{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Raaz.Core.Encode.Base64( Base64 ) where
import Data.Char
import Data.Bits
import Data.String
import Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe(unsafeIndex)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import Raaz.Core.Encode.Internal
newtype Base64 = Base64 {unBase64 :: ByteString}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
deriving (Eq, Semigroup, Monoid)
deriving (Eq, Monoid)
instance Encodable Base64 where
toByteString = toB64 . unBase64
fromByteString bs
| B.null bs = Just $ Base64 B.empty
| B.length bs `rem` 4 /= 0 = Nothing
| okeyPad = Just $ Base64 $ unsafeFromB64 bs
| otherwise = Nothing
where padPart = C8.dropWhile isB64Char bs
okeyPad = padPart == C8.empty || padPart == C8.singleton '=' || padPart == C8.pack "=="
isB64Char c = isAlpha c || isDigit c || c == '+' || c == '/'
unsafeFromByteString bs | B.null bs = Base64 B.empty
| otherwise = Base64 $ unsafeFromB64 bs
instance Show Base64 where
show = C8.unpack . toByteString
instance IsString Base64 where
fromString = unsafeFromByteString . C8.filter (not . isSpace) . fromString
instance Format Base64 where
encodeByteString = Base64
{-# INLINE encodeByteString #-}
decodeFormat = unBase64
{-# INLINE decodeFormat #-}
top6 :: Word8 -> Word8; bot2 :: Word8 -> Word8
top4 :: Word8 -> Word8; bot4 :: Word8 -> Word8
top2 :: Word8 -> Word8; bot6 :: Word8 -> Word8
top6 w = w `shiftR` 2; bot2 w = w .&. 0x03
top4 w = w `shiftR` 4; bot4 w = w .&. 0x0F
top2 w = w `shiftR` 6; bot6 w = w .&. 0x3F
byte0 :: Word8 -> Word8
byte1 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
byte2 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
byte3 :: Word8 -> Word8
pad :: Word8
byte0 = b64 . top6
byte1 t p = b64 $ shiftL (bot2 p) 4 .|. top4 t
byte2 t p = b64 $ shiftL (bot4 p) 2 .|. top2 t
byte3 = b64 . bot6
pad = c2w '='
b64 :: Word8 -> Word8
b64 w | 0 <= w && w <= 25 = c2w 'A' + w
| 26 <= w && w <= 51 = c2w 'a' + w - 26
| 52 <= w && w <= 61 = c2w '0' + w - 52
| w == 62 = c2w '+'
| w == 63 = c2w '/'
| otherwise = error "oops: b64"
unB64 :: Word8 -> Word8
unB64 w | c2w 'A' <= w && w <= c2w 'Z' = w - c2w 'A'
| c2w 'a' <= w && w <= c2w 'z' = w - c2w 'a' + 26
| c2w '0' <= w && w <= c2w '9' = w - c2w '0' + 52
| w == c2w '+' = 62
| w == c2w '/' = 63
| otherwise = error $ "oops unB64:" ++ [w2c w]
toB64 :: ByteString -> ByteString
toB64 bs = fst (B.unfoldrN (4*n) gen 0) <> padding
where gen i = Just (byte i, i + 1)
at blk i = unsafeIndex bs $ 3 * blk + i
byte i = case r of
0 -> byte0 $ at q 0
1 -> byte1 (at q 1) $ at q 0
2 -> byte2 (at q 2) $ at q 1
3 -> byte3 $ at q 2
_ -> error "base64 bad index"
where (q, r) = quotRem i 4
(n,p) = B.length bs `quotRem` 3
padding = case p of
0 -> mempty
1 -> B.pack [ byte0 $ at n 0
, byte1 0 $ at n 0
, pad, pad
2 -> B.pack [ byte0 $ at n 0
, byte1 (at n 1) $ at n 0
, byte2 0 $ at n 1
, pad
_ -> error "base64 pad bad index"
merg0 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
merg1 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
merg2 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8
merg0 a b = (unB64 a `shiftL` 2) .|. top4 (unB64 b)
merg1 a b = (unB64 a `shiftL` 4) .|. top6 (unB64 b)
merg2 a b = (unB64 a `shiftL` 6) .|. unB64 b
unsafeFromB64 :: ByteString -> ByteString
unsafeFromB64 bs = fst (B.unfoldrN (3*n) gen 0) <> unPad
where n = B.length bs `quot` 4 - 1
gen i = Just (byte i, i + 1)
at blk i = unsafeIndex bs $ 4 * blk + i
byte i = case r of
0 -> merg0 (at q 0) $ at q 1
1 -> merg1 (at q 1) $ at q 2
2 -> merg2 (at q 2) $ at q 3
_ -> error "base64 bad index"
where (q, r) = quotRem i 3
| at n 2 == c2w '=' = B.singleton $ merg0 (at n 0) $ at n 1
| at n 3 == c2w '=' = B.pack [ merg0 (at n 0) $ at n 1
, merg1 (at n 1) $ at n 2
| otherwise = B.pack [ merg0 (at n 0) $ at n 1
, merg1 (at n 1) $ at n 2
, merg2 (at n 2) $ at n 3