raaz-0.3.6: Fast and type safe cryptography.
Safe HaskellNone



The portable C-implementation of Poly1305.



type Prim = Poly1305 Source #

type Internals = Mem Source #

type BufferPtr = AlignedBlockPtr BufferAlignment Prim Source #

additionalBlocks :: BlockCount Poly1305 Source #

processBlocks :: BufferPtr -> BlockCount Poly1305 -> Internals -> IO () Source #

Incrementally process poly1305 blocks.

processLast :: BufferPtr -> BYTES Int -> Internals -> IO () Source #

Process the last bytes.

data family Key p #


Instances details
Initialisable ChaCha20Mem (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


initialise :: Key ChaCha20 -> ChaCha20Mem -> IO ()

Eq (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


(==) :: Key ChaCha20 -> Key ChaCha20 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Key ChaCha20 -> Key ChaCha20 -> Bool #

Show (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Key ChaCha20 -> ShowS #

show :: Key ChaCha20 -> String #

showList :: [Key ChaCha20] -> ShowS #

Show (Key XChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Key XChaCha20 -> ShowS #

show :: Key XChaCha20 -> String #

showList :: [Key XChaCha20] -> ShowS #

Show (Key Poly1305) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Poly1305.Internal


showsPrec :: Int -> Key Poly1305 -> ShowS #

show :: Key Poly1305 -> String #

showList :: [Key Poly1305] -> ShowS #

IsString (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


fromString :: String -> Key ChaCha20 #

IsString (Key XChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


fromString :: String -> Key XChaCha20 #

Storable (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


sizeOf :: Key ChaCha20 -> Int #

alignment :: Key ChaCha20 -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> Int -> IO (Key ChaCha20) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> Int -> Key ChaCha20 -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Key ChaCha20) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Key ChaCha20 -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> IO (Key ChaCha20) #

poke :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> Key ChaCha20 -> IO () #

Storable (Key XChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


sizeOf :: Key XChaCha20 -> Int #

alignment :: Key XChaCha20 -> Int #

peekElemOff :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> Int -> IO (Key XChaCha20) #

pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> Int -> Key XChaCha20 -> IO () #

peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Key XChaCha20) #

pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Key XChaCha20 -> IO () #

peek :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> IO (Key XChaCha20) #

poke :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> Key XChaCha20 -> IO () #

Encodable (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


toByteString :: Key ChaCha20 -> ByteString

fromByteString :: ByteString -> Maybe (Key ChaCha20)

unsafeFromByteString :: ByteString -> Key ChaCha20

Encodable (Key XChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


toByteString :: Key XChaCha20 -> ByteString

fromByteString :: ByteString -> Maybe (Key XChaCha20)

unsafeFromByteString :: ByteString -> Key XChaCha20

EndianStore (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


store :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> Key ChaCha20 -> IO ()

load :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> IO (Key ChaCha20)

adjustEndian :: Ptr (Key ChaCha20) -> Int -> IO ()

EndianStore (Key XChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


store :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> Key XChaCha20 -> IO ()

load :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> IO (Key XChaCha20)

adjustEndian :: Ptr (Key XChaCha20) -> Int -> IO ()

Equality (Key ChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


eq :: Key ChaCha20 -> Key ChaCha20 -> Result

Initialisable (MemoryCell (Key ChaCha20)) (Key XChaCha20) 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal


initialise :: Key XChaCha20 -> MemoryCell (Key ChaCha20) -> IO ()

newtype Key ChaCha20 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal

newtype Key ChaCha20 = Key KEY
newtype Key XChaCha20 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.ChaCha20.Internal

newtype Key XChaCha20 = XKey KEY
data Key Poly1305 
Instance details

Defined in Raaz.Primitive.Poly1305.Internal

data Key Poly1305 = Key R S