module Reanimate.Svg.BoundingBox
( boundingBox
, svgHeight
, svgWidth
) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Geom2D.CubicBezier.Linear as Bezier
import Graphics.SvgTree hiding (height, line, path, use, width)
import Linear.V2 hiding (angle)
import Linear.Vector
import Reanimate.Constants
import Reanimate.Svg.LineCommand
import qualified Reanimate.Transform as Transform
boundingBox :: Tree -> (Double, Double, Double, Double)
boundingBox t =
case svgBoundingPoints t of
[] -> (0,0,0,0)
(V2 x y:rest) ->
let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = foldl' worker (x, y, x, y) rest
in (minx, miny, maxx-minx, maxy-miny)
worker (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) (V2 x y) =
(min minx x, min miny y, max maxx x, max maxy y)
svgHeight :: Tree -> Double
svgHeight t = h
(_x, _y, _w, h) = boundingBox t
svgWidth :: Tree -> Double
svgWidth t = w
(_x, _y, w, _h) = boundingBox t
linePoints :: [LineCommand] -> [RPoint]
linePoints = worker zero
worker _from [] = []
worker from (x:xs) =
case x of
LineMove to -> worker to xs
LineBezier [p] ->
p : worker p xs
LineBezier ctrl ->
let bezier = Bezier.AnyBezier (V.fromList (from:ctrl))
in [ Bezier.evalBezier bezier (recip chunks*i) | i <- [0..chunks]] ++
worker (last ctrl) xs
LineEnd p -> p : worker p xs
chunks = 10
svgBoundingPoints :: Tree -> [RPoint]
svgBoundingPoints t = map (Transform.transformPoint m) $
case t of
None -> []
UseTree{} -> []
GroupTree g -> concatMap svgBoundingPoints (g^.groupChildren)
SymbolTree (Symbol g) -> concatMap svgBoundingPoints (g^.groupChildren)
FilterTree{} -> []
DefinitionTree{} -> []
PathTree p -> linePoints $ toLineCommands (p^.pathDefinition)
CircleTree c -> circleBoundingPoints c
PolyLineTree pl -> pl ^. polyLinePoints
EllipseTree e -> ellipseBoundingPoints e
LineTree line -> map pointToRPoint [line^.linePoint1, line^.linePoint2]
RectangleTree rect ->
case pointToRPoint (rect^.rectUpperLeftCorner) of
V2 x y -> V2 x y :
case mapTuple (fmap $ toUserUnit defaultDPI) (rect^.rectWidth, rect^.rectHeight) of
(Just (Num w), Just (Num h)) -> [V2 (x+w) (y+h)]
_ -> []
TextTree{} -> []
ImageTree img ->
case (img^.imageCornerUpperLeft, img^.imageWidth, img^.imageHeight) of
((Num x, Num y), Num w, Num h) ->
[V2 x y, V2 (x+w) (y+h)]
_ -> []
MeshGradientTree{} -> []
_ -> []
m = Transform.mkMatrix (t^.transform)
mapTuple f = f *** f
pointToRPoint p =
case mapTuple (toUserUnit defaultDPI) p of
(Num x, Num y) -> V2 x y
_ -> error "Reanimate.Svg.svgBoundingPoints: Unrecognized number format."
circleBoundingPoints circ =
let (xnum, ynum) = circ ^. circleCenter
rnum = circ ^. circleRadius
in case mapMaybe unpackNumber [xnum, ynum, rnum] of
[x, y, r] -> [ V2 (x + r * cos angle) (y + r * sin angle) | angle <- [0, pi/10 .. 2 * pi]]
_ -> []
ellipseBoundingPoints e =
let (xnum,ynum) = e ^. ellipseCenter
xrnum = e ^. ellipseXRadius
yrnum = e ^. ellipseYRadius
in case mapMaybe unpackNumber [xnum, ynum, xrnum, yrnum] of
[x,y,xr,yr] -> [V2 (x + xr * cos angle) (y + yr * sin angle) | angle <- [0, pi/10 .. 2 * pi]]
_ -> []
unpackNumber n =
case toUserUnit defaultDPI n of
Num d -> Just d
_ -> Nothing