reanimate- Animation library based on SVGs.
Safe HaskellNone



POV-Ray (the Persistance of Vision Raytracer) is a scriptable raytracer. All POV-Ray functions are cached and will reuse images when scripts stay the same.

The functions come in two versions, for example povray and povray'. The versions without an apostrophe character yield a Tree. The versions with a final apostrophe character yield a FilePath of a PNG file containing the resulting image.

The functions differ in their use of the POV-Ray +W (width), +H (height) and +A or -A (anti-aliasing) switches, as set out below. Resolutions are 'width x height'.

Example of use:

povray args script

where args is a list of other POV-Ray command-line switches (if any), and script is a POV-Ray scene description specified in the POV-Ray scene description language.



povray :: [String] -> Text -> Tree Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 320x180 and antialiasing enabled. The resulting image is scaled to fit the screen exactly.

povrayQuick :: [String] -> Text -> Tree Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 320x180 but without antialiasing. The resulting image is scaled to fit the screen exactly.

povraySlow :: [String] -> Text -> Tree Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 2560x1440 and antialiasing enabled. The resulting image is scaled to fit the screen exactly.

povrayExtreme :: [String] -> Text -> Tree Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 3840x2160 and antialiasing enabled. The resulting image is scaled to fit the screen exactly.

povray' :: [String] -> Text -> FilePath Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 320x180 and antialiasing enabled. The FilePath points to a PNG file containing the resulting image.

povrayQuick' :: [String] -> Text -> FilePath Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 320x180 but without antialiasing. The FilePath points to a PNG file containing the resulting image.

povraySlow' :: [String] -> Text -> FilePath Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 2560x1440 and antialiasing enabled. The FilePath points to a PNG file containing the resulting image.

povrayExtreme' :: [String] -> Text -> FilePath Source #

Run the POV-Ray raytracer with a default resolution of 3840x2160 and antialiasing enabled. The FilePath points to a PNG file containing the resulting image.