Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
Matrix datatype and operations.
Every provided example has been tested.
Run cabal test
for further tests.
- data Matrix a
- prettyMatrix :: Show a => Matrix a -> String
- nrows :: Matrix a -> Int
- ncols :: Matrix a -> Int
- forceMatrix :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
- matrix :: Int -> Int -> ((Int, Int) -> a) -> Matrix a
- rowVector :: Vector a -> Matrix a
- colVector :: Vector a -> Matrix a
- zero :: Num a => Int -> Int -> Matrix a
- identity :: Num a => Int -> Matrix a
- diagonalList :: Int -> a -> [a] -> Matrix a
- diagonal :: a -> Vector a -> Matrix a
- permMatrix :: Num a => Int -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a
- fromList :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> Matrix a
- fromLists :: [[a]] -> Matrix a
- toList :: Matrix a -> [a]
- toLists :: Matrix a -> [[a]]
- getElem :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> a
- (!) :: Matrix a -> (Int, Int) -> a
- unsafeGet :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> a
- safeGet :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe a
- safeSet :: a -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a)
- getRow :: Int -> Matrix a -> Vector a
- safeGetRow :: Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Vector a)
- getCol :: Int -> Matrix a -> Vector a
- safeGetCol :: Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Vector a)
- getDiag :: Matrix a -> Vector a
- getMatrixAsVector :: Matrix a -> Vector a
- setElem :: a -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- unsafeSet :: a -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- transpose :: Matrix a -> Matrix a
- setSize :: a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- extendTo :: a -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- inverse :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a)
- rref :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a)
- mapRow :: (Int -> a -> a) -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- mapCol :: (Int -> a -> a) -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- mapPos :: ((Int, Int) -> a -> b) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b
- submatrix :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- minorMatrix :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- splitBlocks :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a)
- (<|>) :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- (<->) :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- joinBlocks :: (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a) -> Matrix a
- elementwise :: (a -> b -> c) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b -> Matrix c
- elementwiseUnsafe :: (a -> b -> c) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b -> Matrix c
- multStd :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- multStd2 :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- multStrassen :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- multStrassenMixed :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- scaleMatrix :: Num a => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- scaleRow :: Num a => a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- combineRows :: Num a => Int -> a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- switchRows :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- switchCols :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
- luDecomp :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a)
- luDecompUnsafe :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a)
- luDecomp' :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a, a)
- luDecompUnsafe' :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a, a)
- cholDecomp :: Floating a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
- trace :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
- diagProd :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
- detLaplace :: Num a => Matrix a -> a
- detLU :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> a
- flatten :: Matrix (Matrix a) -> Matrix a
Matrix type
Type of matrices.
Elements can be of any type. Rows and columns
are indexed starting by 1. This means that, if m :: Matrix a
i,j :: Int
, then m ! (i,j)
is the element in the i
-th row and
-th column of m
Functor Matrix Source # | |
Applicative Matrix Source # | |
Foldable Matrix Source # | |
Traversable Matrix Source # | |
Eq a => Eq (Matrix a) Source # | |
Num a => Num (Matrix a) Source # | |
Show a => Show (Matrix a) Source # | |
Generic (Matrix a) Source # | |
Monoid a => Semigroup (Matrix a) Source # | |
Monoid a => Monoid (Matrix a) Source # | |
NFData a => NFData (Matrix a) Source # | |
type Rep (Matrix a) Source # | |
forceMatrix :: Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
O(rows*cols). Generate a matrix from a generator function. Example of usage:
( 1 0 -1 -2 ) ( 3 2 1 0 ) ( 5 4 3 2 ) matrix 4 4 $ \(i,j) -> 2*i - j = ( 7 6 5 4 )
Special matrices
O(rows*cols). The zero matrix of the given size.
zero n m = m 1 ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) 2 ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) ( ... ) ( 0 0 ... 0 0 ) n ( 0 0 ... 0 0 )
identity :: Num a => Int -> Matrix a Source #
O(rows*cols). Identity matrix of the given order.
identity n = n 1 ( 1 0 ... 0 0 ) 2 ( 0 1 ... 0 0 ) ( ... ) ( 0 0 ... 1 0 ) n ( 0 0 ... 0 1 )
diagonalList :: Int -> a -> [a] -> Matrix a Source #
Diagonal matrix from a non-empty list given the desired size. Non-diagonal elements will be filled with the given default element. The list must have at least order elements.
diagonalList n 0 [1..] = n 1 ( 1 0 ... 0 0 ) 2 ( 0 2 ... 0 0 ) ( ... ) ( 0 0 ... n-1 0 ) n ( 0 0 ... 0 n )
Similar to diagonalList
, but using Vector
, which
should be more efficient.
:: Num a | |
=> Int | Size of the matrix. |
-> Int | Permuted row 1. |
-> Int | Permuted row 2. |
-> Matrix a | Permutation matrix. |
O(rows*cols). Permutation matrix.
permMatrix n i j = i j n 1 ( 1 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 ) 2 ( 0 1 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 0 ) ( ... ... ... ) i ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 1 ... 0 0 ) ( ... ... ... ) j ( 0 0 ... 1 ... 0 ... 0 0 ) ( ... ... ... ) ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 1 0 ) n ( 0 0 ... 0 ... 0 ... 0 1 )
When i == j
it reduces to identity
List conversions
Create a matrix from a non-empty list given the desired size. The list must have at least rows*cols elements. An example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) fromList 3 3 [1..] = ( 7 8 9 )
fromLists :: [[a]] -> Matrix a Source #
Create a matrix from a non-empty list of non-empty lists. Each list must have at least as many elements as the first list. Examples:
fromLists [ [1,2,3] ( 1 2 3 ) , [4,5,6] ( 4 5 6 ) , [7,8,9] ] = ( 7 8 9 )
fromLists [ [1,2,3 ] ( 1 2 3 ) , [4,5,6,7] ( 4 5 6 ) , [8,9,0 ] ] = ( 8 9 0 )
toList :: Matrix a -> [a] Source #
Get the elements of a matrix stored in a list.
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) toList ( 7 8 9 ) = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
toLists :: Matrix a -> [[a]] Source #
Get the elements of a matrix stored in a list of lists, where each list contains the elements of a single row.
( 1 2 3 ) [ [1,2,3] ( 4 5 6 ) , [4,5,6] toLists ( 7 8 9 ) = , [7,8,9] ]
O(1). Get an element of a matrix. Indices range from (1,1) to (n,m).
It returns an error
if the requested element is outside of range.
O(1). Unsafe variant of getElem
, without bounds checking.
safeGet :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe a Source #
Variant of getElem
that returns Maybe instead of an error.
safeSet :: a -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a) Source #
Variant of setElem
that returns Maybe instead of an error.
safeGetRow :: Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Vector a) Source #
Varian of getRow
that returns a maybe instead of an error
safeGetCol :: Int -> Matrix a -> Maybe (Vector a) Source #
Varian of getColumn
that returns a maybe instead of an error
getDiag :: Matrix a -> Vector a Source #
O(min rows cols). Diagonal of a not necessarily square matrix.
getMatrixAsVector :: Matrix a -> Vector a Source #
Manipulating matrices
:: a | New value. |
-> (Int, Int) | Position to replace. |
-> Matrix a | Original matrix. |
-> Matrix a | Matrix with the given position replaced with the given value. |
Replace the value of a cell in a matrix.
:: a | New value. |
-> (Int, Int) | Position to replace. |
-> Matrix a | Original matrix. |
-> Matrix a | Matrix with the given position replaced with the given value. |
Unsafe variant of setElem
, without bounds checking.
transpose :: Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
O(rows*cols). The transpose of a matrix. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 4 7 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 2 5 8 ) transpose ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 3 6 9 )
Set the size of a matrix to given parameters. Use a default element for undefined entries if the matrix has been extended.
:: a | Element to add when extending. |
-> Int | Minimal number of rows. |
-> Int | Minimal number of columns. |
-> Matrix a | |
-> Matrix a |
Extend a matrix to a given size adding a default element. If the matrix already has the required size, nothing happens. The matrix is never reduced in size. Example:
( 1 2 3 0 0 ) ( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 0 0 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 7 8 9 0 0 ) extendTo 0 4 5 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 0 0 0 0 0 )
The definition of extendTo
is based on setSize
extendTo e n m a = setSize e (max n $ nrows a) (max m $ ncols a) a
inverse :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a) Source #
O(rows*rows*rows*rows) = O(cols*cols*cols*cols). The inverse of a square matrix. Uses naive Gaussian elimination formula.
rref :: (Fractional a, Eq a) => Matrix a -> Either String (Matrix a) Source #
O(rows*rows*cols*cols). Converts a matrix to reduced row echelon form, thus solving a linear system of equations. This requires that (cols > rows) if cols < rows, then there are fewer variables than equations and the problem cannot be solved consistently. If rows = cols, then it is basically a homogenous system of equations, so it will be reduced to identity or an error depending on whether the marix is invertible (this case is allowed for robustness).
:: (Int -> a -> a) | Function takes the current column as additional argument. |
-> Int | Row to map. |
-> Matrix a | |
-> Matrix a |
O(rows*cols). Map a function over a row. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 5 6 7 ) mapRow (\_ x -> x + 1) 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 )
:: (Int -> a -> a) | Function takes the current row as additional argument. |
-> Int | Column to map. |
-> Matrix a | |
-> Matrix a |
O(rows*cols). Map a function over a column. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 3 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 4 6 6 ) mapCol (\_ x -> x + 1) 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 9 9 )
:: ((Int, Int) -> a -> b) | Function takes the current Position as additional argument. |
-> Matrix a | |
-> Matrix b |
O(rows*cols). Map a function over elements. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 0 -1 -2 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 1 0 -1 ) mapPos (\(r,c) a -> r - c) ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 2 1 0 )
Splitting blocks
:: Int | Starting row |
-> Int | Ending row |
-> Int | Starting column |
-> Int | Ending column |
-> Matrix a | |
-> Matrix a |
O(1). Extract a submatrix given row and column limits. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 2 3 ) submatrix 1 2 2 3 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 5 6 )
:: Int | Row |
-> Int | Column |
-> Matrix a | Original matrix. |
-> Matrix a | Matrix with row |
O(rows*cols). Remove a row and a column from a matrix. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 1 3 ) minorMatrix 2 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 9 )
:: Int | Row of the splitting element. |
-> Int | Column of the splitting element. |
-> Matrix a | Matrix to split. |
-> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a) | (TL,TR,BL,BR) |
O(1). Make a block-partition of a matrix using a given element as reference. The element will stay in the bottom-right corner of the top-left corner matrix.
( ) ( | ) ( ) ( ... | ... ) ( x ) ( x | ) splitBlocks i j ( ) = (-------------) , where x = a_{i,j} ( ) ( | ) ( ) ( ... | ... ) ( ) ( | )
Note that some blocks can end up empty. We use the following notation for these blocks:
( TL | TR ) (---------) ( BL | BR )
Where T = Top, B = Bottom, L = Left, R = Right.
Joining blocks
(<|>) :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Horizontally join two matrices. Visually:
( A ) <|> ( B ) = ( A | B )
Where both matrices A and B have the same number of rows. This condition is not checked.
(<->) :: Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Vertically join two matrices. Visually:
( A ) ( A ) <-> ( B ) = ( - ) ( B )
Where both matrices A and B have the same number of columns. This condition is not checked.
joinBlocks :: (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a) -> Matrix a Source #
Join blocks of the form detailed in splitBlocks
. Precisely:
joinBlocks (tl,tr,bl,br) = (tl <|> tr) <-> (bl <|> br)
Matrix operations
elementwise :: (a -> b -> c) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b -> Matrix c Source #
Perform an operation element-wise.
The second matrix must have at least as many rows
and columns as the first matrix. If it's bigger,
the leftover items will be ignored.
If it's smaller, it will cause a run-time error.
You may want to use elementwiseUnsafe
if you
are definitely sure that a run-time error won't
elementwiseUnsafe :: (a -> b -> c) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b -> Matrix c Source #
Unsafe version of elementwise
, but faster.
Matrix multiplication
About matrix multiplication
Four methods are provided for matrix multiplication.
: Matrix multiplication following directly the definition. This is the best choice when you know for sure that your matrices are small.multStd2
: Matrix multiplication following directly the definition. However, using a different definition frommultStd
. According to our benchmarks with this version,multStd2
is around 3 times faster thanmultStd
: Matrix multiplication following the Strassen's algorithm. Complexity grows slower but also some work is added partitioning the matrix. Also, it only works on square matrices of order2^n
, so if this condition is not met, it is zero-padded until this is accomplished. Therefore, its use is not recommended.multStrassenMixed
: This function mixes the previous methods. It provides a better performance in general. Method(
of theNum
class uses this function because it gives the best average performance. However, if you know for sure that your matrices are small (size less than 500x500), you should usemultStd
instead, sincemultStrassenMixed
is going to switch to those functions anyway.
We keep researching how to get better performance for matrix multiplication.
If you want to be on the safe side, use (*
multStd :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Standard matrix multiplication by definition.
multStd2 :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Standard matrix multiplication by definition.
multStrassenMixed :: Num a => Matrix a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Mixed Strassen's matrix multiplication.
Linear transformations
scaleMatrix :: Num a => a -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Scale a matrix by a given factor. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 2 4 6 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 8 10 12 ) scaleMatrix 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 14 16 18 )
scaleRow :: Num a => a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Scale a row by a given factor. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 8 10 12 ) scaleRow 2 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 )
combineRows :: Num a => Int -> a -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Add to one row a scalar multiple of another row. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 6 9 12 ) combineRows 2 2 1 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 )
:: Int | Row 1. |
-> Int | Row 2. |
-> Matrix a | Original matrix. |
-> Matrix a | Matrix with rows 1 and 2 switched. |
Switch two rows of a matrix. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 1 2 3 ) switchRows 1 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 7 8 9 )
:: Int | Col 1. |
-> Int | Col 2. |
-> Matrix a | Original matrix. |
-> Matrix a | Matrix with cols 1 and 2 switched. |
Switch two coumns of a matrix. Example:
( 1 2 3 ) ( 2 1 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) ( 5 4 6 ) switchCols 1 2 ( 7 8 9 ) = ( 8 7 9 )
luDecomp :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a) Source #
Matrix LU decomposition with partial pivoting. The result for a matrix M is given in the format (U,L,P,d) where:
- U is an upper triangular matrix.
- L is an unit lower triangular matrix.
- P is a permutation matrix.
- d is the determinant of P.
- PM = LU.
These properties are only guaranteed when the input matrix is invertible. An additional property matches thanks to the strategy followed for pivoting:
- L_(i,j) <= 1, for all i,j.
This follows from the maximal property of the selected pivots, which also leads to a better numerical stability of the algorithm.
( 1 2 0 ) ( 2 0 2 ) ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 0 1 ) ( 0 2 1 ) ( 0 2 -1 ) ( 1/2 1 0 ) ( 1 0 0 ) luDecomp ( 2 0 2 ) = ( ( 0 0 2 ) , ( 0 1 1 ) , ( 0 1 0 ) , 1 )
is returned if no LU decomposition exists.
luDecompUnsafe :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a) Source #
Unsafe version of luDecomp
. It fails when the input matrix is singular.
luDecomp' :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> Maybe (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a, a) Source #
Matrix LU decomposition with complete pivoting. The result for a matrix M is given in the format (U,L,P,Q,d,e) where:
- U is an upper triangular matrix.
- L is an unit lower triangular matrix.
- P,Q are permutation matrices.
- d,e are the determinants of P and Q respectively.
- PMQ = LU.
These properties are only guaranteed when the input matrix is invertible. An additional property matches thanks to the strategy followed for pivoting:
- L_(i,j) <= 1, for all i,j.
This follows from the maximal property of the selected pivots, which also leads to a better numerical stability of the algorithm.
( 1 0 ) ( 2 1 ) ( 1 0 0 ) ( 0 0 1 ) ( 0 2 ) ( 0 2 ) ( 0 1 0 ) ( 0 1 0 ) ( 1 0 ) luDecomp' ( 2 1 ) = ( ( 0 0 ) , ( 1/2 -1/4 1 ) , ( 1 0 0 ) , ( 0 1 ) , -1 , 1 )
is returned if no LU decomposition exists.
luDecompUnsafe' :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Matrix a -> (Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, Matrix a, a, a) Source #
Unsafe version of luDecomp'
. It fails when the input matrix is singular.
cholDecomp :: Floating a => Matrix a -> Matrix a Source #
Simple Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric, positive definite matrix. The result for a matrix M is a lower triangular matrix L such that:
- M = LL^T.
( 2 -1 0 ) ( 1.41 0 0 ) ( -1 2 -1 ) ( -0.70 1.22 0 ) cholDecomp ( 0 -1 2 ) = ( 0.00 -0.81 1.15 )
trace :: Num a => Matrix a -> a Source #
Sum of the elements in the diagonal. See also getDiag
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) trace ( 7 8 9 ) = 15
diagProd :: Num a => Matrix a -> a Source #
Product of the elements in the diagonal. See also getDiag
( 1 2 3 ) ( 4 5 6 ) diagProd ( 7 8 9 ) = 45
detLaplace :: Num a => Matrix a -> a Source #
Matrix determinant using Laplace expansion.
If the elements of the Matrix
are instance of Ord
and Fractional
consider to use detLU
in order to obtain better performance.
Function detLaplace
is extremely slow.