
forAllParallelCommands sm =
forAllShrinkShow (generateParallelCommands sm) (shrinkParallelCommands sm) ppShow
generateParallelCommands :: forall model cmd m resp
. (Rank2.Foldable resp, Show (model Symbolic))
=> (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd))
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> Gen (ParallelCommands cmd)
generateParallelCommands sm@StateMachine { initModel } = do
Commands cmds <- generateCommands sm Nothing
prefixLength <- sized (\k -> choose (0, k `div` 3))
let (prefix, rest) = bimap Commands Commands (splitAt prefixLength cmds)
return (ParallelCommands prefix
(makeSuffixes (advanceModel sm initModel newCounter prefix) rest))
makeSuffixes :: (model Symbolic, Counter) -> Commands cmd -> [Pair (Commands cmd)]
makeSuffixes (model0, counter0) = go (model0, counter0) [] . unCommands
go _ acc [] = reverse acc
go (model, counter) acc cmds = go (advanceModel sm model counter (Commands safe))
(Pair (Commands safe1) (Commands safe2) : acc)
(safe, rest) = spanSafe model counter [] cmds
(safe1, safe2) = splitAt (length safe `div` 2) safe
suffixLength = 5
spanSafe :: model Symbolic -> Counter -> [Command cmd] -> [Command cmd]
-> ([Command cmd], [Command cmd])
spanSafe _ _ safe [] = (reverse safe, [])
spanSafe model counter safe (cmd@(Command _ _) : cmds)
| length safe <= suffixLength &&
parallelSafe sm model counter (Commands (cmd : safe)) =
spanSafe model counter (cmd : safe) cmds
| otherwise = (reverse safe, cmd : cmds)
parallelSafe :: StateMachine model cmd m resp -> model Symbolic
-> Counter -> Commands cmd -> Bool
parallelSafe StateMachine { precondition, transition, mock } model0 counter0
= and
. map (preconditionsHold model0 counter0)
. permutations
. unCommands
preconditionsHold _ _ [] = True
preconditionsHold model counter (Command cmd _vars : cmds) =
(resp, counter') = runGenSym (mock model cmd) counter
boolean (precondition model cmd) &&
preconditionsHold (transition model cmd resp) counter' cmds
advanceModel :: StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> model Symbolic
-> Counter
-> Commands cmd
-> (model Symbolic, Counter)
advanceModel StateMachine { transition, mock } model0 counter0 =
go model0 counter0 . unCommands
go model counter [] = (model, counter)
go model counter (Command cmd _vars : cmds) =
(resp, counter') = runGenSym (mock model cmd) counter
go (transition model cmd resp) counter' cmds
:: forall cmd model m resp. Rank2.Foldable cmd
=> Rank2.Foldable resp
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> (ParallelCommands cmd -> [ParallelCommands cmd])
shrinkParallelCommands sm@StateMachine { shrinker, initModel }
(ParallelCommands prefix suffixes)
= filterMaybe (flip evalState (initModel, S.empty, newCounter) . validParallelCommands sm)
[ ParallelCommands prefix' (map toPair suffixes')
| (prefix', suffixes') <- shrinkPair' shrinkCommands' shrinkSuffixes
(prefix, map fromPair suffixes)
shrinkCommands' :: Commands cmd -> [Commands cmd]
= map Commands
. shrinkList (liftShrinkCommand shrinker)
. unCommands
shrinkSuffixes :: [(Commands cmd, Commands cmd)] -> [[(Commands cmd, Commands cmd)]]
shrinkSuffixes = shrinkList (shrinkPair shrinkCommands')
shrinkMoveSuffixToPrefix :: [ParallelCommands cmd]
shrinkMoveSuffixToPrefix = case suffixes of
[] -> []
(suffix : suffixes') ->
[ ParallelCommands (prefix <> Commands [prefix'])
(fmap Commands (toPair suffix') : suffixes')
| (prefix', suffix') <- pickOneReturnRest2 (unCommands (proj1 suffix),
unCommands (proj2 suffix))
pickOneReturnRest :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]
pickOneReturnRest [] = []
pickOneReturnRest (x : xs) = (x, xs) : map (id *** (x :)) (pickOneReturnRest xs)
pickOneReturnRest2 :: ([a], [a]) -> [(a, ([a],[a]))]
pickOneReturnRest2 (xs, ys) =
map (id *** flip (,) ys) (pickOneReturnRest xs) ++
map (id *** (,) xs) (pickOneReturnRest ys)
validParallelCommands :: forall model cmd m resp. (Rank2.Foldable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp -> ParallelCommands cmd
-> State (model Symbolic, Set Var, Counter) (Maybe (ParallelCommands cmd))
validParallelCommands sm@StateMachine { initModel } (ParallelCommands prefix suffixes) = do
let prefixLength = lengthCommands prefix
leftSuffixes = map (\(Pair l _r) -> l) suffixes
rightSuffixes = map (\(Pair _l r) -> r) suffixes
leftSuffixLengths = map lengthCommands leftSuffixes
rightSuffixLengths = map lengthCommands rightSuffixes
leftSuffix = mconcat leftSuffixes
rightSuffix = mconcat rightSuffixes
mleft <- validCommands sm (prefix <> leftSuffix)
put (initModel, S.empty, newCounter)
mright <- validCommands sm (prefix <> rightSuffix)
case (mleft, mright) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing
(Just _, Nothing) -> return Nothing
(Nothing, Just _) -> return Nothing
(Just left, Just right) ->
case (splitPlacesBlanks (prefixLength : leftSuffixLengths) (unCommands left),
splitPlacesBlanks (prefixLength : rightSuffixLengths) (unCommands right)) of
([] , []) -> error "validParallelCommands: impossible"
([] , _ : _) -> error "validParallelCommands: impossible"
(_ : _ , []) -> error "validParallelCommands: impossible"
(prefix' : leftSuffixes', _ : rightSuffixes') -> do
let suffixes' = zipWith Pair (map Commands leftSuffixes')
(map Commands rightSuffixes')
(model', counter') = advanceModel sm initModel newCounter (Commands prefix')
if parallelSafeMany sm model' counter' suffixes'
then return (Just (ParallelCommands (Commands prefix') suffixes'))
else return Nothing
parallelSafeMany :: StateMachine model cmd m resp -> model Symbolic
-> Counter -> [Pair (Commands cmd)] -> Bool
parallelSafeMany sm = go
go _ _ [] = True
go model counter (Pair cmds1 cmds2 : cmdss) = parallelSafe sm model counter cmds
&& go model' counter' cmdss
cmds = cmds1 <> cmds2
(model', counter') = advanceModel sm model counter cmds
prop_splitCombine :: [[Int]] -> Bool
prop_splitCombine xs = splitPlacesBlanks (map length xs) (concat xs) == xs
runParallelCommands :: (Rank2.Traversable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
=> (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> ParallelCommands cmd
-> PropertyM m [(History cmd resp, Bool)]
runParallelCommands sm = runParallelCommandsNTimes 10 sm
runParallelCommandsNTimes :: (Rank2.Traversable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
=> (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> Int
-> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> ParallelCommands cmd
-> PropertyM m [(History cmd resp, Bool)]
runParallelCommandsNTimes n sm cmds =
replicateM n $ do
(hist, _reason) <- run (executeParallelCommands sm cmds)
return (hist, linearise sm hist)
executeParallelCommands :: (Rank2.Traversable cmd, Rank2.Foldable resp)
=> (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> ParallelCommands cmd
-> m (History cmd resp, Reason)
executeParallelCommands sm@StateMachine{ initModel } (ParallelCommands prefix suffixes) = do
hchan <- liftBaseWith (const newTChanIO)
(reason0, (env0, _cmodel)) <- runStateT
(executeCommands sm hchan (Pid 0) True prefix)
(emptyEnvironment, initModel)
if reason0 /= Ok
then do
hist <- liftBaseWith (const (getChanContents hchan))
return (History hist, reason0)
else do
(reason, _) <- foldM (go hchan) (reason0, env0) suffixes
hist <- liftBaseWith (const (getChanContents hchan))
return (History hist, reason)
go hchan (_, env) (Pair cmds1 cmds2) = do
((reason1, (env1, _)), (reason2, (env2, _))) <- concurrently
(runStateT (executeCommands sm hchan (Pid 1) False cmds1) (env, initModel))
(runStateT (executeCommands sm hchan (Pid 2) False cmds2) (env, initModel))
return ( reason1 `combineReason` reason2
, env1 <> env2
combineReason :: Reason -> Reason -> Reason
combineReason Ok r2 = r2
combineReason r1 _ = r1
linearise :: forall model cmd m resp. StateMachine model cmd m resp
-> History cmd resp -> Bool
linearise StateMachine { transition, postcondition, initModel } = go . unHistory
go :: [(Pid, HistoryEvent cmd resp)] -> Bool
go [] = True
go es = any (step initModel) (interleavings es)
step :: model Concrete -> Tree (Operation cmd resp) -> Bool
step model (Node (Operation cmd resp _) roses) =
boolean (postcondition model cmd resp) &&
any' (step (transition model cmd resp)) roses
any' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
any' _ [] = True
any' p xs = any p xs
prettyParallelCommands :: (MonadIO m, Rank2.Foldable cmd)
=> (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete))
=> ParallelCommands cmd
-> [(History cmd resp, Bool)]
-> PropertyM m ()
prettyParallelCommands cmds =
mapM_ (\(hist, bool) -> print (toBoxDrawings cmds hist) `whenFailM` property bool)
toBoxDrawings :: forall cmd resp. Rank2.Foldable cmd
=> (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete))
=> ParallelCommands cmd -> History cmd resp -> Doc
toBoxDrawings (ParallelCommands prefix suffixes) = toBoxDrawings'' allVars
allVars = getAllUsedVars prefix `S.union`
foldMap (foldMap getAllUsedVars) suffixes
toBoxDrawings'' :: Set Var -> History cmd resp -> Doc
toBoxDrawings'' knownVars (History h) = exec evT (fmap (out . snd) <$> Fork l p r)
(p, h') = partition (\e -> fst e == Pid 0) h
(l, r) = partition (\e -> fst e == Pid 1) h'
out :: HistoryEvent cmd resp -> String
out (Invocation cmd vars)
| vars `S.isSubsetOf` knownVars = show (S.toList vars) ++ " ← " ++ show cmd
| otherwise = show cmd
out (Response resp) = show resp
toEventType :: History' cmd resp -> [(EventType, Pid)]
toEventType = map go
go e = case e of
(pid, Invocation _ _) -> (Open, pid)
(pid, Response _) -> (Close, pid)
evT :: [(EventType, Pid)]
evT = toEventType (filter (\e -> fst e `elem` map Pid [1, 2]) h)
getAllUsedVars :: Rank2.Foldable cmd => Commands cmd -> Set Var
getAllUsedVars = foldMap (\(Command cmd _) -> getUsedVars cmd) . unCommands