Safe Haskell | None |
This module provides global definitions for the Triangle Finding Algorithm.
- data Qram = Qram {}
- type CNode = [Bit]
- type QNode = [Qubit]
- type QWTFP_spec = (Int, Int, QNode -> QNode -> Qubit -> Circ Qubit, Qram)
- data XIntTF x = XIntTF (XInt x)
- type QIntTF = XIntTF Qubit
- type CIntTF = XIntTF Bit
- type IntTF = XIntTF Bool
- integer_of_inttf :: IntTF -> Integer
- inttf_of_integer :: Integer -> IntTF
- inttf :: Int -> Integer -> IntTF
- inttf_length :: IntTF -> Maybe Int
- inttf_set_length :: Int -> IntTF -> String -> IntTF
- inttf_promote :: IntTF -> XIntTF x -> String -> IntTF
- show_inttf :: IntTF -> String
- qulist_of_qinttf_lh :: QIntTF -> [Qubit]
- qinttf_of_qulist_lh :: [Qubit] -> QIntTF
- qinttf_shape :: Int -> QIntTF
- xinttf_of_xint :: XInt x -> XIntTF x
- xint_of_xinttf :: XIntTF x -> XInt x
- xint_with_promote :: XIntTF y -> IntTF -> IntM
- phaseFlipIf :: ControlSource ctrl => ctrl -> Circ ()
- phaseFlipUnless :: ControlSource ctrl => ctrl -> Circ ()
- qor :: Qubit -> [(Qubit, Bool)] -> Circ Qubit
- increment :: QDInt -> Circ QDInt
- decrement :: QDInt -> Circ QDInt
- increment_big :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit]
- decrement_big :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit]
- increment_little :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit]
- decrement_little :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit]
- choose :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
- addKeys :: IntMap a -> IntMap (Key, a)
- mapWithKeyM :: Monad m => (Key -> a -> m b) -> IntMap a -> m (IntMap b)
- mapWithKeyM_ :: Monad m => (Key -> a -> m b) -> IntMap a -> m ()
- intMap_replicate :: Int -> a -> IntMap a
- (!) :: IntMap a -> Key -> a
Qram abstraction
A data structure to hold a Qram implementation. This provides
operations for fetching and storing quantum data from a quantum
array, addressed by a quantum integer. One implementation is given
by algorithms a8_FetchT
Qram | |
Types for the Triangle Finding Algorithm
type QWTFP_spec = (Int, Int, QNode -> QNode -> Qubit -> Circ Qubit, Qram) Source #
The type of problem specifications for the Triangle Finding Problem. A problem specification consists of:
- an integer n which determines the number N=2n of nodes of the graph,
- an integer r which determines the size R=2r of tuples in the Hamming graph,
- a function edge_oracle which inputs two graph nodes and a qubit and flips the qubit if the nodes are connected by an edge and
- additional options, for selecting, e.g., which qRAM implementation should be used.
TF integers
We define a QData
family of integer datatypes (QIntTF
, IntTF
). These are similar to (QDInt
, CInt
, IntM
except that the integers are considered to be mod 2m-1 instead
of 2m.
In general, functions on these types should be able to handle both 00…00 and 11…11,
and should treat them equally, essentially regarding IntTF
, CIntTF
, and the
computational basis of QIntTF
as formal quotients.
Some operations are not perfect. One should keep in mind, for example, that specifying
a control on a QIntTF
of the form q .==. 0
will compare the bitwise representation
to 0, and not the logical quotient.
All three types QIntTF
, CIntTF
, and IntTF
are special cases
of a more general type XIntTF
x, parameterized by a type x of
bits. It is an abstract type, and details of its implementation is
not exposed to user-level code.
Eq IntTF # | |
Show IntTF # | |
Show x => Show (XIntTF x) # | |
QCLeaf x => QCData (XIntTF x) # | |
Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.TF.Definitions Methods qcdata_mapM :: Monad m => XIntTF x -> (q -> m q') -> (c -> m c') -> QCType q c (XIntTF x) -> m (QCType q' c' (XIntTF x)) Source # qcdata_zip :: XIntTF x -> q -> c -> q' -> c' -> QCType q c (XIntTF x) -> QCType q' c' (XIntTF x) -> ErrMsg -> QCType (q, q') (c, c') (XIntTF x) Source # qcdata_promote :: BType (XIntTF x) -> XIntTF x -> ErrMsg -> BType (XIntTF x) Source # | |
QCLeaf x => Labelable (XIntTF x) String # | |
Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.TF.Definitions | |
type QTypeB IntTF # | |
Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.TF.Definitions | |
type QCType x y (XIntTF z) # | |
Defined in Quipper.Algorithms.TF.Definitions |
type QIntTF = XIntTF Qubit Source #
The type of fixed-length m-qubit quantum integers, regarded modulo 2m-1.
type CIntTF = XIntTF Bit Source #
The type of fixed-length m-bit classical integers, regarded modulo 2m-1.
Operations for IntTF
integer_of_inttf :: IntTF -> Integer Source #
inttf_of_integer :: Integer -> IntTF Source #
inttf_set_length :: Int -> IntTF -> String -> IntTF Source #
Set the length of an IntTF
to m ≥ 0. This operation is only
legal if the input (a) has indeterminate length or (b) has
determinate length already equal to m. In particular, it cannot
be used to change the length from anything other than from
indeterminate to determinate.
If both arguments already have determinate lengths, and they do not
coincide, throw an error. The String
argument is used as an error
message in that case.
inttf_promote :: IntTF -> XIntTF x -> String -> IntTF Source #
Try to set the length of an IntTF
to that of another XIntTF
value (which could be a QIntTF
, a CIntTF
, or another IntTF
). This
will fail with an error if both numbers already have determinate
lengths that don't coincide. In this case, the string argument is
used as an error message. The promotion is done modulo 2m-1.
show_inttf :: IntTF -> String Source #
Convert an IntTF
to human readable form. We show the bit value,
i.e., 0 and 2m-1 are shown as different values.
Operations for QIntTF
qulist_of_qinttf_lh :: QIntTF -> [Qubit] Source #
Convert a QIntTF
to a list of qubits. The conversion is
little-headian, i.e., the head of the list holds the least
significant digit.
qinttf_of_qulist_lh :: [Qubit] -> QIntTF Source #
Convert a list of qubits to a QIntTF
. The conversion is
little-headian, i.e., the head of the list holds the least
significant digit.
qinttf_shape :: Int -> QIntTF Source #
Return a piece of shape data to represent an m-qubit
. Please note that the data can only be used as shape; it
will be undefined at the leaves.
Auxiliary functions
xinttf_of_xint :: XInt x -> XIntTF x Source #
xint_of_xinttf :: XIntTF x -> XInt x Source #
xint_with_promote :: XIntTF y -> IntTF -> IntM Source #
Like xint_of_xinttf
, but first try to promote the length of the
to that of the given XIntTF
Miscellaneous circuit-building functions
phaseFlipIf :: ControlSource ctrl => ctrl -> Circ () Source #
Controlled phase flip of -1.
phaseFlipUnless :: ControlSource ctrl => ctrl -> Circ () Source #
Variant of phaseFlipIf
that performs a phase flip unless all
controls are in the given state.
qor :: Qubit -> [(Qubit, Bool)] -> Circ Qubit Source #
qor q c
: Applies "not" to q, if any of the control qubits
in c is in specified state.
Arithmetic functions
increment_big :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit] Source #
Increment a bit-string, considered as a big-endian integer mod 2ℓ.
decrement_big :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit] Source #
Decrement a bit-string, considered as a big-endian integer mod 2ℓ.
increment_little :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit] Source #
Increment a bit-string, considered as a little-endian integer mod 2ℓ.
decrement_little :: [Qubit] -> Circ [Qubit] Source #
Decrement a bit-string, considered as a little-endian integer mod 2ℓ.
IntMaps as QData
addKeys :: IntMap a -> IntMap (Key, a) Source #
Replace an IntMap
f with the IntMap
mapping each key k to (k,f(k)). An auxiliary function for defining mapWithKeyM
, etc.
mapWithKeyM_ :: Monad m => (Key -> a -> m b) -> IntMap a -> m () Source #
Analogous to mapM_
, but allows the function to use the key.
(!) :: IntMap a -> Key -> a infixl 9 Source #
Convenient syntax for accessing elements of an IntMap
. Left associative, and binds very strongly, like '(!!)'.
Orphan instances
QCData a => QCData (IntMap a) # | |
Methods qcdata_mapM :: Monad m => IntMap a -> (q -> m q') -> (c -> m c') -> QCType q c (IntMap a) -> m (QCType q' c' (IntMap a)) Source # qcdata_zip :: IntMap a -> q -> c -> q' -> c' -> QCType q c (IntMap a) -> QCType q' c' (IntMap a) -> ErrMsg -> QCType (q, q') (c, c') (IntMap a) Source # qcdata_promote :: BType (IntMap a) -> IntMap a -> ErrMsg -> BType (IntMap a) Source # | |
Labelable a String => Labelable (IntMap a) String # | |
Labelable a s => Labelable (IntMap a) (IntMap s) # | |