{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Reflex.Query.Class
  ( Query (..)
  , QueryMorphism (..)
  , SelectedCount (..)
  , combineSelectedCounts

  , MonadQuery (..)
  , tellQueryDyn
  , queryDyn
  , mapQuery
  , mapQueryResult
  ) where

import Control.Category (Category)
import qualified Control.Category as Cat
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Bits
import Data.Data
import Data.Ix
import Data.Map.Monoidal (MonoidalMap)
import qualified Data.Map.Monoidal as MonoidalMap
import Data.Semigroup
import Foreign.Storable

import Reflex.Class

class (Monoid (QueryResult a), Semigroup (QueryResult a)) => Query a where
  type QueryResult a :: *
  crop :: a -> QueryResult a -> QueryResult a

instance (Ord k, Query v) => Query (MonoidalMap k v) where
  type QueryResult (MonoidalMap k v) = MonoidalMap k (QueryResult v)
  crop q r = MonoidalMap.intersectionWith (flip crop) r q

-- | NB: QueryMorphism's must be group homomorphisms when acting on the query type
-- and compatible with the query relationship when acting on the query result
data QueryMorphism q q' = QueryMorphism
  { _queryMorphism_mapQuery :: q -> q'
  , _queryMorphism_mapQueryResult :: QueryResult q' -> QueryResult q

instance Category QueryMorphism where
  id = QueryMorphism id id
  qm . qm' = QueryMorphism
    { _queryMorphism_mapQuery = mapQuery qm . mapQuery qm'
    , _queryMorphism_mapQueryResult = mapQueryResult qm' . mapQueryResult qm

mapQuery :: QueryMorphism q q' -> q -> q'
mapQuery = _queryMorphism_mapQuery

mapQueryResult :: QueryMorphism q q' -> QueryResult q' -> QueryResult q
mapQueryResult = _queryMorphism_mapQueryResult

-- | This type keeps track of the multiplicity of elements of the view selector that are being used by the app
newtype SelectedCount = SelectedCount { unSelectedCount :: Int }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Integral, Num, Bounded, Enum, Real, Ix, Bits, FiniteBits, Storable, Data)

instance Semigroup SelectedCount where
  SelectedCount a <> SelectedCount b = SelectedCount (a + b)

instance Monoid SelectedCount where
  mempty = SelectedCount 0
  mappend = (<>)

instance Group SelectedCount where
  negateG (SelectedCount a) = SelectedCount (negate a)

instance Additive SelectedCount

-- | The Semigroup/Monoid/Group instances for a ViewSelector should use this function which returns Nothing if the result is 0. This allows the pruning of leaves that are no longer wanted.
combineSelectedCounts :: SelectedCount -> SelectedCount -> Maybe SelectedCount
combineSelectedCounts (SelectedCount i) (SelectedCount j) = if i == negate j then Nothing else Just $ SelectedCount (i + j)

class (Group q, Additive q, Query q) => MonadQuery t q m | m -> q t where
  tellQueryIncremental :: Incremental t (AdditivePatch q) -> m ()
  askQueryResult :: m (Dynamic t (QueryResult q))
  queryIncremental :: Incremental t (AdditivePatch q) -> m (Dynamic t (QueryResult q))

instance (Monad m, MonadQuery t q m) => MonadQuery t q (ReaderT r m) where
  tellQueryIncremental = lift . tellQueryIncremental
  askQueryResult = lift askQueryResult
  queryIncremental = lift . queryIncremental

tellQueryDyn :: (Reflex t, MonadQuery t q m) => Dynamic t q -> m ()
tellQueryDyn d = tellQueryIncremental $ unsafeBuildIncremental (sample (current d)) $ attachWith (\old new -> AdditivePatch $ new ~~ old) (current d) (updated d)

queryDyn :: (Reflex t, Monad m, MonadQuery t q m) => Dynamic t q -> m (Dynamic t (QueryResult q))
queryDyn q = do
  tellQueryDyn q
  zipDynWith crop q <$> askQueryResult