{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.SvgTree.PathParser
( transformParser
, command
, pathParser
, viewBoxParser
, pointData
, gradientCommand
, serializePoints
, serializeCommand
, serializeGradientCommand
, serializeCommands
, serializeViewBox
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<$), (<$>), (<*), (<*>))
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator (option, sepBy, sepBy1)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, char, digit, many1,
parseOnly, scientific, skipSpace,
import Data.Scientific (toRealFloat)
import Numeric
import Text.Show
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Graphics.SvgTree.Types
import Linear hiding (angle, point)
import Text.Printf (printf)
num :: Parser Double
num = realToFrac <$> (skipSpace *> plusMinus <* skipSpace)
where doubleNumber :: Parser Double
doubleNumber = toRealFloat <$> scientific <|> shorthand
plusMinus = negate <$ string "-" <*> doubleNumber
<|> string "+" *> doubleNumber
<|> doubleNumber
shorthand = process' <$> (string "." *> many1 digit)
process' = either (const 0) id . parseOnly doubleNumber . T.pack . (++) "0."
viewBoxParser :: Parser (Double, Double, Double, Double)
viewBoxParser = (,,,)
<$> iParse <*> iParse <*> iParse <*> iParse
iParse = num <* skipSpace
serializeViewBox :: (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> String
serializeViewBox (a, b, c, d) = printf "%g %g %g %g" a b c d
commaWsp :: Parser ()
commaWsp = skipSpace *> option () (string "," *> return ()) <* skipSpace
point :: Parser RPoint
point = V2 <$> num <* commaWsp <*> num
pointData :: Parser [RPoint]
pointData = point `sepBy` commaWsp
pathParser :: Parser [PathCommand]
pathParser = skipSpace *> many1 command
command :: Parser PathCommand
command = (MoveTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "M" <*> pointList)
<|> (MoveTo OriginRelative <$ string "m" <*> pointList)
<|> (LineTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "L" <*> pointList)
<|> (LineTo OriginRelative <$ string "l" <*> pointList)
<|> (HorizontalTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "H" <*> coordList)
<|> (HorizontalTo OriginRelative <$ string "h" <*> coordList)
<|> (VerticalTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "V" <*> coordList)
<|> (VerticalTo OriginRelative <$ string "v" <*> coordList)
<|> (CurveTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "C" <*> manyComma curveToArgs)
<|> (CurveTo OriginRelative <$ string "c" <*> manyComma curveToArgs)
<|> (SmoothCurveTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "S" <*> pointPairList)
<|> (SmoothCurveTo OriginRelative <$ string "s" <*> pointPairList)
<|> (QuadraticBezier OriginAbsolute <$ string "Q" <*> pointPairList)
<|> (QuadraticBezier OriginRelative <$ string "q" <*> pointPairList)
<|> (SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo OriginAbsolute <$ string "T" <*> pointList)
<|> (SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo OriginRelative <$ string "t" <*> pointList)
<|> (EllipticalArc OriginAbsolute <$ string "A" <*> manyComma ellipticalArgs)
<|> (EllipticalArc OriginRelative <$ string "a" <*> manyComma ellipticalArgs)
<|> (EndPath <$ string "Z" <* commaWsp)
<|> (EndPath <$ string "z" <* commaWsp)
where pointList = point `sepBy1` commaWsp
pointPair = (,) <$> point <* commaWsp <*> point
pointPairList = pointPair `sepBy1` commaWsp
coordList = num `sepBy1` commaWsp
curveToArgs = (,,) <$> (point <* commaWsp)
<*> (point <* commaWsp)
<*> point
manyComma a = a `sepBy1` commaWsp
numComma = num <* commaWsp
ellipticalArgs = (,,,,,) <$> numComma
<*> numComma
<*> numComma
<*> (fmap (/= 0) numComma)
<*> (fmap (/= 0) numComma)
<*> point
unwordsS :: [ShowS] -> ShowS
unwordsS = foldr (.) id . intersperse (showChar ' ')
serializePoint :: RPoint -> ShowS
serializePoint (V2 x y) = showFFloat Nothing x . showChar ',' . showFFloat Nothing y
serializePoints :: [RPoint] -> ShowS
serializePoints = unwordsS . map serializePoint
serializeCoords :: [Coord] -> ShowS
serializeCoords = unwordsS . fmap (showFFloat Nothing)
serializePointPair :: (RPoint, RPoint) -> ShowS
serializePointPair (a, b) = serializePoint a . showChar ' ' . serializePoint b
serializePointPairs :: [(RPoint, RPoint)] -> ShowS
serializePointPairs = unwordsS . fmap serializePointPair
serializePointTriplet :: (RPoint, RPoint, RPoint) -> ShowS
serializePointTriplet (a, b, c) =
serializePoint a . showChar ' ' . serializePoint b . showChar ' ' . serializePoint c
serializePointTriplets :: [(RPoint, RPoint, RPoint)] -> ShowS
serializePointTriplets = unwordsS . fmap serializePointTriplet
serializeCommands :: [PathCommand] -> ShowS
serializeCommands = unwordsS . fmap serializeCommand
serializeCommand :: PathCommand -> ShowS
serializeCommand p = case p of
MoveTo OriginAbsolute points -> showChar 'M' . serializePoints points
MoveTo OriginRelative points -> showChar 'm' . serializePoints points
LineTo OriginAbsolute points -> showChar 'L' . serializePoints points
LineTo OriginRelative points -> showChar 'l' . serializePoints points
HorizontalTo OriginRelative coords -> showChar 'h' . serializeCoords coords
HorizontalTo OriginAbsolute coords -> showChar 'H' . serializeCoords coords
VerticalTo OriginAbsolute coords -> showChar 'V' . serializeCoords coords
VerticalTo OriginRelative coords -> showChar 'v' . serializeCoords coords
CurveTo OriginAbsolute triplets -> showChar 'C' . serializePointTriplets triplets
CurveTo OriginRelative triplets -> showChar 'c' . serializePointTriplets triplets
SmoothCurveTo OriginAbsolute pointPairs -> showChar 'S' . serializePointPairs pointPairs
SmoothCurveTo OriginRelative pointPairs -> showChar 's' . serializePointPairs pointPairs
QuadraticBezier OriginAbsolute pointPairs -> showChar 'Q' . serializePointPairs pointPairs
QuadraticBezier OriginRelative pointPairs -> showChar 'q' . serializePointPairs pointPairs
SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo OriginAbsolute points -> showChar 'T' . serializePoints points
SmoothQuadraticBezierCurveTo OriginRelative points -> showChar 't' . serializePoints points
EllipticalArc OriginAbsolute args -> showChar 'A' . serializeArgs args
EllipticalArc OriginRelative args -> showChar 'a' . serializeArgs args
EndPath -> showChar 'Z'
serializeArg (a, b, c, d, e, V2 x y) =
showFFloat Nothing a . showChar ' ' .
showFFloat Nothing b . showChar ' ' .
showFFloat Nothing c . showChar ' ' .
shows (fromEnum d) . showChar ' ' .
shows (fromEnum e) . showChar ' ' .
showFFloat Nothing x . showChar ',' .
showFFloat Nothing y
serializeArgs = unwordsS . fmap serializeArg
transformParser :: Parser Transformation
transformParser = matrixParser
<|> translationParser
<|> scaleParser
<|> rotateParser
<|> skewYParser
<|> skewXParser
functionParser :: T.Text -> Parser [Double]
functionParser funcName =
string funcName *> skipSpace
*> char '(' *> skipSpace
*> num `sepBy1` commaWsp
<* skipSpace <* char ')' <* skipSpace
translationParser :: Parser Transformation
translationParser = do
args <- functionParser "translate"
return $ case args of
[x] -> Translate x 0
[x, y] -> Translate x y
_ -> TransformUnknown
skewXParser :: Parser Transformation
skewXParser = do
args <- functionParser "skewX"
return $ case args of
[x] -> SkewX x
_ -> TransformUnknown
skewYParser :: Parser Transformation
skewYParser = do
args <- functionParser "skewY"
return $ case args of
[x] -> SkewY x
_ -> TransformUnknown
scaleParser :: Parser Transformation
scaleParser = do
args <- functionParser "scale"
return $ case args of
[x] -> Scale x Nothing
[x, y] -> Scale x (Just y)
_ -> TransformUnknown
matrixParser :: Parser Transformation
matrixParser = do
args <- functionParser "matrix"
return $ case args of
[a, b, c, d, e, f] ->
TransformMatrix a b c d e f
_ -> TransformUnknown
rotateParser :: Parser Transformation
rotateParser = do
args <- functionParser "rotate"
return $ case args of
[angle] -> Rotate angle Nothing
[angle, x, y] -> Rotate angle $ Just (x, y)
_ -> TransformUnknown
gradientCommand :: Parser GradientPathCommand
gradientCommand =
(GLine OriginAbsolute <$> (string "L" *> mayPoint))
<|> (GLine OriginRelative <$> (string "l" *> mayPoint))
<|> (string "C" *> curveToArgs OriginAbsolute)
<|> (string "c" *> curveToArgs OriginRelative)
<|> (GClose <$ string "Z")
mayPoint = option Nothing $ Just <$> point
curveToArgs o =
GCurve o <$> (point <* commaWsp)
<*> (point <* commaWsp)
<*> mayPoint
serializeGradientCommand :: GradientPathCommand -> ShowS
serializeGradientCommand p = case p of
GLine OriginAbsolute points -> showChar 'L' . smp points
GLine OriginRelative points -> showChar 'l' . smp points
GClose -> showChar 'Z'
GCurve OriginAbsolute a b c -> showChar 'C' . sp a . sp b . smp c
GCurve OriginRelative a b c -> showChar 'c' . sp a . sp b . smp c
sp = serializePoint
smp Nothing = id
smp (Just pp) = serializePoint pp