{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Graphics.SvgTree.Types
, Origin( .. )
, Point
, RPoint
, PathCommand( .. )
, Transformation( .. )
, ElementRef( .. )
, CoordinateUnits( .. )
, toPoint
, serializeNumber
, serializeTransformation
, serializeTransformations
, Cap( .. )
, LineJoin( .. )
, Tree( .. )
, Number( .. )
, Spread( .. )
, Texture( .. )
, Element( .. )
, FillRule( .. )
, FontStyle( .. )
, Dpi
, WithDefaultSvg( .. )
, Document( .. )
, HasDocument( .. )
, documentSize
, DrawAttributes( .. )
, HasDrawAttributes( .. )
, WithDrawAttributes( .. )
, Rectangle( .. )
, HasRectangle( .. )
, Line( .. )
, HasLine( .. )
, Polygon( .. )
, HasPolygon( .. )
, PolyLine( .. )
, HasPolyLine( .. )
, Path( .. )
, HasPath( .. )
, Circle( .. )
, HasCircle( .. )
, Ellipse( .. )
, HasEllipse( .. )
, GradientPathCommand( .. )
, MeshGradientType( .. )
, MeshGradient( .. )
, HasMeshGradient( .. )
, MeshGradientRow( .. )
, HasMeshGradientRow( .. )
, MeshGradientPatch( .. )
, HasMeshGradientPatch( .. )
, Image( .. )
, HasImage( .. )
, Use( .. )
, HasUse( .. )
, Group( .. )
, HasGroup( .. )
, Symbol( .. )
, groupOfSymbol
, Definitions( .. )
, groupOfDefinitions
, Text( .. )
, HasText( .. )
, TextAnchor( .. )
, textAt
, TextPath( .. )
, HasTextPath( .. )
, TextPathSpacing( .. )
, TextPathMethod( .. )
, TextSpanContent( .. )
, TextSpan( .. )
, HasTextSpan( .. )
, TextInfo( .. )
, HasTextInfo( .. )
, TextAdjust( .. )
, Marker( .. )
, Overflow( .. )
, MarkerOrientation( .. )
, MarkerUnit( .. )
, HasMarker( .. )
, GradientStop( .. )
, HasGradientStop( .. )
, LinearGradient( .. )
, HasLinearGradient( .. )
, RadialGradient( .. )
, HasRadialGradient( .. )
, Pattern( .. )
, HasPattern( .. )
, Mask( .. )
, HasMask( .. )
, ClipPath( .. )
, HasClipPath( .. )
, PreserveAspectRatio( .. )
, Alignment( .. )
, MeetSlice( .. )
, HasPreserveAspectRatio( .. )
, isPathArc
, isPathWithArc
, nameOfTree
, zipTree
, mapTree
, foldTree
, toUserUnit
, mapNumber
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Codec.Picture (PixelRGBA8 (..))
import Control.Lens (Lens, Lens', lens, view, (&), (.~),
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (inits)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.SvgTree.CssTypes
import Linear hiding (angle)
import Text.Printf
type Coord = Double
type RPoint = V2 Coord
type Point = (Number, Number)
data Origin
= OriginAbsolute
| OriginRelative
deriving (Eq, Show)
data MeshGradientType
= GradientBilinear
| GradientBicubic
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PathCommand
= MoveTo !Origin ![RPoint]
| LineTo !Origin ![RPoint]
| HorizontalTo !Origin ![Coord]
| VerticalTo !Origin ![Coord]
| CurveTo !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint, RPoint)]
| SmoothCurveTo !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint)]
| QuadraticBezier !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint)]
| SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo !Origin ![RPoint]
| EllipticalArc !Origin ![(Coord, Coord, Coord, Bool, Bool, RPoint)]
| EndPath
deriving (Eq, Show)
data GradientPathCommand
= GLine !Origin !(Maybe RPoint)
| GCurve !Origin !RPoint !RPoint !(Maybe RPoint)
| GClose
deriving (Eq, Show)
toPoint :: Number -> Number -> Point
toPoint = (,)
isPathArc :: PathCommand -> Bool
isPathArc (EllipticalArc _ _) = True
isPathArc _ = False
isPathWithArc :: Foldable f => f PathCommand -> Bool
isPathWithArc = F.any isPathArc
data CoordinateUnits
= CoordUserSpace
| CoordBoundingBox
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Alignment
= AlignNone
| AlignxMinYMin
| AlignxMidYMin
| AlignxMaxYMin
| AlignxMinYMid
| AlignxMidYMid
| AlignxMaxYMid
| AlignxMinYMax
| AlignxMidYMax
| AlignxMaxYMax
deriving (Eq, Show)
data MeetSlice = Meet | Slice
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PreserveAspectRatio = PreserveAspectRatio
{ _aspectRatioDefer :: !Bool
, _aspectRatioAlign :: !Alignment
, _aspectRatioMeetSlice :: !(Maybe MeetSlice)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance WithDefaultSvg PreserveAspectRatio where
defaultSvg = PreserveAspectRatio
{ _aspectRatioDefer = False
, _aspectRatioAlign = AlignxMidYMid
, _aspectRatioMeetSlice = Nothing
data Cap
= CapRound
| CapButt
| CapSquare
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LineJoin
= JoinMiter
| JoinBevel
| JoinRound
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Texture
= ColorRef PixelRGBA8
| TextureRef String
| FillNone
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FillRule
= FillEvenOdd
| FillNonZero
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Transformation
TransformMatrix !Coord !Coord !Coord
!Coord !Coord !Coord
| Translate !Double !Double
| Scale !Double !(Maybe Double)
| Rotate !Double !(Maybe (Double, Double))
| SkewX !Double
| SkewY !Double
| TransformUnknown
deriving (Eq, Show)
serializeTransformation :: Transformation -> String
serializeTransformation t = case t of
TransformUnknown -> ""
TransformMatrix a b c d e f ->
printf "matrix(%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)" a b c d e f
Translate x y -> printf "translate(%g, %g)" x y
Scale x Nothing -> printf "scale(%g)" x
Scale x (Just y) -> printf "scale(%g, %g)" x y
Rotate angle Nothing -> printf "rotate(%g)" angle
Rotate angle (Just (x, y))-> printf "rotate(%g, %g, %g)" angle x y
SkewX x -> printf "skewX(%g)" x
SkewY y -> printf "skewY(%g)" y
serializeTransformations :: [Transformation] -> String
serializeTransformations =
unwords . fmap serializeTransformation
class WithDrawAttributes a where
drawAttr :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
class WithDefaultSvg a where
defaultSvg :: a
data FontStyle
= FontStyleNormal
| FontStyleItalic
| FontStyleOblique
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TextAnchor
= TextAnchorStart
| TextAnchorMiddle
| TextAnchorEnd
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ElementRef
= RefNone
| Ref String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data DrawAttributes = DrawAttributes
_strokeWidth :: !(Last Number)
, _strokeColor :: !(Last Texture)
, _strokeOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
, _strokeLineCap :: !(Last Cap)
, _strokeLineJoin :: !(Last LineJoin)
, _strokeMiterLimit :: !(Last Double)
, _fillColor :: !(Last Texture)
, _fillOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
, _groupOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
, _transform :: !(Maybe [Transformation])
, _fillRule :: !(Last FillRule)
, _maskRef :: !(Last ElementRef)
, _clipPathRef :: !(Last ElementRef)
, _clipRule :: !(Last FillRule)
, _attrClass :: ![T.Text]
, _attrId :: !(Maybe String)
, _strokeOffset :: !(Last Number)
, _strokeDashArray :: !(Last [Number])
, _fontSize :: !(Last Number)
, _fontFamily :: !(Last [String])
, _fontStyle :: !(Last FontStyle)
, _textAnchor :: !(Last TextAnchor)
, _markerStart :: !(Last ElementRef)
, _markerMid :: !(Last ElementRef)
, _markerEnd :: !(Last ElementRef)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PolyLine = PolyLine
_polyLineDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _polyLinePoints :: ![RPoint]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance WithDefaultSvg PolyLine where
defaultSvg = PolyLine
{ _polyLineDrawAttributes = mempty
, _polyLinePoints = []
class HasPolyLine a where
polyLine :: Lens' a PolyLine
polyLineDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE polyLineDrawAttributes #-}
polyLineDrawAttributes = polyLine . polyLineDrawAttributes
polyLinePoints :: Lens' a [RPoint]
{-# INLINE polyLinePoints #-}
polyLinePoints = polyLine . polyLinePoints
instance HasPolyLine PolyLine where
polyLine = id
{-# INLINE polyLineDrawAttributes #-}
polyLineDrawAttributes f p =
fmap (\y -> p { _polyLineDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _polyLineDrawAttributes p)
{-# INLINE polyLinePoints #-}
polyLinePoints f p =
fmap (\y -> p { _polyLinePoints = y }) (f $ _polyLinePoints p)
instance WithDrawAttributes PolyLine where
drawAttr = polyLineDrawAttributes
data Polygon = Polygon
_polygonDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _polygonPoints :: ![RPoint]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasPolygon a where
polygon :: Lens' a Polygon
polygonDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE polygonDrawAttributes #-}
polygonPoints :: Lens' a [RPoint]
{-# INLINE polygonPoints #-}
polygonDrawAttributes = polygon . polygonDrawAttributes
polygonPoints = polygon . polygonPoints
instance HasPolygon Polygon where
polygon = id
{-# INLINE polygonDrawAttributes #-}
polygonDrawAttributes f p =
fmap (\y -> p { _polygonDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _polygonDrawAttributes p)
{-# INLINE polygonPoints #-}
polygonPoints f p =
fmap (\y -> p { _polygonPoints = y }) (f $ _polygonPoints p)
instance WithDrawAttributes Polygon where
drawAttr = polygonDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Polygon where
defaultSvg = Polygon
{ _polygonDrawAttributes = mempty
, _polygonPoints = []
data Line = Line
_lineDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _linePoint1 :: !Point
, _linePoint2 :: !Point
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasLine a where
line :: Lens' a Line
lineDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
lineDrawAttributes = line . lineDrawAttributes
{-# INLINE lineDrawAttributes #-}
linePoint1 :: Lens' a Point
linePoint1 = line . linePoint1
{-# INLINE linePoint1 #-}
linePoint2 :: Lens' a Point
linePoint2 = line . linePoint2
{-# INLINE linePoint2 #-}
instance HasLine Line where
line = id
{-# INLINE lineDrawAttributes #-}
lineDrawAttributes f l =
fmap (\y -> l { _lineDrawAttributes = y }) (f (_lineDrawAttributes l))
{-# INLINE linePoint1 #-}
linePoint1 f l =
fmap (\y -> l { _linePoint1 = y }) (f (_linePoint1 l))
{-# INLINE linePoint2 #-}
linePoint2 f l =
fmap (\y -> l { _linePoint2 = y }) (f (_linePoint2 l))
instance WithDrawAttributes Line where
drawAttr = lineDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Line where
defaultSvg = Line
{ _lineDrawAttributes = mempty
, _linePoint1 = zeroPoint
, _linePoint2 = zeroPoint
where zeroPoint = (Num 0, Num 0)
data Rectangle = Rectangle
_rectDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _rectUpperLeftCorner :: !Point
, _rectWidth :: !(Maybe Number)
, _rectHeight :: !(Maybe Number)
, _rectCornerRadius :: !(Maybe Number, Maybe Number)
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasRectangle a where
rectangle :: Lens' a Rectangle
rectCornerRadius :: Lens' a (Maybe Number, Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE rectCornerRadius #-}
rectCornerRadius = rectangle . rectCornerRadius
rectDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE rectDrawAttributes #-}
rectDrawAttributes = rectangle . rectDrawAttributes
rectHeight :: Lens' a (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE rectHeight #-}
rectHeight = rectangle . rectHeight
rectUpperLeftCorner :: Lens' a Point
{-# INLINE rectUpperLeftCorner #-}
rectUpperLeftCorner = rectangle . rectUpperLeftCorner
rectWidth :: Lens' a (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE rectWidth #-}
rectWidth = rectangle . rectWidth
instance HasRectangle Rectangle where
rectangle = id
{-# INLINE rectCornerRadius #-}
rectCornerRadius f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _rectCornerRadius = y }) (f $ _rectCornerRadius attr)
{-# INLINE rectDrawAttributes #-}
rectDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _rectDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _rectDrawAttributes attr)
{-# INLINE rectHeight #-}
rectHeight f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _rectHeight = y }) (f $ _rectHeight attr)
{-# INLINE rectUpperLeftCorner #-}
rectUpperLeftCorner f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _rectUpperLeftCorner = y }) (f $ _rectUpperLeftCorner attr)
{-# INLINE rectWidth #-}
rectWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _rectWidth = y }) (f $ _rectWidth attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Rectangle where
drawAttr = rectDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Rectangle where
defaultSvg = Rectangle
{ _rectDrawAttributes = mempty
, _rectUpperLeftCorner = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _rectWidth = Nothing
, _rectHeight = Nothing
, _rectCornerRadius = (Nothing, Nothing)
data Path = Path
_pathDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _pathDefinition :: ![PathCommand]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasPath c_alhy where
path :: Lens' c_alhy Path
pathDefinition :: Lens' c_alhy [PathCommand]
{-# INLINE pathDefinition #-}
pathDefinition = path . pathDefinition
pathDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_alhy DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE pathDrawAttributes #-}
pathDrawAttributes = path . pathDrawAttributes
instance HasPath Path where
path = id
{-# INLINE pathDefinition #-}
pathDefinition f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _pathDefinition = y }) (f $ _pathDefinition attr)
{-# INLINE pathDrawAttributes #-}
pathDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _pathDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _pathDrawAttributes attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Path where
drawAttr = pathDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Path where
defaultSvg = Path
{ _pathDrawAttributes = mempty
, _pathDefinition = []
data Group a = Group
_groupDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _groupChildren :: ![a]
, _groupViewBox :: !(Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
, _groupAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasGroup g a | g -> a where
group :: Lens' g (Group a)
groupAspectRatio :: Lens' g PreserveAspectRatio
{-# INLINE groupAspectRatio #-}
groupAspectRatio = group . groupAspectRatio
groupChildren :: Lens' g [a]
{-# INLINE groupChildren #-}
groupChildren = group . groupChildren
groupDrawAttributes :: Lens' g DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE groupDrawAttributes #-}
groupDrawAttributes = group . groupDrawAttributes
groupViewBox :: Lens' g (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
{-# INLINE groupViewBox #-}
groupViewBox = group . groupViewBox
instance HasGroup (Group a) a where
group = id
{-# INLINE groupAspectRatio #-}
groupAspectRatio f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _groupAspectRatio = y }) (f $ _groupAspectRatio attr)
{-# INLINE groupChildren #-}
groupChildren f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _groupChildren = y }) (f $ _groupChildren attr)
{-# INLINE groupDrawAttributes #-}
groupDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _groupDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _groupDrawAttributes attr)
{-# INLINE groupViewBox #-}
groupViewBox f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _groupViewBox = y }) (f $ _groupViewBox attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes (Group a) where
drawAttr = groupDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg (Group a) where
defaultSvg = Group
{ _groupDrawAttributes = mempty
, _groupChildren = []
, _groupViewBox = Nothing
, _groupAspectRatio = defaultSvg
newtype Symbol a =
Symbol { _groupOfSymbol :: Group a }
deriving (Eq, Show)
groupOfSymbol :: Lens (Symbol s) (Symbol t) (Group s) (Group t)
{-# INLINE groupOfSymbol #-}
groupOfSymbol f = fmap Symbol . f . _groupOfSymbol
instance WithDrawAttributes (Symbol a) where
drawAttr = groupOfSymbol . drawAttr
instance WithDefaultSvg (Symbol a) where
defaultSvg = Symbol defaultSvg
newtype Definitions a =
Definitions { _groupOfDefinitions :: Group a }
deriving (Eq, Show)
groupOfDefinitions :: Lens (Definitions s) (Definitions t) (Group s) (Group t)
{-# INLINE groupOfDefinitions #-}
groupOfDefinitions f = fmap Definitions . f . _groupOfDefinitions
instance WithDrawAttributes (Definitions a) where
drawAttr = groupOfDefinitions . drawAttr
instance WithDefaultSvg (Definitions a) where
defaultSvg = Definitions defaultSvg
data Circle = Circle
_circleDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _circleCenter :: !Point
, _circleRadius :: !Number
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasCircle a where
circle :: Lens' a Circle
circleCenter :: Lens' a Point
{-# INLINE circleCenter #-}
circleCenter = circle . circleCenter
circleDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE circleDrawAttributes #-}
circleDrawAttributes = circle . circleDrawAttributes
circleRadius :: Lens' a Number
{-# INLINE circleRadius #-}
circleRadius = circle . circleRadius
instance HasCircle Circle where
circle = id
{-# INLINE circleCenter #-}
circleCenter f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _circleCenter = y }) (f $ _circleCenter attr)
{-# INLINE circleDrawAttributes #-}
circleDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _circleDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _circleDrawAttributes attr)
{-# INLINE circleRadius #-}
circleRadius f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _circleRadius = y }) (f $ _circleRadius attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Circle where
drawAttr = circleDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Circle where
defaultSvg = Circle
{ _circleDrawAttributes = mempty
, _circleCenter = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _circleRadius = Num 0
data Ellipse = Ellipse
_ellipseDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _ellipseCenter :: !Point
, _ellipseXRadius :: !Number
, _ellipseYRadius :: !Number
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasEllipse c_amWt where
ellipse :: Lens' c_amWt Ellipse
ellipseCenter :: Lens' c_amWt Point
{-# INLINE ellipseCenter #-}
ellipseDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_amWt DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE ellipseDrawAttributes #-}
ellipseXRadius :: Lens' c_amWt Number
{-# INLINE ellipseXRadius #-}
ellipseYRadius :: Lens' c_amWt Number
{-# INLINE ellipseYRadius #-}
ellipseCenter = ((.) ellipse) ellipseCenter
ellipseDrawAttributes = ((.) ellipse) ellipseDrawAttributes
ellipseXRadius = ((.) ellipse) ellipseXRadius
ellipseYRadius = ((.) ellipse) ellipseYRadius
instance HasEllipse Ellipse where
{-# INLINE ellipseCenter #-}
{-# INLINE ellipseDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE ellipseXRadius #-}
{-# INLINE ellipseYRadius #-}
ellipse = id
ellipseCenter f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _ellipseCenter = y }) (f $ _ellipseCenter attr)
ellipseDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _ellipseDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _ellipseDrawAttributes attr)
ellipseXRadius f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _ellipseXRadius = y }) (f $ _ellipseXRadius attr)
ellipseYRadius f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _ellipseYRadius = y }) (f $ _ellipseYRadius attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Ellipse where
drawAttr = ellipseDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Ellipse where
defaultSvg = Ellipse
{ _ellipseDrawAttributes = mempty
, _ellipseCenter = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _ellipseXRadius = Num 0
, _ellipseYRadius = Num 0
data GradientStop = GradientStop
_gradientOffset :: !Float
, _gradientColor :: !PixelRGBA8
, _gradientPath :: !(Maybe GradientPathCommand)
, _gradientOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasGradientStop c_anhM where
gradientStop :: Lens' c_anhM GradientStop
gradientColor :: Lens' c_anhM PixelRGBA8
{-# INLINE gradientColor #-}
gradientOffset :: Lens' c_anhM Float
{-# INLINE gradientOffset #-}
gradientOpacity :: Lens' c_anhM (Maybe Float)
{-# INLINE gradientOpacity #-}
gradientPath :: Lens' c_anhM (Maybe GradientPathCommand)
{-# INLINE gradientPath #-}
gradientColor = ((.) gradientStop) gradientColor
gradientOffset = ((.) gradientStop) gradientOffset
gradientOpacity = ((.) gradientStop) gradientOpacity
gradientPath = ((.) gradientStop) gradientPath
instance HasGradientStop GradientStop where
{-# INLINE gradientColor #-}
{-# INLINE gradientOffset #-}
{-# INLINE gradientOpacity #-}
{-# INLINE gradientPath #-}
gradientStop = id
gradientColor f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _gradientColor = y }) (f $ _gradientColor attr)
gradientOffset f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _gradientOffset = y }) (f $ _gradientOffset attr)
gradientOpacity f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _gradientOpacity = y }) (f $ _gradientOpacity attr)
gradientPath f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _gradientPath = y }) (f $ _gradientPath attr)
instance WithDefaultSvg GradientStop where
defaultSvg = GradientStop
{ _gradientOffset = 0.0
, _gradientColor = PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255
, _gradientPath = Nothing
, _gradientOpacity = Nothing
data MeshGradientPatch = MeshGradientPatch
_meshGradientPatchStops :: ![GradientStop]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasMeshGradientPatch c_annx where
meshGradientPatch :: Lens' c_annx MeshGradientPatch
meshGradientPatchStops :: Lens' c_annx [GradientStop]
{-# INLINE meshGradientPatchStops #-}
meshGradientPatchStops = meshGradientPatch . meshGradientPatchStops
instance HasMeshGradientPatch MeshGradientPatch where
{-# INLINE meshGradientPatchStops #-}
meshGradientPatch = id
meshGradientPatchStops f m =
fmap (\y -> m { _meshGradientPatchStops = y }) . f $ _meshGradientPatchStops m
instance WithDefaultSvg MeshGradientPatch where
defaultSvg = MeshGradientPatch []
data MeshGradientRow = MeshGradientRow
_meshGradientRowPatches :: ![MeshGradientPatch]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasMeshGradientRow c_antr where
meshGradientRow :: Lens' c_antr MeshGradientRow
meshGradientRowPatches :: Lens' c_antr [MeshGradientPatch]
{-# INLINE meshGradientRowPatches #-}
meshGradientRowPatches = meshGradientRow . meshGradientRowPatches
instance HasMeshGradientRow MeshGradientRow where
{-# INLINE meshGradientRowPatches #-}
meshGradientRow = id
meshGradientRowPatches f m =
fmap (\y -> m { _meshGradientRowPatches = y }) . f $ _meshGradientRowPatches m
instance WithDefaultSvg MeshGradientRow where
defaultSvg = MeshGradientRow []
data MeshGradient = MeshGradient
{ _meshGradientDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _meshGradientX :: !Number
, _meshGradientY :: !Number
, _meshGradientType :: !MeshGradientType
, _meshGradientUnits :: !CoordinateUnits
, _meshGradientTransform :: ![Transformation]
, _meshGradientRows :: ![MeshGradientRow]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasMeshGradient c_anxG where
meshGradient :: Lens' c_anxG MeshGradient
meshGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anxG DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE meshGradientDrawAttributes #-}
meshGradientRows :: Lens' c_anxG [MeshGradientRow]
{-# INLINE meshGradientRows #-}
meshGradientTransform :: Lens' c_anxG [Transformation]
{-# INLINE meshGradientTransform #-}
meshGradientType :: Lens' c_anxG MeshGradientType
{-# INLINE meshGradientType #-}
meshGradientUnits :: Lens' c_anxG CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE meshGradientUnits #-}
meshGradientX :: Lens' c_anxG Number
{-# INLINE meshGradientX #-}
meshGradientY :: Lens' c_anxG Number
{-# INLINE meshGradientY #-}
= ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientDrawAttributes
meshGradientRows = ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientRows
meshGradientTransform = ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientTransform
meshGradientType = ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientType
meshGradientUnits = ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientUnits
meshGradientX = ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientX
meshGradientY = ((.) meshGradient) meshGradientY
instance HasMeshGradient MeshGradient where
{-# INLINE meshGradientDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE meshGradientRows #-}
{-# INLINE meshGradientTransform #-}
{-# INLINE meshGradientType #-}
{-# INLINE meshGradientUnits #-}
{-# INLINE meshGradientX #-}
{-# INLINE meshGradientY #-}
meshGradient = id
meshGradientDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _meshGradientDrawAttributes attr)
meshGradientRows f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientRows = y }) (f $ _meshGradientRows attr)
meshGradientTransform f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientTransform = y }) (f $ _meshGradientTransform attr)
meshGradientType f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientType = y }) (f $ _meshGradientType attr)
meshGradientUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientUnits = y }) (f $ _meshGradientUnits attr)
meshGradientX f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientX = y }) (f $ _meshGradientX attr)
meshGradientY f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _meshGradientY = y }) (f $ _meshGradientY attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes MeshGradient where
drawAttr = meshGradientDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg MeshGradient where
defaultSvg = MeshGradient
{ _meshGradientDrawAttributes = mempty
, _meshGradientX = Percent 0
, _meshGradientY = Percent 0
, _meshGradientType = GradientBilinear
, _meshGradientUnits = CoordBoundingBox
, _meshGradientTransform = mempty
, _meshGradientRows = mempty
data Image = Image
_imageDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _imageCornerUpperLeft :: !Point
, _imageWidth :: !Number
, _imageHeight :: !Number
, _imageHref :: !String
, _imageAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasImage c_anI7 where
image :: Lens' c_anI7 Image
imageAspectRatio :: Lens' c_anI7 PreserveAspectRatio
{-# INLINE imageAspectRatio #-}
imageCornerUpperLeft :: Lens' c_anI7 Point
{-# INLINE imageCornerUpperLeft #-}
imageDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anI7 DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE imageDrawAttributes #-}
imageHeight :: Lens' c_anI7 Number
{-# INLINE imageHeight #-}
imageHref :: Lens' c_anI7 String
{-# INLINE imageHref #-}
imageWidth :: Lens' c_anI7 Number
{-# INLINE imageWidth #-}
imageAspectRatio = ((.) image) imageAspectRatio
imageCornerUpperLeft = ((.) image) imageCornerUpperLeft
imageDrawAttributes = ((.) image) imageDrawAttributes
imageHeight = ((.) image) imageHeight
imageHref = ((.) image) imageHref
imageWidth = ((.) image) imageWidth
instance HasImage Image where
{-# INLINE imageAspectRatio #-}
{-# INLINE imageCornerUpperLeft #-}
{-# INLINE imageDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE imageHeight #-}
{-# INLINE imageHref #-}
{-# INLINE imageWidth #-}
image = id
imageAspectRatio f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _imageAspectRatio = y }) (f $ _imageAspectRatio attr)
imageCornerUpperLeft f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _imageCornerUpperLeft = y }) (f $ _imageCornerUpperLeft attr)
imageDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _imageDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _imageDrawAttributes attr)
imageHeight f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _imageHeight = y }) (f $ _imageHeight attr)
imageHref f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _imageHref = y }) (f $ _imageHref attr)
imageWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _imageWidth = y }) (f $ _imageWidth attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Image where
drawAttr = imageDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Image where
defaultSvg = Image
{ _imageDrawAttributes = mempty
, _imageCornerUpperLeft = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _imageWidth = Num 0
, _imageHeight = Num 0
, _imageHref = ""
, _imageAspectRatio = defaultSvg
data Use = Use
_useBase :: Point
, _useName :: String
, _useWidth :: Maybe Number
, _useHeight :: Maybe Number
, _useDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasUse c_anR3 where
use :: Lens' c_anR3 Use
useBase :: Lens' c_anR3 Point
{-# INLINE useBase #-}
useDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anR3 DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE useDrawAttributes #-}
useHeight :: Lens' c_anR3 (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE useHeight #-}
useName :: Lens' c_anR3 String
{-# INLINE useName #-}
useWidth :: Lens' c_anR3 (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE useWidth #-}
useBase = ((.) use) useBase
useDrawAttributes = ((.) use) useDrawAttributes
useHeight = ((.) use) useHeight
useName = ((.) use) useName
useWidth = ((.) use) useWidth
instance HasUse Use where
{-# INLINE useBase #-}
{-# INLINE useDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE useHeight #-}
{-# INLINE useName #-}
{-# INLINE useWidth #-}
use = id
useBase f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _useBase = y }) (f $ _useBase attr)
useDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _useDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _useDrawAttributes attr)
useHeight f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _useHeight = y }) (f $ _useHeight attr)
useName f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _useName = y }) (f $ _useName attr)
useWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _useWidth = y }) (f $ _useWidth attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Use where
drawAttr = useDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Use where
defaultSvg = Use
{ _useBase = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _useName = ""
, _useWidth = Nothing
, _useHeight = Nothing
, _useDrawAttributes = mempty
data TextInfo = TextInfo
{ _textInfoX :: ![Number]
, _textInfoY :: ![Number]
, _textInfoDX :: ![Number]
, _textInfoDY :: ![Number]
, _textInfoRotate :: ![Double]
, _textInfoLength :: !(Maybe Number)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Semigroup TextInfo where
(<>) (TextInfo x1 y1 dx1 dy1 r1 l1)
(TextInfo x2 y2 dx2 dy2 r2 l2) =
TextInfo (x1 <> x2) (y1 <> y2)
(dx1 <> dx2) (dy1 <> dy2)
(r1 <> r2)
(getLast $ Last l1 <> Last l2)
instance Monoid TextInfo where
mempty = TextInfo [] [] [] [] [] Nothing
mappend = (<>)
class HasTextInfo c_ao0m where
textInfo :: Lens' c_ao0m TextInfo
textInfoDX :: Lens' c_ao0m [Number]
{-# INLINE textInfoDX #-}
textInfoDY :: Lens' c_ao0m [Number]
{-# INLINE textInfoDY #-}
textInfoLength :: Lens' c_ao0m (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE textInfoLength #-}
textInfoRotate :: Lens' c_ao0m [Double]
{-# INLINE textInfoRotate #-}
textInfoX :: Lens' c_ao0m [Number]
{-# INLINE textInfoX #-}
textInfoY :: Lens' c_ao0m [Number]
{-# INLINE textInfoY #-}
textInfoDX = ((.) textInfo) textInfoDX
textInfoDY = ((.) textInfo) textInfoDY
textInfoLength = ((.) textInfo) textInfoLength
textInfoRotate = ((.) textInfo) textInfoRotate
textInfoX = ((.) textInfo) textInfoX
textInfoY = ((.) textInfo) textInfoY
instance HasTextInfo TextInfo where
{-# INLINE textInfoDX #-}
{-# INLINE textInfoDY #-}
{-# INLINE textInfoLength #-}
{-# INLINE textInfoRotate #-}
{-# INLINE textInfoX #-}
{-# INLINE textInfoY #-}
textInfo = id
textInfoDX f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textInfoDX = y }) (f $ _textInfoDX attr)
textInfoDY f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textInfoDY = y }) (f $ _textInfoDY attr)
textInfoLength f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textInfoLength = y }) (f $ _textInfoLength attr)
textInfoRotate f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textInfoRotate = y }) (f $ _textInfoRotate attr)
textInfoX f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textInfoX = y }) (f $ _textInfoX attr)
textInfoY f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textInfoY = y }) (f $ _textInfoY attr)
instance WithDefaultSvg TextInfo where
defaultSvg = mempty
data TextSpanContent
= SpanText !T.Text
| SpanTextRef !String
| SpanSub !TextSpan
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TextSpan = TextSpan
_spanInfo :: !TextInfo
, _spanDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _spanContent :: ![TextSpanContent]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasTextSpan c_aobD where
textSpan :: Lens' c_aobD TextSpan
spanContent :: Lens' c_aobD [TextSpanContent]
{-# INLINE spanContent #-}
spanDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aobD DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE spanDrawAttributes #-}
spanInfo :: Lens' c_aobD TextInfo
{-# INLINE spanInfo #-}
spanContent = ((.) textSpan) spanContent
spanDrawAttributes = ((.) textSpan) spanDrawAttributes
spanInfo = ((.) textSpan) spanInfo
instance HasTextSpan TextSpan where
{-# INLINE spanContent #-}
{-# INLINE spanDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE spanInfo #-}
textSpan = id
spanContent f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _spanContent = y }) (f $ _spanContent attr)
spanDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _spanDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _spanDrawAttributes attr)
spanInfo f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _spanInfo = y }) (f $ _spanInfo attr)
instance WithDefaultSvg TextSpan where
defaultSvg = TextSpan
{ _spanInfo = defaultSvg
, _spanDrawAttributes = mempty
, _spanContent = mempty
data TextPathMethod
= TextPathAlign
| TextPathStretch
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TextPathSpacing
= TextPathSpacingExact
| TextPathSpacingAuto
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TextPath = TextPath
_textPathStartOffset :: !Number
, _textPathName :: !String
, _textPathMethod :: !TextPathMethod
, _textPathSpacing :: !TextPathSpacing
, _textPathData :: ![PathCommand]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasTextPath c_aojU where
textPath :: Lens' c_aojU TextPath
textPathData :: Lens' c_aojU [PathCommand]
{-# INLINE textPathData #-}
textPathMethod :: Lens' c_aojU TextPathMethod
{-# INLINE textPathMethod #-}
textPathName :: Lens' c_aojU String
{-# INLINE textPathName #-}
textPathSpacing :: Lens' c_aojU TextPathSpacing
{-# INLINE textPathSpacing #-}
textPathStartOffset :: Lens' c_aojU Number
{-# INLINE textPathStartOffset #-}
textPathData = ((.) textPath) textPathData
textPathMethod = ((.) textPath) textPathMethod
textPathName = ((.) textPath) textPathName
textPathSpacing = ((.) textPath) textPathSpacing
textPathStartOffset = ((.) textPath) textPathStartOffset
instance HasTextPath TextPath where
{-# INLINE textPathData #-}
{-# INLINE textPathMethod #-}
{-# INLINE textPathName #-}
{-# INLINE textPathSpacing #-}
{-# INLINE textPathStartOffset #-}
textPath = id
textPathData f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textPathData = y }) (f $ _textPathData attr)
textPathMethod f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textPathMethod = y }) (f $ _textPathMethod attr)
textPathName f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textPathName = y }) (f $ _textPathName attr)
textPathSpacing f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textPathSpacing = y }) (f $ _textPathSpacing attr)
textPathStartOffset f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textPathStartOffset = y }) (f $ _textPathStartOffset attr)
instance WithDefaultSvg TextPath where
defaultSvg = TextPath
{ _textPathStartOffset = Num 0
, _textPathName = mempty
, _textPathMethod = TextPathAlign
, _textPathSpacing = TextPathSpacingExact
, _textPathData = []
data TextAdjust
= TextAdjustSpacing
| TextAdjustSpacingAndGlyphs
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Text = Text
_textAdjust :: !TextAdjust
, _textRoot :: !TextSpan
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasText c_aorD where
text :: Lens' c_aorD Text
textAdjust :: Lens' c_aorD TextAdjust
{-# INLINE textAdjust #-}
textRoot :: Lens' c_aorD TextSpan
{-# INLINE textRoot #-}
textAdjust = ((.) text) textAdjust
textRoot = ((.) text) textRoot
instance HasText Text where
{-# INLINE textAdjust #-}
{-# INLINE textRoot #-}
text = id
textAdjust f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textAdjust = y }) (f $ _textAdjust attr)
textRoot f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textRoot = y }) (f $ _textRoot attr)
textAt :: Point -> T.Text -> Text
textAt (x, y) txt = Text TextAdjustSpacing tspan where
tspan = defaultSvg
{ _spanContent = [SpanText txt]
, _spanInfo = defaultSvg
{ _textInfoX = [x]
, _textInfoY = [y]
instance WithDrawAttributes Text where
drawAttr = textRoot . spanDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Text where
defaultSvg = Text
{ _textRoot = defaultSvg
, _textAdjust = TextAdjustSpacing
data Tree
= None
| UseTree { useInformation :: !Use
, useSubTree :: !(Maybe Tree) }
| GroupTree !(Group Tree)
| SymbolTree !(Symbol Tree)
| DefinitionTree !(Definitions Tree)
| PathTree !Path
| CircleTree !Circle
| PolyLineTree !PolyLine
| PolygonTree !Polygon
| EllipseTree !Ellipse
| LineTree !Line
| RectangleTree !Rectangle
| TextTree !(Maybe TextPath) !Text
| ImageTree !Image
| LinearGradientTree !LinearGradient
| RadialGradientTree !RadialGradient
| MeshGradientTree !MeshGradient
| PatternTree !Pattern
| MarkerTree !Marker
| MaskTree !Mask
| ClipPathTree !ClipPath
deriving (Eq, Show)
data MarkerOrientation
= OrientationAuto
| OrientationAngle Coord
deriving (Eq, Show)
data MarkerUnit
= MarkerUnitStrokeWidth
| MarkerUnitUserSpaceOnUse
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Overflow
= OverflowVisible
| OverflowHidden
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Marker = Marker
_markerDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
, _markerRefPoint :: !(Number, Number)
, _markerWidth :: !(Maybe Number)
, _markerHeight :: !(Maybe Number)
, _markerOrient :: !(Maybe MarkerOrientation)
, _markerUnits :: !(Maybe MarkerUnit)
, _markerViewBox :: !(Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
, _markerOverflow :: !(Maybe Overflow)
, _markerAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
, _markerElements :: [Tree]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasMarker c_aoKc where
marker :: Lens' c_aoKc Marker
markerAspectRatio :: Lens' c_aoKc PreserveAspectRatio
{-# INLINE markerAspectRatio #-}
markerDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aoKc DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE markerDrawAttributes #-}
markerElements :: Lens' c_aoKc [Tree]
{-# INLINE markerElements #-}
markerHeight :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE markerHeight #-}
markerOrient :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe MarkerOrientation)
{-# INLINE markerOrient #-}
markerOverflow :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Overflow)
{-# INLINE markerOverflow #-}
markerRefPoint :: Lens' c_aoKc (Number, Number)
{-# INLINE markerRefPoint #-}
markerUnits :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe MarkerUnit)
{-# INLINE markerUnits #-}
markerViewBox ::
Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
{-# INLINE markerViewBox #-}
markerWidth :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE markerWidth #-}
markerAspectRatio = ((.) marker) markerAspectRatio
markerDrawAttributes = ((.) marker) markerDrawAttributes
markerElements = ((.) marker) markerElements
markerHeight = ((.) marker) markerHeight
markerOrient = ((.) marker) markerOrient
markerOverflow = ((.) marker) markerOverflow
markerRefPoint = ((.) marker) markerRefPoint
markerUnits = ((.) marker) markerUnits
markerViewBox = ((.) marker) markerViewBox
markerWidth = ((.) marker) markerWidth
instance HasMarker Marker where
{-# INLINE markerAspectRatio #-}
{-# INLINE markerDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE markerElements #-}
{-# INLINE markerHeight #-}
{-# INLINE markerOrient #-}
{-# INLINE markerOverflow #-}
{-# INLINE markerRefPoint #-}
{-# INLINE markerUnits #-}
{-# INLINE markerViewBox #-}
{-# INLINE markerWidth #-}
marker = id
markerAspectRatio f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerAspectRatio = y }) (f $ _markerAspectRatio attr)
markerDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _markerDrawAttributes attr)
markerElements f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerElements = y }) (f $ _markerElements attr)
markerHeight f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerHeight = y }) (f $ _markerHeight attr)
markerOrient f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerOrient = y }) (f $ _markerOrient attr)
markerOverflow f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerOverflow = y }) (f $ _markerOverflow attr)
markerRefPoint f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerRefPoint = y }) (f $ _markerRefPoint attr)
markerUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerUnits = y }) (f $ _markerUnits attr)
markerViewBox f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerViewBox = y }) (f $ _markerViewBox attr)
markerWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerWidth = y }) (f $ _markerWidth attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Marker where
drawAttr = markerDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Marker where
defaultSvg = Marker
{ _markerDrawAttributes = mempty
, _markerRefPoint = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _markerWidth = Just (Num 3)
, _markerHeight = Just (Num 3)
, _markerOrient = Nothing
, _markerUnits = Nothing
, _markerViewBox = Nothing
, _markerOverflow = Nothing
, _markerElements = mempty
, _markerAspectRatio = defaultSvg
appNode :: [[a]] -> a -> [[a]]
appNode [] e = [[e]]
appNode (curr:above) e = (e:curr) : above
zipTree :: ([[Tree]] -> Tree) -> Tree -> Tree
zipTree f = dig [] where
dig prev e@None = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(UseTree _ Nothing) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(UseTree nfo (Just u)) =
f . appNode prev . UseTree nfo . Just $ dig ([] : appNode prev e) u
dig prev e@(GroupTree g) =
f . appNode prev . GroupTree $ zipGroup (appNode prev e) g
dig prev e@(SymbolTree g) =
f . appNode prev . SymbolTree . Symbol .
zipGroup (appNode prev e) $ _groupOfSymbol g
dig prev e@(PathTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(CircleTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(PolyLineTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(PolygonTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(EllipseTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(LineTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(RectangleTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(TextTree _ _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(ImageTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(MeshGradientTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(DefinitionTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(LinearGradientTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(RadialGradientTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(PatternTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(MarkerTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(MaskTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
dig prev e@(ClipPathTree _) = f $ appNode prev e
zipGroup prev g = g { _groupChildren = updatedChildren }
groupChild = _groupChildren g
updatedChildren =
[dig (c:prev) child
| (child, c) <- zip groupChild $ inits groupChild]
foldTree :: (a -> Tree -> a) -> a -> Tree -> a
foldTree f = go where
go acc e = case e of
None -> f acc e
UseTree _ _ -> f acc e
PathTree _ -> f acc e
CircleTree _ -> f acc e
PolyLineTree _ -> f acc e
PolygonTree _ -> f acc e
EllipseTree _ -> f acc e
LineTree _ -> f acc e
RectangleTree _ -> f acc e
TextTree _ _ -> f acc e
ImageTree _ -> f acc e
LinearGradientTree _ -> f acc e
RadialGradientTree _ -> f acc e
MeshGradientTree _ -> f acc e
PatternTree _ -> f acc e
MarkerTree _ -> f acc e
MaskTree _ -> f acc e
ClipPathTree _ -> f acc e
DefinitionTree d ->
let subAcc =
F.foldl' go acc . _groupChildren $ _groupOfDefinitions d in
f subAcc e
GroupTree g ->
let subAcc = F.foldl' go acc $ _groupChildren g in
f subAcc e
SymbolTree s ->
let subAcc =
F.foldl' go acc . _groupChildren $ _groupOfSymbol s in
f subAcc e
mapTree :: (Tree -> Tree) -> Tree -> Tree
mapTree f = go where
go e@None = f e
go e@(UseTree _ _) = f e
go (GroupTree g) = f . GroupTree $ mapGroup g
go (SymbolTree g) =
f . SymbolTree . Symbol . mapGroup $ _groupOfSymbol g
go (DefinitionTree defs) =
f . DefinitionTree . Definitions . mapGroup $ _groupOfDefinitions defs
go e@(PathTree _) = f e
go e@(CircleTree _) = f e
go e@(PolyLineTree _) = f e
go e@(PolygonTree _) = f e
go e@(EllipseTree _) = f e
go e@(LineTree _) = f e
go e@(RectangleTree _) = f e
go e@(TextTree _ _) = f e
go e@(ImageTree _) = f e
go e@(LinearGradientTree _) = f e
go e@(RadialGradientTree _) = f e
go e@(MeshGradientTree _) = f e
go e@(PatternTree _) = f e
go e@(MarkerTree _) = f e
go e@(MaskTree _) = f e
go e@(ClipPathTree _) = f e
mapGroup g =
g { _groupChildren = map go $ _groupChildren g }
nameOfTree :: Tree -> T.Text
nameOfTree v =
case v of
None -> ""
UseTree _ _ -> "use"
GroupTree _ -> "g"
SymbolTree _ -> "symbol"
DefinitionTree _ -> "defs"
PathTree _ -> "path"
CircleTree _ -> "circle"
PolyLineTree _ -> "polyline"
PolygonTree _ -> "polygon"
EllipseTree _ -> "ellipse"
LineTree _ -> "line"
RectangleTree _ -> "rectangle"
TextTree _ _ -> "text"
ImageTree _ -> "image"
LinearGradientTree _ -> "lineargradient"
RadialGradientTree _ -> "radialgradient"
MeshGradientTree _ -> "meshgradient"
PatternTree _ -> "pattern"
MarkerTree _ -> "marker"
MaskTree _ -> "mask"
ClipPathTree _ -> "clipPath"
drawAttrOfTree :: Tree -> DrawAttributes
drawAttrOfTree v = case v of
None -> mempty
UseTree e _ -> e ^. drawAttr
GroupTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
SymbolTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
DefinitionTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
PathTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
CircleTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
PolyLineTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
PolygonTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
EllipseTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
LineTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
RectangleTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
TextTree _ e -> e ^. drawAttr
ImageTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
LinearGradientTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
RadialGradientTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
MeshGradientTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
PatternTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
MarkerTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
MaskTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
ClipPathTree e -> e ^. drawAttr
setDrawAttrOfTree :: Tree -> DrawAttributes -> Tree
setDrawAttrOfTree v attr = case v of
None -> None
UseTree e m -> UseTree (e & drawAttr .~ attr) m
GroupTree e -> GroupTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
SymbolTree e -> SymbolTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
DefinitionTree e -> DefinitionTree e
PathTree e -> PathTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
CircleTree e -> CircleTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
PolyLineTree e -> PolyLineTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
PolygonTree e -> PolygonTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
EllipseTree e -> EllipseTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
LineTree e -> LineTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
RectangleTree e -> RectangleTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
TextTree a e -> TextTree a $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
ImageTree e -> ImageTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
LinearGradientTree e -> LinearGradientTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
RadialGradientTree e -> RadialGradientTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
MeshGradientTree e -> MeshGradientTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
PatternTree e -> PatternTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
MarkerTree e -> MarkerTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
MaskTree e -> MaskTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
ClipPathTree e -> ClipPathTree $ e & drawAttr .~ attr
instance WithDrawAttributes Tree where
drawAttr = lens drawAttrOfTree setDrawAttrOfTree
instance WithDefaultSvg Tree where
defaultSvg = None
data Spread
= SpreadRepeat
| SpreadPad
| SpreadReflect
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LinearGradient = LinearGradient
_linearGradientDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
, _linearGradientUnits :: CoordinateUnits
, _linearGradientStart :: Point
, _linearGradientStop :: Point
, _linearGradientSpread :: Spread
, _linearGradientTransform :: [Transformation]
, _linearGradientStops :: [GradientStop]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasLinearGradient c_apmJ where
linearGradient :: Lens' c_apmJ LinearGradient
linearGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apmJ DrawAttributes
linearGradientSpread :: Lens' c_apmJ Spread
{-# INLINE linearGradientSpread #-}
linearGradientStart :: Lens' c_apmJ Point
{-# INLINE linearGradientStart #-}
linearGradientStop :: Lens' c_apmJ Point
{-# INLINE linearGradientStop #-}
linearGradientStops :: Lens' c_apmJ [GradientStop]
{-# INLINE linearGradientStops #-}
linearGradientTransform :: Lens' c_apmJ [Transformation]
{-# INLINE linearGradientTransform #-}
linearGradientUnits :: Lens' c_apmJ CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE linearGradientUnits #-}
linearGradientDrawAttributes = ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientDrawAttributes
linearGradientSpread = ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientSpread
linearGradientStart = ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientStart
linearGradientStop = ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientStop
linearGradientStops = ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientStops
= ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientTransform
linearGradientUnits = ((.) linearGradient) linearGradientUnits
instance HasLinearGradient LinearGradient where
{-# INLINE linearGradientSpread #-}
{-# INLINE linearGradientStart #-}
{-# INLINE linearGradientStop #-}
{-# INLINE linearGradientStops #-}
{-# INLINE linearGradientTransform #-}
{-# INLINE linearGradientUnits #-}
linearGradient = id
linearGradientSpread f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _linearGradientSpread = y }) (f $ _linearGradientSpread attr)
linearGradientStart f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _linearGradientStart = y }) (f $ _linearGradientStart attr)
linearGradientStop f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _linearGradientStop = y }) (f $ _linearGradientStop attr)
linearGradientStops f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _linearGradientStops = y }) (f $ _linearGradientStops attr)
linearGradientTransform f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _linearGradientTransform = y }) (f $ _linearGradientTransform attr)
linearGradientUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _linearGradientUnits = y }) (f $ _linearGradientUnits attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes LinearGradient where
drawAttr = linearGradientDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg LinearGradient where
defaultSvg = LinearGradient
{ _linearGradientDrawAttributes = mempty
, _linearGradientUnits = CoordBoundingBox
, _linearGradientStart = (Percent 0, Percent 0)
, _linearGradientStop = (Percent 1, Percent 0)
, _linearGradientSpread = SpreadPad
, _linearGradientTransform = []
, _linearGradientStops = []
data RadialGradient = RadialGradient
_radialGradientDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
, _radialGradientUnits :: CoordinateUnits
, _radialGradientCenter :: Point
, _radialGradientRadius :: Number
, _radialGradientFocusX :: Maybe Number
, _radialGradientFocusY :: Maybe Number
, _radialGradientSpread :: Spread
, _radialGradientTransform :: [Transformation]
, _radialGradientStops :: [GradientStop]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasRadialGradient c_apwt where
radialGradient :: Lens' c_apwt RadialGradient
radialGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apwt DrawAttributes
radialGradientCenter :: Lens' c_apwt Point
{-# INLINE radialGradientCenter #-}
radialGradientFocusX :: Lens' c_apwt (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE radialGradientFocusX #-}
radialGradientFocusY :: Lens' c_apwt (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE radialGradientFocusY #-}
radialGradientRadius :: Lens' c_apwt Number
{-# INLINE radialGradientRadius #-}
radialGradientSpread :: Lens' c_apwt Spread
{-# INLINE radialGradientSpread #-}
radialGradientStops :: Lens' c_apwt [GradientStop]
{-# INLINE radialGradientStops #-}
radialGradientTransform :: Lens' c_apwt [Transformation]
{-# INLINE radialGradientTransform #-}
radialGradientUnits :: Lens' c_apwt CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE radialGradientUnits #-}
radialGradientDrawAttributes = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientDrawAttributes
radialGradientCenter = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientCenter
radialGradientFocusX = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientFocusX
radialGradientFocusY = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientFocusY
radialGradientRadius = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientRadius
radialGradientSpread = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientSpread
radialGradientStops = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientStops
= ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientTransform
radialGradientUnits = ((.) radialGradient) radialGradientUnits
instance HasRadialGradient RadialGradient where
{-# INLINE radialGradientCenter #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientFocusX #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientFocusY #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientRadius #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientSpread #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientStops #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientTransform #-}
{-# INLINE radialGradientUnits #-}
radialGradient = id
radialGradientCenter f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientCenter = y }) (f $ _radialGradientCenter attr)
radialGradientFocusX f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientFocusX = y }) (f $ _radialGradientFocusX attr)
radialGradientFocusY f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientFocusY = y }) (f $ _radialGradientFocusY attr)
radialGradientRadius f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientRadius = y }) (f $ _radialGradientRadius attr)
radialGradientSpread f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientSpread = y }) (f $ _radialGradientSpread attr)
radialGradientStops f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientStops = y }) (f $ _radialGradientStops attr)
radialGradientTransform f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientTransform = y }) (f $ _radialGradientTransform attr)
radialGradientUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _radialGradientUnits = y }) (f $ _radialGradientUnits attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes RadialGradient where
drawAttr = radialGradientDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg RadialGradient where
defaultSvg = RadialGradient
{ _radialGradientDrawAttributes = mempty
, _radialGradientUnits = CoordBoundingBox
, _radialGradientCenter = (Percent 0.5, Percent 0.5)
, _radialGradientRadius = Percent 0.5
, _radialGradientFocusX = Nothing
, _radialGradientFocusY = Nothing
, _radialGradientSpread = SpreadPad
, _radialGradientTransform = []
, _radialGradientStops = []
data Mask = Mask
_maskDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
, _maskContentUnits :: CoordinateUnits
, _maskUnits :: CoordinateUnits
, _maskPosition :: Point
, _maskWidth :: Number
, _maskHeight :: Number
, _maskContent :: [Tree]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasMask c_apHI where
mask :: Lens' c_apHI Mask
maskContent :: Lens' c_apHI [Tree]
{-# INLINE maskContent #-}
maskContentUnits :: Lens' c_apHI CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE maskContentUnits #-}
maskDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apHI DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE maskDrawAttributes #-}
maskHeight :: Lens' c_apHI Number
{-# INLINE maskHeight #-}
maskPosition :: Lens' c_apHI Point
{-# INLINE maskPosition #-}
maskUnits :: Lens' c_apHI CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE maskUnits #-}
maskWidth :: Lens' c_apHI Number
{-# INLINE maskWidth #-}
maskContent = ((.) mask) maskContent
maskContentUnits = ((.) mask) maskContentUnits
maskDrawAttributes = ((.) mask) maskDrawAttributes
maskHeight = ((.) mask) maskHeight
maskPosition = ((.) mask) maskPosition
maskUnits = ((.) mask) maskUnits
maskWidth = ((.) mask) maskWidth
instance HasMask Mask where
{-# INLINE maskContent #-}
{-# INLINE maskContentUnits #-}
{-# INLINE maskDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE maskHeight #-}
{-# INLINE maskPosition #-}
{-# INLINE maskUnits #-}
{-# INLINE maskWidth #-}
mask = id
maskContent f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskContent = y }) (f $ _maskContent attr)
maskContentUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskContentUnits = y }) (f $ _maskContentUnits attr)
maskDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _maskDrawAttributes attr)
maskHeight f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskHeight = y }) (f $ _maskHeight attr)
maskPosition f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskPosition = y }) (f $ _maskPosition attr)
maskUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskUnits = y }) (f $ _maskUnits attr)
maskWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskWidth = y }) (f $ _maskWidth attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Mask where
drawAttr = maskDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Mask where
defaultSvg = Mask
{ _maskDrawAttributes = mempty
, _maskContentUnits = CoordUserSpace
, _maskUnits = CoordBoundingBox
, _maskPosition = (Percent (-0.1), Percent (-0.1))
, _maskWidth = Percent 1.2
, _maskHeight = Percent 1.2
, _maskContent = []
data ClipPath = ClipPath
{ _clipPathDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
, _clipPathUnits :: CoordinateUnits
, _clipPathContent :: [Tree]
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasClipPath c_apZq where
clipPath :: Lens' c_apZq ClipPath
clipPathContent :: Lens' c_apZq [Tree]
{-# INLINE clipPathContent #-}
clipPathDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apZq DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE clipPathDrawAttributes #-}
clipPathUnits :: Lens' c_apZq CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE clipPathUnits #-}
clipPathContent = ((.) clipPath) clipPathContent
clipPathDrawAttributes = ((.) clipPath) clipPathDrawAttributes
clipPathUnits = ((.) clipPath) clipPathUnits
instance HasClipPath ClipPath where
{-# INLINE clipPathContent #-}
{-# INLINE clipPathDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE clipPathUnits #-}
clipPath = id
clipPathContent f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _clipPathContent = y }) (f $ _clipPathContent attr)
clipPathDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _clipPathDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _clipPathDrawAttributes attr)
clipPathUnits f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _clipPathUnits = y }) (f $ _clipPathUnits attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes ClipPath where
drawAttr = clipPathDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg ClipPath where
defaultSvg = ClipPath
{ _clipPathDrawAttributes = mempty
, _clipPathUnits = CoordUserSpace
, _clipPathContent = mempty
data Pattern = Pattern
_patternDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
, _patternViewBox :: !(Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
, _patternWidth :: !Number
, _patternHeight :: !Number
, _patternPos :: !Point
, _patternHref :: !String
, _patternElements :: ![Tree]
, _patternUnit :: !CoordinateUnits
, _patternAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
, _patternTransform :: !(Maybe [Transformation])
deriving (Eq, Show)
class HasPattern c_aq6G where
pattern :: Lens' c_aq6G Pattern
patternAspectRatio :: Lens' c_aq6G PreserveAspectRatio
{-# INLINE patternAspectRatio #-}
patternDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aq6G DrawAttributes
{-# INLINE patternDrawAttributes #-}
patternElements :: Lens' c_aq6G [Tree]
{-# INLINE patternElements #-}
patternHeight :: Lens' c_aq6G Number
{-# INLINE patternHeight #-}
patternHref :: Lens' c_aq6G String
{-# INLINE patternHref #-}
patternPos :: Lens' c_aq6G Point
{-# INLINE patternPos #-}
patternTransform :: Lens' c_aq6G (Maybe [Transformation])
{-# INLINE patternTransform #-}
patternUnit :: Lens' c_aq6G CoordinateUnits
{-# INLINE patternUnit #-}
patternViewBox ::
Lens' c_aq6G (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
{-# INLINE patternViewBox #-}
patternWidth :: Lens' c_aq6G Number
{-# INLINE patternWidth #-}
patternAspectRatio = ((.) pattern) patternAspectRatio
patternDrawAttributes = ((.) pattern) patternDrawAttributes
patternElements = ((.) pattern) patternElements
patternHeight = ((.) pattern) patternHeight
patternHref = ((.) pattern) patternHref
patternPos = ((.) pattern) patternPos
patternTransform = ((.) pattern) patternTransform
patternUnit = ((.) pattern) patternUnit
patternViewBox = ((.) pattern) patternViewBox
patternWidth = ((.) pattern) patternWidth
instance HasPattern Pattern where
{-# INLINE patternAspectRatio #-}
{-# INLINE patternDrawAttributes #-}
{-# INLINE patternElements #-}
{-# INLINE patternHeight #-}
{-# INLINE patternHref #-}
{-# INLINE patternPos #-}
{-# INLINE patternTransform #-}
{-# INLINE patternUnit #-}
{-# INLINE patternViewBox #-}
{-# INLINE patternWidth #-}
pattern = id
patternAspectRatio f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternAspectRatio = y }) (f $ _patternAspectRatio attr)
patternDrawAttributes f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternDrawAttributes = y }) (f $ _patternDrawAttributes attr)
patternElements f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternElements = y }) (f $ _patternElements attr)
patternHeight f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternHeight = y }) (f $ _patternHeight attr)
patternHref f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternHref = y }) (f $ _patternHref attr)
patternPos f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternPos = y }) (f $ _patternPos attr)
patternTransform f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternTransform = y }) (f $ _patternTransform attr)
patternUnit f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternUnit = y }) (f $ _patternUnit attr)
patternViewBox f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternViewBox = y }) (f $ _patternViewBox attr)
patternWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _patternWidth = y }) (f $ _patternWidth attr)
instance WithDrawAttributes Pattern where
drawAttr = patternDrawAttributes
instance WithDefaultSvg Pattern where
defaultSvg = Pattern
{ _patternViewBox = Nothing
, _patternWidth = Num 0
, _patternHeight = Num 0
, _patternPos = (Num 0, Num 0)
, _patternElements = []
, _patternUnit = CoordBoundingBox
, _patternDrawAttributes = mempty
, _patternAspectRatio = defaultSvg
, _patternHref = ""
, _patternTransform = mempty
data Element
= ElementLinearGradient LinearGradient
| ElementRadialGradient RadialGradient
| ElementMeshGradient MeshGradient
| ElementGeometry Tree
| ElementPattern Pattern
| ElementMarker Marker
| ElementMask Mask
| ElementClipPath ClipPath
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Document = Document
{ _viewBox :: Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)
, _width :: Maybe Number
, _height :: Maybe Number
, _elements :: [Tree]
, _definitions :: M.Map String Tree
, _description :: String
, _styleRules :: [CssRule]
, _documentLocation :: FilePath
deriving Show
class HasDocument c_aqpq where
document :: Lens' c_aqpq Document
definitions :: Lens' c_aqpq (M.Map String Tree)
{-# INLINE definitions #-}
definitions = document . definitions
description :: Lens' c_aqpq String
{-# INLINE description #-}
description = document . description
documentLocation :: Lens' c_aqpq FilePath
{-# INLINE documentLocation #-}
documentLocation = document . documentLocation
elements :: Lens' c_aqpq [Tree]
{-# INLINE elements #-}
elements = document . elements
height :: Lens' c_aqpq (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE height #-}
height = document . height
styleRules :: Lens' c_aqpq [CssRule]
{-# INLINE styleRules #-}
styleRules = document . styleRules
viewBox :: Lens' c_aqpq (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
{-# INLINE viewBox #-}
viewBox = document . viewBox
width :: Lens' c_aqpq (Maybe Number)
{-# INLINE width #-}
width = document . width
instance HasDocument Document where
document = id
{-# INLINE definitions #-}
definitions f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _definitions = y }) (f $ _definitions attr)
{-# INLINE description #-}
description f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _description = y }) (f $ _description attr)
{-# INLINE documentLocation #-}
documentLocation f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _documentLocation = y }) (f $ _documentLocation attr)
{-# INLINE elements #-}
elements f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _elements = y }) (f $ _elements attr)
{-# INLINE height #-}
height f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _height = y }) (f $ _height attr)
{-# INLINE styleRules #-}
styleRules f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _styleRules = y }) (f $ _styleRules attr)
{-# INLINE viewBox #-}
viewBox f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _viewBox = y }) (f $ _viewBox attr)
{-# INLINE width #-}
width f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _width = y }) (f $ _width attr)
documentSize :: Dpi -> Document -> (Int, Int)
documentSize _ Document { _viewBox = Just (x1, y1, x2, y2)
, _width = Just (Percent pw)
, _height = Just (Percent ph)
} =
(floor $ dx * pw, floor $ dy * ph)
dx = abs $ x2 - x1
dy = abs $ y2 - y1
documentSize _ Document { _width = Just (Num w)
, _height = Just (Num h) } = (floor w, floor h)
documentSize dpi doc@(Document { _width = Just w
, _height = Just h }) =
documentSize dpi $ doc
{ _width = Just $ toUserUnit dpi w
, _height = Just $ toUserUnit dpi h }
documentSize _ Document { _viewBox = Just (x1, y1, x2, y2) } =
(floor . abs $ x2 - x1, floor . abs $ y2 - y1)
documentSize _ _ = (1, 1)
mayMerge :: Monoid a => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
mayMerge (Just a) (Just b) = Just $ mappend a b
mayMerge _ b@(Just _) = b
mayMerge a Nothing = a
instance Semigroup DrawAttributes where
(<>) a b = DrawAttributes
{ _strokeWidth = (mappend `on` _strokeWidth) a b
, _strokeColor = (mappend `on` _strokeColor) a b
, _strokeLineCap = (mappend `on` _strokeLineCap) a b
, _strokeOpacity = (opacityMappend `on` _strokeOpacity) a b
, _strokeLineJoin = (mappend `on` _strokeLineJoin) a b
, _strokeMiterLimit = (mappend `on` _strokeMiterLimit) a b
, _fillColor = (mappend `on` _fillColor) a b
, _fillOpacity = (opacityMappend `on` _fillOpacity) a b
, _fontSize = (mappend `on` _fontSize) a b
, _transform = (mayMerge `on` _transform) a b
, _fillRule = (mappend `on` _fillRule) a b
, _attrClass = _attrClass b
, _attrId = _attrId b
, _groupOpacity = _groupOpacity b
, _strokeOffset = (mappend `on` _strokeOffset) a b
, _strokeDashArray = (mappend `on` _strokeDashArray) a b
, _fontFamily = (mappend `on` _fontFamily) a b
, _fontStyle = (mappend `on` _fontStyle) a b
, _textAnchor = (mappend `on` _textAnchor) a b
, _maskRef = (mappend `on` _maskRef) a b
, _clipPathRef = (mappend `on` _clipPathRef) a b
, _clipRule = (mappend `on` _clipRule) a b
, _markerStart = (mappend `on` _markerStart) a b
, _markerMid = (mappend `on` _markerMid) a b
, _markerEnd = (mappend `on` _markerEnd) a b
opacityMappend Nothing Nothing = Nothing
opacityMappend (Just v) Nothing = Just v
opacityMappend Nothing (Just v) = Just v
opacityMappend (Just v) (Just v2) = Just $ v * v2
instance Monoid DrawAttributes where
mappend = (<>)
mempty = DrawAttributes
{ _strokeWidth = Last Nothing
, _strokeColor = Last Nothing
, _strokeOpacity = Nothing
, _strokeLineCap = Last Nothing
, _strokeLineJoin = Last Nothing
, _strokeMiterLimit = Last Nothing
, _fillColor = Last Nothing
, _groupOpacity = Nothing
, _fillOpacity = Nothing
, _fontSize = Last Nothing
, _fontFamily = Last Nothing
, _fontStyle = Last Nothing
, _transform = Nothing
, _fillRule = Last Nothing
, _attrClass = mempty
, _attrId = Nothing
, _strokeOffset = Last Nothing
, _strokeDashArray = Last Nothing
, _textAnchor = Last Nothing
, _maskRef = Last Nothing
, _clipPathRef = Last Nothing
, _clipRule = Last Nothing
, _markerStart = Last Nothing
, _markerMid = Last Nothing
, _markerEnd = Last Nothing
instance WithDefaultSvg DrawAttributes where
defaultSvg = mempty
instance CssMatcheable Tree where
cssAttribOf _ _ = Nothing
cssClassOf = view (drawAttr . attrClass)
cssIdOf = fmap T.pack . view (drawAttr . attrId)
cssNameOf = nameOfTree
class HasPreserveAspectRatio a where
preserveAspectRatio :: Lens' a PreserveAspectRatio
aspectRatioAlign :: Lens' a Alignment
{-# INLINE aspectRatioAlign #-}
aspectRatioAlign = preserveAspectRatio . aspectRatioAlign
aspectRatioDefer :: Lens' a Bool
{-# INLINE aspectRatioDefer #-}
aspectRatioDefer = preserveAspectRatio . aspectRatioDefer
aspectRatioMeetSlice :: Lens' a (Maybe MeetSlice)
{-# INLINE aspectRatioMeetSlice #-}
aspectRatioMeetSlice = preserveAspectRatio . aspectRatioMeetSlice
instance HasPreserveAspectRatio PreserveAspectRatio where
preserveAspectRatio = id
{-# INLINE aspectRatioAlign #-}
aspectRatioAlign f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _aspectRatioAlign = y }) (f $ _aspectRatioAlign attr)
{-# INLINE aspectRatioDefer #-}
aspectRatioDefer f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _aspectRatioDefer = y }) (f $ _aspectRatioDefer attr)
{-# INLINE aspectRatioMeetSlice #-}
aspectRatioMeetSlice f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _aspectRatioMeetSlice = y }) (f $ _aspectRatioMeetSlice attr)
class HasDrawAttributes a where
drawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
attrClass :: Lens' a [T.Text]
{-# INLINE attrClass #-}
attrClass = drawAttributes . attrClass
attrId :: Lens' a (Maybe String)
{-# INLINE attrId #-}
attrId = drawAttributes . attrId
clipPathRef :: Lens' a (Last ElementRef)
{-# INLINE clipPathRef #-}
clipPathRef = drawAttributes . clipPathRef
clipRule :: Lens' a (Last FillRule)
{-# INLINE clipRule #-}
clipRule = drawAttributes . clipRule
fillColor :: Lens' a (Last Texture)
{-# INLINE fillColor #-}
fillColor = drawAttributes . fillColor
fillOpacity :: Lens' a (Maybe Float)
{-# INLINE fillOpacity #-}
fillOpacity = drawAttributes . fillOpacity
fillRule :: Lens' a (Last FillRule)
{-# INLINE fillRule #-}
fillRule = drawAttributes . fillRule
fontFamily :: Lens' a (Last [String])
{-# INLINE fontFamily #-}
fontFamily = drawAttributes . fontFamily
fontSize :: Lens' a (Last Number)
{-# INLINE fontSize #-}
fontSize = drawAttributes . fontSize
fontStyle :: Lens' a (Last FontStyle)
{-# INLINE fontStyle #-}
fontStyle = drawAttributes . fontStyle
groupOpacity :: Lens' a (Maybe Float)
{-# INLINE groupOpacity #-}
groupOpacity = drawAttributes . groupOpacity
markerEnd :: Lens' a (Last ElementRef)
{-# INLINE markerEnd #-}
markerEnd = drawAttributes . markerEnd
markerMid :: Lens' a (Last ElementRef)
{-# INLINE markerMid #-}
markerMid = drawAttributes . markerMid
markerStart :: Lens' a (Last ElementRef)
{-# INLINE markerStart #-}
markerStart = drawAttributes . markerStart
maskRef :: Lens' a (Last ElementRef)
{-# INLINE maskRef #-}
maskRef = drawAttributes . maskRef
strokeColor :: Lens' a (Last Texture)
{-# INLINE strokeColor #-}
strokeColor = drawAttributes . strokeColor
strokeDashArray :: Lens' a (Last [Number])
{-# INLINE strokeDashArray #-}
strokeDashArray = drawAttributes . strokeDashArray
strokeLineCap :: Lens' a (Last Cap)
{-# INLINE strokeLineCap #-}
strokeLineCap = drawAttributes . strokeLineCap
strokeLineJoin :: Lens' a (Last LineJoin)
{-# INLINE strokeLineJoin #-}
strokeLineJoin = drawAttributes . strokeLineJoin
strokeMiterLimit :: Lens' a (Last Double)
{-# INLINE strokeMiterLimit #-}
strokeMiterLimit = drawAttributes . strokeMiterLimit
strokeOffset :: Lens' a (Last Number)
{-# INLINE strokeOffset #-}
strokeOffset = drawAttributes . strokeOffset
strokeOpacity :: Lens' a (Maybe Float)
{-# INLINE strokeOpacity #-}
strokeOpacity = drawAttributes . strokeOpacity
strokeWidth :: Lens' a (Last Number)
{-# INLINE strokeWidth #-}
strokeWidth = drawAttributes . strokeWidth
textAnchor :: Lens' a (Last TextAnchor)
{-# INLINE textAnchor #-}
textAnchor = drawAttributes . textAnchor
transform :: Lens' a (Maybe [Transformation])
{-# INLINE transform #-}
transform = drawAttributes . transform
instance HasDrawAttributes DrawAttributes where
{-# INLINE attrId #-}
{-# INLINE clipPathRef #-}
{-# INLINE clipRule #-}
{-# INLINE fillColor #-}
{-# INLINE fillOpacity #-}
{-# INLINE fillRule #-}
{-# INLINE fontFamily #-}
{-# INLINE fontSize #-}
{-# INLINE fontStyle #-}
{-# INLINE groupOpacity #-}
{-# INLINE markerEnd #-}
{-# INLINE markerMid #-}
{-# INLINE markerStart #-}
{-# INLINE maskRef #-}
{-# INLINE strokeColor #-}
{-# INLINE strokeDashArray #-}
{-# INLINE strokeLineCap #-}
{-# INLINE strokeLineJoin #-}
{-# INLINE strokeMiterLimit #-}
{-# INLINE strokeOffset #-}
{-# INLINE strokeOpacity #-}
{-# INLINE strokeWidth #-}
{-# INLINE textAnchor #-}
{-# INLINE transform #-}
drawAttributes = id
{-# INLINE attrClass #-}
attrClass f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _attrClass = y }) (f (_attrClass attr))
attrId f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _attrId = y }) (f $ _attrId attr)
clipPathRef f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _clipPathRef = y }) (f $ _clipPathRef attr)
clipRule f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _clipRule = y }) (f $ _clipRule attr)
fillColor f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _fillColor = y }) (f $ _fillColor attr)
fillOpacity f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _fillOpacity = y }) (f $ _fillOpacity attr)
fillRule f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _fillRule = y }) (f $ _fillRule attr)
fontFamily f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _fontFamily = y }) (f $ _fontFamily attr)
fontSize f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _fontSize = y }) (f $ _fontSize attr)
fontStyle f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _fontStyle = y }) (f $ _fontStyle attr)
groupOpacity f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _groupOpacity = y }) (f $ _groupOpacity attr)
markerEnd f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerEnd = y }) (f $ _markerEnd attr)
markerMid f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerMid = y }) (f $ _markerMid attr)
markerStart f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _markerStart = y }) (f $ _markerStart attr)
maskRef f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _maskRef = y }) (f $ _maskRef attr)
strokeColor f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeColor = y }) (f $ _strokeColor attr)
strokeDashArray f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeDashArray = y }) (f $ _strokeDashArray attr)
strokeLineCap f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeLineCap = y }) (f $ _strokeLineCap attr)
strokeLineJoin f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeLineJoin = y }) (f $ _strokeLineJoin attr)
strokeMiterLimit f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeMiterLimit = y }) (f $ _strokeMiterLimit attr)
strokeOffset f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeOffset = y }) (f $ _strokeOffset attr)
strokeOpacity f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeOpacity = y }) (f $ _strokeOpacity attr)
strokeWidth f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _strokeWidth = y }) (f $ _strokeWidth attr)
textAnchor f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _textAnchor = y }) (f $ _textAnchor attr)
transform f attr =
fmap (\y -> attr { _transform = y }) (f $ _transform attr)