Copyright | (C) 2017 ATS Advanced Telematic Systems GmbH |
License | BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Stevan Andjelkovic <> |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module contains helpers for generating, shrinking, and checking sequential programs.
- forAllCommands :: Testable prop => (Show (cmd Symbolic), Show (model Symbolic)) => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => (Foldable cmd, Foldable resp) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Maybe Int -> (Commands cmd -> prop) -> Property
- generateCommands :: (Foldable resp, Show (model Symbolic)) => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Maybe Int -> Gen (Commands cmd)
- generateCommandsState :: forall model cmd m resp. Foldable resp => Show (model Symbolic) => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Counter -> Maybe Int -> StateT (model Symbolic, Maybe (cmd Symbolic)) Gen (Commands cmd)
- measureFrequency :: (Foldable resp, Show (model Symbolic)) => (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Maybe Int -> Int -> IO (Map (String, Maybe String) Int)
- calculateFrequency :: (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> Map (String, Maybe String) Int
- getUsedVars :: Foldable f => f Symbolic -> Set Var
- shrinkCommands :: (Foldable cmd, Foldable resp) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd -> [Commands cmd]
- liftShrinkCommand :: (cmd Symbolic -> [cmd Symbolic]) -> Command cmd -> [Command cmd]
- validCommands :: forall model cmd m resp. (Foldable cmd, Foldable resp) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd -> State (model Symbolic, Set Var, Counter) (Maybe (Commands cmd))
- filterMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
- runCommands :: (Traversable cmd, Foldable resp) => (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd -> PropertyM m (History cmd resp, model Concrete, Reason)
- getChanContents :: TChan a -> IO [a]
- executeCommands :: (Traversable cmd, Foldable resp) => (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> TChan (Pid, HistoryEvent cmd resp) -> Pid -> Bool -> Commands cmd -> StateT (Environment, model Concrete) m Reason
- prettyPrintHistory :: forall model cmd m resp. ToExpr (model Concrete) => (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> History cmd resp -> IO ()
- prettyCommands :: (MonadIO m, ToExpr (model Concrete)) => (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> History cmd resp -> Property -> PropertyM m ()
- commandNames :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> [(String, Int)]
- commandNamesInOrder :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> [String]
- checkCommandNames :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> Property -> Property
- transitionMatrix :: forall cmd. GConName1 (Rep1 cmd) => Proxy (cmd Symbolic) -> (String -> String -> Int) -> Matrix Int
calculateFrequency :: (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> Map (String, Maybe String) Int Source #
shrinkCommands :: (Foldable cmd, Foldable resp) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd -> [Commands cmd] Source #
Shrink commands in a pre-condition and scope respecting way.
validCommands :: forall model cmd m resp. (Foldable cmd, Foldable resp) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd -> State (model Symbolic, Set Var, Counter) (Maybe (Commands cmd)) Source #
filterMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b] Source #
runCommands :: (Traversable cmd, Foldable resp) => (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> Commands cmd -> PropertyM m (History cmd resp, model Concrete, Reason) Source #
getChanContents :: TChan a -> IO [a] Source #
:: (Traversable cmd, Foldable resp) | |
=> (MonadCatch m, MonadBaseControl IO m) | |
=> StateMachine model cmd m resp | |
-> TChan (Pid, HistoryEvent cmd resp) | |
-> Pid | |
-> Bool | Check invariant and post-condition? |
-> Commands cmd | |
-> StateT (Environment, model Concrete) m Reason |
prettyPrintHistory :: forall model cmd m resp. ToExpr (model Concrete) => (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> History cmd resp -> IO () Source #
prettyCommands :: (MonadIO m, ToExpr (model Concrete)) => (Show (cmd Concrete), Show (resp Concrete)) => StateMachine model cmd m resp -> History cmd resp -> Property -> PropertyM m () Source #
commandNames :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> [(String, Int)] Source #
commandNamesInOrder :: forall cmd. (Generic1 cmd, GConName1 (Rep1 cmd)) => Commands cmd -> [String] Source #