-- | This module provides the public interface to the template lifting
-- library. It provides functions that input a Haskell declaration or
-- expression (in the form of a Haskell abstract syntax tree), and
-- lift this to another declaration or expression, with all functions
-- lifted into a specified monad.
-- This can be combined with Template Haskell to convert source code
-- to Haskell abstract syntax trees and vice versa.

module Quipper.Utils.Template (
  -- * Example

  -- * General lifting functions

  -- * Liftings of specific constants
  module Quipper.Utils.Template.Auxiliary,

  -- * Re-exports from "Language.Haskell.TH".
  ) where

import Quipper.Utils.Template.Lifting
import Quipper.Utils.Template.Auxiliary
import Language.Haskell.TH as TH

-- We give an example to illustrate what is meant by \"lifting\" a
-- term to a monad. Consider the expression
-- > f = \g x -> g x x,
-- which has type
-- > f :: (a -> a -> b) -> (a -> b).
-- We can lift this to the 'IO' monad by 
-- * converting the expression to an abstract syntax tree, using the
-- special Template Haskell notation [nobr @[| ... |]@];
-- * applying the 'expToMonad' function;
-- * converting the resulting abstract syntax tree back to a term,
-- using the special Template Haskell notation [nobr @$( ... )@].
-- This allows us to write the following:
-- > f' = $( expToMonad "IO" [| \g x -> g x x |] ),
-- which has type
-- > f' :: IO ((a -> IO (a -> IO b)) -> IO (a -> IO b)),
-- and is in fact equivalent to
-- > f'' = return $ \g ->
-- >         return $ \x -> do
-- >           h <- g x
-- >           y <- h x
-- >           return y