module Reanimate.PolyShape
( PolyShape(..)
, PolyShapeWithHoles
, svgToPolyShapes
, svgToPolygons
, renderPolyShape
, renderPolyShapes
, renderPolyShapePoints
, plPathCommands
, plLineCommands
, plLength
, plArea
, plCurves
, isInsideOf
, plFromPolygon
, plToPolygon
, plDecompose
, unionPolyShapes
, unionPolyShapes'
, plDecompose'
, decomposePolygon
, plGroupShapes
, mergePolyShapeHoles
, plPartial
, plGroupTouching
) where
import Algorithms.Geometry.PolygonTriangulation.Triangulate (triangulate')
import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (^.))
import Data.Ext
import Data.Geometry.PlanarSubdivision (PolygonFaceData (..))
import qualified Data.Geometry.Point as Geo
import qualified Data.Geometry.Polygon as Geo
import Data.List (nub, partition, sortOn)
import qualified Data.PlaneGraph as Geo
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Geom2D.CubicBezier.Linear (ClosedPath (..), CubicBezier (..), FillRule (..),
PathJoin (..), QuadBezier (..), arcLength,
arcLengthParam, bezierIntersection, bezierSubsegment,
closedPathCurves, closest, colinear, curvesToClosed,
evalBezier, quadToCubic, reorient, splitBezier, union,
import Graphics.SvgTree (PathCommand (..), RPoint, Tree (..), defaultSvg, pathDefinition)
import Linear.V2
import Reanimate.Animation
import Reanimate.Constants
import Reanimate.Math.Polygon (Polygon, mkPolygon, pArea, pIsCCW)
import Reanimate.Svg
newtype PolyShape = PolyShape { unPolyShape :: ClosedPath Double }
deriving (Show)
data PolyShapeWithHoles = PolyShapeWithHoles
{ polyShapeParent :: PolyShape
, polyShapeHoles :: [PolyShape]
renderPolyShapes :: [PolyShape] -> Tree
renderPolyShapes pls =
PathTree $ defaultSvg & pathDefinition .~ concatMap plPathCommands pls
renderPolyShape :: PolyShape -> Tree
renderPolyShape pl =
PathTree $ defaultSvg & pathDefinition .~ plPathCommands pl
renderPolyShapePoints :: PolyShape -> Tree
renderPolyShapePoints = mkGroup . map renderPoint . plCurves
renderPoint (CubicBezier (V2 x y) _ _ _) =
translate x y $ mkCircle 0.02
plLength :: PolyShape -> Double
plLength = sum . map cubicLength . plCurves
cubicLength c = arcLength c 1 polyShapeTolerance
plArea :: PolyShape -> Double
plArea pl = realToFrac $ pArea $ plToPolygon polyShapeTolerance pl
polyShapeTolerance :: Double
polyShapeTolerance = screenWidth/25600
plFromPolygon :: [RPoint] -> PolyShape
plFromPolygon = PolyShape . ClosedPath . map worker
worker val = (val, JoinLine)
plToPolygon :: Double -> PolyShape -> Polygon
plToPolygon tol pl =
let p = V.init . V.fromList . map (fmap realToFrac) .
plPolygonify tol $ pl
in if pIsCCW (mkPolygon p) then mkPolygon p else mkPolygon (V.reverse p)
plPartial :: Double -> PolyShape -> PolyShape
plPartial delta pl | delta >= 1 = pl
plPartial delta pl = PolyShape $ curvesToClosed (lineOut ++ [joinB] ++ lineIn)
lineOutEnd = cubicC3 (last lineOut)
lineInBegin = cubicC0 (head lineIn)
joinB = CubicBezier lineOutEnd lineOutEnd lineOutEnd lineInBegin
lineOut = takeLen (len*delta/2) $ plCurves pl
lineIn =
reverse $ map reorient $
takeLen (len*delta/2) $ reverse $ map reorient $ plCurves pl
len = plLength pl
takeLen _ [] = []
takeLen l (c:cs) =
let cLen = arcLength c 1 polyShapeTolerance in
if l < cLen
then [bezierSubsegment c 0 (arcLengthParam c l polyShapeTolerance)]
else c : takeLen (l-cLen) cs
plGroupTouching :: [PolyShape] -> [[([RPoint],PolyShape)]]
plGroupTouching [] = []
plGroupTouching pls = worker [polyShapeOrigin (head pls)] pls
worker _ [] = []
worker seen shapes =
let (touching, notTouching) = partition (isTouching seen) shapes
in if null touching
then plGroupTouching notTouching
else map ((,) seen . changeOrigin seen) touching :
worker (seen ++ concatMap plPoints touching) notTouching
isTouching pts = any (`elem` pts) . plPoints
changeOrigin seen (PolyShape (ClosedPath segments)) = PolyShape $ ClosedPath $ helper [] segments
helper acc [] = reverse acc
helper acc lst@((startP,startJ):rest)
| startP `elem` seen = lst ++ reverse acc
| otherwise = helper ((startP, startJ):acc) rest
plPoints :: PolyShape -> [RPoint]
plPoints (PolyShape (ClosedPath lst)) =
[ p | (p,_) <- lst ]
plDecompose :: [PolyShape] -> [[RPoint]]
plDecompose = plDecompose' 0.001
plDecompose' :: Double -> [PolyShape] -> [[RPoint]]
plDecompose' tol =
concatMap (decomposePolygon . plPolygonify tol . mergePolyShapeHoles) .
plGroupShapes .
decomposePolygon :: [RPoint] -> [[RPoint]]
decomposePolygon poly =
[ [ V2 x y
| v <- V.toList (Geo.boundaryVertices f pg)
, let Geo.Point2 x y =(pg^.Geo.vertexDataOf v) ^. Geo.location ]
| (f, Inside) <- V.toList (Geo.internalFaces pg) ]
pg = triangulate' Proxy p
p = Geo.fromPoints $
[ Geo.Point2 x y :+ ()
| V2 x y <- poly ]
plPolygonify :: Double -> PolyShape -> [RPoint]
plPolygonify tol shape =
startPoint (head curves) : concatMap worker curves
curves = plCurves shape
worker c | endPoint c == startPoint c =
worker c =
if colinear c tol
then [endPoint c]
let (lhs,rhs) = splitBezier c 0.5
in worker lhs ++ worker rhs
endPoint (CubicBezier _ _ _ d) = d
startPoint (CubicBezier a _ _ _) = a
plPathCommands :: PolyShape -> [PathCommand]
plPathCommands = lineToPath . plLineCommands
plLineCommands :: PolyShape -> [LineCommand]
plLineCommands pl =
case curves of
[] -> []
(CubicBezier start _ _ _:_) ->
LineMove start :
zipWith worker (drop 1 dstList ++ [start]) joinList ++
[LineEnd start]
ClosedPath closedPath = unPolyShape pl
(dstList, joinList) = unzip closedPath
curves = plCurves pl
worker dst JoinLine =
LineBezier [dst]
worker dst (JoinCurve a b) =
LineBezier [a,b,dst]
svgToPolyShapes :: Tree -> [PolyShape]
svgToPolyShapes = cmdsToPolyShapes . toLineCommands . extractPath
svgToPolygons :: Double -> SVG -> [Polygon]
svgToPolygons tol = map (toPolygon . plPolygonify tol) . svgToPolyShapes
toPolygon :: [RPoint] -> Polygon
toPolygon = mkPolygon .
V.fromList . nub . map (fmap realToFrac)
cmdsToPolyShapes :: [LineCommand] -> [PolyShape]
cmdsToPolyShapes [] = []
cmdsToPolyShapes cmds =
case cmds of
(LineMove dst:cont) -> map PolyShape $ worker dst [] cont
_ -> bad
bad = error $ "Reanimate.PolyShape: Invalid commands: " ++ show cmds
finalize [] rest = rest
finalize acc rest = ClosedPath (reverse acc) : rest
worker _from acc [] = finalize acc []
worker _from acc (LineMove newStart : xs) =
finalize acc $
worker newStart [] xs
worker from acc (LineEnd orig:LineMove dst:xs) | from /= orig =
finalize ((from, JoinLine):acc) $
worker dst [] xs
worker _from acc (LineEnd{}:LineMove dst:xs) =
finalize acc $
worker dst [] xs
worker from acc [LineEnd orig] | from /= orig =
finalize ((from, JoinLine):acc) []
worker _from acc [LineEnd{}] =
finalize acc []
worker from acc (LineBezier [x]:xs) =
worker x ((from, JoinLine) : acc) xs
worker from acc (LineBezier [a,b]:xs) =
let quad = QuadBezier from a b
CubicBezier _ a' b' c' = quadToCubic quad
in worker from acc (LineBezier [a',b',c']:xs)
worker from acc (LineBezier [a,b,c]:xs) =
worker c ((from, JoinCurve a b) : acc) xs
worker _ _ _ = bad
unionPolyShapes :: [PolyShape] -> [PolyShape]
unionPolyShapes shapes =
map PolyShape $
union (map unPolyShape shapes) FillNonZero (polyShapeTolerance/10000)
unionPolyShapes' :: Double -> [PolyShape] -> [PolyShape]
unionPolyShapes' tol shapes =
map PolyShape $
union (map unPolyShape shapes) FillNonZero tol
isInsideOf :: PolyShape -> PolyShape -> Bool
lhs `isInsideOf` rhs =
odd (length upHits) && odd (length downHits)
(upHits, downHits) = polyIntersections origin rhs
origin = polyShapeOrigin lhs
polyIntersections :: RPoint -> PolyShape -> ([RPoint],[RPoint])
polyIntersections origin rhs =
(nub $ concatMap (intersections rayUp) curves
,nub $ concatMap (intersections rayDown) curves)
curves = plCurves rhs
intersections line bs =
map (evalBezier bs . fst) (bezierIntersection bs line polyShapeTolerance)
limit = 1000
rayUp = CubicBezier origin origin origin (V2 limit limit)
rayDown = CubicBezier origin origin origin (V2 (-limit) (-limit))
polyShapeOrigin :: PolyShape -> V2 Double
polyShapeOrigin (PolyShape closedPath) =
case closedPath of
ClosedPath [] -> V2 0 0
ClosedPath ((start,_):_) -> start
plGroupShapes :: [PolyShape] -> [PolyShapeWithHoles]
plGroupShapes = worker
worker (s:rest)
| null (parents s rest) =
let isOnlyChild x = parents x (s:rest) == [s]
(holes, nonHoles) = partition isOnlyChild rest
prime = PolyShapeWithHoles
{ polyShapeParent = s
, polyShapeHoles = holes }
in prime : worker nonHoles
| otherwise = worker (rest ++ [s])
worker [] = []
parents :: PolyShape -> [PolyShape] -> [PolyShape]
parents self = filter (self `isInsideOf`) . filter (/=self)
instance Eq PolyShape where
a == b = plCurves a == plCurves b
mergePolyShapeHoles :: PolyShapeWithHoles -> PolyShape
mergePolyShapeHoles (PolyShapeWithHoles parent []) = parent
mergePolyShapeHoles (PolyShapeWithHoles parent (child:children)) =
mergePolyShapeHoles $
PolyShapeWithHoles (mergePolyShapeHole parent child) children
mergePolyShapeHole :: PolyShape -> PolyShape -> PolyShape
mergePolyShapeHole parent child =
snd $ head $
sortOn fst
[ cutSingleHole newParent child
| newParent <- polyShapePermutations parent ]
cutSingleHole :: PolyShape -> PolyShape -> (Double, PolyShape)
cutSingleHole parent child =
(score, PolyShape $ curvesToClosed $
p2b:pTail ++ [a2p] ++
[p2x] ++ childCurves ++
vectL = 0
vectR = 0
score = vectorDistance childOrigin p
childOrigin = polyShapeOrigin child
childOrigin' = childOrigin - vectL
(pHead:pTail) = plCurves parent
childCurves = plCurves child
pParam = closest pHead childOrigin polyShapeTolerance
(a2p, p2b') = splitBezier pHead pParam
p2b = case p2b' of
CubicBezier a b c d -> CubicBezier (a - vectL) b c d
p = evalBezier pHead pParam
p2x = lineBetween (p - vectR) childOrigin
x2p = lineBetween childOrigin' p
lineBetween a = CubicBezier a a a
plCurves :: PolyShape -> [CubicBezier Double]
plCurves = closedPathCurves . unPolyShape
polyShapePermutations :: PolyShape -> [PolyShape]
polyShapePermutations =
map (PolyShape . curvesToClosed) . cycleList . plCurves
cycleList lst =
let n = length lst in
[ take n $ drop i $ cycle lst
| i <- [0.. n-1] ]