{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Quipper.Utils.Template.Lifting where
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH (Name)
import Quipper.Utils.Template.LiftQ
type Body = Exp
data Lit =
CharL Char
| IntegerL Integer
| RationalL Rational
deriving (Show)
data Pat =
LitP Lit
| VarP Name
| TupP [Pat]
| WildP
| ListP [Pat]
| ConP Name [Pat]
deriving (Show)
data Match =
Match Pat Body
deriving (Show)
data Dec =
ValD Name Body
deriving (Show)
data Exp =
VarE Name
| ConE Name
| LitE Lit
| AppE Exp Exp
| LamE Name Exp
| TupE [Exp]
| CondE Exp Exp Exp
| LetE [Dec] Exp
| CaseE Exp [Match]
| ListE [Exp]
| ReturnE
| MAppE
deriving (Show)
data BindS = BindS Name Exp
doE :: [BindS] -> Exp -> Exp
doE binds exp = foldr doOne exp binds
doOne :: BindS -> Exp -> Exp
doOne (BindS n value) computation = AppE (AppE MAppE value) (LamE n computation)
getVarNames :: Pat -> Set Name
getVarNames (VarP n) = Set.singleton n
getVarNames (TupP pats) = Set.unions $ map getVarNames pats
getVarNames (ListP pats) = Set.unions $ map getVarNames pats
getVarNames _ = Set.empty
substMatch :: Name -> Exp -> Match -> Match
substMatch n s (Match p e) | Set.member n (getVarNames p) = Match p e
| True = Match p (substExp n s e)
substDec :: Name -> Exp -> Dec -> Dec
substDec n s (ValD m e) | n == m = ValD m e
| True = ValD m (substExp n s e)
substExp :: Name -> Exp -> Exp -> Exp
substExp n s (VarE m) | n == m = s
| True = (VarE m)
substExp n s (ConE m) = ConE m
substExp n s (LitE l) = LitE l
substExp n s (AppE e1 e2) = AppE (substExp n s e1) (substExp n s e2)
substExp n s (LamE m exp) | n == m = LamE m exp
| True = LamE m $ substExp n s exp
substExp n s (TupE exps) = TupE $ map (substExp n s) exps
substExp n s (CondE e1 e2 e3) = CondE (substExp n s e1) (substExp n s e2) (substExp n s e3)
substExp n s (LetE decs exp) = LetE (map (substDec n s) decs) (substExp n s exp)
substExp n s (CaseE exp matches) = CaseE (substExp n s exp) $ map (substMatch n s) matches
substExp n s (ListE exps) = ListE $ map (substExp n s) exps
substExp n s ReturnE = ReturnE
substExp n s MAppE = MAppE
mapSubstExp :: (Map Name Exp) -> Exp -> Exp
mapSubstExp map exp = List.foldl (\exp (x,y) -> substExp x y exp) exp $ Map.toList map
litTHtoExpAST :: TH.Lit -> LiftQ Exp
litTHtoExpAST (TH.CharL c) = return $ LitE $ CharL c
litTHtoExpAST (TH.StringL s) = return $ ListE $ map (LitE . CharL) s
litTHtoExpAST (TH.IntegerL i) = return $ LitE $ IntegerL i
litTHtoExpAST (TH.RationalL r) = return $ LitE $ RationalL r
litTHtoExpAST x = errorMsg ("lifting not handled for " ++ (show x))
litTHtoPatAST :: TH.Lit -> LiftQ Pat
litTHtoPatAST (TH.CharL c) = return $ LitP $ CharL c
litTHtoPatAST (TH.StringL s) = return $ ListP $ map (LitP . CharL) s
litTHtoPatAST (TH.IntegerL i) = return $ LitP $ IntegerL i
litTHtoPatAST (TH.RationalL r) = return $ LitP $ RationalL r
litTHtoPatAST x = errorMsg ("lifting not handled for " ++ (show x))
normalizePatInExp :: [Pat] -> LiftQ ([Name], Map Name Exp)
normalizePatInExp pats = do
fresh_names <- mapM newName $ replicate (length pats) "normalizePat"
let sets_of_old_names = List.map getVarNames pats
let old_to_fresh old_name =
List.lookup True $ zip (List.map (Set.member old_name) sets_of_old_names) fresh_names
let old_to_pat old_name =
List.lookup True $ zip (List.map (Set.member old_name) sets_of_old_names) pats
let list_of_old_names = List.concat $ List.map Set.toList sets_of_old_names
let maybe_list_map = mapM
(\x -> do
fresh <- old_to_fresh x
pat <- old_to_pat x
return (x, CaseE (VarE fresh) [Match pat (VarE x)]))
case maybe_list_map of
Nothing -> errorMsg "error in patterns..."
Just l -> return $ (fresh_names, Map.fromList l)
whereToLet :: Exp -> [(Pat,Exp)] -> LiftQ Exp
whereToLet exp [] = return exp
whereToLet exp list = do
(fresh_names, pmap) <- normalizePatInExp $ map fst list
let decs'' = map (uncurry ValD) $ zip fresh_names $ map snd list
let decs' = map (\(ValD n e) -> ValD n $ mapSubstExp pmap e) decs''
return $
LetE decs' $
CaseE (TupE $ map VarE fresh_names) [Match (TupP $ map fst list) exp]
clauseToMatch :: TH.Clause -> LiftQ Match
clauseToMatch (TH.Clause pats body decs) = do
pats' <- mapM patTHtoAST pats
body' <- bodyTHtoAST body
decs' <- mapM decTHtoAST decs
exp <- whereToLet body' decs'
return $ Match (TupP pats') exp
clausesToLambda :: [TH.Clause] -> LiftQ Exp
clausesToLambda clauses = do
pats_length <- clausesLengthPats clauses
fresh_names <- mapM newName $ replicate pats_length "x"
matches <- mapM clauseToMatch clauses
return $ foldr LamE
(CaseE (TupE $ map VarE fresh_names) matches)
expTHtoAST :: TH.Exp -> LiftQ Exp
expTHtoAST (TH.VarE v) = return $ VarE v
expTHtoAST (TH.ConE n) = return $ ConE n
expTHtoAST (TH.LitE l) = litTHtoExpAST l
expTHtoAST (TH.AppE e1 e2) = do
e1' <- expTHtoAST e1
e2' <- expTHtoAST e2
return $ AppE e1' e2'
expTHtoAST (TH.InfixE (Just e1) e2 (Just e3)) = do
e1' <- expTHtoAST e1
e2' <- expTHtoAST e2
e3' <- expTHtoAST e3
return $ AppE (AppE e2' e1') e3'
expTHtoAST (TH.InfixE Nothing e2 (Just e3)) = do
e2' <- expTHtoAST e2
e3' <- expTHtoAST e3
n <- newName "x"
return $ LamE n $ AppE (AppE e2' (VarE n)) e3'
expTHtoAST (TH.InfixE (Just e1) e2 Nothing) = do
e1' <- expTHtoAST e1
e2' <- expTHtoAST e2
return $ AppE e2' e1'
expTHtoAST (TH.InfixE Nothing e2 Nothing) = do
e2' <- expTHtoAST e2
return e2'
expTHtoAST (TH.LamE pats exp) =
clausesToLambda [TH.Clause pats (TH.NormalB exp) []]
expTHtoAST (TH.TupE exps) = do
exps' <- mapM expTHtoAST exps
return (TupE exps')
expTHtoAST (TH.CondE e1 e2 e3) = do
e1' <- expTHtoAST e1
e2' <- expTHtoAST e2
e3' <- expTHtoAST e3
return $ CondE e1' e2' e3'
expTHtoAST (TH.LetE decs exp) = do
decs' <- mapM decTHtoAST decs
exp' <- expTHtoAST exp
whereToLet exp' decs'
expTHtoAST (TH.CaseE exp matches) = do
exp' <- expTHtoAST exp
matches' <- mapM matchTHtoAST matches
return $ CaseE exp' matches'
expTHtoAST (TH.ListE exps) = do
exps' <- mapM expTHtoAST exps
return $ ListE exps'
expTHtoAST (TH.SigE e _) = expTHtoAST e
expTHtoAST x = errorMsg ("lifting not handled for " ++ (show x))
matchTHtoAST :: TH.Match -> LiftQ Match
matchTHtoAST (TH.Match pat body decs) = do
pat' <- patTHtoAST pat
body' <- bodyTHtoAST body
decs' <- mapM decTHtoAST decs
exp <- whereToLet body' decs'
return $ Match pat' exp
bodyTHtoAST :: TH.Body -> LiftQ Exp
bodyTHtoAST (TH.NormalB exp) = expTHtoAST exp
bodyTHtoAST (TH.GuardedB x) = errorMsg ("guarded body not allowed in lifting: " ++ (show x))
patTHtoAST :: TH.Pat -> LiftQ Pat
patTHtoAST (TH.LitP l) = litTHtoPatAST l
patTHtoAST (TH.VarP n) = return $ VarP n
patTHtoAST (TH.TupP pats) = do pats' <- mapM patTHtoAST pats; return $ TupP pats'
patTHtoAST (TH.WildP) = return WildP
patTHtoAST (TH.ListP pats) = do pats' <- mapM patTHtoAST pats; return $ ListP pats'
patTHtoAST (TH.ConP n pats) = do pats' <- mapM patTHtoAST pats; return $ ConP n pats'
patTHtoAST (TH.InfixP p1 n p2) = do
p1' <- patTHtoAST p1
p2' <- patTHtoAST p2
return $ ConP n [p1',p2']
patTHtoAST x = errorMsg ("non-implemented lifting: " ++ (show x))
firstLevelDecTHtoAST :: TH.Dec -> Maybe (LiftQ Dec)
firstLevelDecTHtoAST (TH.FunD name clauses) = Just $ do
exp <- clausesToLambda clauses
name' <- makeTemplateName name
return $ ValD name' $ substExp name (VarE name') exp
firstLevelDecTHtoAST (TH.ValD (TH.VarP name) body decs) = Just $ do
body' <- bodyTHtoAST body
decs' <- mapM decTHtoAST decs
exp <- whereToLet body' decs'
name' <- makeTemplateName name
return $ ValD name' $ substExp name (VarE name') exp
firstLevelDecTHtoAST (TH.ValD _ _ _) = Just $
errorMsg ("only variables and functions can be lifted as first-level declarations")
firstLevelDecTHtoAST (TH.SigD _ _) = Nothing
firstLevelDecTHtoAST x = Just $ errorMsg ("non-implemented lifting: " ++ (show x))
decTHtoAST :: TH.Dec -> LiftQ (Pat,Exp)
decTHtoAST (TH.FunD name clauses) = do
exp <- clausesToLambda clauses
return $ (VarP name, exp)
decTHtoAST (TH.ValD pat body decs) = do
pat' <- patTHtoAST pat
body' <- bodyTHtoAST body
decs' <- mapM decTHtoAST decs
exp <- whereToLet body' decs'
return $ (pat', exp)
decTHtoAST x = errorMsg ("non-implemented lifting: " ++ (show x))
typReturnE :: LiftQ TH.Type
typReturnE = do
m_string <- getMonadName
let m = TH.conT (mkName m_string)
embedQ [t| forall x. x -> $(m) x |]
typMAppE :: LiftQ TH.Type
typMAppE = do
m_string <- getMonadName
let m = TH.conT (mkName m_string)
embedQ [t| forall x y. $(m) x -> (x -> $(m) y) -> $(m) y |]
litASTtoTH :: Lit -> TH.Lit
litASTtoTH (CharL c) = TH.CharL c
litASTtoTH (IntegerL i) = TH.IntegerL i
litASTtoTH (RationalL r) = TH.RationalL r
patASTtoTH :: Pat -> TH.Pat
patASTtoTH (LitP l) = TH.LitP $ litASTtoTH l
patASTtoTH (VarP n) = TH.VarP n
patASTtoTH (TupP pats) = TH.TupP $ map patASTtoTH pats
patASTtoTH WildP = TH.WildP
patASTtoTH (ListP pats) = TH.ListP $ map patASTtoTH pats
patASTtoTH (ConP n pats) = TH.ConP n $ map patASTtoTH pats
matchASTtoTH :: Match -> LiftQ TH.Match
matchASTtoTH (Match p b) = do
exp <- expASTtoTH b
return $ TH.Match (patASTtoTH p) (TH.NormalB exp) []
decASTtoTH :: Dec -> LiftQ TH.Dec
decASTtoTH (ValD n b) = do
exp <- expASTtoTH b
return $ TH.ValD (TH.VarP n) (TH.NormalB exp) []
expASTtoTH :: Exp -> LiftQ TH.Exp
expASTtoTH (VarE n) = return $ TH.VarE n
expASTtoTH (ConE n) = return $ TH.ConE n
expASTtoTH (LitE l) = return $ TH.LitE $ litASTtoTH l
expASTtoTH (AppE e1 e2) = do
e1' <- expASTtoTH e1
e2' <- expASTtoTH e2
return $ TH.AppE e1' e2'
expASTtoTH (LamE n e) = do
e' <- expASTtoTH e
return $ TH.LamE [TH.VarP n] e'
expASTtoTH (TupE exps) = do
exps' <- mapM expASTtoTH exps
return $ TH.TupE exps'
expASTtoTH (CondE e1 e2 e3) = do
e1' <- expASTtoTH e1
e2' <- expASTtoTH e2
e3' <- expASTtoTH e3
return $ TH.CondE e1' e2' e3'
expASTtoTH (LetE decs e) = do
decs' <- mapM decASTtoTH decs
e' <- expASTtoTH e
return $ TH.LetE decs' e'
expASTtoTH (CaseE e matches) = do
e' <- expASTtoTH e
m' <- mapM matchASTtoTH matches
return $ TH.CaseE e' m'
expASTtoTH (ListE exps) = do
exps' <- mapM expASTtoTH exps
return $ TH.ListE exps'
expASTtoTH ReturnE = do
t <- typReturnE
maybe_r <- embedQ $ TH.lookupValueName "return"
case maybe_r of
Just r -> return $ TH.SigE (TH.VarE r) t
Nothing -> errorMsg "\'return\' undefined"
expASTtoTH MAppE = do
t <- typMAppE
maybe_a <- embedQ $ TH.lookupValueName ">>="
case maybe_a of
Just a -> return $ TH.SigE (TH.VarE a) t
Nothing -> errorMsg "\'>>=\' undefined"
liftIntegerL :: Exp
liftIntegerL = VarE $ mkName "template_integer"
liftRationalL :: Exp
liftRationalL = VarE $ mkName "template_rational"
liftLitAST :: Lit -> LiftQ Exp
liftLitAST (CharL c) = return (AppE ReturnE (LitE $ CharL c))
liftLitAST (IntegerL i) = return $ AppE liftIntegerL (LitE $ IntegerL i)
liftLitAST (RationalL r) = return $ AppE liftRationalL (LitE $ RationalL r)
liftPatAST :: Pat -> LiftQ Pat
liftPatAST pat = return pat
liftMatchAST :: Match -> LiftQ Match
liftMatchAST (Match pat exp) = do
exp' <- liftExpAST exp
return $ Match pat exp'
liftDecAST :: Dec -> LiftQ Dec
liftDecAST (ValD name exp) = do
exp' <- liftExpAST exp
return $ ValD name exp'
liftFirstLevelDecAST :: Dec -> LiftQ Dec
liftFirstLevelDecAST (ValD name exp) = withBoundVar name $ do
exp' <- liftExpAST exp
return $ ValD name exp'
liftExpAST :: Exp -> LiftQ Exp
liftExpAST (VarE x) = do
template_name <- lookForTemplate x
case template_name of
Nothing -> do
b <- isBoundVar x
if b
then return $ VarE x
else return $ AppE ReturnE $ VarE x
Just t -> return $ VarE t
liftExpAST (ConE n) = do
template_name <- lookForTemplate n
case template_name of
Nothing -> do
t <- templateString $ TH.nameBase n
errorMsg ("variable " ++ t ++ " undefined")
Just t -> return $ VarE t
liftExpAST (LitE l) = liftLitAST l
liftExpAST (AppE e1 e2) = do
e1' <- liftExpAST e1
e2' <- liftExpAST e2
n1 <- newName "app1"
n2 <- newName "app2"
return $ doE [BindS n1 e1', BindS n2 e2'] $ AppE (VarE n1) (VarE n2)
liftExpAST (LamE n exp) = do
exp' <- liftExpAST exp
return $ AppE ReturnE $ LamE n exp'
liftExpAST (TupE exps) = do
exps' <- mapM liftExpAST exps
fresh_names <- mapM newName $ replicate (length exps) "tupe"
return $
doE (map (uncurry BindS) $ zip fresh_names exps')
(AppE ReturnE $ TupE $ map VarE fresh_names)
liftExpAST (CondE e1 e2 e3) = do
e1' <- liftExpAST e1
e2' <- liftExpAST e2
e3' <- liftExpAST e3
return $ AppE (AppE (AppE (VarE (mkName "template_if")) (e1')) (e2')) (e3')
liftExpAST (LetE decs exp) =
let existing_names = map (\(ValD n _) -> n) decs
withBoundVars existing_names $ do
decs' <- mapM liftDecAST decs
exp' <- liftExpAST exp
return $
LetE decs' exp'
liftExpAST (CaseE exp matches) = do
exp' <- liftExpAST exp
matches' <- mapM liftMatchAST matches
fresh_name <- newName "varfromcase"
return $ doE [BindS fresh_name exp']
$ CaseE (VarE fresh_name) matches'
liftExpAST (ListE exps) = do
exps' <- mapM liftExpAST exps
fresh_names <- mapM newName $ replicate (length exps) "varfromlist"
return $
doE (map (uncurry BindS) $ zip fresh_names exps')
$ AppE ReturnE $ ListE $ map VarE fresh_names
liftExpAST ReturnE = undefined
liftExpAST MAppE = undefined
makeDecTemplate :: Dec -> LiftQ Dec
makeDecTemplate (ValD name exp) = do
name' <- makeTemplateName name
return $ ValD name' $ substExp name (VarE name') exp
prettyPrintAST :: TH.Q [TH.Dec] -> IO ()
prettyPrintAST x = prettyPrint $ do
x' <- embedQ x
y <- sequence $ catMaybes $ map firstLevelDecTHtoAST x'
mapM decASTtoTH y
prettyPrintLiftExpTH :: TH.Q (TH.Exp) -> IO ()
prettyPrintLiftExpTH x = prettyPrint $ do
x' <- embedQ x
y <- expTHtoAST x'
z <- liftExpAST y
expASTtoTH z
prettyPrintLiftExpAST :: LiftQ (Exp) -> IO ()
prettyPrintLiftExpAST x = prettyPrint $ do
z <- x
z' <- liftExpAST z
expASTtoTH z'
decToMonad :: String -> TH.Q [TH.Dec] -> TH.Q [TH.Dec]
decToMonad s x = extractQ "decToMonad: " $ do
setMonadName s
setPrefix "template_"
dec <- embedQ x
decAST <- sequence $ catMaybes $ map firstLevelDecTHtoAST dec
liftedAST <- mapM liftFirstLevelDecAST decAST
mapM decASTtoTH liftedAST
expToMonad :: String -> TH.Q TH.Exp -> TH.Q TH.Exp
expToMonad s x = extractQ "expToMonad: " $ do
setMonadName s
setPrefix "template_"
dec <- embedQ x
decAST <- expTHtoAST dec
liftedAST <- liftExpAST decAST
expASTtoTH liftedAST