Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module define all the types used in the definition of a svg scene.
Most of the types are lensified.
- type Coord = Double
- data Origin
- type Point = (Number, Number)
- type RPoint = V2 Coord
- data PathCommand
- = MoveTo !Origin ![RPoint]
- | LineTo !Origin ![RPoint]
- | HorizontalTo !Origin ![Coord]
- | VerticalTo !Origin ![Coord]
- | CurveTo !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint, RPoint)]
- | SmoothCurveTo !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint)]
- | QuadraticBezier !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint)]
- | SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo !Origin ![RPoint]
- | EllipticalArc !Origin ![(Coord, Coord, Coord, Bool, Bool, RPoint)]
- | EndPath
- data Transformation
- data ElementRef
- data CoordinateUnits
- toPoint :: Number -> Number -> Point
- serializeNumber :: Number -> String
- serializeTransformation :: Transformation -> String
- serializeTransformations :: [Transformation] -> String
- data Cap
- data LineJoin
- data Tree
- = None
- | UseTree {
- useInformation :: !Use
- useSubTree :: !(Maybe Tree)
- | GroupTree !(Group Tree)
- | SymbolTree !(Symbol Tree)
- | DefinitionTree !(Definitions Tree)
- | FilterTree !Filter
- | PathTree !Path
- | CircleTree !Circle
- | PolyLineTree !PolyLine
- | PolygonTree !Polygon
- | EllipseTree !Ellipse
- | LineTree !Line
- | RectangleTree !Rectangle
- | TextTree !(Maybe TextPath) !Text
- | ImageTree !Image
- | LinearGradientTree !LinearGradient
- | RadialGradientTree !RadialGradient
- | MeshGradientTree !MeshGradient
- | PatternTree !Pattern
- | MarkerTree !Marker
- | MaskTree !Mask
- | ClipPathTree !ClipPath
- data Number
- data Spread
- data Texture
- data Element
- data FillRule
- data FontStyle
- type Dpi = Int
- class WithDefaultSvg a where
- defaultSvg :: a
- data Document = Document {}
- class HasDocument c where
- documentSize :: Dpi -> Document -> (Int, Int)
- data DrawAttributes = DrawAttributes {
- _strokeWidth :: !(Last Number)
- _strokeColor :: !(Last Texture)
- _strokeOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
- _strokeLineCap :: !(Last Cap)
- _strokeLineJoin :: !(Last LineJoin)
- _strokeMiterLimit :: !(Last Double)
- _fillColor :: !(Last Texture)
- _fillOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
- _groupOpacity :: !(Maybe Float)
- _transform :: !(Maybe [Transformation])
- _fillRule :: !(Last FillRule)
- _maskRef :: !(Last ElementRef)
- _clipPathRef :: !(Last ElementRef)
- _clipRule :: !(Last FillRule)
- _attrClass :: ![Text]
- _attrId :: !(Maybe String)
- _strokeOffset :: !(Last Number)
- _strokeDashArray :: !(Last [Number])
- _fontSize :: !(Last Number)
- _fontFamily :: !(Last [String])
- _fontStyle :: !(Last FontStyle)
- _textAnchor :: !(Last TextAnchor)
- _markerStart :: !(Last ElementRef)
- _markerMid :: !(Last ElementRef)
- _markerEnd :: !(Last ElementRef)
- _filterRef :: !(Last ElementRef)
- _preRendered :: !(Maybe String)
- class HasDrawAttributes c where
- drawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes
- attrClass :: Lens' c [Text]
- attrId :: Lens' c (Maybe String)
- clipPathRef :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef)
- clipRule :: Lens' c (Last FillRule)
- fillColor :: Lens' c (Last Texture)
- fillOpacity :: Lens' c (Maybe Float)
- fillRule :: Lens' c (Last FillRule)
- filterRef :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef)
- fontFamily :: Lens' c (Last [String])
- fontSize :: Lens' c (Last Number)
- fontStyle :: Lens' c (Last FontStyle)
- groupOpacity :: Lens' c (Maybe Float)
- markerEnd :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef)
- markerMid :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef)
- markerStart :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef)
- maskRef :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef)
- preRendered :: Lens' c (Maybe String)
- strokeColor :: Lens' c (Last Texture)
- strokeDashArray :: Lens' c (Last [Number])
- strokeLineCap :: Lens' c (Last Cap)
- strokeLineJoin :: Lens' c (Last LineJoin)
- strokeMiterLimit :: Lens' c (Last Double)
- strokeOffset :: Lens' c (Last Number)
- strokeOpacity :: Lens' c (Maybe Float)
- strokeWidth :: Lens' c (Last Number)
- textAnchor :: Lens' c (Last TextAnchor)
- transform :: Lens' c (Maybe [Transformation])
- data FilterElement
- = FEBlend
- | FEColorMatrix ColorMatrix
- | FEComponentTransfer
- | FEComposite Composite
- | FEConvolveMatrix
- | FEDiffuseLighting
- | FEDisplacementMap
- | FEDropShadow
- | FEFlood
- | FEFuncA
- | FEFuncB
- | FEFuncG
- | FEFuncR
- | FEGaussianBlur GaussianBlur
- | FEImage
- | FEMerge
- | FEMergeNode
- | FEMorphology
- | FEOffset
- | FESpecularLighting
- | FETile
- | FETurbulence
- | FENone
- data FilterAttributes = FilterAttributes {
- _filterHeight :: !(Last Number)
- _filterResult :: !(Maybe String)
- _filterWidth :: !(Last Number)
- _filterX :: !(Last Number)
- _filterY :: !(Last Number)
- class HasFilterAttributes c_asYk where
- filterAttributes :: Lens' c_asYk FilterAttributes
- filterHeight :: Lens' c_asYk (Last Number)
- filterResult :: Lens' c_asYk (Maybe String)
- filterWidth :: Lens' c_asYk (Last Number)
- filterX :: Lens' c_asYk (Last Number)
- filterY :: Lens' c_asYk (Last Number)
- data FilterSource
- data ColorMatrixType
- class HasColorMatrix c where
- data ColorMatrix = ColorMatrix {}
- class HasComposite c where
- composite :: Lens' c Composite
- compositeDrawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes
- compositeFilterAttr :: Lens' c FilterAttributes
- compositeIn :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource)
- compositeIn2 :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource)
- compositeK1 :: Lens' c Number
- compositeK2 :: Lens' c Number
- compositeK3 :: Lens' c Number
- compositeK4 :: Lens' c Number
- compositeOperator :: Lens' c CompositeOperator
- data Composite = Composite {}
- data CompositeOperator
- data EdgeMode
- class HasGaussianBlur c where
- gaussianBlur :: Lens' c GaussianBlur
- gaussianBlurDrawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes
- gaussianBlurEdgeMode :: Lens' c EdgeMode
- gaussianBlurFilterAttr :: Lens' c FilterAttributes
- gaussianBlurIn :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource)
- gaussianBlurStdDeviationX :: Lens' c Number
- gaussianBlurStdDeviationY :: Lens' c (Last Number)
- data GaussianBlur = GaussianBlur {}
- data Rectangle = Rectangle {
- _rectDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
- _rectUpperLeftCorner :: !Point
- _rectWidth :: !(Maybe Number)
- _rectHeight :: !(Maybe Number)
- _rectCornerRadius :: !(Maybe Number, Maybe Number)
- class HasRectangle a where
- rectangle :: Lens' a Rectangle
- rectCornerRadius :: Lens' a (Maybe Number, Maybe Number)
- rectDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
- rectHeight :: Lens' a (Maybe Number)
- rectUpperLeftCorner :: Lens' a Point
- rectWidth :: Lens' a (Maybe Number)
- data Line = Line {}
- class HasLine a where
- line :: Lens' a Line
- lineDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
- linePoint1 :: Lens' a Point
- linePoint2 :: Lens' a Point
- data Polygon = Polygon {}
- class HasPolygon a where
- polygon :: Lens' a Polygon
- polygonDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
- polygonPoints :: Lens' a [RPoint]
- data PolyLine = PolyLine {}
- class HasPolyLine a where
- polyLine :: Lens' a PolyLine
- polyLineDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
- polyLinePoints :: Lens' a [RPoint]
- data Path = Path {}
- class HasPath c_alhy where
- path :: Lens' c_alhy Path
- pathDefinition :: Lens' c_alhy [PathCommand]
- pathDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_alhy DrawAttributes
- data Circle = Circle {}
- class HasCircle a where
- circle :: Lens' a Circle
- circleCenter :: Lens' a Point
- circleDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes
- circleRadius :: Lens' a Number
- data Ellipse = Ellipse {}
- class HasEllipse c_amWt where
- ellipse :: Lens' c_amWt Ellipse
- ellipseCenter :: Lens' c_amWt Point
- ellipseDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_amWt DrawAttributes
- ellipseXRadius :: Lens' c_amWt Number
- ellipseYRadius :: Lens' c_amWt Number
- data GradientPathCommand
- data MeshGradientType
- data MeshGradient = MeshGradient {}
- class HasMeshGradient c_anxG where
- meshGradient :: Lens' c_anxG MeshGradient
- meshGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anxG DrawAttributes
- meshGradientRows :: Lens' c_anxG [MeshGradientRow]
- meshGradientTransform :: Lens' c_anxG [Transformation]
- meshGradientType :: Lens' c_anxG MeshGradientType
- meshGradientUnits :: Lens' c_anxG CoordinateUnits
- meshGradientX :: Lens' c_anxG Number
- meshGradientY :: Lens' c_anxG Number
- data MeshGradientRow = MeshGradientRow {}
- class HasMeshGradientRow c_antr where
- meshGradientRow :: Lens' c_antr MeshGradientRow
- meshGradientRowPatches :: Lens' c_antr [MeshGradientPatch]
- data MeshGradientPatch = MeshGradientPatch {}
- class HasMeshGradientPatch c_annx where
- meshGradientPatch :: Lens' c_annx MeshGradientPatch
- meshGradientPatchStops :: Lens' c_annx [GradientStop]
- data Image = Image {}
- class HasImage c_anI7 where
- image :: Lens' c_anI7 Image
- imageAspectRatio :: Lens' c_anI7 PreserveAspectRatio
- imageCornerUpperLeft :: Lens' c_anI7 Point
- imageDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anI7 DrawAttributes
- imageHeight :: Lens' c_anI7 Number
- imageHref :: Lens' c_anI7 String
- imageWidth :: Lens' c_anI7 Number
- data Use = Use {}
- class HasUse c_anR3 where
- data Group a = Group {
- _groupDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
- _groupChildren :: ![a]
- _groupViewBox :: !(Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
- _groupAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
- class HasGroup g a | g -> a where
- group :: Lens' g (Group a)
- groupAspectRatio :: Lens' g PreserveAspectRatio
- groupChildren :: Lens' g [a]
- groupDrawAttributes :: Lens' g DrawAttributes
- groupViewBox :: Lens' g (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
- newtype Symbol a = Symbol {
- _groupOfSymbol :: Group a
- groupOfSymbol :: Lens (Symbol s) (Symbol t) (Group s) (Group t)
- newtype Definitions a = Definitions {
- _groupOfDefinitions :: Group a
- groupOfDefinitions :: Lens (Definitions s) (Definitions t) (Group s) (Group t)
- data Filter = Filter {}
- filterChildren :: Lens' Filter [FilterElement]
- data Text = Text {
- _textAdjust :: !TextAdjust
- _textRoot :: !TextSpan
- class HasText c_aorD where
- text :: Lens' c_aorD Text
- textAdjust :: Lens' c_aorD TextAdjust
- textRoot :: Lens' c_aorD TextSpan
- data TextAnchor
- textAt :: Point -> Text -> Text
- data TextPath = TextPath {}
- class HasTextPath c where
- data TextPathSpacing
- data TextPathMethod
- data TextSpanContent
- data TextSpan = TextSpan {}
- class HasTextSpan c_aobD where
- textSpan :: Lens' c_aobD TextSpan
- spanContent :: Lens' c_aobD [TextSpanContent]
- spanDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aobD DrawAttributes
- spanInfo :: Lens' c_aobD TextInfo
- data TextInfo = TextInfo {
- _textInfoX :: ![Number]
- _textInfoY :: ![Number]
- _textInfoDX :: ![Number]
- _textInfoDY :: ![Number]
- _textInfoRotate :: ![Double]
- _textInfoLength :: !(Maybe Number)
- class HasTextInfo c_ao0m where
- data TextAdjust
- data Marker = Marker {
- _markerDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
- _markerRefPoint :: !(Number, Number)
- _markerWidth :: !(Maybe Number)
- _markerHeight :: !(Maybe Number)
- _markerOrient :: !(Maybe MarkerOrientation)
- _markerUnits :: !(Maybe MarkerUnit)
- _markerViewBox :: !(Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
- _markerOverflow :: !(Maybe Overflow)
- _markerAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
- _markerElements :: [Tree]
- data Overflow
- data MarkerOrientation
- data MarkerUnit
- class HasMarker c_aoKc where
- marker :: Lens' c_aoKc Marker
- markerAspectRatio :: Lens' c_aoKc PreserveAspectRatio
- markerDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aoKc DrawAttributes
- markerElements :: Lens' c_aoKc [Tree]
- markerHeight :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Number)
- markerOrient :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe MarkerOrientation)
- markerOverflow :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Overflow)
- markerRefPoint :: Lens' c_aoKc (Number, Number)
- markerUnits :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe MarkerUnit)
- markerViewBox :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
- markerWidth :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Number)
- data GradientStop = GradientStop {}
- class HasGradientStop c_anhM where
- gradientStop :: Lens' c_anhM GradientStop
- gradientColor :: Lens' c_anhM PixelRGBA8
- gradientOffset :: Lens' c_anhM Float
- gradientOpacity :: Lens' c_anhM (Maybe Float)
- gradientPath :: Lens' c_anhM (Maybe GradientPathCommand)
- data LinearGradient = LinearGradient {}
- class HasLinearGradient c_apmJ where
- linearGradient :: Lens' c_apmJ LinearGradient
- linearGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apmJ DrawAttributes
- linearGradientSpread :: Lens' c_apmJ Spread
- linearGradientStart :: Lens' c_apmJ Point
- linearGradientStop :: Lens' c_apmJ Point
- linearGradientStops :: Lens' c_apmJ [GradientStop]
- linearGradientTransform :: Lens' c_apmJ [Transformation]
- linearGradientUnits :: Lens' c_apmJ CoordinateUnits
- data RadialGradient = RadialGradient {
- _radialGradientDrawAttributes :: DrawAttributes
- _radialGradientUnits :: CoordinateUnits
- _radialGradientCenter :: Point
- _radialGradientRadius :: Number
- _radialGradientFocusX :: Maybe Number
- _radialGradientFocusY :: Maybe Number
- _radialGradientSpread :: Spread
- _radialGradientTransform :: [Transformation]
- _radialGradientStops :: [GradientStop]
- class HasRadialGradient c_apwt where
- radialGradient :: Lens' c_apwt RadialGradient
- radialGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apwt DrawAttributes
- radialGradientCenter :: Lens' c_apwt Point
- radialGradientFocusX :: Lens' c_apwt (Maybe Number)
- radialGradientFocusY :: Lens' c_apwt (Maybe Number)
- radialGradientRadius :: Lens' c_apwt Number
- radialGradientSpread :: Lens' c_apwt Spread
- radialGradientStops :: Lens' c_apwt [GradientStop]
- radialGradientTransform :: Lens' c_apwt [Transformation]
- radialGradientUnits :: Lens' c_apwt CoordinateUnits
- data Pattern = Pattern {
- _patternDrawAttributes :: !DrawAttributes
- _patternViewBox :: !(Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
- _patternWidth :: !Number
- _patternHeight :: !Number
- _patternPos :: !Point
- _patternHref :: !String
- _patternElements :: ![Tree]
- _patternUnit :: !CoordinateUnits
- _patternAspectRatio :: !PreserveAspectRatio
- _patternTransform :: !(Maybe [Transformation])
- class HasPattern c_aq6G where
- pattern :: Lens' c_aq6G Pattern
- patternAspectRatio :: Lens' c_aq6G PreserveAspectRatio
- patternDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aq6G DrawAttributes
- patternElements :: Lens' c_aq6G [Tree]
- patternHeight :: Lens' c_aq6G Number
- patternHref :: Lens' c_aq6G String
- patternPos :: Lens' c_aq6G Point
- patternTransform :: Lens' c_aq6G (Maybe [Transformation])
- patternUnit :: Lens' c_aq6G CoordinateUnits
- patternViewBox :: Lens' c_aq6G (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double))
- patternWidth :: Lens' c_aq6G Number
- data Mask = Mask {}
- class HasMask c_apHI where
- mask :: Lens' c_apHI Mask
- maskContent :: Lens' c_apHI [Tree]
- maskContentUnits :: Lens' c_apHI CoordinateUnits
- maskDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apHI DrawAttributes
- maskHeight :: Lens' c_apHI Number
- maskPosition :: Lens' c_apHI Point
- maskUnits :: Lens' c_apHI CoordinateUnits
- maskWidth :: Lens' c_apHI Number
- data ClipPath = ClipPath {}
- class HasClipPath c_apZq where
- clipPath :: Lens' c_apZq ClipPath
- clipPathContent :: Lens' c_apZq [Tree]
- clipPathDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apZq DrawAttributes
- clipPathUnits :: Lens' c_apZq CoordinateUnits
- data PreserveAspectRatio = PreserveAspectRatio {}
- data Alignment
- data MeetSlice
- class HasPreserveAspectRatio a where
- isPathArc :: PathCommand -> Bool
- isPathWithArc :: Foldable f => f PathCommand -> Bool
- nameOfTree :: Tree -> Text
- zipTree :: ([[Tree]] -> Tree) -> Tree -> Tree
- mapTree :: (Tree -> Tree) -> Tree -> Tree
- foldTree :: (a -> Tree -> a) -> a -> Tree -> a
- toUserUnit :: Dpi -> Number -> Number
- mapNumber :: (Double -> Double) -> Number -> Number
Basic building types
Tell if a path command is absolute (in the current user coordiante) or relative to the previous poitn.
OriginAbsolute | Next point in absolute coordinate |
OriginRelative | Next point relative to the previous |
type RPoint = V2 Coord Source #
Real Point, fully determined and not dependant of the rendering context.
data PathCommand Source #
Path command definition.
MoveTo !Origin ![RPoint] |
LineTo !Origin ![RPoint] | Line to, |
HorizontalTo !Origin ![Coord] | Equivalent to the |
VerticalTo !Origin ![Coord] | Equivalent to the |
CurveTo !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint, RPoint)] | Cubic bezier, |
SmoothCurveTo !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint)] | Smooth cubic bezier, equivalent to |
QuadraticBezier !Origin ![(RPoint, RPoint)] | Quadratic bezier, |
SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo !Origin ![RPoint] | Quadratic bezier, |
EllipticalArc !Origin ![(Coord, Coord, Coord, Bool, Bool, RPoint)] | Eliptical arc, |
EndPath | Close the path, |
Eq PathCommand Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show PathCommand Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> PathCommand -> ShowS # show :: PathCommand -> String # showList :: [PathCommand] -> ShowS # |
data Transformation Source #
Describe the content of the transformation
see _transform
and transform
TransformMatrix !Coord !Coord !Coord !Coord !Coord !Coord | Directly encode the translation matrix. |
Translate !Double !Double | Translation along a vector |
Scale !Double !(Maybe Double) | Scaling on both axis or on X axis and Y axis. |
Rotate !Double !(Maybe (Double, Double)) | Rotation around `(0, 0)` or around an optional point. |
SkewX !Double | Skew transformation along the X axis. |
SkewY !Double | Skew transformation along the Y axis. |
TransformUnknown | Unkown transformation, like identity. |
Eq Transformation Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: Transformation -> Transformation -> Bool # (/=) :: Transformation -> Transformation -> Bool # | |
Show Transformation Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> Transformation -> ShowS # show :: Transformation -> String # showList :: [Transformation] -> ShowS # |
data ElementRef Source #
Correspond to the possible values of the
the attributes which are either none
Eq ElementRef Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show ElementRef Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ElementRef -> ShowS # show :: ElementRef -> String # showList :: [ElementRef] -> ShowS # |
data CoordinateUnits Source #
Define the possible values of various *units attributes used in the definition of the gradients and masks.
CoordUserSpace |
CoordBoundingBox |
Eq CoordinateUnits Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: CoordinateUnits -> CoordinateUnits -> Bool # (/=) :: CoordinateUnits -> CoordinateUnits -> Bool # | |
Show CoordinateUnits Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CoordinateUnits -> ShowS # show :: CoordinateUnits -> String # showList :: [CoordinateUnits] -> ShowS # |
Building helpers
serializeNumber :: Number -> String Source #
Encode the number to string which can be used in a CSS or a svg attributes.
serializeTransformation :: Transformation -> String Source #
Convert the Transformation to a string which can be directly used in a svg attributes.
serializeTransformations :: [Transformation] -> String Source #
Transform a list of transformations to a string for svg
Drawing control types
Describe how the line should be terminated
when stroking them. Describe the values of the
`stroke-linecap` attribute.
See _strokeLineCap
Define the possible values of the `stroke-linejoin`
see _strokeLineJoin
Main type for the scene description, reorient to specific type describing each tag.
Encode complex number possibly dependant to the current render size.
Num Double | Simple coordinate in current user coordinate. |
Px Double | With suffix "px" |
Em Double | Number relative to the current font size. |
Percent Double | Number relative to the current viewport size. |
Pc Double | |
Mm Double | Number in millimeters, relative to DPI. |
Cm Double | Number in centimeters, relative to DPI. |
Point Double | Number in points, relative to DPI. |
Inches Double | Number in inches, relative to DPI. |
Define the possible values for the spreadMethod
values used for the gradient definitions.
SpreadRepeat |
SpreadPad |
SpreadReflect | `reflect value` |
Describe the different value which can be used
in the fill
or stroke
ColorRef PixelRGBA8 | |
TextureRef String | Link to a complex texture (url(#name)) |
FillNone | Equivalent to the |
Sum types helping keeping track of all the namable elemens in a SVG document.
Describe the possile filling algorithms. Map the values of the `fill-rule` attributes.
FillEvenOdd | Correspond to the |
FillNonZero | Correspond to the |
Classify the font style, used to search a matching font in the FontCache.
FontStyleNormal | |
FontStyleItalic | |
FontStyleOblique |
Alias describing a "dot per inch" information used for size calculation (see toUserUnit).
class WithDefaultSvg a where Source #
Define an empty 'default' element for the SVG tree. It is used as base when parsing the element from XML.
Main type
Represent a full svg document with style, geometry and named elements.
Document | |
Show Document Source # | |
HasDocument Document Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods document :: Lens' Document Document Source # definitions :: Lens' Document (Map String Tree) Source # description :: Lens' Document String Source # documentLocation :: Lens' Document FilePath Source # elements :: Lens' Document [Tree] Source # height :: Lens' Document (Maybe Number) Source # viewBox :: Lens' Document (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source # |
class HasDocument c where Source #
Lenses associated to a SVG document.
Minimal complete definition
document :: Lens' c Document Source #
definitions :: Lens' c (Map String Tree) Source #
description :: Lens' c String Source #
documentLocation :: Lens' c FilePath Source #
elements :: Lens' c [Tree] Source #
height :: Lens' c (Maybe Number) Source #
viewBox :: Lens' c (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source #
HasDocument Document Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods document :: Lens' Document Document Source # definitions :: Lens' Document (Map String Tree) Source # description :: Lens' Document String Source # documentLocation :: Lens' Document FilePath Source # elements :: Lens' Document [Tree] Source # height :: Lens' Document (Maybe Number) Source # viewBox :: Lens' Document (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source # |
documentSize :: Dpi -> Document -> (Int, Int) Source #
Calculate the document size in function of the different available attributes in the document.
Drawing attributes
data DrawAttributes Source #
This type define how to draw any primitives, which color to use, how to stroke the primitives and the potential transformations to use.
All these attributes are propagated to the children.
DrawAttributes | |
class HasDrawAttributes c where Source #
Minimal complete definition
drawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes Source #
attrClass :: Lens' c [Text] Source #
attrId :: Lens' c (Maybe String) Source #
clipPathRef :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef) Source #
clipRule :: Lens' c (Last FillRule) Source #
fillColor :: Lens' c (Last Texture) Source #
fillOpacity :: Lens' c (Maybe Float) Source #
fillRule :: Lens' c (Last FillRule) Source #
filterRef :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef) Source #
fontFamily :: Lens' c (Last [String]) Source #
fontSize :: Lens' c (Last Number) Source #
fontStyle :: Lens' c (Last FontStyle) Source #
groupOpacity :: Lens' c (Maybe Float) Source #
markerEnd :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef) Source #
markerMid :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef) Source #
markerStart :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef) Source #
maskRef :: Lens' c (Last ElementRef) Source #
preRendered :: Lens' c (Maybe String) Source #
strokeColor :: Lens' c (Last Texture) Source #
strokeDashArray :: Lens' c (Last [Number]) Source #
strokeLineCap :: Lens' c (Last Cap) Source #
strokeLineJoin :: Lens' c (Last LineJoin) Source #
strokeMiterLimit :: Lens' c (Last Double) Source #
strokeOffset :: Lens' c (Last Number) Source #
strokeOpacity :: Lens' c (Maybe Float) Source #
strokeWidth :: Lens' c (Last Number) Source #
textAnchor :: Lens' c (Last TextAnchor) Source #
data FilterElement Source #
Eq FilterElement Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: FilterElement -> FilterElement -> Bool # (/=) :: FilterElement -> FilterElement -> Bool # | |
Show FilterElement Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FilterElement -> ShowS # show :: FilterElement -> String # showList :: [FilterElement] -> ShowS # | |
WithDefaultSvg FilterElement Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasFilterAttributes FilterElement Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
data FilterAttributes Source #
FilterAttributes | |
Eq FilterAttributes Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: FilterAttributes -> FilterAttributes -> Bool # (/=) :: FilterAttributes -> FilterAttributes -> Bool # | |
Show FilterAttributes Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FilterAttributes -> ShowS # show :: FilterAttributes -> String # showList :: [FilterAttributes] -> ShowS # | |
WithDefaultSvg FilterAttributes Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasFilterAttributes FilterAttributes Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods filterAttributes :: Lens' FilterAttributes FilterAttributes Source # filterHeight :: Lens' FilterAttributes (Last Number) Source # filterResult :: Lens' FilterAttributes (Maybe String) Source # filterWidth :: Lens' FilterAttributes (Last Number) Source # |
class HasFilterAttributes c_asYk where Source #
Lenses for the FilterAttributes type.
Minimal complete definition
filterAttributes :: Lens' c_asYk FilterAttributes Source #
filterHeight :: Lens' c_asYk (Last Number) Source #
filterResult :: Lens' c_asYk (Maybe String) Source #
filterWidth :: Lens' c_asYk (Last Number) Source #
data FilterSource Source #
SourceGraphic | |
SourceAlpha | |
BackgroundImage | |
BackgroundAlpha | |
FillPaint | |
StrokePaint | |
SourceRef String |
Eq FilterSource Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show FilterSource Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FilterSource -> ShowS # show :: FilterSource -> String # showList :: [FilterSource] -> ShowS # |
data ColorMatrixType Source #
Matrix | |
Saturate | |
HueRotate | |
LuminanceToAlpha |
Eq ColorMatrixType Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: ColorMatrixType -> ColorMatrixType -> Bool # (/=) :: ColorMatrixType -> ColorMatrixType -> Bool # | |
Show ColorMatrixType Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ColorMatrixType -> ShowS # show :: ColorMatrixType -> String # showList :: [ColorMatrixType] -> ShowS # |
class HasColorMatrix c where Source #
Minimal complete definition
colorMatrix :: Lens' c ColorMatrix Source #
colorMatrixDrawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes Source #
colorMatrixFilterAttr :: Lens' c FilterAttributes Source #
colorMatrixIn :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource) Source #
colorMatrixType :: Lens' c ColorMatrixType Source #
colorMatrixValues :: Lens' c String Source #
data ColorMatrix Source #
ColorMatrix | |
class HasComposite c where Source #
Minimal complete definition
composite :: Lens' c Composite Source #
compositeDrawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes Source #
compositeFilterAttr :: Lens' c FilterAttributes Source #
compositeIn :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource) Source #
compositeIn2 :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource) Source #
compositeK1 :: Lens' c Number Source #
compositeK2 :: Lens' c Number Source #
compositeK3 :: Lens' c Number Source #
compositeK4 :: Lens' c Number Source #
Composite | |
data CompositeOperator Source #
Eq CompositeOperator Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: CompositeOperator -> CompositeOperator -> Bool # (/=) :: CompositeOperator -> CompositeOperator -> Bool # | |
Show CompositeOperator Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> CompositeOperator -> ShowS # show :: CompositeOperator -> String # showList :: [CompositeOperator] -> ShowS # |
class HasGaussianBlur c where Source #
Minimal complete definition
gaussianBlur :: Lens' c GaussianBlur Source #
gaussianBlurDrawAttributes :: Lens' c DrawAttributes Source #
gaussianBlurEdgeMode :: Lens' c EdgeMode Source #
gaussianBlurFilterAttr :: Lens' c FilterAttributes Source #
gaussianBlurIn :: Lens' c (Last FilterSource) Source #
data GaussianBlur Source #
GaussianBlur | |
SVG drawing primitives
Define a rectangle. Correspond to `<rectangle>` svg tag.
Rectangle | |
class HasRectangle a where Source #
Lenses for the Rectangle type.
Minimal complete definition
rectangle :: Lens' a Rectangle Source #
rectCornerRadius :: Lens' a (Maybe Number, Maybe Number) Source #
rectDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes Source #
rectHeight :: Lens' a (Maybe Number) Source #
rectUpperLeftCorner :: Lens' a Point Source #
HasRectangle Rectangle Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
Define a simple line. Correspond to the `<line>` tag.
Line | |
class HasLine a where Source #
Lenses for the Line type.
Minimal complete definition
lineDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes Source #
linePoint1 :: Lens' a Point Source #
linePoint2 :: Lens' a Point Source #
Primitive decriving polygon composed of segements. Correspond to the `<polygon>` tag
Polygon | |
class HasPolygon a where Source #
Lenses for the Polygon type
Minimal complete definition
polygon :: Lens' a Polygon Source #
polygonDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes Source #
polygonPoints :: Lens' a [RPoint] Source #
HasPolygon Polygon Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
This primitive describe an unclosed suite of segments. Correspond to the `<polyline>` tag.
PolyLine | |
class HasPolyLine a where Source #
Lenses for the PolyLine type.
Minimal complete definition
polyLine :: Lens' a PolyLine Source #
polyLineDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes Source #
polyLinePoints :: Lens' a [RPoint] Source #
HasPolyLine PolyLine Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
Type mapping the `<path>` svg tag.
Path | |
class HasPath c_alhy where Source #
Lenses for the Path type
Minimal complete definition
path :: Lens' c_alhy Path Source #
pathDefinition :: Lens' c_alhy [PathCommand] Source #
pathDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_alhy DrawAttributes Source #
Define a `<circle>`.
Circle | |
class HasCircle a where Source #
Lenses for the Circle type.
Minimal complete definition
circle :: Lens' a Circle Source #
circleCenter :: Lens' a Point Source #
circleDrawAttributes :: Lens' a DrawAttributes Source #
circleRadius :: Lens' a Number Source #
Define an `<ellipse>`
Ellipse | |
class HasEllipse c_amWt where Source #
Lenses for the ellipse type.
Minimal complete definition
ellipse :: Lens' c_amWt Ellipse Source #
ellipseCenter :: Lens' c_amWt Point Source #
ellipseDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_amWt DrawAttributes Source #
ellipseXRadius :: Lens' c_amWt Number Source #
ellipseYRadius :: Lens' c_amWt Number Source #
HasEllipse Ellipse Source # | |
Mesh (gradient mesh)
data GradientPathCommand Source #
Description of path used in meshgradient tag
GLine !Origin !(Maybe RPoint) | Line to, |
GCurve !Origin !RPoint !RPoint !(Maybe RPoint) | Cubic bezier, |
GClose |
Eq GradientPathCommand Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: GradientPathCommand -> GradientPathCommand -> Bool # (/=) :: GradientPathCommand -> GradientPathCommand -> Bool # | |
Show GradientPathCommand Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> GradientPathCommand -> ShowS # show :: GradientPathCommand -> String # showList :: [GradientPathCommand] -> ShowS # |
data MeshGradientType Source #
GradientBilinear | |
GradientBicubic |
Eq MeshGradientType Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: MeshGradientType -> MeshGradientType -> Bool # (/=) :: MeshGradientType -> MeshGradientType -> Bool # | |
Show MeshGradientType Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MeshGradientType -> ShowS # show :: MeshGradientType -> String # showList :: [MeshGradientType] -> ShowS # |
data MeshGradient Source #
Define a `<meshgradient>` tag.
MeshGradient | |
class HasMeshGradient c_anxG where Source #
Minimal complete definition
meshGradient :: Lens' c_anxG MeshGradient Source #
meshGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anxG DrawAttributes Source #
meshGradientRows :: Lens' c_anxG [MeshGradientRow] Source #
meshGradientTransform :: Lens' c_anxG [Transformation] Source #
meshGradientType :: Lens' c_anxG MeshGradientType Source #
meshGradientUnits :: Lens' c_anxG CoordinateUnits Source #
meshGradientX :: Lens' c_anxG Number Source #
meshGradientY :: Lens' c_anxG Number Source #
data MeshGradientRow Source #
Define a `<meshrow>` tag.
MeshGradientRow | |
Eq MeshGradientRow Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: MeshGradientRow -> MeshGradientRow -> Bool # (/=) :: MeshGradientRow -> MeshGradientRow -> Bool # | |
Show MeshGradientRow Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MeshGradientRow -> ShowS # show :: MeshGradientRow -> String # showList :: [MeshGradientRow] -> ShowS # | |
WithDefaultSvg MeshGradientRow Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasMeshGradientRow MeshGradientRow Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
class HasMeshGradientRow c_antr where Source #
Minimal complete definition
meshGradientRow :: Lens' c_antr MeshGradientRow Source #
meshGradientRowPatches :: Lens' c_antr [MeshGradientPatch] Source #
HasMeshGradientRow MeshGradientRow Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
data MeshGradientPatch Source #
Define `<meshpatch>` SVG tag
MeshGradientPatch | |
Eq MeshGradientPatch Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: MeshGradientPatch -> MeshGradientPatch -> Bool # (/=) :: MeshGradientPatch -> MeshGradientPatch -> Bool # | |
Show MeshGradientPatch Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MeshGradientPatch -> ShowS # show :: MeshGradientPatch -> String # showList :: [MeshGradientPatch] -> ShowS # | |
WithDefaultSvg MeshGradientPatch Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasMeshGradientPatch MeshGradientPatch Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
class HasMeshGradientPatch c_annx where Source #
Minimal complete definition
meshGradientPatch :: Lens' c_annx MeshGradientPatch Source #
meshGradientPatchStops :: Lens' c_annx [GradientStop] Source #
HasMeshGradientPatch MeshGradientPatch Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
Define an `<image>` tag.
Image | |
class HasImage c_anI7 where Source #
Lenses for the Image type.
Minimal complete definition
image :: Lens' c_anI7 Image Source #
imageAspectRatio :: Lens' c_anI7 PreserveAspectRatio Source #
imageCornerUpperLeft :: Lens' c_anI7 Point Source #
imageDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anI7 DrawAttributes Source #
imageHeight :: Lens' c_anI7 Number Source #
imageHref :: Lens' c_anI7 String Source #
imageWidth :: Lens' c_anI7 Number Source #
HasImage Image Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
Define an `<use>` for a named content. Every named content can be reused in the document using this element.
Use | |
class HasUse c_anR3 where Source #
Lenses for the Use type.
Minimal complete definition
use :: Lens' c_anR3 Use Source #
useBase :: Lens' c_anR3 Point Source #
useDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_anR3 DrawAttributes Source #
useHeight :: Lens' c_anR3 (Maybe Number) Source #
Grouping primitives
Define a SVG group, corresponding `<g>` tag.
Group | |
class HasGroup g a | g -> a where Source #
Lenses associated to the Group type.
Minimal complete definition
group :: Lens' g (Group a) Source #
groupAspectRatio :: Lens' g PreserveAspectRatio Source #
groupChildren :: Lens' g [a] Source #
groupDrawAttributes :: Lens' g DrawAttributes Source #
groupViewBox :: Lens' g (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source #
Define the `<symbol>` tag, equivalent to a hidden named group.
Symbol | |
groupOfSymbol :: Lens (Symbol s) (Symbol t) (Group s) (Group t) Source #
Lenses associated with the Symbol type.
newtype Definitions a Source #
Define the `<defs>` tag, equivalent to a named symbol.
Definitions | |
groupOfDefinitions :: Lens (Definitions s) (Definitions t) (Group s) (Group t) Source #
Lenses associated with the Definitions type.
Define the `<filter>` tag.
Filter | |
Fields |
Text related types
Define the global `<tag>` SVG tag.
Text | |
class HasText c_aorD where Source #
Lenses for the Text type.
Minimal complete definition
data TextAnchor Source #
Tell where to anchor the text, where the position given is realative to the text.
TextAnchorStart | The text with left aligned, or start at the postion
If the point is the *THE_TEXT_TO_PRINT Equivalent to the |
TextAnchorMiddle | The text is middle aligned, so the text will be at the left and right of the position: THE_TEXT*TO_PRINT Equivalent to the |
TextAnchorEnd | The text is right aligned. THE_TEXT_TO_PRINT* Equivalent to the |
Eq TextAnchor Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show TextAnchor Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TextAnchor -> ShowS # show :: TextAnchor -> String # showList :: [TextAnchor] -> ShowS # |
textAt :: Point -> Text -> Text Source #
Little helper to create a SVG text at a given baseline position.
Text path
Describe the `<textpath>` SVG tag.
TextPath | |
class HasTextPath c where Source #
Minimal complete definition
textPath :: Lens' c TextPath Source #
textPathMethod :: Lens' c TextPathMethod Source #
textPathName :: Lens' c String Source #
HasTextPath TextPath Source # | |
data TextPathSpacing Source #
Describe the content of the spacing
text path
TextPathSpacingExact | Map to the |
TextPathSpacingAuto | Map to the |
Eq TextPathSpacing Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: TextPathSpacing -> TextPathSpacing -> Bool # (/=) :: TextPathSpacing -> TextPathSpacing -> Bool # | |
Show TextPathSpacing Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TextPathSpacing -> ShowS # show :: TextPathSpacing -> String # showList :: [TextPathSpacing] -> ShowS # |
data TextPathMethod Source #
Describe the content of the method
attribute on
text path.
TextPathAlign | Map to the |
TextPathStretch | Map to the |
Eq TextPathMethod Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: TextPathMethod -> TextPathMethod -> Bool # (/=) :: TextPathMethod -> TextPathMethod -> Bool # | |
Show TextPathMethod Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TextPathMethod -> ShowS # show :: TextPathMethod -> String # showList :: [TextPathMethod] -> ShowS # |
Text span.
data TextSpanContent Source #
Define the content of a `<tspan>` tag.
SpanText !Text | Raw text |
SpanTextRef !String | Equivalent to a `<tref>` |
SpanSub !TextSpan | Define a `<tspan>` |
Eq TextSpanContent Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: TextSpanContent -> TextSpanContent -> Bool # (/=) :: TextSpanContent -> TextSpanContent -> Bool # | |
Show TextSpanContent Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TextSpanContent -> ShowS # show :: TextSpanContent -> String # showList :: [TextSpanContent] -> ShowS # |
Define a `<tspan>` tag.
TextSpan | |
Eq TextSpan Source # | |
Show TextSpan Source # | |
WithDefaultSvg TextSpan Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasTextSpan TextSpan Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
class HasTextSpan c_aobD where Source #
Lenses for the TextSpan type.
Minimal complete definition
textSpan :: Lens' c_aobD TextSpan Source #
spanContent :: Lens' c_aobD [TextSpanContent] Source #
spanDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aobD DrawAttributes Source #
HasTextSpan TextSpan Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
Define position information associated to `<text>` or `<tspan>` svg tag.
TextInfo | |
Eq TextInfo Source # | |
Show TextInfo Source # | |
Semigroup TextInfo Source # | |
Monoid TextInfo Source # | |
WithDefaultSvg TextInfo Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasTextInfo TextInfo Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
class HasTextInfo c_ao0m where Source #
Lenses for the TextInfo type.
Minimal complete definition
textInfo :: Lens' c_ao0m TextInfo Source #
textInfoDX :: Lens' c_ao0m [Number] Source #
textInfoDY :: Lens' c_ao0m [Number] Source #
textInfoLength :: Lens' c_ao0m (Maybe Number) Source #
textInfoRotate :: Lens' c_ao0m [Double] Source #
HasTextInfo TextInfo Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
data TextAdjust Source #
Define the possible values of the lengthAdjust
TextAdjustSpacing | Value |
TextAdjustSpacingAndGlyphs | Value |
Eq TextAdjust Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show TextAdjust Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> TextAdjust -> ShowS # show :: TextAdjust -> String # showList :: [TextAdjust] -> ShowS # |
Marker definition
Define the `<marker>` tag.
Marker | |
Define the content of the markerUnits
on the Marker.
OverflowVisible | Value |
OverflowHidden | Value |
data MarkerOrientation Source #
Define the orientation, associated to the
attribute on the Marker
OrientationAuto | Auto value |
OrientationAngle Coord | Specific angle. |
Eq MarkerOrientation Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: MarkerOrientation -> MarkerOrientation -> Bool # (/=) :: MarkerOrientation -> MarkerOrientation -> Bool # | |
Show MarkerOrientation Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MarkerOrientation -> ShowS # show :: MarkerOrientation -> String # showList :: [MarkerOrientation] -> ShowS # |
data MarkerUnit Source #
Define the content of the markerUnits
on the Marker.
MarkerUnitStrokeWidth | Value |
MarkerUnitUserSpaceOnUse | Value |
Eq MarkerUnit Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show MarkerUnit Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MarkerUnit -> ShowS # show :: MarkerUnit -> String # showList :: [MarkerUnit] -> ShowS # |
class HasMarker c_aoKc where Source #
Lenses for the Marker type.
Minimal complete definition
marker :: Lens' c_aoKc Marker Source #
markerAspectRatio :: Lens' c_aoKc PreserveAspectRatio Source #
markerDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aoKc DrawAttributes Source #
markerElements :: Lens' c_aoKc [Tree] Source #
markerHeight :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Number) Source #
markerOrient :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe MarkerOrientation) Source #
markerOverflow :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe Overflow) Source #
markerRefPoint :: Lens' c_aoKc (Number, Number) Source #
markerUnits :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe MarkerUnit) Source #
markerViewBox :: Lens' c_aoKc (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source #
HasMarker Marker Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods marker :: Lens' Marker Marker Source # markerAspectRatio :: Lens' Marker PreserveAspectRatio Source # markerDrawAttributes :: Lens' Marker DrawAttributes Source # markerElements :: Lens' Marker [Tree] Source # markerHeight :: Lens' Marker (Maybe Number) Source # markerOrient :: Lens' Marker (Maybe MarkerOrientation) Source # markerOverflow :: Lens' Marker (Maybe Overflow) Source # markerRefPoint :: Lens' Marker (Number, Number) Source # markerUnits :: Lens' Marker (Maybe MarkerUnit) Source # markerViewBox :: Lens' Marker (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source # |
Gradient definition
data GradientStop Source #
Define a color stop for the gradients. Represent the `<stop>` SVG tag.
GradientStop | |
Eq GradientStop Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types | |
Show GradientStop Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> GradientStop -> ShowS # show :: GradientStop -> String # showList :: [GradientStop] -> ShowS # | |
WithDefaultSvg GradientStop Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasGradientStop GradientStop Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods gradientStop :: Lens' GradientStop GradientStop Source # gradientColor :: Lens' GradientStop PixelRGBA8 Source # gradientOffset :: Lens' GradientStop Float Source # gradientOpacity :: Lens' GradientStop (Maybe Float) Source # gradientPath :: Lens' GradientStop (Maybe GradientPathCommand) Source # |
class HasGradientStop c_anhM where Source #
Lenses for the GradientStop type.
Minimal complete definition
gradientStop :: Lens' c_anhM GradientStop Source #
gradientColor :: Lens' c_anhM PixelRGBA8 Source #
gradientOffset :: Lens' c_anhM Float Source #
gradientOpacity :: Lens' c_anhM (Maybe Float) Source #
gradientPath :: Lens' c_anhM (Maybe GradientPathCommand) Source #
Linear Gradient
data LinearGradient Source #
Define a `<linearGradient>` tag.
LinearGradient | |
class HasLinearGradient c_apmJ where Source #
Lenses for the LinearGradient type.
Minimal complete definition
linearGradient :: Lens' c_apmJ LinearGradient Source #
linearGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apmJ DrawAttributes Source #
linearGradientSpread :: Lens' c_apmJ Spread Source #
linearGradientStart :: Lens' c_apmJ Point Source #
linearGradientStop :: Lens' c_apmJ Point Source #
linearGradientStops :: Lens' c_apmJ [GradientStop] Source #
linearGradientTransform :: Lens' c_apmJ [Transformation] Source #
linearGradientUnits :: Lens' c_apmJ CoordinateUnits Source #
Radial Gradient
data RadialGradient Source #
Define a `<radialGradient>` tag.
RadialGradient | |
class HasRadialGradient c_apwt where Source #
Lenses for the RadialGradient type.
Minimal complete definition
radialGradient :: Lens' c_apwt RadialGradient Source #
radialGradientDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apwt DrawAttributes Source #
radialGradientCenter :: Lens' c_apwt Point Source #
radialGradientFocusX :: Lens' c_apwt (Maybe Number) Source #
radialGradientFocusY :: Lens' c_apwt (Maybe Number) Source #
radialGradientRadius :: Lens' c_apwt Number Source #
radialGradientSpread :: Lens' c_apwt Spread Source #
radialGradientStops :: Lens' c_apwt [GradientStop] Source #
radialGradientTransform :: Lens' c_apwt [Transformation] Source #
radialGradientUnits :: Lens' c_apwt CoordinateUnits Source #
Pattern definition
Define a `<pattern>` tag.
Pattern | |
class HasPattern c_aq6G where Source #
Lenses for the Patter type.
Minimal complete definition
pattern :: Lens' c_aq6G Pattern Source #
patternAspectRatio :: Lens' c_aq6G PreserveAspectRatio Source #
patternDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_aq6G DrawAttributes Source #
patternElements :: Lens' c_aq6G [Tree] Source #
patternHeight :: Lens' c_aq6G Number Source #
patternHref :: Lens' c_aq6G String Source #
patternPos :: Lens' c_aq6G Point Source #
patternTransform :: Lens' c_aq6G (Maybe [Transformation]) Source #
patternUnit :: Lens' c_aq6G CoordinateUnits Source #
patternViewBox :: Lens' c_aq6G (Maybe (Double, Double, Double, Double)) Source #
patternWidth :: Lens' c_aq6G Number Source #
Mask definition
Define a SVG `<mask>` tag.
Mask | |
class HasMask c_apHI where Source #
Lenses for the Mask type.
Minimal complete definition
mask :: Lens' c_apHI Mask Source #
maskContent :: Lens' c_apHI [Tree] Source #
maskContentUnits :: Lens' c_apHI CoordinateUnits Source #
maskDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apHI DrawAttributes Source #
maskHeight :: Lens' c_apHI Number Source #
maskPosition :: Lens' c_apHI Point Source #
maskUnits :: Lens' c_apHI CoordinateUnits Source #
HasMask Mask Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods mask :: Lens' Mask Mask Source # maskContent :: Lens' Mask [Tree] Source # maskContentUnits :: Lens' Mask CoordinateUnits Source # maskDrawAttributes :: Lens' Mask DrawAttributes Source # maskHeight :: Lens' Mask Number Source # maskPosition :: Lens' Mask Point Source # |
Clip path definition
Define a `<clipPath>` tag.
ClipPath | |
class HasClipPath c_apZq where Source #
Lenses for the ClipPath type.
Minimal complete definition
clipPath :: Lens' c_apZq ClipPath Source #
clipPathContent :: Lens' c_apZq [Tree] Source #
clipPathDrawAttributes :: Lens' c_apZq DrawAttributes Source #
clipPathUnits :: Lens' c_apZq CoordinateUnits Source #
HasClipPath ClipPath Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
Aspect Ratio description
data PreserveAspectRatio Source #
Describe the content of the preserveAspectRatio attribute.
PreserveAspectRatio | |
Fields |
Eq PreserveAspectRatio Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods (==) :: PreserveAspectRatio -> PreserveAspectRatio -> Bool # (/=) :: PreserveAspectRatio -> PreserveAspectRatio -> Bool # | |
Show PreserveAspectRatio Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> PreserveAspectRatio -> ShowS # show :: PreserveAspectRatio -> String # showList :: [PreserveAspectRatio] -> ShowS # | |
WithDefaultSvg PreserveAspectRatio Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types Methods | |
HasPreserveAspectRatio PreserveAspectRatio Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
This type represent the align information of the preserveAspectRatio SVGattribute
AlignNone | "none" value |
AlignxMinYMin | |
AlignxMidYMin | "xMidYMin" value |
AlignxMaxYMin | "xMaxYMin" value |
AlignxMinYMid | "xMinYMid" value |
AlignxMidYMid | "xMidYMid" value |
AlignxMaxYMid | "xMaxYMid" value |
AlignxMinYMax | "xMinYMax" value |
AlignxMidYMax | "xMidYMax" value |
AlignxMaxYMax | "xMaxYMax" value |
This type represent the "meet or slice" information of the preserveAspectRatio SVGattribute
class HasPreserveAspectRatio a where Source #
Lenses for the PreserveAspectRatio type
Minimal complete definition
preserveAspectRatio :: Lens' a PreserveAspectRatio Source #
aspectRatioAlign :: Lens' a Alignment Source #
aspectRatioDefer :: Lens' a Bool Source #
HasPreserveAspectRatio PreserveAspectRatio Source # | |
Defined in Graphics.SvgTree.Types |
MISC functions
isPathArc :: PathCommand -> Bool Source #
Tell if the path command is an EllipticalArc.
isPathWithArc :: Foldable f => f PathCommand -> Bool Source #
Tell if a full path contain an EllipticalArc.
nameOfTree :: Tree -> Text Source #
For every element of a svg tree, associate it's SVG tag name.
zipTree :: ([[Tree]] -> Tree) -> Tree -> Tree Source #
Map a tree while propagating context information. The function passed in parameter receive a list representing the the path used to go arrive to the current node.